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Author Topic: france v spain  (Read 15142 times)

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Offline Dutty

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Re: france v spain
« Reply #90 on: June 29, 2006, 07:16:26 AM »

Lemmih try and understand dis doctor

A coach of a country that is known for openly racist tauntings calls somebody a black piece of shit and you're simply willing to shrug and dismiss that?
Or as an analogy...somebody in your office refers to a co worker as black piece of shit and that would be no big deal to you?

Again,,this is not to antagonize you in the least,, this is simply so I could be clear as to where you commin from

alright Dutty lemme see if ah could explain mehself a lil better lol
(Okay jokey boy..I givin dis one more shot and den I done

in the first case..i'm willing to shrug and dismiss that cause i belive im not involved. Now i'm not saying what took place is right either, is just that they have to deal with that matter themselves. No need for people living 7000 miles away to get involved. If was genocide or something that going to affect the world, then i could agree with giving a shit.
(That is your misguided opinion...however  people can change things and or let their opinions be known from miles away. If yuh doh stand for someting you eh go stand for nuttn.
Nobody suggesting everyday you should be campaignin like jesse jackson an dem....as an example
You livin 3000 miles away from T&T and look how involved you have become in the football supporters club....in this age of internet and instant communication..."dat too far away" doh wash)

in the second case..i would say it depends on who hears it. If the 2 people involved in a 'private' conversation are white, they will most likely keep it between themseleves, unless one of them is rightheous or has an ulterior motive and lets the boss know what was said.
If the comment was aimed at me or to another co-worker, and I overheard, then I will use all available channels to get justice served.
Something like this did happen to me a few years ago and i didnt think much of it maybe due to naivety, but one of my co-workers did report it and got the person making the comment fired.
I just remembered I did fire someone a few months ago on a technicality for calling a Hispanic-American a Mexican lol, which is somewhat a deragatory term in MN.
(Seems to me like yuh fire ah man for political correctness....that may just be a minor part of de story, so I cyah say.
On a personal note, I doh stand for it no time no how,,when family members of mine slip wit comments I does pull up dey socks.
Point is, if everybody duck dey head in de sand and wait till genocide starts to take place then to say "ay dat aint right" it is too late.....jewish folks in WW2  experience dat first hand
Plenty 'intellectualls' dismiss when dey start to round up people and say "nah dais dem problem oui"
 there is a topic somewhere on the board titled "indian footballers in T&T",Touches & I had a minor conversation in that thread.....if yuh inclined,, see my views on dem ting

Now allyuh ent answer what i asked what if was Birchall and a black coach involved.

Me eh know who dis fictional "allyuh" is...but with regard to your fictional scenario....I go be sure to say, comment negatively on what the coach would have to say about birchall or whomever

Also is Toppa calling me a jackarse not a similar scenario as Henry or is that acceptable?
How is it you dont understand this? somebody callin Feliz a jackass is not racism..because it dosent refer to race
If toppa said "all dem so and so is jackarse just like feliz"...well den yuh have a point

But if he/she tink you is ah ass...well,, yuh is ah ass. The onus is on you to de-ass yuhself
Dais simply a difference of opinion beetween two individuals...the monkey chants/aragones thing is not  a difference of opinion beetween two individuals

With regard to the somalians...I not sure what you mean  because dem killin on a tribal basis, dat eh ha nuttn to do with racism
With regard to the sudanese dat is muslim vs christian. There are black muslims in the janjaweed,,kinda similar to the  croatians v serbians fo a few years back

My opinion, I think you and ricky have allyuh brains frozen in alberta and minnesota if allyuh think trinidad is one of the most racist places in the world
but say wha...dais allyuh opinion and allyuh entitled to it....but thanks for explainin where you commin from, I figure out your program, nevertheless I appreciate yuh candid views

« Last Edit: June 29, 2006, 07:21:05 AM by Dutty »
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

Offline Sando

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Re: france v spain
« Reply #91 on: June 29, 2006, 07:26:08 AM »
Lets go France !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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