This is the time to rid ourselves of that incompetent lot running our football and not to settle for anything less!
Players please go for your full bonus payment and let the TTFF claim bankruptcy if they want to! Doh fraid!! This issue is much bigger than the little money you will get in a settlement, it’s about the future of T&T football and us reaching our full potential on the world stage!
Once Camps is gone the full house cleaning at the TTFF can begin!!
If the TTFF was being run differently (minus the negative influence of Jack) we could have been in SA 2010 in addition to Germany 2006 and be handling top CONCACAF teams like USA & Mexico as one of the top 3 teams in CONCACAF right now!!
Instead we are where we are now struggling to beat teams like Grenada and can't even qualify for a Gold Cup but change is coming because a few of our 2006 warriors showed some balls and stood up to the TTFF and demanded what is right and fair!
Big up to you our 2006 World Cup Warriors who are still fighting for justice!
T&T football will be indebted to you guys in the end when we do turn things around and start fulfilling our true potential as a football nation!