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Caribbean/BWIA Airlines Thread.
« on: September 04, 2006, 04:59:21 AM »
New airline to replace BWIA.
T&T Guardian Reports.

BWIA is to be closed down and replaced with a new airline next year. Closure of the 66-year-old airline was confirmed by sources close to the Government, who revealed BWIA would be shut down when its replacement, Caribbean Airlines, begins operations next year.
Mass retrenchment, of close to 1,000 employees, the trimming of the fleet and the suspension of several routes, are expected to follow the airline's shutdown.
Despite the company's denials of the impending shutdown, Curtis John, president of the Aviation, Communication and Allied Workers' Union (Acawu), said the new airline had already been registered.
"We have not received official information from the company, but we have received information that BWIA would be shut down and a new airline would take its place."
He said the announcement should have taken place on Friday at a meeting the company called with BWIA's unions.
The meeting, scheduled to take place at Crowne Plaza hotel in Port-of-Spain, was cancelled late on Thursday evening.
John said no reason was given for the cancellation.
"Apparently they did not have everything in order," he speculated during an interview yesterday.
While BWIA officials said there was no truth to what they described as rumours of a permanent closure, John said there had been signs of drastic changes ahead for the airline.
One of the changes was the hiring of a organisational psychologist and implementation of two telephone hotlines.
"They have set up a hotline through the information technology department for counselling and another for media releases," John revealed.
He also said the security arrangements at Sunjet House had been changed and the staff of an air service company were being trained to take over the check-in function, now handled by BWIA staff at Piarco.
"Based on the fact that all these things are in place, something drastic is happening."
John said he would not be surprised if more than 1,000 people were retrenched from BWIA's local staff of 1,700-plus.
Among the areas John identified to fall under the hatchet were administration, maintenance and engineering.
"It is possible they will just keep overnight checks and gas and oil service. They will get rid of C and D checks and do that outside," John added.
Earlier this year, BWIA's Welsh chief executive officer Peter Davies hinted at substantial staff reductions, saying the airline had more staff than it needed.
Speaking at a staff seminar at Crowne Plaza in April, Davies also outlined several areas where the company could be more efficient, including reservations.
Sources said the reservations and revenue accounting departments were likely to be outsourced if BWIA was closed down.
John also said the airline's fleet would be reduced by three aircraft—two 737s and one A-340—which would affect several routes, including the profitable London route.
"The London route contributes to 40 per cent of BWIA's revenues, and they have taken the decision to cut down the route," John claimed.
This, he said, would pave the way for other airlines, like Virgin Atlantic, to make healthy profits.
"Virgin Atlantic has been behind that route and will take up the slack," he said.
There has been speculation in the past that founder of Virgin Airlines Sir Richard Branson was making a bid for BWIA, after his frequent visits to T&T and meetings with senior public officials.
John said his union was waiting on the company's next move before deciding on the next step. He was critical, however, of the Government if it allowed BWIA to be shut down.
"The Government of T&T does not care about the people. In a time when T&T had so much money, they are selling out the people's patrimony.
"It is ridiculous for the Government to allow things like this to happen to bring in foreigners to put out locals."
Contacted last night, Dionne Ligoure, BWIA's corporate communications manager, said she had no information regarding the airline's closure.
"All I can say is the company and union are due to meet to discuss the future of the company."
Responding to John's allegations of a reduction of the fleet, Ligoure said she did not know where he got that information.
"There are leases, but I am not in a position to know when the leases are due to end."
She said she was not aware of any counselling hotlines. Contacted last night for comment, Trade and Industry Minister Kenneth Valley referred all queries to Information Minister Dr Lenny Saith.
Decision on BWIA 'this week'
By: Sasha Mohammed (Express).

Government is likely to make its final decision on the fate of cash- strapped national airline, BWIA, by this week. Confirmation of this came from Energy Minister, Dr Lenny Saith, who chairs the Cabinet committee that is handling the matter, yesterday.
In a telephone interview, Saith said the new business proposals for BWIA's future, which was handed to Cabinet six months ago by the Arthur Lok Jack team, is to be discussed by the Finance and General Purposes Committee of Cabinet.
This is a 10-member ministerial team, which includes Saith, Christine Sahadeo, Conrad Enill, Hazel Manning, Keith Rowley and Ken Valley, that fine tunes deliberations on major Cabinet decisions and makes the final recommendations on what course of action Government should take.
Sources said the BWEE proposals were discussed at length at last Thursday's Cabinet meetings, and Saith himself confirmed yesterday that after tomorrow's FNGP meeting, they would go back to Cabinet on Thursday, where it is likely a final decision would be made.
He said it has taken Government all of six months to determine the matter because time is needed to deliberate on such major issues.
Saith bluntly refused to comment, however, on newspaper reports yesterday quoting president of the Aviation and Communications Workers Union, Curtis John, as saying BWIA would be shut down next year when Caribbean Airlines comes on stream.
He said the new airline has already been registered, and the move would mean mass retrenchment at the company, where 1000 of the 1700 local staff quota would be affected.
John also claimed that BWEE's fleet size would be cut down and several routes would be suspended once the company is privatised. Saith said he was neither confirming nor denying reports, which first came out of the PNM General Council, that BWIA was to be privatised.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 11:16:07 AM by Flex »
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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 06:23:41 AM »
Tobago jet lag
William Lucie-Smith
Trinidad Express

Monday, September 4th 2006

Your correspondent was fortunate enough to spend last weekend with his family in beautiful Tobago. Not wishing to travel at peak times we were booked at 11 am on Thursday to Tobago and a 3.15 pm return flight on Sunday, both on Tobago Express.

My first hint that there may be something unusual afoot was a Tobago Express notice in the daily newspapers indicating some special security arrangements for those travelling on the 737-400. Surprisingly my tickets and reservations made no indication of what type of aircraft I was travelling on and my travel agency and the Tobago Express website were also unable to clarify this (making the press notice quite useless as an advisory). On arrival at the Tobago Express desk in Piarco there was also no notice that passengers for the 737-400 ("the jet") had to check in at an entirely different counter. On enquiry we found that we were indeed on "the jet" and had to check in at a counter near Bwee.

A 737-400 is a narrow-bodied Boeing jet with a capacity of approximately 155 seats compared to the 50 on the Dash-8 turbo prop aircraft. BWIA uses the latest version of this jet, the 737-800, on its North American routes to Miami, New York and Toronto. BWIA had previously determined that the use of a 737 on the Tobago route was grossly inefficient because of the excessive wear and tear on engines for continuous take-off and landing on a 15-minute flight. From a customer service viewpoint there are also challenges to handling a 737 on the Tobago route.

This was evidenced to me by the length of time check-in and boarding took, especially with the additional security required because this was a US-registered aircraft. The plane was systematically late and our boarding did not start until 12.10 and the plane did not take off until after 1 pm. Two hours late on a 15-minute flight and of course no announcements to passengers or explanations. As later flights departed on time this was a source of some frustration.

The decision to wet lease a United States-registered 737 was intended to ensure there was adequate capacity on the airbridge but really ignored the unsuitability of this type of aircraft to an inter-island shuttle. This is a false economy because that money is better spent ensuring that all the Dash-8 planes are in service at peak times.The five Dash-8s are more than sufficient to handle even peak loads with extra flights.

For our return flight I decided to take no chances and called ahead. There is no telephone number for Tobago Express at Crown Point in the phone book (that I could find), and so I called reservations in Port of Spain. They explained that all calls were routed through the call centre in Trinidad-627-5160. The young lady politely told me the bad news-that my return flight was indeed on "the jet", that check-in was two hours before the flight and the flight would be one hour late. Notwithstanding the lateness check-in was required on time because the flight would close when fully checked in.

We checked in on time, reconciled to the delay, and were slightly smug that we knew it was late and other passengers did not. I was able to show that I was an experienced traveller by telling other passengers who did not know that it was "the jet" and that it was usually late. My smugness wore off as time passed and there was no sign of "the jet"; 4 p.m. had reached and other scheduled flights departed. There were no announcements, mainly because the Tobago Express staff also had no idea where "the jet" was and when it was coming. At 4 p.m. there was also no answer from 627-5160 and no staff member could give any explanation because they had none. A few calls to Piarco finally made it clear that "the jet" wasn't coming at all. At this time Tobago Express also got the news and announced that we would be accommodated on a Dash-8 flight.

This is where the fun really started. We were already over an hour late but subsequent Dash-8 flights were going on time. "Operations", a sinister and secret department with no face in the airport, decided all "the jet" passengers would be accommodated on one extra Dash-8. Remember, there were four scheduled jet flights of up to 155 passengers now to be taken on one Dash-8 with a capacity of 50. A child could figure out how long this would take but apparently not Tobago Express. The obvious solution was to consolidate all flights and take passengers as soon as they were checked in on a shuttle basis, i.e. get rid of the delayed passengers on the next available planes. This would have delayed everybody by about one hour but would have eliminated the backlog quite quickly.

The first 50 jet passengers left at about 5.15 p.m. The next set of "jet" passengers were waiting (for a 5.30 p.m. flight) but passengers on Dash-8 flights were still being given priority. This caused obvious unrest as "just come" passengers left but those in the airport and checked in since before 2 pm were still there five hours later. Absolutely no consideration was given to passengers with small children or those with special needs. Information was impossible to get and needless to say there were no seats in the tiny departure lounge or even a drink of water. When those passengers whose complaints that other flights were being given unfair priority became too loud, they were warned by security that they would be put out or arrested.

There was certainly no logic to the Tobago Express decision to give priority to Dash-8 passengers and discriminate against those on "the jet" who were booked on that flight number through no fault or choice of their own.

So my weekend involved an unexpected additional seven hours in the airport; I know now how poor the facilities are in Tobago. No flight information monitors, no clear announcements and inadequate departure lounge. A lot needs to be done to improve the airbridge but the wet lease of an unreliable American 737 is not part of the answer. It's part of the problem. My advice to anybody travelling to Tobago is to try to fly off-peak and check that you are NOT on a wet-leased aircraft. If they try to book you on "the jet" take the boat or walk. Tobago Express needs to pull up its socks but maybe the service we get results from control of the fares at uneconomic prices, keeping Tobago Express on a shoestring budget. Certainly some improvements are needed.

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BWIA closing down
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2006, 02:58:35 AM »
  Ah come home today and goverment decide that December 31st is the last day BWIA will exist !!!

 On the flight over ah realise the flight attendants just going trhough the motions , none of the normal banter or friendliness ah accustom too.

  Ah understand why now , the people only have jobs till the end of the year.
 The government claim they opening a new airline called Caribbean Airways that will have a different culture and that the big problem with BWIA was the workers attitude and culture.

 Sometimes ah does get real vex with BWIA an cuss an pull mih hair at them but having dem  actually shut down is like losing a good friend
 (ah almost type fiend)

Plus ah go be losing 200000 air miles and about 6 free upgrades. (f**k ah getting damn vex now).

Ah rell sorry for the 1800 employees.

 :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
« Last Edit: September 09, 2006, 05:43:11 AM by Tallman »
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Re: BWIA closing down
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2006, 05:45:53 AM »
Ah understand why now , the people only have jobs till the end of the year.
The government claim they opening a new airline called Caribbean Airways that will have a different culture and that the big problem with BWIA was the workers attitude and culture.

I mehself feeling ah how fuh de employees, but in dis case ah tink emotions have to be put aside because nutten dat has been done in de past for de airline has worked and sometimes yuh need ah purge. Hopefully dis new airline does not repeat de same mistakes.
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Re: BWIA closing down
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2006, 07:25:44 AM »
Ah understand why now , the people only have jobs till the end of the year.
The government claim they opening a new airline called Caribbean Airways that will have a different culture and that the big problem with BWIA was the workers attitude and culture.

I mehself feeling ah how fuh de employees, but in dis case ah tink emotions have to be put aside because nutten dat has been done in de past for de airline has worked and sometimes yuh need ah purge. Hopefully dis new airline does not repeat de same mistakes.

On that we going to just have to wait an see.
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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2006, 07:41:10 AM »
I am sure the new airline to take BWEE's place will take most if not all the former BWEE employees. BWEE was poorly managed.

I feel sorry to see them go because they are like a trademark of the Caribbean. They were offered millions from Virgin Atlantic and some Texas millionaire for shares in the company and refused, instead they prefer to close shop. Does that make sense.
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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2006, 12:02:34 PM »
Here is an opportunity to provide some recommendations for improved service and what we the general public would like to see in a national airline. (maybe if some of these were implemented, ah go stop flying foreign airlines)

Some recommendations for the proposed airline:

1. serve bake and saltfish fuh breakfast

2. have the stewartess and then smile and serve yuh with ah smile

3. local dishes for dinner

4. pan music and local music on the channels

5. When yuh buy a ticket for TNT ; it should include Tobago ( like the old days.)

6. When we fly foreign, we eat foreign when foreigners fly we plane let them eat local.

7. Have the stewardess wear some sexy outfits

8. cheaper flights and more specials during the holiday season( wait nah every month is ah holiday season in TNT)

9. Expand international flights to western Canada

10. Bring back the frills!!!!!!! free rum  on flights.......
« Last Edit: September 09, 2006, 12:15:39 PM by AlbertaTrini »

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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2006, 12:57:21 PM »
I am sure the new airline to take BWEE's place will take most if not all the former BWEE employees. BWEE was poorly managed.

I feel sorry to see them go because they are like a trademark of the Caribbean. They were offered millions from Virgin Atlantic and some Texas millionaire for shares in the company and refused, instead they prefer to close shop. Does that make sense.
yeah that was real dotishness on them part not to sell.
i don't think we need our 'own' airline though..creating a Caribbean Airline is going and have the same bachanal, then next yuh know is we Trinis go get the shaft with high fares plus government subsidy and them Grenadian and other small islanders go get the cheap fares.
this woulda been a good time to actually have some of the discount carriers or even major ones to come in and offer their services to and from Europe and North America...ah know we used to have Eastern and United Airlines etc running here but at that time they were always running at a loss.
now everybody travelling these days cause it cheap and them CEO's in dis modern time a lot more business savvy.
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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2006, 01:23:54 PM »
Here is an opportunity to provide some recommendations for improved service and what we the general public would like to see in a national airline. (maybe if some of these were implemented, ah go stop flying foreign airlines)

Some recommendations for the proposed airline:

1. serve bake and saltfish fuh breakfast

2. have the stewartess and then smile and serve yuh with ah smile

3. local dishes for dinner

4. pan music and local music on the channels

5. When yuh buy a ticket for TNT ; it should include Tobago ( like the old days.)

6. When we fly foreign, we eat foreign when foreigners fly we plane let them eat local.

7. Have the stewardess wear some sexy outfits

8. cheaper flights and more specials during the holiday season( wait nah every month is ah holiday season in TNT)

9. Expand international flights to western Canada

10. Bring back the frills!!!!!!! free rum  on flights.......


Ah go miss going to big time international airports and  feeling proud tuh see we airline park out dey.

Ah hope the new one have we flag and drape in we colours.

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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2006, 01:57:53 PM »
I am sure the new airline to take BWEE's place will take most if not all the former BWEE employees. BWEE was poorly managed.

I feel sorry to see them go because they are like a trademark of the Caribbean. They were offered millions from Virgin Atlantic and some Texas millionaire for shares in the company and refused, instead they prefer to close shop. Does that make sense.
Maybe the money was offered in the incorrect manner.....meaning it was offered to help the airline..and none wa soffered to the ppl =MINISTERS IN GOVERNMENT... money was just for shares, not bribe money.
  I wonder baout some of de decisions this government makes sometimes.... to what end...did they acctually research..everythign that happens in some form ro fashion seems uinder handed and  doesnt make much sense..financially/ economically or even environmentally.
oh well if they fire 1800 and de manngers not part of the "see u later" crew
then its all for naught.
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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2006, 07:39:11 AM »
For the people who have already bought BWIA tickets for next year, or who have BWIA airmiles read below. 

source: http://www.bwee.com/

Caribbean Airlines: a new airline for Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean

Port of Spain, September 08, 2006.  The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, 97.188% shareholder of BWIA, has approved a substantial capital injection for the creation of a new regional airline, Caribbean Airlines based in Trinidad.  Caribbean Airlines will have its base at Piarco, the international airport of Trinidad and will, subject to local and international regulatory approval commence operations early in 2007. It will provide regional air transport within the Caribbean and between the Caribbean and major international cities. BWIA will continue uninterrupted service to its valued customers whilst management ensures a seamless transition to Caribbean Airlines.
Caribbean Airlines will inherit the long, safe and respected experience of BWIA West Indies Airways, which, after 66 years of service will close. This heralds an exciting phase in air travel and aviation history in Trinidad and Tobago and the region.
Chief Executive Officer, Peter Davies confirmed that the equity injection will allow Caribbean Airlines to operate an effective, efficient and profitable customer oriented service reflecting the needs of the communities within the Caribbean. It will also ensure that the vital connections to world centers continue to reflect the increasing commercial and industrial importance of Trinidad and Tobago whilst recognizing the essential responsibilities of trade and community within the region. Mr. Davies also stated that the mandate he received through the Board of Directors from the Government of Trinidad and Tobago allowed him, the management and staff of BWIA, to recognize the dynamic changes that are affecting the global airline industry and to position Caribbean Airlines in an ever increasing competitive context.
He stated, “We are looking to the 21st century whilst being empathic to our historical past; determination, passion and focus will allow us to build a future and respond honorably to the loyalty that customers have demonstrated over the years”.

All tickets already purchased for travel on BWIA will be honoured by Caribbean Airlines and BWEE Frequent Flyer air miles and Club BWEE memberships will transfer and qualify on the new airline to ensure customer continuity and confidence.

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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2006, 08:33:58 AM »
on de surface, this sound like a big restruturing to get out of debt by stiffing yoh suppliers.
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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2006, 09:00:28 AM »
on de surface, this sound like a big restruturing to get out of debt by stiffing yoh suppliers.

I think yuh hit it right right dey

Nuttn aint go change...but creditors cyah get dey money
"yeah fren  is BWIA owe yuh money,,, we is carribean airlines, so we hadda negotiate ah new contract"

I doh know how dem fellahs over de years run dat into de ground so........true times get tougher for airlines but still.....
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2006, 09:03:08 AM »
on de surface, this sound like a big restruturing to get out of debt by stiffing yoh suppliers.

and dumping staff and dumping the trade unions.
But I think it necessary...they were carrying a lot of deadweight.
Don't think they can/will stiff the suppliers since they cud repossess the aircraft.

It gives them a chance to start fresh with a new direction.  They say they are going to focus more on the Caribbean destinations.  Right now flying from T&T to JA is a long ass painful trip....so I hear.

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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2006, 04:28:54 PM »
dey hadda get rid of de dead weight that weighing dem down form on top.. the big men is one shit ah ole fahsion shit snakes..steups
Perhaps the epitome of a Trinidadian is the child in the third row class with a dark skin and crinkly plaits who looks at you out of decidedly Chinese eyes and announces herself as Jacqueline Maharaj.- Merle Hodge

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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2006, 05:45:47 PM »
I just hear that Manning looking to buy a jet to faciliate the international transport of the Prime Minister. Talk about wasting money! The man getting an Air CropDuster One!!!

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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2006, 05:50:42 PM »
I just hear that Manning looking to buy a jet to faciliate the international transport of the Prime Minister. Talk about wasting money! The man getting an Air CropDuster One!!!

tell him take one of the blimp dey ent using and put a lil jet engine on it

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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2006, 05:52:15 PM »
I just hear that Manning looking to buy a jet to faciliate the international transport of the Prime Minister. Talk about wasting money! The man getting an Air CropDuster One!!!


But Manning is a real compound ass in trute eh.  He ego beyond inflated.  If a man could move to demolish a sportin facility fuh de public jes so he could convert it into he pussonal garden, den de jet lyrics jes addin fuel to he fuel to he metaphoric assholery.
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Re: New airline to replace BWIA.
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2006, 07:18:23 PM »
I just hear that Manning looking to buy a jet to faciliate the international transport of the Prime Minister. Talk about wasting money! The man getting an Air CropDuster One!!!

tell him take one of the blimp dey ent using and put a lil jet engine on it

Ent the criminals shooting at the blimps? You really don't give a damn about the welfare of our beloved PM.

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Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2006, 04:37:11 PM »
Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

by Stephen Cummings
Caribbean Net News Trinidad and Tobago Correspondent
Email: stephen@caribbeannetnews.com

COMING AND GOING: The new Caribbean Airlines 737 jet on the runway at Piarco International Airport yesterday as an old BWIA arrives. Caribbean Airlines replaces BWIA on January 1, 2007.

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad: Caribbean Airlines, the new air carrier to replace Trinidad and Tobago's national airline BWIA, unveiled its first aircraft in Port of Spain on Monday.

The aircraft is a Boeing 737 with a seating capacity for 150 persons.

It will officially begin flying on January 1 2007 immediately after the shutting down of BWIA which closes on December 31 st.

The 66-year-old BWIA has gotten some hard knocks from both the Trinidad government and private sector groups, who said BWIA had become unprofitable and a huge drain on the financial coffers of Trinidad and Tobago.

A team headed by Trinidad businessman, Arthur Lok Jack, was then appointed to look into ways of restructuring for viability but this met with a decision to shut down the airline, making way for the new Caribbean Airlines (CA).

At the launch of Caribbean Airlines, Lok Jack said it marked a new era in Caribbean aviation and that it came with what he called "a clean balance sheet"

Meanwhile, Trinidad and Tobago's Tourism Minister, Howard Chin Lee, in speaking with Caribbean Net News, was upbeat about the new Caribbean Airlines. He said he saw benefits for the tourism sector in the country in terms of increasing tourist arrivals hotel occupancy.

Chin Lee added that he believed new technology, which is being brought to Caribbean Airlines, will assist in making it a profitable venture, unlike BWIA. Some 1,8 00 BWIA workers are expected to receive termination letters by December 31, thus ending an era in Trinidad and Tobago air travel.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2006, 04:41:45 PM by e-man »

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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2006, 04:41:16 PM »
SAME MANGERS WHO RUN IT INTO the ground, they acting like coat of paint will change anything. steups
Perhaps the epitome of a Trinidadian is the child in the third row class with a dark skin and crinkly plaits who looks at you out of decidedly Chinese eyes and announces herself as Jacqueline Maharaj.- Merle Hodge

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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2006, 04:58:24 PM »
I hoping for the best with this restructuring.  The routes and scheduling will be key amongst other things.

On another note....this ain't inspiring confidence in the T&T Stock Market...people averse to investing in the first place now dis.  Hopefully they do right by the shareholders....plenty former employees according to the article.

Trinidad & Tobago Newsday
Wednesday, November 29 2006
BWIA shareholders face $38M loss

"He also said the Boeing 737 plane which arrived at Piarco International Airport on Monday, was a BWIA plane that was repainted in Caribbean Airlines’ colours."

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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2006, 07:20:53 PM »
BWEE boast for years that they never crash..

but in reality they crash and burn...

As far as I see only the logo change and the plane paint over... same people going and run it into the ground and hope the Governmet would bail them out for the next 66 years..
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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2006, 09:08:59 PM »
same shit, different day.

I say give Air Jamaica the job as the official airline for the caribbean.
PNM in yuh mudda-in-law

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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2006, 09:17:50 PM »
same shit, different day.

I say give Air Jamaica the job as the official airline for the caribbean.

um why.....they don't even fly to trinidad

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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2006, 10:33:34 PM »
same shit, different day.

I say give Air Jamaica the job as the official airline for the caribbean.

um why.....they don't even fly to trinidad

I never understood why there are no direct flights between the the two largest countries in CARICOM. You would think there would be more business between the two. Barbados seems to be the hub as far as travel between islands.

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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2006, 01:04:57 AM »
I eh go lie I feeling a little nostalgia fuh BWEE


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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2006, 01:57:44 AM »

 I don't understand why they give up the London run
I doing the return run 6 times a year for the past 5 ( 60 flights) and only a couple of times they had less than 75% occupancy.
Of course most of the tourists dropping out Antigua, St Lucia and Barbados,
It have to be a lie that they losing money on that run.
Is all the other stupid decisions they make as far routes are concerned.
Ah want de woman on de bass

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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2006, 02:22:59 AM »

 I don't understand why they give up the London run
I doing the return run 6 times a year for the past 5 ( 60 flights) and only a couple of times they had less than 75% occupancy.
Of course most of the tourists dropping out Antigua, St Lucia and Barbados,
It have to be a lie that they losing money on that run.
Is all the other stupid decisions they make as far routes are concerned.

75% occupancy, but only 10% punctuality

good riddance

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Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2006, 02:28:21 AM »

 I don't understand why they give up the London run
I doing the return run 6 times a year for the past 5 ( 60 flights) and only a couple of times they had less than 75% occupancy.
Of course most of the tourists dropping out Antigua, St Lucia and Barbados,
It have to be a lie that they losing money on that run.
Is all the other stupid decisions they make as far routes are concerned.

75% occupancy, but only 10% punctuality

good riddance

Only once I had a problem, the plane coming out of barbados had to turn back because of engine problems.
They put me up in a good hotel and we flew out about 11pm the flight was originaly due out at 11am.
But I suppose I am one of the few that did'nt have problems with Bwee but then again some of the airlines I have to fly with to get to work are not exactly recommended.  ;D ;D
Ah want de woman on de bass


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