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Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« on: December 26, 2006, 12:22:54 PM »
Griffith calls for Francois’ head
By Joel Bailey (Trinidad Newsday)

EX-NATIONAL men’s hockey team manager Gary Griffith has issued a strong call for the removal of David Francois as coach of the Trinidad and Tobago’s men’s indoor hockey squad.

In a strongly-worded letter, Griffith made it clear that, for any resolution to the on-going impasse between Francois and key TT players to be resolved, the coach must be removed immediately.

In February, Trinidad and Tobago will make its debut in the Samsung Indoor Hockey World Cup in Vienna, Austria.

But ace players Kwandwayne Browne, Brian Garcia, Glen Francis and Raphael Govia have either refused to join the training squad of 36 or were omitted altogether from the mix, with Browne going a step further and openly withdrawing his services due to the alleged victimisation of the major players by Francois.

“Let it be known that this is not a case of arrogance or high-handedness by Browne,” said Griffith, “because if anyone knows this great players, they will know that he is the most humble and selfless person anyone can meet.

“So it is a clear case of a captain standing up for his players who are being abused and treated unjustly by a coaching dictator,” Griffith emphasised.

Griffith, who still competes for Queen’s Park in the veteran’s category, stated, “it is a known fact that there is not a snowball chance in hell that Browne, Garcia and Govia, to name a few, will ever set foot on a hockey court to play for our country again once Francois is at the helm.

“And the simple reason is that they see him as not being good enough, not respected by the players and, more so, that he lacks man-management skills, which is the most fundamental criteria for a successful coach,” Griffith continued.

The ex-national manager wondered why Francois omitted a number of players who were key in Trinidad and Tobago’s second-place finish in the Pan American Indoor World Cup qualifiers in Canada last year, are now out of favour with the technical staff.

“The selection process alone should be an immediate need for intervention by the Minister of Sport (Roger Boynes) to have the coach and the whole (Trinidad and Tobago) Hockey Board removed with immediate effect,” Griffith said.

He also waded into the manager Jason Thomas, pointing out, “the present qualifications and experience of the present manager is just as pathetic, as he never before managed as much as an All-Fours team, and his managerial skills with the national team certainly confirms it.”

Revealing that the majority of the 36 players expressed their displeasure to Browne about Francois’ coaching style, the Board “asked the Sports Company (of Trinidad and Tobago) to act as arbitrator in the impasse.

“But, instead of asking each and every player to air their views and concerns in strictest confidence, they instead placed Francois at the head table and then asked the players if they have any problems with the coach in the presence of the same coach who they fear that will victimise them.

“How could anyone in their right mind expect the players to have aired their views on the same coach who they see as being vindictive, in the very presence of the coach, when they know fully well that, if the unanimous demand by the players fall on deaf ears and he is retained as coach by the Board, then, without a shadow of a doubt, he will retaliate upon which their national career will ultimately come to an end.”

The former TTHB vice-president and assistant secretary also chided the players who insist they want to make the trip to Austria by any means necessary.

“The few players who may be willing to retain Francois as coach are those who will never make a men’s national indoor team, and are gleefully hoping that the first and second string players do boycott this World Cup Finals so they can get an opportunity to go and shop in Austria and get the high stipend that the Sports Company in-tends to supply each player with.

“These third string players, known as scab players, are just as selfish and irresponsible as the Hockey Board and mediocre coach, and care about nothing other than themselves,” he continued.

“The first and second string players are all in agreement of having the coach removed because he lacks the subsistence and character necessary to make them successful and any kind of cosmetic reconciliation by getting these players to participate with Francois is a recipe for disaster, as the team will not in any way be able to work with him as a coach.

“So it is a straight case of either the coach is removed or the top players who will bring us the success are replaced, upon which we will then enter the World Cup destined to suffer the disgrace of absorbing over 15 goals per game and be the laughing stock of the world in sport.

“In conclusion, the success, track record and substance that Francois brings to the table of the national team is absolutely nil, in comparison to what Browne can give this country, as what Browne can do for our country in hockey is more than (TTHB boss) Maureen Craig-Rousseau, Francois and (others) can ever do for the sport in their whole lives.

“Hence I say that they all must get out with immediate effect and that Browne and the best players must represent our country and not any mediocre third string scab players and coach with selfish agendas.”
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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2006, 04:16:47 PM »
As I have said I had conversations with several players and they all said thumbs down to Francois.

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2006, 10:08:22 PM »
This is real drama boy when hockey have more drama than track and almost as much as football u know is bad times.


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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2006, 10:51:35 PM »
since Maureen take over Hockey is drama

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2006, 11:50:37 AM »
As I have said I had conversations with several players and they all said thumbs down to Francois.

I've had conversations with several players as well, and many has said the same thing.  I hoping this thing get resolve before the world cup, cause if they don't have a respectable showing, the 2 world cup spots in concacaf will go to "1" fast fast....

I find it hard to believe Kwan would not act in the best interest of T&T hockey....yuh doh leave professional hockey, nice house in florida and move back to trinidad wit wife and child, and not have T&T hockey in mind.....

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2006, 07:08:52 PM »
I see I have to shed some light on the situation because I have to continue to read misinformation, exaggeration, blatant lying, agenda pushing and just poor judgement in this whole situation.

First of all only Browne can be considered a key person in the group that led us to qualifying who is not here now. Govia finally lived up to his years of promise and did what was expected of him. He was not outstanding. He was definitely good and played his role, but he was no more pivotal than the other members of the team. Nicholas Wren, Allan Young (age 40), Brian Lee Chow (the number 1 goal keeper for T&T in the qualifier), Wayne Legerton, Anthony Marcano, Dillet Gilkes and Dwain Quan Chan were all very important as well, but all of a sudden are "B-squad" players. Brian Garcia, Neil Lashley (who was replaced last minute by Govia because he was not performing), Dean Nieves and Ken Whiteman were not in Canada for the qualifier. Francis was on the bench except for the second half of a match when qualification to the semifinal was already confirmed.

Interestingly all the players on the current squad have stood behind Francois. Only Browne from the current squad has decided to "take a stand" against him. It is also interesting to note that Browne only took this stance after Francis was not selected on the squad of 36. After the CAC Games the entire squad backed Francois as the best coach that we have had and even though he can still do with some improvement with his man-management he has already made great improvements and was almost unrecognisable as the man we initially had a lot of problems with. The Board asked us if he should be fired (he was not at this meeting) and unanimously we agreed that we wanted to work with him and would have a look at how he's come along after the next series of tournaments. He had not had a chance since then to show improvement since then when the squad was announced (minus Francis) and then all of a sudden he is a tyrant again. That screams of a talented player putting friendship before the team and there's nothing you outsiders can say to convince the team otherwise.

In this meeting that Griffith refers to - and was not present at - there was no head table. We were asked to sit in a circle and because Browne and Francois at the focal points of the impasse they were asked to speak first. Both of them did so and then Govia stormed out of the meeting. Two of the UK based players spoke candidly of their problems with the coach, but neither indicated an unwillingness to work with him. Nine local players also spoke and again discussed their issues with the coach, their disappointment in Francis not being there since he's been the glue that held us together the past 3 years, they asked Browne to follow the advice he himself has given us and that is to ignore the negatives of the coach and play hockey, but all still stood by the coach and are committed to playing with him.

Honestly the only player we will miss from that group who is not now training is Browne. Garcia for all his physical gifts is a destructive influence on teams. He has twice divided touring teams in the middle of competition and made things uncomfortable for all involved. Francis is not fit, he is no longer at the top of his game and is a sentimental luxury that no ambitious team can afford. Dean Nieves has not factored as a top player locally since 2002 and is perpetually injured. You need only to look at the thread with the WC schedule to see that it will be physically demanding. We will need fit players to cope with the demands of that tournament. Whiteman is in great shape for a man his age, but will also have problems playing at the more intense pace of the WC. Lashley has admitted that international the game is getting to be too much for him. He is retired and as of our last conversation he has other interests. Govia is a good player and was on the original squad. He had his chance, but made a decision not to train.

We need only to look at the newspapers, the TTHB match sheets, end of season award functions and the composition of the national squad to understand that the players training are the best in the country. Out of those most likely to make the WC team all have played in at least one CAC Games, one Pan Am level and one Commonwealth Games competition. The least capped man has about 25, all earned this year. This is no B-squad. This is a group of highly motivated, well conditioned players who just want to be left alone to prepare for the biggest competition of our lives. It's really hard listening to people who mostly know nothing about hockey and in their prime were unable to cope with the minimum level of competition speaking as if they know. They offer nothing positive and nothing constructive. We have a lot to learn and the odds are we're going to be beaten in every match, but again I ask... is that the how our performance is going to be judged? Why can the football team not win and still be feted as heroes?

There is a whole lot of drama simply because a coach had a plan and this plan did not include the friend of our star player. We need to take a good look at ourselves (including you guys here) when a player is allowed to act as if he is bigger than the game. When our youths have no discipline it is easy to see why. We were upset with Yorke and Latas years ago when they abandoned the team yet throw in our support for Browne now when he's doing the same thing. It's T&T against a hard working WC bound team. We will take our licks and go on to work our asses off for allyuh. Is a love still.

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2006, 02:11:45 AM »
Interesting.  I doh claim to have all the info so I was tryin to not say anything about Browne since I felt like that is how it looked.  Player doesn't get to decide policy.

I was damn vex with Latas and Yorke when they went their way and left things hanging. I didn't care what the reason is, you don't turn your back on your country for any reason other thatn death.  I said so, and still do.

If that is the case with Mr. Brown, leave his ass home and let's go with those who get the concept of "team".  I will try to see if I can garner any info as to "his side" of things, but so far ent so good.

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2006, 03:45:36 PM »
i've been hearing and reading about the politics in local hockey for a long time and i have heard most sides of the story from hockey board come down.  from mostly anyone, who is not either a board member or a malvern club player, there is a general conspiracy theoy floating around that the local board is heavily malvern biased (gary griffith is certainly not the only one to say it) and not performing in the interest of the sport but in the interest of malvern. 

i've met Kwan and spoken to him a couple times about hockey.  the man moved country and he certainly did not need to, to play for trinidad and tobago.  he was offered to play for england and turned it down! (and he was not the one to tell me those things) And he has been instrumental in getting local players international club experience.

if i had to put my head on a block for anyone in this specific situation, it would be for kwan. the man has integrity.  it is utterly disappointing that this cannot be resolved to allow his inclusion into the world cup team.  he is an outstanding talent.  is would be like the soca warriors going germany without yorke.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2006, 03:48:34 PM by socachatter »
"Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority.  The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong.  All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who doubted current moral values, not of men who tried to enforce them."


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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2006, 04:45:43 PM »
I does real talk to hockey man  past and present.  some keeping quiet because dey want to play and me eh give dem wrong.  Griffith does talk shit from long time I know he personally long time.   Gary should chill out with what he say on some issues because he want post and ting.  Why would Govia drop out to support Kwan?  And garcia too?

 And de Hockey fraternity has always been biased, but truth be told Malvern has for long been the best and most stable hockey club in T&T ad ex malvernites do plery fuh we hockey...cyar deny dat at all.

Brown is ah big man and garcia, while some may say is a divider, is ah man dat have integrity.  I hear raper man still on we team and ting...is dat true or ah figment ah somebody's imagination...and we have others who can be on de national team and eh want to be dey..why?


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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2006, 07:51:59 AM »
Hockey coach to step down ..Quan Chan, Govia eye post

IT SEEMS as though T&T might still field their best team at the International Hockey Federation’s (FIH) men’s World Indoor World Cup in Vienna, Austria, from February 14 to 18.

Over the past two months, national coach David Francois and the T&THB have been at logger-heads with Browne, a former national captain and assistant coach over the non-inclusion of some players on the training team, for the World Cup, in particular Dean Nieves and goalkeeper Glen “Fido” Francis.

The board who have openly stated their support for Francois who they appointed as the team coach had stated clearly that they would not be backing down on their stance to support the team selection policies taken by Francois.

Browne on the other hand also stood firm in his decision to stay away from the team training until the two players in question (Dean Nieves & Glen Francis) were called into the training squad.

However with time running out on T&T as their prepare to compete against the top teams in the world and the possibility of being embarrassed on the world stage a reality it seems that pressure is being put on Francois to step aside.

And the men being tipped to replace him are former national men’s coach Nicholas “Chico” Govia and former women’s team coach Richard Quan Chan.

And only last week after two attempts to return to the team Browne, undoubtedly T&T’s most gifted player ever called it quits again citing his lack of enthusiasm as the key reason.

Commenting on the issue former hockey board presidents Douglas Camacho, Mary Siu Butt, and Gary Griffith a past team manager all expressed their views and made it clear that T&T should be represented by their best team.

Griffith added that for that to happen Francois needed to be replaced with immediate effect.

And while the board may see it as giving into the demands of a player, it seems as though their is a big possibility that Francois, who received his FIH coaching certificate last month could be replaced or may even hand in his resignation.

An executive meeting was scheduled for yesterday afternoon and it was rumoured that Francois would have taken that opportunity to relinquish the post.

According to a source “He (Francois) may have no other choice but to step down because the majority of the team does not want him even though they are not saying so in the public.

“In fact I’m very surprised that he has not taken the step to relinquish the post himself.”

The source added, “the only problem Francois is facing is that the board have invested so much money in sending him on coaching courses and for all that to be put to waste now, could be seen as a slap in the face.

Contacted yesterday and asked if he would step down as coach of the team if asked to do so, Francois said, “I have no comment to make at all.”
« Last Edit: January 01, 2007, 06:15:05 PM by Tallman »


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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2006, 07:55:00 AM »
Sportt enters hockey row


GERARD FERREIRA, chairman of the Sports Company of T&T (Sportt) has stepped in the row between hockey players, headed by Kwandwane Browne and the T&T Hockey Board and national coach David Francois.

The issue surfaced in October when Browne, a former national captain and assistant coach, protested the omission of some players among 36 called up by Francois to prepare for the World Cup, in particular goalkeeper Dean Nieves.

Browne withdrew from the training squad, saying he would return only if certain players were called for training

Following unsuccessful attempts to resolve the matter, the decision by Ferreira to get involve yesterday is a late effort to have T&T’s best players represent the country at the International Hockey Federation’s (FIH) men’s World Indoor World Cup in Vienna, Austria, from February 14 to 18.

Ferreira met with Browne, Raphael Govia, Nicholas Wren, Nigel Providence and Glen “Fido” Francis at Sportt’s headquarters at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva, yesterday, and later with Francois and T&THB board member Garth Baptiste.

On December 19 a meeting was held between the players, coach Francois, Carol Charles-Austin, chief executive officer of the Sports Company of T&T (Sportt) and Terry Young Sing, chairman of the First Citizens Sports Foundation who served as a mediator.

Later, Browne attended three sessions,but they discontinued doing so.saying he has lost interest.

According to a source, some headway was made at yesterday’s meeting, with everyone getting an opportunity to express his or her view.Many said that it had become very difficult to operate under Francois.

Ferreira is expected to discuss the matter with other members of his board before forwarding his findings to the T&T Olympic Committee (T&TOC), who will make a final decision.
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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2007, 06:01:34 PM »
Everything in TNT have drama.
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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2007, 09:07:44 AM »
Raper man on the team? That is a serious claim and to the best of my knowledge erroneous not to mention irresponsible to be mentioned (by the person) at all without something more substantial to back it up. Mauvais langue is all that is left since there is nothing legitimate to continue this impasse with. If a player is called and chooses not to come the only person who can really answer that is the player called. There have been people who have said they aren't coming to train for a variety of reasons. I can only go by what they say since I cannot read minds.

You guys hearing second and third hand information or just speculating based on the fact that you like Browne. You are getting first hand information from me and ignoring it. It is those like you who have allowed this to escalate to where it has. Instead of someone early on discouraging Browne from making a rash decision he is instead encouraged to act like he is bigger than the game.

In a lime on the 30th a couple of people (not involved in hockey) asked me some interesting questions. One asked me how come only 2 players (Browne and Govia) from the training squad walked away. I had to correct him and add at least one other player who has stayed away in protest, but that person has never even made a junior squad far more for senior and in my humble opinion would not have made this team. I told him that the view of the guys on the team is that the coach continues to improve his man management. In addition, he has already earned our respect with his tactical and technical work and that too is improving. As I mentioned before, the 16-man squad - in the absence of Francois - unanimously agreed that we wanted to work with him. The only thing that changed since then was the non-selection of Francis. These training sessions have been good and again the players have found it easier to approach the coach as he continues to improve in his handling of players. Another question I was asked is why is it acceptable for Browne to walk out of training and still be considered for the team. They questioned how that would work on the psyche of the team to have him walk back in "like a jefe" one month before the tournament. They went on to say that a team is a group of individuals working as a unit. If Browne comes in like this it compromises the unit. I just listened because I happen to agree with that.

Previously we have sent out talented individuals and the team failed to bring back good results. For the past 3 years Francois and Browne have helped mould us into a team. The results are there for all to see. Even now I challenge all of you to think as a coach. The coach is responsible for the team's performance, especially when it is bad. Would you as a coach rather have the players you want at your disposal if you're head is on the block or would you want someone else, for example a talented player, picking the squad for you?


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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2007, 08:50:11 PM »
Yes I hear dat de man even get charged with molestation of some sort.  But yuh right is jes what I hear man say and dem on de team. I eh js talking to men wh eh on de team eh....is men who on de team and man who refused to be on de team I talk to, I was trying to encourage dem to go play, represent de nation.



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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2007, 07:58:49 AM »
Raper man on the team? That is a serious claim and to the best of my knowledge erroneous not to mention irresponsible to be mentioned (by the person) at all without something more substantial to back it up. Mauvais langue is all that is left since there is nothing legitimate to continue this impasse with. If a player is called and chooses not to come the only person who can really answer that is the player called. There have been people who have said they aren't coming to train for a variety of reasons. I can only go by what they say since I cannot read minds.

You guys hearing second and third hand information or just speculating based on the fact that you like Browne. You are getting first hand information from me and ignoring it. It is those like you who have allowed this to escalate to where it has. Instead of someone early on discouraging Browne from making a rash decision he is instead encouraged to act like he is bigger than the game.

In a lime on the 30th a couple of people (not involved in hockey) asked me some interesting questions. One asked me how come only 2 players (Browne and Govia) from the training squad walked away. I had to correct him and add at least one other player who has stayed away in protest, but that person has never even made a junior squad far more for senior and in my humble opinion would not have made this team. I told him that the view of the guys on the team is that the coach continues to improve his man management. In addition, he has already earned our respect with his tactical and technical work and that too is improving. As I mentioned before, the 16-man squad - in the absence of Francois - unanimously agreed that we wanted to work with him. The only thing that changed since then was the non-selection of Francis. These training sessions have been good and again the players have found it easier to approach the coach as he continues to improve in his handling of players. Another question I was asked is why is it acceptable for Browne to walk out of training and still be considered for the team. They questioned how that would work on the psyche of the team to have him walk back in "like a jefe" one month before the tournament. They went on to say that a team is a group of individuals working as a unit. If Browne comes in like this it compromises the unit. I just listened because I happen to agree with that.

Previously we have sent out talented individuals and the team failed to bring back good results. For the past 3 years Francois and Browne have helped mould us into a team. The results are there for all to see. Even now I challenge all of you to think as a coach. The coach is responsible for the team's performance, especially when it is bad. Would you as a coach rather have the players you want at your disposal if you're head is on the block or would you want someone else, for example a talented player, picking the squad for you?
I also spoke to other players on the National team and people who have been around the National program for years.  I understand yuh viewpoint and I respect yuh opinion.  So when yuh say we getting 2nd and 3rd hand information because I like Kwan is nonsense. 

You stated that Kwan trying to act bigger than the game, cause his padna Fido didn't make it.  From another player, I heard that Kwan believed that everyone who was on the qualifying squad should be given a chance to make this World Cup team (including Fido).  The training squad of 36 that was initially selected did not include Fido.  Kwan found this unfair and stand up for de man.  So in your opinion, he acting bigger than the game, and in another person's viewpoint he standing up for what is right.  From what I've heard Francois selection policy has been fishy at best, and this is not a jes come ting.  Socachatter hit de nail on de head with her posts, but I doh want to get yuh vex, since yuh's play for Malvern so lewee drop dat talk fuh now  ;D

Also I find it very hard to believe Dean Nieves could not have been given a chance to make the  squad of 36.  That is madness IMO.  He should at least be given the chance.   Yuh stated in yuh first post that he hasn't played a factor in the National team since 2002.  Ask yuhself why?  I think the better question is do you believe if he could add quality to this team, and I think the answer is obvious :beermug: 
« Last Edit: January 03, 2007, 08:07:24 AM by lickslikefire »

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2007, 10:24:08 AM »
wow!! :o

I now see dis thread...who woulda thought field hockey coulda have Y&R type drama??

Ah wonder if table tennis have comess too?
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2007, 11:41:02 AM »
somewhere over the season i thought i read dat francois was going and resign.  dat didn't happen?  i thought dis talk had done.  wuz de latest?  ???
"Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority.  The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong.  All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who doubted current moral values, not of men who tried to enforce them."

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2007, 08:19:46 PM »
No one on this team has been charged with any rape or molestation charges. See why you can't necessarily believe something just because it comes from someone who was once on the national team?

The argument is not if we're better with Kwan. That has never been the argument from any one of the players on the squad. We are disagreeing with Kwan's decision to not train with us simply because Fido did not get selected. I appreciate he may not have agreed with the coach's decision, but he did not fight for any other player who was dropped, uncerimoniously or otherwise. Don't let the talk fool you, this started when he learned that Fido did not make the team. He never mentioned Roger Daniel who was in the qualifying team or Neil Lashley who was in the training squad. Further to that I, personally, have a problem with any player being allowed to act like he is bigger than the game and his decision reeks of that. "I don't like what the coach did so I am saying screw the team because I am the star player and need to get my way." That is how this has been for us. You guys can say what you want, but we're are doing the work and we know better than anyone of you how this feels.

It's easy for you guys to side with Kwan because he's a nice enough guy and he's skillful and popular and has put T&T's hockey on the international map almost singlehandedly. However, until you have given up a significant portion of your life to 5:00 am trainings 4-5 times a week (plus afternoon sessions as well), rigorous physical training sessions, numerous team gatherings all at the potential expense of your job or personal relationships then you can't tell me that you have good information. I'd be willing to guess that very few of the so called ex-nationals have done that with us over the past 3 years so they, and as a result you, cannot understand that we feel cheated by Kwan, cheated by the hockey public and cheated by the media. This is not to mention being abused, under appreciated and disrespected. We don't get paid to do what we do, we do it because we love it. It's an honour to represent our country and the experience has been made more meaningful by the sacrifice and hard work to be on this team for the past 3 years. It is difficult to sit and let outsiders tarnish our hard work. It is even more difficult that someone who went through all that with us will put the friendship with one player over all the hard work.

With all due respect to those who have been a part of the programme before. What is was then and what it is now is different. Guys would come 2 months before a tournament and make the team. Now if you haven't been a part of the training process well in advance you are not going to make it. We've managed to filter out those who have not been 100% committed with those who are. We have sent the closest representation of our best teams for the first time in hockey history over the past 3 years. I am proud to say we because even though the coach (with Kwan's input) has been the selector we have all been a part of the process. We have accepted the changes and it has made us a stronger team. Non of the players before have ever been a part of anything like that so it is easy to work towards destroying it. The team that is training now knows that we have a good thing and don't want to go back to the nonsense that was there before.

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2007, 08:34:54 PM »
Oh yes, I now noticed something. Dean Nieves needs almost an hour to warm up before his matches, cannot play at 100% during the matches and then needs to ice down for another hour or more after. This is here in domestic competition when the pace isn't even all that tough most of the time. Please look at the match schedule and tell me how in the world can we go to an international level competition as a serious nation with a man who is not fit. Alan Young handled the physical demands much better than Dean and despite the fact that he is 40 he is training with us and has an excellent chance of going to the World Cup. In addition to that Dean had written the Board saying he retired from international hockey about 2 years ago when Francois was asking him to come train. Allyuh like to conveniently forget these things.

I doh get vex anymore when people bad talk Malvern. I know my club's contribution to the game. Besides, no one bothers to talk about a shit club so that is even more satisfying knowing that people still haven't come to terms with our greatness and must, like crabs in a barrel, try to pull us down rather than elevate themselves. Respect still.  ;D

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2007, 09:26:42 PM »
Oh yes, I now noticed something. Dean Nieves needs almost an hour to warm up before his matches, cannot play at 100% during the matches and then needs to ice down for another hour or more after. This is here in domestic competition when the pace isn't even all that tough most of the time. Please look at the match schedule and tell me how in the world can we go to an international level competition as a serious nation with a man who is not fit. Alan Young handled the physical demands much better than Dean and despite the fact that he is 40 he is training with us and has an excellent chance of going to the World Cup. In addition to that Dean had written the Board saying he retired from international hockey about 2 years ago when Francois was asking him to come train. Allyuh like to conveniently forget these things.

I doh get vex anymore when people bad talk Malvern. I know my club's contribution to the game. Besides, no one bothers to talk about a shit club so that is even more satisfying knowing that people still haven't come to terms with our greatness and must, like crabs in a barrel, try to pull us down rather than elevate themselves. Respect still.  ;D

Respeck for yuh input breds.  Good luck with the training  :beermug:


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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2007, 05:36:07 AM »
Yo Wolfman, I swore that Kwan called for the inclusion of more than Fido!  In fact I am positive that he did!  In fact it was you whomentioned that Lashley had retired and that yuh could not understand why Kwan was calling for  his inclusion.

And in case yuh was not aware of this, there IS a player on de squad who get jack up for molesting a girl. Me eh calling no names, and I eh saying he fet charged, but de man ah talking about kow what he do and should consider heself lucky dat he eh get jail!

Apart from that even you acknowledged that the team has been rapdly inproving thr the work of Francois AND Kwan.  So the tandem seemed to beone where we has "dual coaches"

And yuh eh mentioning Govia's stance inde whole ting either.  Why would he decide to neglect the T&T squad and support Kwan?

And has Kwan not committed himself to the T&T cause repeatedly in the past/

t seems a little unfair to categorise him as trying to appear bigger dan de hgae.

A man musr smetimes stand on what he believes are his principles.

And in dis case it seems de man is doing jes dat.  Yuh also have a case where Maureen and all saying dat de coach needs to improve he man managing skills and dat he also needs to see some kinda therapist!  Wha is dat one?

I agreee that this case coulda been handled a bt differently...but if you or anyone else feels dat Kwan want to play super star and JES smply walk away from representing his country on de world stage...yuh sadly mistaken.

I am POSITIVE dat e feels jes like you and  loves T&T and wants to make it to play...but as ah said...if in his hear he feels he needs to stand on his principles...let him be.

Allyuh still going.

Offline socachatter

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2007, 06:36:11 AM »

Respeck for yuh input breds.  Good luck with the training  :beermug:

Agreed.  keep up the hard work and the training and go represent.  we supporting whether or not kwan on the team.

but ah still feel a man have a right to take a principled stand.   wheher or not he is a part of the team.  a team does not walk a man through his entire life.  and i figure kwan want to be there with the team to go to the world cup.  who wouldn't want to be?  so he must feel very strongly about it to  stand up for what he feels is injustice and lose his place on the team.  and the sh** thing about this situation is that is about all the hockey politics going on for years and it just raring its ugly head now because the stakes are so much higher.   and it basic yuh know...he feel we not putting the best team forward and the team picks are biased.  he standing against mediocrity and injustice.  sorry nobody could fault a man for dat. 

what it is doing though is raising the most contentious issue in local hockey and that is the "conspiracy theory" that i spoke about above. 

it's unfortunate for the team that they are seeing the brunt of that issue while training for the biggest moment that local hockey has seen to date.  but i ent faulting a man for taking a stand he feels he has to. 
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 06:41:34 AM by socachatter »
"Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority.  The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong.  All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who doubted current moral values, not of men who tried to enforce them."

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2007, 07:41:47 AM »
Yo Wolfman, I swore that Kwan called for the inclusion of more than Fido!  In fact I am positive that he did!  In fact it was you whomentioned that Lashley had retired and that yuh could not understand why Kwan was calling for  his inclusion.

And in case yuh was not aware of this, there IS a player on de squad who get jack up for molesting a girl. Me eh calling no names, and I eh saying he fet charged, but de man ah talking about kow what he do and should consider heself lucky dat he eh get jail!

Apart from that even you acknowledged that the team has been rapdly inproving thr the work of Francois AND Kwan.  So the tandem seemed to beone where we has "dual coaches"

And yuh eh mentioning Govia's stance inde whole ting either.  Why would he decide to neglect the T&T squad and support Kwan?

And has Kwan not committed himself to the T&T cause repeatedly in the past/

t seems a little unfair to categorise him as trying to appear bigger dan de hgae.

A man musr smetimes stand on what he believes are his principles.

And in dis case it seems de man is doing jes dat.  Yuh also have a case where Maureen and all saying dat de coach needs to improve he man managing skills and dat he also needs to see some kinda therapist!  Wha is dat one?

I agreee that this case coulda been handled a bt differently...but if you or anyone else feels dat Kwan want to play super star and JES smply walk away from representing his country on de world stage...yuh sadly mistaken.

I am POSITIVE dat e feels jes like you and  loves T&T and wants to make it to play...but as ah said...if in his hear he feels he needs to stand on his principles...let him be.

Allyuh still going.

What started everything? The exclusion of Glenn "Fido" Francis. The situation has since expanded to include other players, especially when the national squad in training and the TTHB did not support Kwan.

Yes, I have acknowledged both of their contributions. That is not to say that we cannot and have not improved without Kwan because we have.

He did not agree with the coach's decision to select his friend and to get his way he opted not to train with the team. That is the action of someone thinking that he is bigger than the game, not someone acting on principle. That can never be a principled stand, it is a selfish one. Nothing you say (which will always be from the outside) can make me think differently. In addition it is more the supporters that are encouraging this than Kwan himself who is usually a lot more humble. Had his supporters not be so sycophantic this would not have escalated to where it has. We can agree to disagree on this, but understand that we don't care about a trip and we have from the get go wanted Kwan to play with us. His children got Christmas gifts from me and he even lent me his wife's car for that Christmas weekend. It also has nothing to do with love of country. One can love his country and still be blinded by other emotions... like loyalty to friends. We are not against him, we just happen to disagree with him on this, especially since we've known why he's done this from the get go. You guys have happened to get some information on the side as the situation has developed and people who have an opportunity to jump on the WC bandwagon have pushed their agendas hard.

I suspect I know the player you are referring to and again are you sure you have the facts? Every story has at least 3 sides: mine, yours and the truth. Beware of someone with an agenda when listening to these stories. I am not putting my head on a block for this player, but I am not certain of the veracity of some of the stories surrounding him.

Other guys on the team did not agree with all the selections, but discussed it with the coach and  accepted his explanations. It was dealt with internally and with respect for each other and the system. No newspapers, no outsiders causing trouble. At the end of the day the coach has to answer to the Board if the team he selects fails. All we need to do as players is follow instructions and play hard.

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2007, 08:07:11 AM »
The best team? Who for certain knows what the best team is? With every team sport selection can be a contentious issue. How often has the West Indies team prompted debate about who should or should not have been there?

Why is this team not the best team? This is the same battle hardened group that has played from the 2004 Pan Am Cup until now. This team was good enough for Kwan all the time. How is it that as soon as Francis is not selected we are suddenly a B-team? We were good enough when Garcia, Duncan, Edwards  and Marcano were dropped or left for various reasons. Govia, Young and Lashley were added when they performed. Others, myself included, were dropped when we didn't perform. That is the nature of the game, especially when striving to play at an elite level. In addition to our physical abilities we've been a good team because of our unity. Our chemistry. A group of talented individuals who play as individuals can never be consistently successful.

Browne never fought for anyone else who was dropped prior to Francis. That is a fact all of you here have conveniently ignored. Instead you still talking about principled stands and bias in hockey selection. So I think after this I done. No matter what I say we on the team are bunch of "scabs" who don't deserve to be there and Kwan is some righteous soldier fighting for a good cause. Unfit players like Nieves who will drop out as soon as he returns from the WC leaving the same group of scabs who have been training for the past 3 years to pick up the pieces and prepare for the Pan Am Games are part of the best team. And you guys find I unfair. And we wonder why class players like Browne, Lara, Boldon, Latapy or Bovell come once every few decades.

I still respect you guys on this message board a lot, but allyuh making it harder with each post in this thread. Hockey has been my life, my passion... it hard to not take it on.

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2007, 09:21:39 AM »
you'll prolly know about dis site....if not all yuh real missing out...




it takes a while to load, but you could search for any major hockey tournament, and the hockey is unreal......and the quality of video is first class.....

search for de germany poland indoor game in de european indoor finals or any game for that matter......

if yuh want to see what indoor hockey is like internationally, just watch any german team play....

germany's indoor record is impeccable...they have never, i repeat never lost an indoor game ever in any major international competition.....their domestic club teams can easily beat other countries...actually canada is there now playing against their club teams for practice...lol

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2007, 08:36:28 PM »
Thanks. Our coach already has Germany v Poland, Germany v Russia and clips of matches ranging from Holland vs a German club team, Holland vs South Africa and a variety of other matches, including some women's clips. It's been one of the training tools in getting us to play certain systems and also understanding what we'll be getting into when we go across there. The Dutch coach who was down here also used a fair amount of video highlights from matches to make some points with us. The standard of hockey is much higher than anything we play down here and it's going to be big task to make the switch from the slow, old fashioned tactics of the domestic game. In addition the game calls for a lot of running. We're excited about the potential opportunity to play hockey at this level... except when reading the papers.  :D

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2007, 06:43:10 PM »
I'm not one to gloat, but all the nonsense we've had to endure over the past 2 months or so I have to mention this here. Malvern defeated Notre Dame this afternoon in the final of the Ventures Invitational Indoor Tournament 11-9. Just to show that one man is not bigger than the game. To add to the pleasure of the win Garcia was there as well. So according to the press and supported by Anil Roberts and you guys on this board the best and second best players in T&T were beaten by a bunch of scabs and second rate players who only had a good system and strong team work in their favour. There are 4 guys from Malvern training with the national team. A couple people who were there admitted (some grudgingly) that we played the better hockey. About an hour before the game we met with Francois (who had stayed away from the tournament) and he showed us some clips of the Notre Dame v Defence Force semifinal showing us mistakes that they were making and ways to exploit it. His input went a long way towards us winning the match. The man, even if he may not be the most likeable person, is an excellent coach.

I want to hear Anil Roberts and the rest of the hockey community now.

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2007, 08:18:51 PM »
I'm not one to gloat, but all the nonsense we've had to endure over the past 2 months or so I have to mention this here. Malvern defeated Notre Dame this afternoon in the final of the Ventures Invitational Indoor Tournament 11-9. Just to show that one man is not bigger than the game. To add to the pleasure of the win Garcia was there as well. So according to the press and supported by Anil Roberts and you guys on this board the best and second best players in T&T were beaten by a bunch of scabs and second rate players who only had a good system and strong team work in their favour. There are 4 guys from Malvern training with the national team. A couple people who were there admitted (some grudgingly) that we played the better hockey. About an hour before the game we met with Francois (who had stayed away from the tournament) and he showed us some clips of the Notre Dame v Defence Force semifinal showing us mistakes that they were making and ways to exploit it. His input went a long way towards us winning the match. The man, even if he may not be the most likeable person, is an excellent coach.

I want to hear Anil Roberts and the rest of the hockey community now.

congrats wolfman.  you beat me to it i was gonna come on after i saw the news to say well done.  i never called you a scab.  i'll leave the politics at the door to wish you heartiest congratulations.
"Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority.  The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong.  All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who doubted current moral values, not of men who tried to enforce them."


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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2007, 09:09:02 AM »
I'm not one to gloat, but all the nonsense we've had to endure over the past 2 months or so I have to mention this here. Malvern defeated Notre Dame this afternoon in the final of the Ventures Invitational Indoor Tournament 11-9. Just to show that one man is not bigger than the game. To add to the pleasure of the win Garcia was there as well. So according to the press and supported by Anil Roberts and you guys on this board the best and second best players in T&T were beaten by a bunch of scabs and second rate players who only had a good system and strong team work in their favour. There are 4 guys from Malvern training with the national team. A couple people who were there admitted (some grudgingly) that we played the better hockey. About an hour before the game we met with Francois (who had stayed away from the tournament) and he showed us some clips of the Notre Dame v Defence Force semifinal showing us mistakes that they were making and ways to exploit it. His input went a long way towards us winning the match. The man, even if he may not be the most likeable person, is an excellent coach.

I want to hear Anil Roberts and the rest of the hockey community now.

oh boy.   so how well would the Dames have performed if he and Garcia were'nt there?  nd you are the one who keeps calling the layers scabe, I certaily never said that.  Congrats on your win, but consider this....how much better would the T&T team do with Garcia and Kwan?

And for the record, congrats for scoring the fatest goal.

ps.  I see Kwan and Kenneth scored the most goals and Kwan won outstanding player.

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Re: Griffith calls for Francois’ head
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2007, 09:19:56 AM »
congrats wolfman.  you beat me to it i was gonna come on after i saw the news to say well done.  i never called you a scab.  i'll leave the politics at the door to wish you heartiest congratulations.
Thank you. I don't want to be too antagonistic, especially since I maintain that I respect the majority of posters on this board. It has been really hard to take the constant barrage of unfair and unconstructive criticism leveled at us by the media and the general public at large. While no one here might have directly called us a scab your support of Browne and his followers is pretty much the same as actually calling us scabs. At least that is how the team feels; them and their supporters against us. At any rate it is water under the bridge and we really just want to put this behind us and continue our WC preparations. Apparently the team has been selected and will be announced in training tomorrow.

On other note. A disappointing situation developed after the tournament. Now this is second hand information so if I were you take this with a dose of salt until otherwise verified. Garcia went after one of the younger players on the national team yesterday and even walked with two "padnas" from where he lives. It was related to a non-hockey situation and without divulging information that I'd prefer not to get into that here. His intent was definitely to get into a physical confrontation and had to be restrained by people there. I've maintained that this guy, while a talented individual, is not good for team chemistry.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 12:01:05 PM by dwolfman »


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