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Author Topic: Forumites alyuh memory short or what.....Watch the Conspiracy...The TTFF win.  (Read 8465 times)

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Offline Touches

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Now maybe I just under conspiracy thing, maybe I watching too much tv, or maybe the common sense kicking in. Thus the beauty of the forum and reviewing old posts came into helping me make this conclusion.

I was lil idle over the past few days and I was thinking to myself....Why would we deliberately pick a weak team, and why would our own PFL team screw us over?

Then developments take place....Why if we agree with Jabloteh for players why we only get 2. Why no Cyd, or Wolfe or WHitley?...why we cyar get all 8? ............and the threat that the players could be banned from club action if they ent show up for training.

Forumites the TTFF win. The plan they hatched since Nov 18th with the players impasse has finally bore fruit. This is our new national team and we have to accept it as such and wish them fellas the best because dais it for the Germany squad.

Alyuh remember this post TTFF threaten to go local for 2010

Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) general secretary Richard Groden yesterday declared his intention to eradicate the "anxieties" and "distractions" facing his organisation on the road to the 2010 South Africa World Cup, referring to their own players.
In a press release entitled "Update on Soca Warriors conflict", the T&TFF revealed they are considering asking players from the Trinidad and Tobago Pro League, as well as the Under-20 and Under-17 squads, to shoulder the responsibility of the 2010 World Cup campaign.
"We are actively contemplating a swifter than originally envisaged consideration of incorporating the rising brood of players," stated Groden's release, "from our Professional League, under-20 and even under-17 squads to form the nucleus of our team for 2010."
Groden, via a release, explained that the T&TFF were "contemplating" this "consideration" as a result of the players' "vacillation" over 2006 World Cup bonuses.

Now if you remember this post Update on Soca Warriors Conflict

These are the names of the fellas who strike:

6. Essentially, the 13 players involved publicly accused the TTFF of reneging on a contractual obligation made during the 2006 World Cup build-up. Captain Dwight Yorke read a prepared statement, which said (inter-alia): "We, the players of the National Team that participated in the World Cup 2006, would like to announce our consideration to retire from international football immediately after our next two games."

7. Appearing in demonstration of solidarity with the position articulated by Captain Yorke were: Dennis Lawrence, David Atiba Charles, Avery John, Chris Birchall, Carlos Edwards, Colin Samuel, Stern John, Kenwyne Jones, Jason Scotland, Brent Sancho and Cornell Glen.

So the locals, Whitley, Cyd, Theobold and Wolfe. Hush they mouth eat they biscuit and didnt stand in solidarity with the others cause they needed the TTFF to continue their careers.

Of those in training the non Jabloteh man make it. They use Fenwick as the cover to say they cyar play but really Cyd too old and not in the plans for 2010. Cyd done went on trials after WC and ent get tru with nuttin, dais it for he. Wolfe is Beenie boy and Beenie not here so he ent gettin pick and Whitley didn't go no training even doe he was invited.

Thus Theobold make it cause the ttff wanna give him cap so that he could fly out and give somebody a piece of money. If they wanted to write off theobold they could do so, but they using him to say they have experience in the side.

Also Daniel and Baptiste strengthenin the squad but they are the two hopefuls to next get contact abroad as they prove they could handle it so they there for caps...and Fenwick just waiting to collect a piece of money for them.

Watch meh this sounding like a good TV show eh, but watch it good. It making complete sense.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 10:55:23 AM by Touches »

A for apple, B for Bat, C for yuhself!

Offline Mose

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Touches boy, I SOOO want to believe you wrong ...
Are you a match? It's too late for Emru, but maybe you can help save someone's life: http://www.healemru.com

Offline Midknight

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Now maybe I just under conspiracy thing, maybe I watching too much tv, or maybe the common sense kicking in. Thus the beauty of the forum and reviewing old posts came into helping me make this conclusion.

I was lil idle over the past few days and I was thinking to myself....Why would we deliberately pick a weak team, and why would our own PFL team screw us over?

Then developments take place....Why if we agree with Jabloteh for players why we only get 2. Why no Cyd, or Wolfe or WHitley?...why we cyar get all 8? ............and the threat that the players could be banned from club action if they ent show up for training.

Forumites the TTFF win. The plan they hatched since Nov 18th with the players impasse has finally bore fruit. This is our new national team and we have to accept it as such and wish them fellas the best because dais it for the Germany squad.

Alyuh remember this post TTFF threaten to go local for 2010

Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) general secretary Richard Groden yesterday declared his intention to eradicate the "anxieties" and "distractions" facing his organisation on the road to the 2010 South Africa World Cup, referring to their own players.
In a press release entitled "Update on Soca Warriors conflict", the T&TFF revealed they are considering asking players from the Trinidad and Tobago Pro League, as well as the Under-20 and Under-17 squads, to shoulder the responsibility of the 2010 World Cup campaign.
"We are actively contemplating a swifter than originally envisaged consideration of incorporating the rising brood of players," stated Groden's release, "from our Professional League, under-20 and even under-17 squads to form the nucleus of our team for 2010."
Groden, via a release, explained that the T&TFF were "contemplating" this "consideration" as a result of the players' "vacillation" over 2006 World Cup bonuses.

Now if you remember this post Update on Soca Warriors Conflict

These are the names of the fellas who strike:

6. Essentially, the 13 players involved publicly accused the TTFF of reneging on a contractual obligation made during the 2006 World Cup build-up. Captain Dwight Yorke read a prepared statement, which said (inter-alia): "We, the players of the National Team that participated in the World Cup 2006, would like to announce our consideration to retire from international football immediately after our next two games."

7. Appearing in demonstration of solidarity with the position articulated by Captain Yorke were: Dennis Lawrence, David Atiba Charles, Avery John, Chris Birchall, Carlos Edwards, Colin Samuel, Stern John, Kenwyne Jones, Jason Scotland, Brent Sancho and Cornell Glen.

So the locals, Whitley, Cyd, Theobold and Wolfe. Hush they mouth eat they biscuit and didnt stand in solidarity with the others cause they needed the TTFF to continue their careers.

Of those in training the non Jabloteh man make it. They use Fenwick as the cover to say they cyar play but really Cyd too old and not in the plans for 2010. Cyd done went on trials after WC and ent get tru with nuttin, dais it for he. Wolfe is Beenie boy and Beenie not here so he ent gettin pick and Whitley didn't go no training even doe he was invited.

Thus Theobold make it cause the ttff wanna give him cap so that he could fly out and give somebody a piece of money. If they wanted to write off theobold they could do so, but they using him to say they have experience in the side.

Also Daniel and Baptiste strengthenin the squad but they are the two hopefuls to next get contact abroad as they prove they could handle it so they there for caps...and Fenwick just waiting to collect a piece of money for them.

Watch meh this sounding like a good TV show eh, but watch it good. It making complete sense.

Mulder: Scully...did you see that? I always told you that the truth was out there!
Scully : See what? Sorry I was adjusting my pantyhose...
Go Black if you want Jack to Track Back! I support all Soca Warriors - Red, White and Blacklisted.

D baddest SW compilation ever

Offline WestCoast

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Touches, why does this kind of action seem to happen evey so many years, maybe not as large a group of players being told they cant represent some other time, but this sounding like
"This is like deja vu all over again." Yogi Berra

and how much people want to bet that the TTFF AND/OR the Special Advisor will Never pay them the money agreed to.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 11:10:38 AM by WestCoast »
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads.
Lord Chesterfield
(1694 - 1773)


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You make some interesting points, I thought of this as soon as the ttff bawl they going local, then the team was announced and it confirmed my belief. However this plan may work out better in the ending, heres why, we have now a local based and US based squad who are playing together more regularly than our foreign based, who play together on a part-time basis, the only time they played together was the world cup.

We have these local and US based playing together for a month now, one of the longest times I have seen a team practise together for TT, which is a plus, availability is great, men are starting to gel. We have another team subsuquently bc of the strike. When the time comes and if money is pelting, the foreign based will come back and play, but they will have to play the local and US based for the spots, hence we have a competition on the team and a well gelled local and US based ready to play against our foreign based. The final team for 2010 will be a mix of both local and foreign, mostly local I assume bc real players retiring, fellahs like josh johnson and dem could still make the team and he would serve as a good right winger if edwards is not called back or decides to end his intl career permanently.

You underestimate this side, in a few months this side may not be as weak as you perceive, with a few additions we will have a very solid team breds and ttff may end up looking better than we think, in the ending if we qualify with a team of US and local based, the ttff will boast... :devil:

Lets see how this story unfolds...

God is de BOSS.....

Offline Jefferz

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Welll is ah celebration for the delusional men and a sure disgruntle mindset for the pure reality men... and then there are us in between and I think we are more unsure than ever...

But this... if this is true... then we really hadda pull ah Michael Collins... Cuz if this bullshit materializes... IS WAR.
since ah born or at least circa Copa Caribe

Offline Brownsugar

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Earlier in de day ah hear Jack bussin' up he mouth bout how a club cyar hold back players from Nationaly duty.....so ah expected to hear Cyd and Whitley get release....den dey release 2 men ah not familiar wid.....and ah say to mihself...

Self....."dat nah mek sense....."   ???

Den touches write dis....and while ah hoping he dead wrong......ah have ah feeling....deep down inside....and is ah uneasy feeling, dat ah want to ignore, but it not letting mih.....dat Touches might be on to something.....
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

Offline weary1969

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If they go Total Local once we qualify for GC then they go have their wish.
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Rastaman

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 :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
Well said Touches

Offline maxg

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no matter how sweet the fruit look, an taste
once the gardners use plenty fertilizer, up close it still smell like ......

an Touches like yuh coming real close to d truth dey

Offline Cowen

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Releasing only 2 players when bout 8 get ban not making sense. On top of that they threathening to ban the 2 players from playing for

their club if they don't represent the country making even less sense .... so what happen to the remaining players ... won't they be

sanctioned also ...... worrying times.

Touches watch yuh back ..... men does get bullet and knife between the shoulders for anything that might resemble the truth

Attended Mad Mad University
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Offline rippin

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What is Avery up to right now?

Interesting theory.

I was wondering why he did not get call up.
Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration. (Thomas A. Edison )

Offline Tenorsaw

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Ah go add some fuel to the fire:  Avery John not in season, and he not even there.  AH know he on some tryouts, but it might have more to do with being part of the Germany squad.  He probably not too keen on playing, as a show of solidarity to the foreign base.

Offline palos

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It have people who eh care if is 20 man from Poor House league playin fuh de National side.

As long as dem player get a pick...everyting on de up and up and dem is supa Trini fuh de hour.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

Offline Trini _2026

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It have people who eh care if is 20 man from Poor House league playin fuh de National side.

As long as dem player get a pick...everyting on de up and up and dem is supa Trini fuh de hour.

 stop taking shots :rotfl:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/sh8SeGmzai4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/sh8SeGmzai4</a>

Offline weary1969

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Touches have a hypothesis that will be proven when TI partner insure that we qualify and Jack tell Carlos and co that they eh goin.
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Bourbon

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Well now i know what the threatened action is. Dat just disgusting. Why...oh why do the fools in power do this to our football? Like cutting off our nose to spite our face.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline Fantastic

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Dis thing is a business too yuh know. National pride and TRINI passion is one thing, but it have money involved here, which is followed by corruption. Trini players doh have no power, no say, especially as dey never band together. Dey would be stronger if dey had a union and stood up against de injustices. However, as soon as anything like that come close to happening, de greed of a few does divide de masses. Offer de local boys a $500 tt and dey go take it. Offer a man now breaking in overseas de caps he need to keep he work visa and he go play. In England and dem bigger country, de players have so much power because of marketing etc and unions, dat de FA have to give dey views more respect. In TRINI, de players have nutten to bring to de bargaining table and if dey sue de FA, by de time anything get decided in local courts dem fellas retire already. If we used to come out to de local games and buy joe public jersey and make de players valuable commodities like beckham, then when ah man like hardest say he not playing, TTFF will have to at least consider de monetary loss. De only way dem fellas making money with football in Trinidad is corruption, so allyuh feel dey go stop being corrupt because allyuh ask dem? Go out and watch de games in numbers, then when allyuh say "we doh like dis, we may not come back " allyuh will be heard.

Doh fuhget to buy yuh W Connection jersey and beat it everyday like yuh ronaldinho #10 ;D
Doh loss yuh head boss

Offline SUPA

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Touches, de whole of de Enterprise, we were very impressed wid yuh thread boss. Yuh really did some thinking dey, by putting some pieces of de puzzle together. :beermug: Ah really hope tuh gawd yuh wrong doh, cuz most of de 13 foreign based players cud really help do de business, or some may say dat dey could do de business fuh T&T fuh 2010. There might be ah couple players involved there, dat we cud work without, but there are some players I think dat must be in de T&T team. Just tuh name ah few players, we have men like Jones, a young player, who seem tuh be getting better every week, Edwards, Lawrence, Samuel, de captain(Yorke) experience is so important tuh help guide de young and in- experienced players coming into de team, and of course until a player step up tuh de plate and prove tuh us he can put de ball in de back of net consistently, we cannot leave out Stern"bound tuh score" John. HIGHLY BLESSED.
RIP Micahel Jackson.

Money doh change we, we are de money changer. But fool if yuh dis, it will surely be danger. Large up de Enterprise and Alliance every time. KROSS KROSS.

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Does this mean that if T&T loses all games in the Digicel Cup, misses the Gold Cup, and continues a dismal losing streak, Rijsbergen will NOT get fired?  ;)
Soca Warriors!  All the rest are joker warriors!

Offline Quags

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Dis thing is a business too yuh know. National pride and TRINI passion is one thing, but it have money involved here, which is followed by corruption. Trini players doh have no power, no say, especially as dey never band together. Dey would be stronger if dey had a union and stood up against de injustices. However, as soon as anything like that come close to happening, de greed of a few does divide de masses. Offer de local boys a $500 tt and dey go take it. Offer a man now breaking in overseas de caps he need to keep he work visa and he go play. In England and dem bigger country, de players have so much power because of marketing etc and unions, dat de FA have to give dey views more respect. In TRINI, de players have nutten to bring to de bargaining table and if dey sue de FA, by de time anything get decided in local courts dem fellas retire already. If we used to come out to de local games and buy joe public jersey and make de players valuable commodities like beckham, then when ah man like hardest say he not playing, TTFF will have to at least consider de monetary loss. De only way dem fellas making money with football in Trinidad is corruption, so allyuh feel dey go stop being corrupt because allyuh ask dem? Go out and watch de games in numbers, then when allyuh say "we doh like dis, we may not come back " allyuh will be heard.

Doh fuhget to buy yuh W Connection jersey and beat it everyday like yuh ronaldinho #10 ;D
Nice read dey  :beermug:

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Whim is in a WIN WIN situation.

If we qualify he comes out as a hero.

If we lorse....it is expected because we sent a College Based team with 10 men making they debut, the side never play a competitive match together, and dey still need time to gel, and they ent have no leader.

Now I just going with no expectation and I giving this team the benefit of the doubt and I will wait till Fri afternoon before I condemn them or praise them.

In fact I so want them to prove me wrong and erase all the negative feelings that I had since I see what going on.

Also there is one big factor and KND say it in a kinda way.

We could be shitty.....but once the opponent shittier than us, we go advance in this competition.

I feel the opposition is pure lala and we shouldnt have too much to worry about.

A for apple, B for Bat, C for yuhself!

Offline palos

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I feel the opposition is pure lala and we shouldnt have too much to worry about.

We colleckin at least 2 from Bim.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards


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I feel the opposition is pure lala and we shouldnt have too much to worry about.

We colleckin at least 2 from Bim.

Like how yuh did predict St Vincent and St kitts was beating we?

De only two we collecking from dem bullers is two plate ah coo-coo!

Offline davidephraim

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I believe that one thing Touches say is for certain and that is TTFF went local after that strike and make or break, if they play hardball, this could very well be the Team that goes to WC 2010. Variables are TTFF soften their position and or Player soften their position. If all remains as is for de duration, we goose cook. Now that unfair to say im sure becuse de man dem aint kick a ball yet however I can't see Carlos Edwards and Birchall not being able to make de midfield position.  The ironic thing is that this is exactly wha we need because for too long TnT ball have been held hostage by it's star players. Dwight, Russell, Shaka, Stern, Marvin Andrews. As in if these fellas aint come out, player morale down de gutter.Mexico have to have the best idea about de thing and really field their players from home and close abroard. Borgetti have to wok to make dat Team when he come home. It seems back to front but it is sound. Players playing abroard are automatically better and automatically make de Team - Player playing abroard should be better lets see who position he could take. I goin wid de latter. This atmosphere really breeds competition if foreign players and TTFF get past money issue and keep it football so that foreign based is allowed to join but have to wok harder to get in because they are at disadvantage ( gelling, system, philosphy  etc..)
Warren N. Boucaud

Offline palos

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I feel the opposition is pure lala and we shouldnt have too much to worry about.

We colleckin at least 2 from Bim.

Like how yuh did predict St Vincent and St kitts was beating we?

De only two we collecking from dem bullers is two plate ah coo-coo!

Dat "performance" against SVG was probably the absolute worst our team has ever played.

That we were fortunate to win that game was a great understatement. Even the players said so.

So sit dey on yuh throne and continue wit de ole talk.  De luck go run out and den everybody go be weepin and wailin and gnashin dey teet talkin bout look wha we football come to.

Classic eyes wide shut ting.

SKN done beat we U 20's.  Domincan flikkin Republic done draw wit dem....at flikkin home!

It all comin home to roost jes now.

As de ole sayin goes.....yuh fail to prepare....prepare to fail.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

Offline Deeks

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Good Morning Good People,
                                         This is nothing new. Many moons ago  there was an attempt to start a pro-league with Pro-Pioneer and teams from the rest of the Caribbean. It was ok. But when Jack saw that it was becoming popular threat to him,  he read them the riot act. This game was being played at then Lever Brothers ground. Propioneer was to play a team from Haiti(I think). The grounds was full. Jack read a statement that if any one played they will be ban for life. They  had to cancell the game and reimburse fans their money. So money backers cry. I don't think  that will work this time. IF them guys have balls and stand up to them, they will prevail. If they belly made of mush, then.........


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I feel the opposition is pure lala and we shouldnt have too much to worry about.

We colleckin at least 2 from Bim.

Like how yuh did predict St Vincent and St kitts was beating we?

De only two we collecking from dem bullers is two plate ah coo-coo!

Dat "performance" against SVG was probably the absolute worst our team has ever played.

That we were fortunate to win that game was a great understatement. Even the players said so.

So sit dey on yuh throne and continue wit de ole talk.  De luck go run out and den everybody go be weepin and wailin and gnashin dey teet talkin bout look wha we football come to.

Classic eyes wide shut ting.

SKN done beat we U 20's.  Domincan flikkin Republic done draw wit dem....at flikkin home!

It all comin home to roost jes now.

As de ole sayin goes.....yuh fail to prepare....prepare to fail.

coulda shoulda woulda, ah was tellinh yuh from meh same throne dat we going Germany DESPITE de TTFF too...or yuh forget dat?

If barbados beat T&T I going Bimshire and wear ah tight pants and wine in front ah Bomblast!