cyar trap, cyar pass, cyar concentrate fuh 90 minutes!
How can we expect to win any games if we only string threee passes together and then give the opponents de ball without being under any pressure?
We GIFT the ball to the opposing team WITHOUT even being pressured people!!!
Coaching tactics aside,,,de team not trapping de ball fuh properly, we not making any common sense passes, in short is real shit!
Stern john only falling down, then he throwing away open goals and I this coming from me who support him when nuff man call fuh he ehad..ah see it with meh own eyes! He playing compound ta-ta!
When he tackles is only foul he fouling.
And ah see he with ah big piece ah cake de Saturday before de game in de hotel in Miami!
Ah feeling fuh Glen and Jones, because it makes no sense fuh man to say de coach trying man in position looking fuh who best fir.
When Bertille was doing dat...he get wood from all and sundry.
It pass dat stage.
Samuel play real best play he make in dat columbia game was a shield ball when dem was attacking we.
Birchall eh all dat, but at least he doing some ah de fundamentals properly. Making de simple passes etc. He cyar tackle ah shit though.
Spann is definitely a good player fuh we...he needs to stay on his feet and stop de wild slide tackles though.
I must admit dat I was one ah de main men calling Lawerence ah shit honud, BUT de man was we best player in de entire GOLD CUP!
And then there is JAck, de man real save we, and looks like he is going from strength to strength.
Dog is dog....he doh stop fighting. But he does get some burn at times, still cant fault his ethic and fighting spirit.
Theobald cyar handle de left side, but remains a decent player. At least he fights throughout and when he is on the field, bad passes aside, he closes the lanes and n\hustles the opposition....!