now it not that ah want to bring bad vibes or bad talk nobody

eh...but ah juss cyah keep meh lil mouth shut no more...when ah quarrellin in d stadium yuh does cyah hear much

cause ah doh have ah big mouth so i hadda come here and post it...
allyuh ever notice after ah game in trini man does come an say how dey see dis one and dey see dat one but dey never say how dey gone over and say hello to d group...
what kinda ting is that...

but wha get meh real vex

over d digicel cup is d 'forumites' who does sit down in d stadium and watch people in d eye bold bold while man and oman struggling to roll out flag and put up banner an ting...
u know is d same forumites who does show up and want to take picture and ting when is fame time...
far as i concerned it have
2 kinda waggonists...d one we does all quarrel bout..
the ones on d site who does wha open dey mouth when dey here...but does cyah 'open' it when it matter...ah must put ah disclaimer an say ah know it does have people who juss cyah help it...ah ackowledege that...