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Offline AB.Trini

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UNC Thread
« on: July 23, 2005, 09:12:30 AM »
Why UNC objects to CEPEP?

Could someone tell me why  a soical program like CEPEP, design to assist and help the unemplyed in TNT acquire  work and  contribute positively to society is  under attack by the UNC?

« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 03:59:43 PM by Flex »

Offline Feliziano

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Re: Why UNC objects to CEPEP?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2005, 10:04:11 AM »
its just another version of a '10 days' or whatever you want to call it.
Look who running the companies that are involved..all PNM cronies.
Look who they employing..all PNM badge holders.
90% pf the people who working for Cepep ent interested in having a proper future..all they care bout is collecting a check every fortnight and then spending it on stupidness.
its the same happy go lucky nonsense still going in the country...no wonder we can't progress as a people.

when the UNC was in power at least they tried to get people away from the saem kinda dependency the PNM was doing for 30 years by creating trade schools and actually making people work towards goals rather than the next box of KFC or sneakers.

Its simple maths...dependency = votes.. regardless of the performance of the political party..so i would say the PNM have it made for the next 2 elections..just because people like freeness and just dont like to work hard for anything.

so i would say its up to you and how you view the world and then put things into perspective and see if its right or wrong, good or bad or necessary or unnecessary...As you can figure out i feel CEPEP is a waste...i hope its isn't 'temporary' as the crime wave either lol.

Anyway i don't support either political party..but what i learned is that the role of the opposition party is to oppose and make the government look bad, regardless of whether or not the country is going backward or forward. We actually made more progess during the UNC that all the PNM years combined..so what if there was corruption during the UNC..at least they spend some on the country and improve some things...Now is like back to the 70's & 80's when we had we oil boom and everybody just filling their pockets.
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Re: Why UNC objects to CEPEP?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2005, 10:41:01 AM »
its just another version of a '10 days' or whatever you want to call it.
Look who running the companies that are involved..all PNM cronies.
Look who they employing..all PNM badge holders.
90% pf the people who working for Cepep ent interested in having a proper future..all they care bout is collecting a check every fortnight and then spending it on stupidness.
its the same happy go lucky nonsense still going in the country...no wonder we can't progress as a people.

when the UNC was in power at least they tried to get people away from the saem kinda dependency the PNM was doing for 30 years by creating trade schools and actually making people work towards goals rather than the next box of KFC or sneakers.

Its simple maths...dependency = votes.. regardless of the performance of the political party..so i would say the PNM have it made for the next 2 elections..just because people like freeness and just dont like to work hard for anything.

so i would say its up to you and how you view the world and then put things into perspective and see if its right or wrong, good or bad or necessary or unnecessary...As you can figure out i feel CEPEP is a waste...i hope its isn't 'temporary' as the crime wave either lol.

Anyway i don't support either political party..but what i learned is that the role of the opposition party is to oppose and make the government look bad, regardless of whether or not the country is going backward or forward. We actually made more progess during the UNC that all the PNM years combined..so what if there was corruption during the UNC..at least they spend some on the country and improve some things...Now is like back to the 70's & 80's when we had we oil boom and everybody just filling their pockets.


That almost sounding like a UNC campaign speech. The little I know about Cepep indicate that it was conceived with good intentions. As with all programs administered by TT gov'ts, proper oversight could alleviate the missteps that occured.
From your understanding, what were the goals of the program, and what would be your approach to achieve a similar objective?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2005, 10:42:38 AM by doc »
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Re: Why UNC objects to CEPEP?
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2005, 11:21:34 AM »
UNC will oppose everything because they are the "opposition".  If PNM was in opposition, they would oppose as well.

CEPEP being run by PNM cronies.  It was the same with UNC, NAR, etc.  That is how politics is in TnT.  The party in power always have their people involved in everything.

People are always quick to criticise but never offer an alternative solution.

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Re: Why UNC objects to CEPEP?
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2005, 12:00:27 PM »


That almost sounding like a UNC campaign speech.

sorry but i didn't mean to come out sounding like i supoort the UNC or saying whatver they do and did was right either.
I just want to see the people and the country as a whole prosper.
so yuh think i could give Manning a run?

From your understanding, what were the goals of the program, and what would be your approach to achieve a similar objective?

ill get back to you on that part of the subject sometime later on today...but as Real Madness say "That is how politics is in TnT.  The party in power always have their people involved in everything."..and they create and do things to get 'their' people involved in sharing the wealth.
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Offline TriniCana

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UNC Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2007, 10:58:18 PM »
UNC: Bring back hangings
Trinidad Express
Wednesday 10th January 2007

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says killers should be hanged.

"I believe that we need to seriously examine the actual implementation of the death penalty.

"Yes, I am speaking about bringing back hanging. We live in drastic times now and drastic measures are necessary," she said at the United National Congress's Monday night People's Forum at Gasparillo.

Persad-Bissessar said it was past the stage of counselling hardened, cold-blooded killers and supporting them with taxpayers' money, as the People's National Movement government has done.

"We need to focus more on victims' rights and victims' needs," she said.

She said crime had reached such a state that criminals had made extortion a new business.

"Businessmen are being forced to pay these criminals bribes to keep them from murdering, or raping, or kidnapping their relatives,"she said, adding that it would take only drastic measures to deal with them.

"We are a nation under siege. While the criminals roam free in search of their prey, we huddle, petrified, behind burglar-proofed windows in self-imposed imprisonment," she said.

She said when the UNC was in government, it dealt aggressively with crime and that the party's current plans to solve crime included bringing in external experts.

This, she said, was the reason for bringing in former New York police commissioner Bernard Kerik.

Do you support hanging as a means of solving crime? Tell us what you think. E-mail us at express@trinidadexpress.com.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 03:52:55 PM by Flex »

Offline TriniCana

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2007, 11:04:28 PM »
You all remember this discussion from last year ? I believe it was around the time the 7 year old was gruesomely murdered in the cane fields by the teenagers - his name can't come to mind, and 3 weeks after that murder, a man was caught red handed by police as he was about to sexually assault a child by the flyover in Chaguanas I believe...only to be told by the child that this was constantly happening.

Let me hear what you all think about Kams suggestion

Let me put in my one liner from last year one time: "Let dem swing'

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2007, 11:24:03 PM »
My oppinion

Giver of life. Is life Take life.

Having children my human nature would love revenge. Being a believer  :angel: I must forgive and leave it in GODS hands. If HE (GOD) tell de judge to kill de man den I good with it. :devil:
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2007, 02:50:15 AM »
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"

Offline Queen Macoomeh

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2007, 07:19:45 AM »
dang dang dang...I remember little Sean... :'( Sent around a letter of sympathy for signatures to send to his mom. It cut me deep, my boy isn't that much older.

Revenge and vengeance would be in my heart and I would want to make them pay for my lightless pain but the murderers were childen also - even if they were possessed. Says so much about our society when we have people like that in it.

Dunno...the system of justice is such that an innocent person may get framed but I can see how a hanging might prevent the next would-be criminal from taking a life.

Saddam was a murderer and he was hanged but nothing seems to have been solved. The war rages on and more troops are being sent.

T&T is tiny and the impact of a hanging might be greater but might it cause backlashes from the murderers to take lives more in order to make the government stop hanging or to go down in a blaze of gory?

Humanity can be so awful...we making music and art on one side and disembowelling a child on the other...

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2007, 07:51:41 AM »
Wikipedia have everything  :o

then I went over to Amnesty International site
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Offline Cantona007

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2007, 07:59:49 AM »

Capital punishment has never and will never solve anything. Don't equate justice with revenge.
This an old and emotive argument, and with emotions there are no winners. Some people believe in Capital Punishment, some don't. One side can't convince the other.
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Offline cocoapanyol

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2007, 08:02:35 AM »
You all remember this discussion from last year ? I believe it was around the time the 7 year old was gruesomely murdered in the cane fields by the teenagers - his name can't come to mind, and 3 weeks after that murder, a man was caught red handed by police as he was about to sexually assault a child by the flyover in Chaguanas I believe...only to be told by the child that this was constantly happening.

Let me hear what you all think about Kams suggestion

Let me put in my one liner from last year one time: "Let dem swing'

I don't believe in capital punishment.  Like another poster said Saddam hang and what has it solved.  While I cannot claim to have the answers to solving the crime situation, I don't think hanging is the answer.  Maybe the government could invest some money is SOLVING crimes.  How many criminals you hear being captured in TT.  Kidnapping is de new form of employment in de country but I cyar remember when las I hear anybody get ketch.  And so it continues.
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2007, 08:05:58 AM »
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says killers should be hanged.

"I believe that we need to seriously examine the actual implementation of the death penalty.

"Yes, I am speaking about bringing back hanging. We live in drastic times now and drastic measures are necessary," she said at the United National Congress's Monday night People's Forum at Gasparillo.
Instead of focusing on hanging people, dey should be focusing on crime prevention and detection. Focus on de implementation of laws and de solving of crimes. Focus on overhauling de Police Service, focus on training de police, focus on providing proper law enforcement resources. How yuh go study hanging people when yuh cyar even ketch and convict dem?
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Offline WestCoast

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2007, 08:09:33 AM »
How yuh go study hanging people when yuh cyar even ketch and convict dem?
Tallman, I could post dis over in de Famous Quotes thread?
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads.
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2007, 08:14:24 AM »
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says killers should be hanged.

"I believe that we need to seriously examine the actual implementation of the death penalty.

"Yes, I am speaking about bringing back hanging. We live in drastic times now and drastic measures are necessary," she said at the United National Congress's Monday night People's Forum at Gasparillo.
Instead of focusing on hanging people, dey should be focusing on crime prevention and detection. Focus on de implementation of laws and de solving of crimes. Focus on overhauling de Police Service, focus on training de police, focus on providing proper law enforcement resources. How yuh go study hanging people when yuh cyar even ketch and convict dem?

Don't you think that hanging would prove to be the best prevention for up and coming criminals. If you don't have a consequence in place what reason would there be to stop. Jail in Trinidad is a joke and we have no plans to accomodate an already overtaxed system

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2007, 08:21:15 AM »
Five years ago I would have said I do not support Captial punishment.
Today, I can't say it with a honest face.
Not after seeing and hearing about all these criminal acts - the murderers getting younger and the victims are children and senior citizens - both can't defend themselves.

I letting allyuh know one time, I have a real soft spot for children - WestCoast I breathing slowly  ;)

Niceness is dat you ManFriday ? I understand where you coming from with being a believer and revenge is not ours, but I can't see my child killer in court, smiling and having discussions with his lawyer on strageries on how to presuede the jury with lies and untruths when my child six feet under.

I don't think I'll have that emotional l strength even after ah pray to dey alimighty, maybe ah not as spiritually inclined like allyuh, but I need closure and it won't come with him behind bars.

Sean Luke (thanks coco) somebody baby eh only 6 and 2 teenagers or male adults as I sometimes call them, took a cane stock and allyuh know the rest. Forget chemically imbalance dis dat and dey other, that was pure WICKEDNESS.
Set ah example.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 08:22:57 AM by Sista Mary Gertrude »

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2007, 08:21:25 AM »
[quote  How yuh go study hanging people when yuh cyar even ketch and convict dem?

Ain't that the truth!!!
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2007, 08:22:07 AM »
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says killers should be hanged.

"I believe that we need to seriously examine the actual implementation of the death penalty.

"Yes, I am speaking about bringing back hanging. We live in drastic times now and drastic measures are necessary," she said at the United National Congress's Monday night People's Forum at Gasparillo.
Instead of focusing on hanging people, dey should be focusing on crime prevention and detection. Focus on de implementation of laws and de solving of crimes. Focus on overhauling de Police Service, focus on training de police, focus on providing proper law enforcement resources. How yuh go study hanging people when yuh cyar even ketch and convict dem?

Don't you think that hanging would prove to be the best prevention for up and coming criminals. If you don't have a consequence in place what reason would there be to stop. Jail in Trinidad is a joke and we have no plans to accomodate an already overtaxed system
The short answer to your question is no. Capital punishment has never been proven to be a deterrent to violent crime/murder. Again, Capital punishment is about revenge, emotions etc. not about justice or problem solving. Focus on the cause of crime, and you will have a just society.
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2007, 08:22:41 AM »
[quote .
Sean Luke (thanks coco)


Is not me who provide de name.  Ah tink was Queen...
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2007, 08:23:48 AM »
opps thanks Queen

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2007, 08:26:08 AM »
Don't you think that hanging would prove to be the best prevention for up and coming criminals. If you don't have a consequence in place what reason would there be to stop. Jail in Trinidad is a joke and we have no plans to accomodate an already overtaxed system

What good is prevention plan like that if you can't even catch the criminal.  Dem criminals know dat nobody eh really coming after dem, so de moving easy.  If dey know dat dey woulda get ketch AND the punishment was long-term hard labour jail, den I could see dat being a deterrant.  But nobody eh getting ketch.  So wha de hell it matter what so-call deterrant dey put in de other so-called justice system.
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2007, 08:58:59 AM »
You idiots is people like aalluh is make criminals lite  up and laugh oui ,well actually I agree with u even doh the ole testament say kill them.And even doh ,most ppl keep there anger in check for fear of the law , we should not hang them, the law shpould organize to kill them on the same day,save the court money.

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2007, 09:02:28 AM »
we can't agree on this issue or have moral obstacles and Mr/Miss Murderer go about their business. They depend on our confusion and indecision in order to keep feeding on us.

Those countries with the death penalty. Has it solved it?
Those without?

There are other factors...economy is on the top. T&T's income has outstripped its ability to handle it. Millionaires are being made among the already rich while the already poor gaze longingly from the galvanized roofed hut.

Compre why the name calling?

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2007, 09:14:18 AM »
You idiots is people like aalluh is make criminals lite  up and laugh oui ,well actually I agree with u even doh the ole testament say kill them.And even doh ,most ppl keep there anger in check for fear of the law , we should not hang them, the law shpould organize to kill them on the same day,save the court money.

This is why I doh like tuh share meh opinions anymore on dis board.  Yuh cyar make yuh point widout calling people name?  When yuh call we idiots, dat go make you right and we wrong?
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2007, 09:20:33 AM »
You idiots is people like aalluh is make criminals lite  up and laugh oui ,well actually I agree with u even doh the ole testament say kill them.And even doh ,most ppl keep there anger in check for fear of the law , we should not hang them, the law shpould organize to kill them on the same day,save the court money.

This is why I doh like tuh share meh opinions anymore on dis board.  Yuh cyar make yuh point widout calling people name?  When yuh call we idiots, dat go make you right and we wrong?

Doh worry coco, compre cool he jus hot over de topic.  To me I am at ends with everything, I want to say hang dem but the morals behind dat go cause more problems.  I want to say leave it up to de legal system but den what legal system we talking bout because trini doh have anything dat go make a killer stop doing what he doing.  Eventually as I have alwasy stated, it go have one man dat have the money and will power to begin and end everything in terms of crime in trini.  It is jus ah matter of time and situation dat go give birth to dis hater. :beermug:
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2007, 09:27:47 AM »
I doh understand this bring back hanging talk. Hanging is a part of the law of the land, you commit murder which is a capital offence then you should be hanged. It's not a matter of a deterrent or not. Is the law!!!
As far as i see the gov't breaking the law by not carrying out its obligation of hanging
I say time to clear out death row ... hang dem on de promenade. Wednesdays at 9am...Fridays at 12 noon

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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2007, 09:34:37 AM »
Quote: "Doh worry coco, compre cool he jus hot over de topic"

not to get away from the topic at hand but these are adults no? You can be as hot as you like on a topic and still respect your audience no? You could even cuss and carry on, no new cuss words have been invented for a while, but why name call?


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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2007, 09:45:54 AM »
Quote: "Doh worry coco, compre cool he jus hot over de topic"

not to get away from the topic at hand but these are adults no? You can be as hot as you like on a topic and still respect your audience no? You could even cuss and carry on, no new cuss words have been invented for a while, but why name call?


I know what you mean but I was jus trying to cool things down.  Jus wanted coco to keep posting dis all
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Re: UNC: Bring back hangings
« Reply #29 on: January 10, 2007, 09:48:00 AM »
peacemaker eh? lol. then talk to the offender not the offended.

That would be like chastizing the victim for walking home at night rather than hanging the murderer for attacking.  ;D


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