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Author Topic: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?  (Read 7111 times)

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Offline Queen Macoomeh

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2007, 08:57:12 AM »
dragon, tell a child the truth...especially about who they are. Partially for the reasons I gave above but especially because it is fair.
Yes it may hurt, yes it may cause friction but they need to know their family, their roots, their heritage. Robbing them of that can't be right, in my humble opinion.

As an adult they can decide their paths and understand themselves if they are armed with the truth. They will know why certain things make them angry or happy, why they like a certain colour or food, why their eyes are that shape or colour, even a simple birthmark. It might explain why they like sports whereas you who raised them like something else. These are side issues but important to self awareness.
When they know who they are they can understand illnesses, treatments, allergies.

Also, if you lie to them, you run the risk of earning their resentment, even hatred, if the truth comes out later in a manner that hurts them even more.

Better yet...why don't we bear the children that belong to our spouse...sounds simpler. I couldn't insult my husband that way, I respect him too much but I know there are some women who would laugh at me for that.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 08:59:47 AM by Queen Macoomeh »

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2007, 09:06:16 AM »
I guess Queen, but in de end I jus saying dat de chile even if yu tell dem dat you isn't de fadda and de man dat help bring yu into de world doh have de balls to take care of yu is more hurtful dan me jus taking care of you....But I see what yu saying, tell de chile and see where dat lead yu.  More problems I think will come out of it in de end
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Offline Queen Macoomeh

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2007, 09:19:39 AM »
Well compere we go agree to disagree...

I'm not saying to tell the 4 year old "ah not yuh fadda!" I'm talking about a proper discussion - something that I find too many Caribbean parents FAIL at dismally.
Talk with your child and YES he or she is YOUR child no matter whose blood is in their veins. Personally I feel if I am there to bathe, feed comfort them, take them to their school and dances and soccer practice, hold them when they are frightened or hurt you bet your sweet behind that I AM that child's parent. I'm not even talking about money spent I'm talking about my time, attention and love.

When the child is old enough, sit them down and tell them what is what. Even if they are angry at the time, they are still old enough to know that what ever nonsense the adults in their life did, at least they have those 12 or 15 years of knowing you were there for them.

I know of one situation where, in a fight in the home, the mother screamed "you just like you so-and-so father!!" And that is how it all came out. Now that child is a grown woman and will not speak to her can't do children these things man. That is pain...too much pain.

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2007, 09:23:28 AM »
Point taken  :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:
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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2007, 01:18:17 PM »
dragon, tell a child the truth...especially about who they are. Partially for the reasons I gave above but especially because it is fair.
Yes it may hurt, yes it may cause friction but they need to know their family, their roots, their heritage. Robbing them of that can't be right, in my humble opinion.

As an adult they can decide their paths and understand themselves if they are armed with the truth. They will know why certain things make them angry or happy, why they like a certain colour or food, why their eyes are that shape or colour, even a simple birthmark. It might explain why they like sports whereas you who raised them like something else. These are side issues but important to self awareness.
When they know who they are they can understand illnesses, treatments, allergies.

Also, if you lie to them, you run the risk of earning their resentment, even hatred, if the truth comes out later in a manner that hurts them even more.

Better yet...why don't we bear the children that belong to our spouse...sounds simpler. I couldn't insult my husband that way, I respect him too much but I know there are some women who would laugh at me for that.

i hear what yuh saying but suppose it is ah case where de mother put down ah horn via ah one night yuh go tell de child he/she come about one bull and yuh never talk to de father after...or as a mother yuh lie because of shame or guilt..etc...yuh so as dragon said more harm might come out of telling the opinion is it should be a case by case basis.

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2007, 01:44:28 PM »
Sumthing so, I agree yes to tell de chile but is ah matter ah how it come.   :beermug:
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy

Offline Dutty

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2007, 03:24:33 PM »
I frequent an automotive board where all kinda ting does get discussed as well
I had to cut and paste this fellah was appropriate for this thread

I'll try to sum up a funny story that happened a few years ago:

I got a vasectomy.

I met a girl soon afterwards. She was nice and attractive but with a selfish streak that raised a big red flag. She was 32 at the time and I could practically HEAR her biological clock ticking. Regardless, she was a good lay, easy on the eyes, and reasonably good company.

I did NOT tell her about my vasectomy and I always used a condom with her to protect against STDs. She assumed, obviously, that the condom was only used for birth control. Silly girl.

We date for a few months. I never made any move towards commitment but she brought it up ocassionally. For me, this was a casual but pleasant relationship. For her - as I was to find out - it was part of life-changing series of events that she was planning very carefully.

Four months into dating, I get the "I'm pregnant" talk. She's going on and on about how the condom must have broke and now we really need to think about getting married "for the baby". She's positively giddy. She has a baby in her and she thinks she's gonna have a good meal ticket (me) to go along with her new 7lb annuity.

At this point, I'm just as giddy. I get to pull the reverse "oops" on her. I figured that she slept with some bad boy and got knocked up. Good thing I was using condoms! Better still that I have a serious mistrust of women who can't think beyond their own uteri.

So I wait a couple of days to "think about all this." I meet her again. I say I don't want kids and that she should have an abortion. I know where this is going and sure enough it goes there. She goes completely batshit insane on me. There were the usual insults about my manhood. There were threats of legal action. It was all very ugly and I was loving every minute of it.

Well, I let her stew for a few days. She leaves me nasty messages on my phone. She sends awful emails. I'm laughing hysterically.

It was time to drop the hammer. While she was stewing I was busy. First I get a notarized copy from the urologist who performed the vasectomy. Next I get a notarized copy of the TWO test results indicating a "negative test result for sperm" to show I'm sterile and shooting blanks. Finally, I get a letter from a shark attorney stating he has seen the other documents and is prepared to litigate against this woman if she continues to communicate with me in such an unpleasant manner. Also, the letter states that we will insist on DNA testing to show that the baby is not mine. I'm ready.

I meet with this woman at her place. I bring flowers and a small bit of jewelry to show I am willing to reconcile and assume my responsibilities as a new father. I also have stuck in my pocket the documents I have prepared.

She's all giddy again. Her plan is going perfectly - or so she thinks. We talk about our future. We have some pretty good sex. Then, as I am about to walk out the door, I ask her the $64,000 question. "Are you sure that this baby is mine?"

Well, she goes batshit insane again. Hell, she ought to. Her plan could completely unravel if there is ANY question about my paternity. Oh, she's really screaming now. How dare I question her morals. Do I think she's a slut. I'm just trying to weasel out of my responsibilities... blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda.

I'm not really mad. I'm kind of embarrassed for her. But since she won't shut up and the neighbors can hear all of this, I ask her to step back inside and sit down. She sits on the sofa and calms down a bit. She is glaring at me with all the moral self-righteousness that only a woman can muster up. She thinks she has me trapped. She is 100% convinced her plan has worked. Oh, the tangled web of lies and deceit she has wrought around herself and I am about to hack through them with a few pieces of paper.

I reach into my pocket slowly. I extract the three pieces of paper and unfold them slowly and deliberately.

I tell her simply, "You're screwed".

Her look doesn't change. There is no way she can fathom what I have prepared.

I continue. "I am sterile"

Her look changes just a bit. Something is beginning to sink in. Naturally, she reverts to women's logic. "You're full of [Oops!]. You're trapped and you know it."

I hold up the letter and the test results. "Three months before we met, I had a vasectomy. Here is a notarized letter from him stating what I had done. Here are two test results showing that I tested negative for the presence of sperm. Blanks. I am shooting blanks. That baby inside you is simply not mine."

This woman is not to be swayed by logic and clear documentation. "[Oops!], those are fakes."

I was ready for that. "No, they are real. This last piece of paper is from my attorney. It's a simple letter to you that states if you pursue any kind of legal action against me for child support that I will insist on a DNA test to prove paternity, that is, to prove that your baby is not mine."

I give the woman all the documents. She reads them slowly, deliberately. With each passing second she can feel in her soul that she has made a very bad mistake. With denial swept away, she started to cry. It's a small cry at first. Then it becomes deeper and more painful. By the time she gets to the letter from the lawyer she is sobbing.

I had no sympathy for her. I turned and walked out the door. Even after I closed the door I could still hear her sobbing.

Epilogue -

I never heard directly from this woman again. I did hear through my friends that she did indeed have the baby. I also heard that the real father was some guy in a band she had met. I assumed that after 30, women stopped going after musicians, bikers, criminals, and thugs. Silly me for thinking the best of American women.

The Moral of the Story -

Get a vasectomy but keep it a secret.
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2007, 03:43:05 PM »
I frequent an automotive board where all kinda ting does get discussed as well
I had to cut and paste this fellah was appropriate for this thread

I'll try to sum up a funny story that happened a few years ago:

I got a vasectomy.

I met a girl soon afterwards. She was nice and attractive but with a selfish streak that raised a big red flag. She was 32 at the time and I could practically HEAR her biological clock ticking. Regardless, she was a good lay, easy on the eyes, and reasonably good company.

I did NOT tell her about my vasectomy and I always used a condom with her to protect against STDs. She assumed, obviously, that the condom was only used for birth control. Silly girl.

We date for a few months. I never made any move towards commitment but she brought it up ocassionally. For me, this was a casual but pleasant relationship. For her - as I was to find out - it was part of life-changing series of events that she was planning very carefully.

Four months into dating, I get the "I'm pregnant" talk. She's going on and on about how the condom must have broke and now we really need to think about getting married "for the baby". She's positively giddy. She has a baby in her and she thinks she's gonna have a good meal ticket (me) to go along with her new 7lb annuity.

At this point, I'm just as giddy. I get to pull the reverse "oops" on her. I figured that she slept with some bad boy and got knocked up. Good thing I was using condoms! Better still that I have a serious mistrust of women who can't think beyond their own uteri.

So I wait a couple of days to "think about all this." I meet her again. I say I don't want kids and that she should have an abortion. I know where this is going and sure enough it goes there. She goes completely batshit insane on me. There were the usual insults about my manhood. There were threats of legal action. It was all very ugly and I was loving every minute of it.

Well, I let her stew for a few days. She leaves me nasty messages on my phone. She sends awful emails. I'm laughing hysterically.

It was time to drop the hammer. While she was stewing I was busy. First I get a notarized copy from the urologist who performed the vasectomy. Next I get a notarized copy of the TWO test results indicating a "negative test result for sperm" to show I'm sterile and shooting blanks. Finally, I get a letter from a shark attorney stating he has seen the other documents and is prepared to litigate against this woman if she continues to communicate with me in such an unpleasant manner. Also, the letter states that we will insist on DNA testing to show that the baby is not mine. I'm ready.

I meet with this woman at her place. I bring flowers and a small bit of jewelry to show I am willing to reconcile and assume my responsibilities as a new father. I also have stuck in my pocket the documents I have prepared.

She's all giddy again. Her plan is going perfectly - or so she thinks. We talk about our future. We have some pretty good sex. Then, as I am about to walk out the door, I ask her the $64,000 question. "Are you sure that this baby is mine?"

Well, she goes batshit insane again. Hell, she ought to. Her plan could completely unravel if there is ANY question about my paternity. Oh, she's really screaming now. How dare I question her morals. Do I think she's a slut. I'm just trying to weasel out of my responsibilities... blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda.

I'm not really mad. I'm kind of embarrassed for her. But since she won't shut up and the neighbors can hear all of this, I ask her to step back inside and sit down. She sits on the sofa and calms down a bit. She is glaring at me with all the moral self-righteousness that only a woman can muster up. She thinks she has me trapped. She is 100% convinced her plan has worked. Oh, the tangled web of lies and deceit she has wrought around herself and I am about to hack through them with a few pieces of paper.

I reach into my pocket slowly. I extract the three pieces of paper and unfold them slowly and deliberately.

I tell her simply, "You're screwed".

Her look doesn't change. There is no way she can fathom what I have prepared.

I continue. "I am sterile"

Her look changes just a bit. Something is beginning to sink in. Naturally, she reverts to women's logic. "You're full of [Oops!]. You're trapped and you know it."

I hold up the letter and the test results. "Three months before we met, I had a vasectomy. Here is a notarized letter from him stating what I had done. Here are two test results showing that I tested negative for the presence of sperm. Blanks. I am shooting blanks. That baby inside you is simply not mine."

This woman is not to be swayed by logic and clear documentation. "[Oops!], those are fakes."

I was ready for that. "No, they are real. This last piece of paper is from my attorney. It's a simple letter to you that states if you pursue any kind of legal action against me for child support that I will insist on a DNA test to prove paternity, that is, to prove that your baby is not mine."

I give the woman all the documents. She reads them slowly, deliberately. With each passing second she can feel in her soul that she has made a very bad mistake. With denial swept away, she started to cry. It's a small cry at first. Then it becomes deeper and more painful. By the time she gets to the letter from the lawyer she is sobbing.

I had no sympathy for her. I turned and walked out the door. Even after I closed the door I could still hear her sobbing.

Epilogue -

I never heard directly from this woman again. I did hear through my friends that she did indeed have the baby. I also heard that the real father was some guy in a band she had met. I assumed that after 30, women stopped going after musicians, bikers, criminals, and thugs. Silly me for thinking the best of American women.

The Moral of the Story -

Get a vasectomy but keep it a secret.

so Dutty........when did you have all this done?  :o  ;D  :devil:  :rotfl:

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2007, 04:20:22 PM »
I frequent an automotive board where all kinda ting does get discussed as well
I had to cut and paste this fellah was appropriate for this thread

I'll try to sum up a funny story that happened a few years ago:

I got a vasectomy.

I met a girl soon afterwards. She was nice and attractive but with a selfish streak that raised a big red flag. She was 32 at the time and I could practically HEAR her biological clock ticking. Regardless, she was a good lay, easy on the eyes, and reasonably good company.

I did NOT tell her about my vasectomy and I always used a condom with her to protect against STDs. She assumed, obviously, that the condom was only used for birth control. Silly girl.

We date for a few months. I never made any move towards commitment but she brought it up ocassionally. For me, this was a casual but pleasant relationship. For her - as I was to find out - it was part of life-changing series of events that she was planning very carefully.

Four months into dating, I get the "I'm pregnant" talk. She's going on and on about how the condom must have broke and now we really need to think about getting married "for the baby". She's positively giddy. She has a baby in her and she thinks she's gonna have a good meal ticket (me) to go along with her new 7lb annuity.

At this point, I'm just as giddy. I get to pull the reverse "oops" on her. I figured that she slept with some bad boy and got knocked up. Good thing I was using condoms! Better still that I have a serious mistrust of women who can't think beyond their own uteri.

So I wait a couple of days to "think about all this." I meet her again. I say I don't want kids and that she should have an abortion. I know where this is going and sure enough it goes there. She goes completely batshit insane on me. There were the usual insults about my manhood. There were threats of legal action. It was all very ugly and I was loving every minute of it.

Well, I let her stew for a few days. She leaves me nasty messages on my phone. She sends awful emails. I'm laughing hysterically.

It was time to drop the hammer. While she was stewing I was busy. First I get a notarized copy from the urologist who performed the vasectomy. Next I get a notarized copy of the TWO test results indicating a "negative test result for sperm" to show I'm sterile and shooting blanks. Finally, I get a letter from a shark attorney stating he has seen the other documents and is prepared to litigate against this woman if she continues to communicate with me in such an unpleasant manner. Also, the letter states that we will insist on DNA testing to show that the baby is not mine. I'm ready.

I meet with this woman at her place. I bring flowers and a small bit of jewelry to show I am willing to reconcile and assume my responsibilities as a new father. I also have stuck in my pocket the documents I have prepared.

She's all giddy again. Her plan is going perfectly - or so she thinks. We talk about our future. We have some pretty good sex. Then, as I am about to walk out the door, I ask her the $64,000 question. "Are you sure that this baby is mine?"

Well, she goes batshit insane again. Hell, she ought to. Her plan could completely unravel if there is ANY question about my paternity. Oh, she's really screaming now. How dare I question her morals. Do I think she's a slut. I'm just trying to weasel out of my responsibilities... blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda.

I'm not really mad. I'm kind of embarrassed for her. But since she won't shut up and the neighbors can hear all of this, I ask her to step back inside and sit down. She sits on the sofa and calms down a bit.She is glaring at me with all the moral self-righteousness that only a woman can muster up. She thinks she has me trapped. She is 100% convinced her plan has worked. Oh, the tangled web of lies and deceit she has wrought around herself and I am about to hack through them with a few pieces of paper.

I reach into my pocket slowly. I extract the three pieces of paper and unfold them slowly and deliberately.

I tell her simply, "You're screwed".

Her look doesn't change. There is no way she can fathom what I have prepared.

I continue. "I am sterile"

Her look changes just a bit. Something is beginning to sink in. Naturally, she reverts to women's logic. "You're full of [Oops!]. You're trapped and you know it."

I hold up the letter and the test results. "Three months before we met, I had a vasectomy. Here is a notarized letter from him stating what I had done. Here are two test results showing that I tested negative for the presence of sperm. Blanks. I am shooting blanks. That baby inside you is simply not mine."

This woman is not to be swayed by logic and clear documentation. "[Oops!], those are fakes."

I was ready for that. "No, they are real. This last piece of paper is from my attorney. It's a simple letter to you that states if you pursue any kind of legal action against me for child support that I will insist on a DNA test to prove paternity, that is, to prove that your baby is not mine."

I give the woman all the documents. She reads them slowly, deliberately. With each passing second she can feel in her soul that she has made a very bad mistake. With denial swept away, she started to cry. It's a small cry at first. Then it becomes deeper and more painful. By the time she gets to the letter from the lawyer she is sobbing.

I had no sympathy for her. I turned and walked out the door. Even after I closed the door I could still hear her sobbing.

Epilogue -

I never heard directly from this woman again. I did hear through my friends that she did indeed have the baby. I also heard that the real father was some guy in a band she had met. I assumed that after 30, women stopped going after musicians, bikers, criminals, and thugsSilly me for thinking the best of American women.

The Moral of the Story -

Get a vasectomy but keep it a secret.

just couldnt help but high light that. that dude has plenty experince with women.

and the last thing i highlighted is just funny. after 30 is when shit hits the fan with in a good way :angel:
Perhaps the epitome of a Trinidadian is the child in the third row class with a dark skin and crinkly plaits who looks at you out of decidedly Chinese eyes and announces herself as Jacqueline Maharaj.- Merle Hodge

Offline Queen Macoomeh

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2007, 04:41:01 PM »
LOLOL..Dutty, I could write a better story than that. Not saying it doesn't happen eh? But real life is a LOT less neat than this.
The guy played a player, that makes him only slightly higher up the schmuck totem pole. The whole tory sounds like a load of horse pucky.


Real Madness:

I hear you and agree it is a case by case business. Nothing in human life should be cut and dried (no pun). But for me it is a question of when not if. There are two issues here as I see it.

One: Telling someone about your affair whether one night stand or not. That information can hurt your spouse and solve nothing. That kind of confession is to make you feel better, no one else.
Two: Telling a child who their father really is so that the child knows who he/she is. That confession is to make things clearer to the child and possibly save them truly deep hurt and pain.

It will be hard to convince me that you don't know what you doing for that one night stand or affair. Your body is the only thing you possess and it responds with your full knowledge unless we're talking drugs/rape/insanity. Not even alcohol robs you totally. You are an adult. You decide to drop your pants or lift your skirt. If you're big enough to do that, you're big enough to accept the fall out.

A child is not a toy or an accident or an inconvenience. He or she is another human being and deserves the best from you.
You would want to know all the pieces in your life's puzzle and if someone has such a crucial piece as to WHO you are, and refuses to give it to you, that, to me, is grossly unfair.

I would want to know. I will resent my mother if I found out otherwise. I would not ruin my relationship with my children by withholding that information. It's not easy, probably in most cases it is one of the hardest things you'd ever do but then, life is like that...the easy road isn't always the best road.

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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2007, 01:59:23 PM »
Every morning I does dip meh crix in me tea around 9 am..juss in time for Maury .. how effing dotish you have to be or pretend to be if your ghul ask you to come with she to maury? Ah mean.. you living in ah 4king cave mining guano not to know what she want to reveal to you?

the bess lines I hear so far..

- the chile have to be yours (baby about 1 yr old) cause he totie small juss like yours..
- dais is not my chile cause he face wrinkly (the friggin chile was only ah month old)

- (result) not only did the lie dect determine that she  slept with 10 different men, she also slept with your dad... the man responds with.. no matter what I is the baby daddy and that will not change. the dna have to be wrong.

truss meh is real does even see black hillbillies and hicks.. yep they exist.

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: dat child yuh mining? is it yours?
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2007, 08:27:24 PM »
Every morning I does dip meh crix in me tea around 9 am..juss in time for Maury .. how effing dotish you have to be or pretend to be if your ghul ask you to come with she to maury? Ah mean.. you living in ah 4king cave mining guano not to know what she want to reveal to you?

the bess lines I hear so far..

- the chile have to be yours (baby about 1 yr old) cause he totie small juss like yours..
- dais is not my chile cause he face wrinkly (the friggin chile was only ah month old)

- (result) not only did the lie dect determine that she  slept with 10 different men, she also slept with your dad... the man responds with.. no matter what I is the baby daddy and that will not change. the dna have to be wrong.

truss meh is real does even see black hillbillies and hicks.. yep they exist.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:   

i spend the last 15 minutes catching meh breath. great post.


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