Warner pulls T&T at U-17 draw.
By: Shaun Fuentes (TTFF).[/size]
FIFA Vice President Jack Warner issued a warning to the team's in T&T Under 17 Championship group as he pulled Trinidad and Tobago during the draw for the Finals on Thursday at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Seoul.
"Beware of Trinidad and Tobago!" Warner said.
The T&T delegation of head coach Anton Corneal and manager Christo Gouveia were in praise of Warner for pulling T&T as they looked ahead to the tournament with optimism. Warner took part in the draw as chairman of the organising committee for the tournament.
Following the draw and a sumptuous dinner, Warner invited Corneal and Gouveia to his suite where they planned strategies for the team for the next two months involving several camps and matches in South America and Europe. Warner has also arranged for Corneal and Gouveia to visit T&T's Korean venue on Friday as well as the team's hotel and has assured them that he will leave no stone unturned to ensure the team's comfort in Korea as well as their best performance on the field.
"We shall take nothing for granted as it relates to this team and its preparation for the Championship. This is the future of Trinidad and Tobago before us and while we would have made our mark in Germany last year, now this is our opportunity to remind the same Germans what we are capable of on the field of play. Our flag will once again be flown at the highest mark in Korea for the world to see and we shall leave no stone unturned in the build up to our appearance in Korea," Warner told TTFF Media.
Warner has also arranged a thank you celebration for the team and the members of their families as well as friends of the local football fraternity for 10am this Sunday at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. He has also advised the host country, Korea, that T&T will be interested in having a charter flight for T&T, especially its young people, to attend the tournament and plans are now afoot to make this a reality. There are no visa restrictions between T&T and Korea. Warner returns to T&T on Friday night and Corneal and Gouveia on Sunday morning.