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Jack Warner speaks out.
« on: August 02, 2005, 12:28:03 PM »
Jack Warner speaks out.
By: Shaun Fuentes.

I wish to encourage Anil Roberts as the only person actively involved in sport to continue taking on the Government on the issue of the Tarouba Sporting Complex (or Piarco 2 as he fondly refers to it ) and giving many rational reasons as to why the Government should not continue with this folly.
It would seem however, that Patrick Manning and his band of sycophants are hell bent on construction and in the process, destroying all the principles of democracy upon which our Constitution is based, totally ignoring the voice of the people.
I refuse to believe that not one single member of Mr. Manning's Cabinet will stand up privately, far more publicly, to him and say Enough !! Let us listen to what the people are saying! Let us begin to demonstrate that we are a Government that truly cares.  Let us demonstrate that we are interested in development in all areas; for all levels of the society and that we have set and established priorities that would facilitate this development.  I will not even say Vision 20/20 in the same sentence because that is not a vision.  That is a wish list of where Patrick Manning want this country to be, but with no road map as to how we will get there.
But back to the Tarouba Complex. These bunch of non-thinkers that comprise the Cabinet are merely parroting what they have been told by Messieurs Manning and Saith and repeating the most inane reasons as to the benefits of this grand facility and which reasons change as often as they take their daily medication.
Do any of these people come from communities where the people are crying out for proper sport and recreational facilities ? Do any of these people drive or walk through their constituencies any one evening and see the young people playing small goal on the streets; playing basketball at the corner under some street light (if they lucky to have a light); playing windball cricket and rushing to remove a home-made wicket when a vehicle approaches?  Has anyone asked why they do this?  The answer is because there are no proper facilities in their district to pursue these activities - neither by day nor by night ! ! !
Yet, Mr. Manning and his headless chickens continue to try to justify spending $850 million on a facility whose purpose is to produce athletes.  How many athletes are we expected to produce and over what period?  Can somebody please tell me?  Maybe Anil could help here. For in a country with no more than 380 swimmers, the majority of whom live in the North, this Government is building a 30 million facility in the South ! ! ! They will bus them there no doubt having learnt no lessons from the construction of the hockey complex at Tacarigua ! ! !
Maybe the grandfather of cricket can tell me how many young cricketers could be expected to train at this wonderful complex and raise the standard of the game to bring West Indies back to world cricket glory.  Or on which country they are praying for natural disasters to occur so as to have a reserve facility in place ! ! !  Is the Ministry of Sport aware of the number of fields that have had to be abandoned because of lack of upkeep; lack of funds?  A small portion of $850 million will not only facilitate the upkeep of many of these facilities, but allow for the construction of many similar ones throughout the length and breadth of Trinidad and Tobago Tarouba included - that would give our young people a chance.  The T&TFF is doing its best with assistance from the CONCACAF and FIFA, but there is so much more that could be done.  So much could be achieved if only a caring government will work together with the organisations that manage the affairs of the various sporting disciplines.  Instead, they ignore calls for help; ignore the efforts that are being made to enhance sport in the country by these organisations and proceed to spend $850 million simply because they have the money to do so and who doh like it can get to Hell outa here.............the Prime Minister has spoken ! ! !
Anil, I continue to applaud you and exhort you to keep on writing, keep on providing the evidence that the there is so much more that could be done for sport in T&T with $850 million and which would be the first step in producing these elite athletes in all sporting disciplines that Messieurs Manning, Saith, Boynes and Co. have visions of in 2020 and beyond. 

Jack Warner.
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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2005, 12:43:14 PM »
One question.

Does Mr. Warner have any interest (financially) in the maintenance of the Stadia that were built for the Youth WC in 2001?

If he does, there might be the slight issue of conflict of interest.

If not....fair comment.

It's not as if what Mr. Warner is saying does not have merit.  It most certainly does.

But if he does have an interest in the maintenance of the existing stadia, coming from him, these comments may be speculated to be having an ulterior motive.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2005, 12:57:06 PM »
Regardless of what Mr. Warner or anyone else says, this administration will not adhere to what I think the general population believes, and that is, $850 M can be put to better use. Also I think this would follow the norm of past attempts to help local sports, they'll build an expensive complex, it will be over budget, after constrcution maintencance will gradually disappear and the facility will fall to ruin. That is close to a billion dollars, there a so many facilties that need a little maintenance and superficial work that could be put to better use. I may sound very ignorant here, where exactly is Tarouba?


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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2005, 01:11:56 PM »
I agree with him on that fact that so much more could be done around the country in building up the sporting facilities in communities than building one complex. Think about the fact that where would you get the players to mold into international class athletes when these future prospects don't have the facilities to play these sports and be recognized.  These player would eventually lose interest and go after other things may it be good or bad.

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2005, 01:13:53 PM »
I doh know why he avoid mentioning anything about the U-17 WC stadia because that is the first thing that comes to mind.
Leaving that out is not a good idea but he would be attacked anyway.

Boynes and them gave Lincoln money for the youth development but I guess the grace period for launching attacks (and the sure to follow counter attacks) up  ;D

I wonder what the Spalksman thinks about his new ally   ;D

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2005, 02:01:12 PM »
My Only Point and I think the most Critical point is this

Warner says that Most of the swimmers are up north so why build it in south.

from my point of view all the more reason to build it in south. if we have no swimming pool in south how we expect to get swimmers.

Facilities is most important.

You can never have too much.

I see nothing wrong with the new airport, yes people theif real money and some of the work may have been shabby but that is how these thing work. Project should not be stoped because of this reason.

Fact is now you can walk off the plane and straight into the terminal without having to walk down the big steps in Hot sun or rain. That alone make it worth while for me.

People talk about Jean Pierre complex or national stadium being white elephants but the real issue is that we do not have people who know how to use the facilities we have.

Where is the Tennis league or the basketball league or the netball league to use the facilities?

The issue is not that we need to put the 850 Million into community facilities etc the fact is we need to find another 850 million to build community fields as well as the Toruba complex and another 850 Million to fix the hospital and another 850 million to fix the schools etc etc.

To often all people do is criticize and complain and infight when we should be all going down the same path.

Let manning and them build the complex, then when Jack and UNC win the next election let them build the community fields.

As long as we building something to improve the nation how can anyone who is for the nation be against it.

Dont get caught up in dialog and project planning and feasibility and all that crap Build and then if it dont work break it down and try again.

That is how man learn how to fly and reach the moon.

Talking is for Parliment members we need actions and results.

I glad the Govt building a complex I dont care what they put in it as long as it build and if they theif 800 Million and only use 50 million for the complex then I still happy because at least we have the 50 million complex because they was going to theif that 800 million anyway.

The 1970's we had mad loot people ask why build Mount Hope and UWI by the time Williams turn around treasury empty and no money to finish mount hope.

But ask anybody in Trinidad if a unfinsihed mount hope is better than no mount hope and see what they tell you.

Just last year I took my partner and he dog to mount hope, The Vet in mount hope perform some kind of prostate surgury on the dog and within 2 days the dog was back home and doing well. If Back in 1970 if Williams did say we was spending $800 million to build a dog hospital to cut of dog balls man would have said he is crazy. In 2005 men paying big money to get they dog balls cut off, That is the realty without mount hope that dog would be dead. There is benefit to facilities, forward thinking is what is required.

Life is about point of view

Some see if half full some see it half empty
In the grand scheme of things if you in a position where you can make decision on if to spend $850 million things good. It have countries out there who still waiting on donated football boots and balls to fund they football program.

Things nice in TnT.
Always was always will be! 

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Re: Tarouba
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2005, 02:25:14 PM »
I may sound very ignorant here, where exactly is Tarouba?

Tarouba is at de end of de Solomon Hochoy Highway, down by Sando Tech.
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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2005, 02:36:15 PM »
Why Jack dont hush his ass and concentrate on trying to finally get T&t to a WC. It hurting him that he cant be part of the big money deal and has his ass-licking man at the guardian (shaun Fuentes) writing about things he does not have a clue about, (show me the money) an attempt by fuentes to delve into politics to please his paymaster jack.

That my friends is what is wrong in T&T. Jack has all the lackeys who can barely think for themselves parading about the place and trying to sound cogent. This for the sake of plane tickets and kakada. T&T is a land of prostitutes and Jack the bid pimp. The govt would not be cowed by him or his paid assassins.

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2005, 02:36:28 PM »
KND2, yuh forget some of these  :D  :D  :D with plenty ah that stuff yuh write dey...ah especially like dis part...
"That is how man learn how to fly and reach the moon."
Trini in space..well yes...yuh win

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2005, 02:36:35 PM »
I have refrained from personal attacks to anyone who is in some way may benefit the general populous of TNT be it Mr. Warner or the powers to be bu this insidieous contempetious atatck is coing uder the guise of calling for public accountability yet the undertones seems like the political pundits have cast out a puppet to rally the general public.

After reading  Mr. Wraner's comments, I can't help but think that there are ulterior motivies with a very strong political agenda. When spending and accountabiltiy for funds used by TTFF has been mismanaged, when empires have been build in the name of 'JACK', I can't help to think that given that the government has decided to construct a new sporting facility at the same time Jack's empire is looking at installing astro turf at HIS  Center of Excellence!!!!! there must be a feeling that someone has stolen his 'thunder'

Mr. Warner you are correct in citing fiscal responsibility for spending but when you are off spending, for coaches, stadiums,  and mind you; let's stop the deception, I am sure if someone did  some homework, they may find that many of the 'empire' building under your auspices, may have been indeed grants from FIFA, yet  the public perception is that you Mr. Warner is being like a GODFATHER to the people of TNT.

If we could look at the initiative as one to expand facilities in the south as compared to what is now in the north, you could see that there may be benefits in the long term. But of course, Mr. Warner, despite the  serendepidious good which has come from your initiatives, your actions, and words are now revealing a different intent.  

These psuedo political ploys are again evidence as to the divisity engendered by a political party whose motives is not to  support progress but to oppose simply to  bring down the efforts of  many. Why can't we unite, form bonds to  improve the infrastructure, the soical, economic, and educational sectors as oppose to looking at divisive  and corrosive elements  to destroy efforts made on the people's behalfs? Why is it that  the general football public are being held ransom at the mercy of  your decisions? Why not focus on the mandate to improve the state of football in our islands as oppose to flinging political desparate moves to rally for support? The reflection of those you condem are mere images of what you may be seeing in yuhself? I wonder?

I say before the " pot calls the kettle black",  Mr. Warner yuh need to "clean the yampie from yuh own eyes first." When was the last time that the books form TTFF were audited and that  spending or mis spending were revealed for the public to  scrutinize?

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2005, 02:43:22 PM »

Things nice in TnT.
Always was always will be! 

I beg to differ. At present, the only things nice bout T&T are (in no particular order):

1. The lime
2. The beach
3. Doubles
4. Shark and Bake
5. T&T Football

Outside of the aforementioned, here goes:

1. Corruption like rain...from top come down
2. Racial tension so bad that a butter knife looking like a cutlass
3. Crime like rain...read the Express lately...we find more dead bodies daily than in Iraq
4. Kidnappings like rain...few are safe
5. Guns like rain
6. Drugs like rain
7. Kids with guns
8. Kids with drugs
9. Bombs exploding in town
10. The president of the PSA bad talking Syrians...rather than building a country and promoting unity, she bad talking a community
11.The prime minister has on a blindfold
12.Cabinet heads up the blind folded Prime Minister's ass and they say they looking for direction.
13.And corruption, of course

Need I continue?

Things seem nice now because the country has money...but when it's gone. What is going to happen then?

Now back to that brilliant stadium...see #s 1, 11, 12 and 13.

Save our country by teaching and developing the youth not by building a 850 million dollar stadium.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 05:49:57 PM by BigToe »

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2005, 03:00:18 PM »
People if allyuh think Warner is the issue...
Type 'Tarouba' in google and read what many others say...even those who have been against UNC & Warner dealings...don't just take Warner word, listen to others...If ah bandit say "the devil is bad,god is good" , is the statement false because people have issues with the lifestyle of the  bandit?
shouldn't one, check the issue oneself, listen to other people, research, ask questions and then decide.

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2005, 03:34:34 PM »
Knd, I have to congratulate you on a really well written piece.  By the time I done reading what Jack have to say, I was in total agreement and was ready to fight down Manning and them again; but you made your point brilliantly…about vision…I would also like to add too that is not only about we yuh know - trini like to boast that we heading the way for the caribbean, well with that come responsibility - to make we region competitive with the rest of the world, we have to take a lead.
I love how yuh compare now to the oil boom days cuz that is very true…everybody in trinidad driving new car, and them hoardes of fellas who used to be limin on the block have jobs now.  I lie?  US $60 a barrel for oil, if a man tell you that 3 years ago you laugh him down.
I see Jack point eh, but I agree with you more KND, if we ent build them things now and this oil boom done again and we remain in the dark ages, with all kinda old facilities, is Jack grandson and dem go be bawlin' "wha happen"? to the money.
Not to say Manning is no hero too eh, I only honestly hope, that we invest in the l;atest equipment for the hospitals too, and everything..and we use this blessing wisely.

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2005, 04:51:41 PM »
KND , Bounty what alyuh saying sah ?

Dat sounding like madness to me . How could one say they ain't care bout what money dey spend to build a facility as long as it build . iF DOH WORK BREAK IT DOWN AND START AGAIN . Dat is why we did lose all dat money so quick de last time ; poor management of the people money . We have to make the government of the day accountable and listen to what the people saying .

As to what u had to say about the facilities ( jean pierre in particular) not being used KND let me inform u why it could never happen . Everytime there was some kind of tournament there was the unknown concert or gospel something that they told the organising committee about a day or two before the eventual event .  Jean Pierre Complex was never a good facility because of this, there was always a big pile up of ply wood all around the facility , equipment and all sort of unpleasantries to put things short ; It was the biggest inconvenience and tournament organisers decided to forego using the Complex for any further events .

As to jack well let me say he sounding a lil strange to me because I remember when the stadiums were being built for a ridiculous under 17 football tournament he he had no problem with pushing for them when many a person was against this .

 He pushing a political front here trying to muster up support for his party by some of the things he saying but he is right about money that is going to be spent on this stadium . But it just interesting that he talking about Prime Minister not listening to the people and don't care about nobody . I SEE KETTLE CALLING POT BOTTOM BLACK .

« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 04:53:24 PM by pass(10trini) »
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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2005, 05:13:44 PM »
ey allyuh I almost get kick out the library for laughing too loud when i read KND part bout he pardner dog that had prostate surgery...real kicks (no offense to dogs or animals intended)
 as for the $850 complex could we not do with a $500 million dollar one and spread the rest of the money around the country
I mean how much would it really eat into that bugdget to bring the quality of fields around the country to an accpetable playing level for the local residents...seriously
it might even have some left over for the politicians to tief and make KND happy

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2005, 05:19:27 PM »
KND living in de States to long he brain freeze up...

With that money for a none profit stadium that will cost thousands to maintain a month is worthless, man living like dog home and they building stadium worth $850 million dollars.

KND tax money eh spending so he eh care, what sence having a big stadium like that and we athletics and them scrunting. They have to take they own money to come training and even de T&T national cricket them will have to pay to play there. No support for Swimming, Rugby, Tennis, SSFL, Football Track, Volley Ball etc etc... players need de money more... we cant have a field and no players.

Manning building a house with no roof. He trying to follow Panday and trying to look like he is some big thing he doing, instead of taking de money and fixing de f**king road and them and crime to, he building stadium... with $850 million that could solve alot of problems in T&T. Build one yea, but $850... get de f**k outta here. Man still squatting in T&T... old people catching they ass to get pention, water, phone, lights, food etc etc, we have no programs for people who finish A levels unless they have money and could go UWI. What kind off cock and bull shit is this... Abu where yuh.... run ah mock.... $850 is a good target for man to kidnapp, come on Bakar, yuh know who have de dollars now... he living Union Marabella.

On de flip side, if Jack Warner was making money on de stadium like he did in 2001 he woulda never complain. He son and them pocket real dollars in that event, even though FIFA help them a little.

Politicans will destroy T&T and Jack is brining them into sports while Manning and Panday dividing de country and we people so f**king stupid, like a heard of cattles they just following de leader.

When will it end, Lord !!!!
« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 05:46:55 PM by Flex »
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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2005, 08:13:25 PM »
Ah man say

"Facilities is most important." No my friend, people are what is most important.

"You can never have too much." Yes you can

"yes people theif real money and some of the work may have been shabby but that is how these thing work. Project should not be stoped because of this reason. Fact is now you can walk off the plane and straight into the terminal without having to walk down the big steps in Hot sun or rain. That alone make it worth while for me.
" You feel people doing you a favour by tiefing your money and den giving you shit product and calling it world class? If you willing to accept second best, that is your prerogative, not mine. Let all man jack walk on the tarmac. Before you progress infrastructurally, progress intellectually. Learn that because you have all these brand new building and facilities  doh make you first world. You dont lead by pulling people up the ladder one by one. Why de arse BWIA cant get its act together yet and get their status upgraded again? (As I talk that talk, ah see bwia up to status 1.) So it seems we good at building, but not maintaining. Interesting.

"The issue is not that we need to put the 850 Million into community facilities etc the fact is we need to find another 850 million to build community fields as well as the Toruba complex and another 850 Million to fix the hospital and another 850 million to fix the schools etc etc." In the real world, there are things called priorities. That is why you need master planning, infrastructure evaluations, environmental assessments, etc. Building a sports complex at this very instant is not a very good investment. Simple as that. Build all the facilities you want, AFTER you put your house in order. Develop communities, invest in people, change attitudes, create a paradigm shift, doh spend $850 million on the hope that 10 years later  you could turn around and  tell me that it turn out to be a good investment.

"As long as we building something to improve the nation how can anyone who is for the nation be against it." Fair enough I agree with you. But before you spend my money, I deserve a say in how it is spent.

"Dont get caught up in dialog and project planning and feasibility and all that crap Build and then if it dont work break it down and try again." Orite yuh start to talk real madness here. Re-edit your post to reflect some cooler tinking.

"That is how man learn how to fly and reach the moon." Orite because you sound like you know wha you talking bout doh mean that you do. In other words, doh try and baffle me with bullshit. I guess NASA and the Wright bros. didnt have no plan when they started. Just cause you aint know the behind the scenes happenings, doh make blanket statements like that. If you aint want to do the hardwork i.e. project planning, feasibility studies, etc you doomed to fail.

"I glad the Govt building a complex I dont care what they put in it as long as it build and if they theif 800 Million and only use 50 million for the complex then I still happy because at least we have the 50 million complex because they was going to theif that 800 million anyway. The 1970's we had mad loot people ask why build Mount Hope and UWI by the time Williams turn around treasury empty and no money to finish mount hope. " Partner, hindsight is ALWAY 20/20. And just cause everyone tief before mean that everyone who come after should tief. It doh make it ok. And doh tell me, if you was in dem position, you would tief as well. That is pure bamsee logic.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 08:36:53 PM by noname »

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2005, 08:22:40 PM »
This complex is a waste of money.........I make my posts already on this, but we go just add this to the 40 million blimp and the eye in the sky which when I pass it this afternoon on the promenade was down on the ground unmanned.

Watch and see when the complex build the squatters down there and the new NHA settlement go complain about flooding and poor drainage.

If Manning lorse the next election.............not likely but just supposing, will this unfinished project be completed by the new govnt.

The oval gettin a total overhaul, it will be ready in time for WC cricket we ent need taroba when the national cricket center is a stones throw away in Couva.

Alyuh foreign based doe get to see the talk shows like Spalk and Synergy nights and the other radio shows when Boynes and he riding partner Ken butcher go up they with they fancy diagram and start to get thunder in they tail. They does be stumped and at a loss for words and does hadda resort to shouting and lets take a look at this diagram.

Up to now they ent have One tangible concrete benfit from tarouba. They hoping to get youngsters down there.

Lemma ask alyuh........alyuh ever try to drive or travel from town to South on a weekday. And consider if is swimmers cricketer, footballer whatever athlete is school chirren they hada leave school take 2 and a half hrs to reach train then take another hr to drive back up.
NOT FEASIBLE. traffic in TT bad, bad bad.

Use some of the 850 million and subsidize the farmers and groceries. Food prices here ridiculous, pave some road, put up some street light and upgrade all existing facilities.

Plenty of alyuh say football have to go back to the communities...take the 850 and build and upkeep a small goal field and a grassed field with pavilion in very community. Put basketball court. Introduce tennis and swimming to the underpriviledged communities and expose all children to these sports. We might have plenty Serena Williams in TT is just only a minority ever hold a raquet or could go to a court.

Lasty if you walk down the road and take a poll, most of the nation against this Complex. We have more serious issues to deal with and the money would be better spent dealing with some of these than wasting it in tarouba. Imagine they hoping a hurricane lick away some other island to justify the building of this project. madness

Remember Griffth words........How can you build a 850 Stadium when you have athletes who have to dip in they own pockets to represent TT

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« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 08:32:44 PM by Touches »

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2005, 10:40:27 PM »
I see yuh point eh...but vision is the main point I get outa KND statement... ban yuh belly a lil bit to get something that wil benifit much graeater int he long run...okay allyuh was talkin about the same traffic situation by that same uriah buttler, solomon hochoy intersection...so since now is the oil boom pt 2 ; now is the time to build a solution - a) a flyover, b) a Mass fast boat from san'do to POS BOUGHT (not rented) by the government...something.
now is the time to buy the big things we go need int he future, and allyuh might be right when yuh sayin we ent need no more sporting complex (we meaning the entire caribbean people which we representing...not just we trinidadians) ...but doh get caught up in talkin bout fixin up all the small firelds in tnt.  It remind me when they was washin jesus feet with expensive perfumes and the hypocrites say, why not sell the perfumes and give it to the poor...Oh gosh look how ah gone from politics to religion now.  :D

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2005, 11:47:53 PM »
Bounty...yes we have money falling from the sky and it need to spend but do you want to spend it on infrustructure we cud do without or do we need to invest in our human resources?  I think we have fallen behind badly across the board in alot of areas and we do have dire need for some infrustructure work like the interchange and other transport projects but why is it so easy to spend a billion dollars on a vikey vie project and so hard to upgrade hospital facilities?  I agree it does not have to be one at the expense of the other but what happen to all the things people need to help make their day to day lives tolerable?

The protest against this thing is more a protest as to why they are not getting all the other things they need.  By spending this billlion dollars it makes it clear to people that money is not an issue and when they want something they can announce it today and start clearing the land in a few months.  This hadda be the greatest magic trick I ever see.  A billion dolloars appeared out of nowhere with no discussion and without consulting any sporting bodies(forget football).  You would think the sporting pundits in this country would be happy for this thing but they are not. Forget Jack.  Don't you find it strange so many people who are actually involved in sport are vehemently opposed to it?

So why then we building a 10 storey house with no steps?

I still can't come to terms with that figure.  It just don't make any sense to me why they even want this damn thing.  It not even in keeping with their policies regarding sport.

As to KND free for all approach.  Boss, it sound like you give up on the country and resign us to a fate that will only get worse.  We face more social ills right now than anything else making the example of our leaders all the more critical.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2005, 12:01:43 AM by dcs »

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2005, 11:51:36 PM »
They have .85 BILLION dollars to spend.

To the list of areas that could be helped with this money I will add/reiterate:

EDUCATION:    Some children still can't get a secondary education
                      Some that get through to secondary school in need of scholarships for tertiary ed.
                      Teachers get paid peanuts.

HEALTH:          POS and Sando General are in a collective MESS for de longest while. ALL of our
                      health facilities need maintenance and an upgrade. 
                      Give some of the aforementioned students some money to go to med       
                      school so we doh have to import doctors.  (We have REAL med students studyin

OTHER:            Gridlock because we have a junction, not an interchange, by de bamboo
                       Overcrowded prisons
                       Intermittent/poor/no water supply to many areas

ALSO:               Soca Warriors wearin Finta
                       No hot water in remand yard for when politicians get lock up

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2005, 05:52:44 AM »
I see People using the word Vision
The Good book says- Where there is no Vision the People Perish
Well= Vision must be practical, attainable and must be of benefit for the greater good. The question is- Not where the money is coming from , but where the money is going to.
The money will be better spent in building Communities- Where was Latapy unearthed. Logie, and others. Ask WES Hall how it was done.
Politicians like monuments- to say I build that- Remember Wrightson Road and the plaque.
Hey dont let politicians divide us in this Forum.

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2005, 06:23:14 AM »
They have .85 BILLION dollars to spend.

To the list of areas that could be helped with this money I will add/reiterate:

EDUCATION:    Some children still can't get a secondary education
                      Some that get through to secondary school in need of scholarships for tertiary ed.
                      Teachers get paid peanuts.

HEALTH:          POS and Sando General are in a collective MESS for de longest while. ALL of our
                      health facilities need maintenance and an upgrade. 
                      Give some of the aforementioned students some money to go to med       
                      school so we doh have to import doctors.  (We have REAL med students studyin

OTHER:            Gridlock because we have a junction, not an interchange, by de bamboo
                       Overcrowded prisons
                       Intermittent/poor/no water supply to many areas

ALSO:               Soca Warriors wearin Finta
                       No hot water in remand yard for when politicians get lock up

Pardon my ignorance, but what are the allocations budgeted for those sectors, and are the adequate?
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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2005, 07:50:25 AM »
Bounty and KND,

There are many small bush fires in TT, springing up all over, collectively they are eating away at the society.

Instead of building one big fre station in an area where there are no fires.

Equip the available firestations competently and also have preventative measures in place in case a fire does occur.

Bunty you take chain up with KND and he pothound balls story.........KND ent tell yuh he beloved neighbourhood does be under water everytime it rain and the mall does be flooded out. Granted construction and improper planning is the cause of it but 850 million would hire a few backhoes, help keep the river dredged and maybe people in the east could breathe a sign of relief when they see rain falling instead of having to put sand bag by they front door.

Bunty you yourself say they should build intersection and have a fast ferry to south...your words exactly we have money now we should build solutions. This complex is not a solution to nuttin now breds. They have far greater problems in TT that need fixing.

Lastly, TT oil will disappear in about 15 years, natural gas will be around for 5 years longer.......Evidence of this is shown by BP offering their wells for sale a few months ago. Given that the economy has not been diversified in any way, we cannot even feed ourselves, lack of land, flooding etc. resulting in high food prices.No meaningful  manufacturing sector, no IT sector. We arse go be proper grass down here. Money should be saved or put into meaningful money generating projects......from the looks of it this stadia will not generate any revenue and given the numerous smaller ones are operating at a loss what justification does anyone have that this will not follow suit. The reality is only Crime, Drugs and Real estate are profitable business ventures down here. too much ting to fix and not enough wisdom by those in both power and the opposition.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2005, 07:52:57 AM by Touches »

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2005, 07:57:34 AM »
Bounty and KND,

There are many small bush fires in TT, springing up all over, collectively they are eating away at the society.

Instead of building one big fre station in an area where there are no fires.

Equip the available firestations competently and also have preventative measures in place in case a fire does occur.

well said

plus that stadium wouldnt qualify as a fire station since it wont help to out down them bush fire you referring to

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2005, 10:19:45 AM »
 :D :D :D

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2005, 10:36:12 AM »
I agree that 850 million could be put to better use, but I'll refrain from talking about all other aspects of Trinidad society that could use infrastructure for improvement.......because despite 850 million being alot of money, if you try to spread it too thin, it won't do as much good as intended....

Let's assume that this 850 million is purely a sport budget, and consider what could be done in sport with 850 million......Forget fixing small goal fields, upkeep of little grass patches here and there, yadda yadda, yes those things need to be done, and the gov't budget need be better planned for such activities............so let's narrow our focus because it's obvious that the government is thinking on a academy-scale in its "vision", and there is nothing wrong with that.......The benefits of such could trickle down to the micro levels of the community if planned and managed properly

That being said, it would probably be wiser for 4 or 5 less elaborate, zonal complexes to be built, with each one catering to different sports and to different geograpic sectors of the population.....This would bolster a higher degree of inclusion and convenience....That's not likely to be done, so let's move on to the bigger issue.

The most important aspect in the whole issue, is what other programs are going to be put in place to efficiently and succesfully manage proper utilization of the complex. These would include: sporting programs, educational programs, coaching development, transportation management, facility upkeep, vending, marketing, community development, charity etc.

If programs surrounding the building of the complex, that touch on these aspects are implemented correctly, the complex could be alot bigger and better than just a seemingly wasteful 850million cash outflow. An investment has a time value that is heavily affected by events and activities surrounding the investment, and no investment can be deemed successful if it's a one-off stand alone outflow of funds.......As a concerned forum, we are sometimes too quick to jump down people's thoats about an idea......and that's understandable given the track-record of capital- budgeting by the T&T gov't.......But the biggest reason we're divided on this issue, is because our concerns are not finite/focussed enough......the questions we need to ask about this complex need to be more focussed and more constructive.

Let's question the motive behind the complex, the long-term vision, and what else will be done to protect the value of the investment. Until we get such answers, the downcry of the idea for a sporting complex may be uneducated and premature, and our opinions and criticism may be unfair as well.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2005, 10:44:12 AM by kicker »
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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2005, 11:11:18 AM »
think about this..when yuh get injured at this facility..where yuh going to get treatment? the hospital?

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2005, 11:24:19 AM »
think about this..when yuh get injured at this facility..where yuh going to get treatment? the hospital?

Fuh $850 million, dey buildin a hospital in de stadium complete wit ambulance, emergency room and ting
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Jack Warner speaks out.
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2005, 11:25:20 AM »