Intercol is great part of T&Ts heritage. Trinidadians have a profound emotional attachment to their schools than most and Intercol is is a driving force behind this school spirit. Schoolboyfootball was a wonderful introduction to the process of establishing friendships, socializing with girls and building as sense of pride. But as close to our hearts as it is ,intercol in its current state can no longer meet the needs of top-level youth football in T&T. Whatever our feelings about intercol the reality NOW is it is gradually being superceded by professional and community run football clubs in T&T. How did it come to this point?
First, intercol as a gathering ground for the best ballers in T&T is a myth. In T&T education was split along the lines of trades and classical education via common entrance. Many youths that failed CE were forced either to work from a young age or join trade schools. Some of the best young players of this country NEVER played in the Intercol showcase league. In spite of our love of intercol it was always in a sense elitist football.
The education system in T&T and other post-colonial nations uses sport primarily as a metaphor for masculinity and as a vehicle for social development, NOT as an aim of education. Around the world, sport has been trumpeted to promote war, promote peace, promote cultural homogeneity, promote racial and ethnic tolerance, promote racial and ethnic division, and promote physical and mental well being. But it is still RARELY recognized as a real and viable PROFESSION for the young to aspire to. In Trinidad football is still MARGINALIZED from "real education". Hence few if any overtures have been made by government or SSFL to integrate football into the structure of education, as an
END, not simply as a means.
But change is inevitable; when change occurs institutions and individuals must adapt, die or most commonly, face a lower quality of existence. Any sportsman knows this. The acceleration of international capital injection into football has changed the climate of the game everywhere including Trinidad.
Fact: The football world has changed forever.
Fact: SSFL has not responded to this change.
Fact: Private interests represented by the professional leagues will adapt to this change
Fact: The response of private interests will and
is changing the structure of youth football around the globe and in Trinidad
Intercol is becoming increasingly irrelevant as the best players increasingly associate with their professional clubs.We may not see it, but it is happening.
The school/club debate, like all debates is at its root about competing social values. SSFL supporters, quite rightly, believe intercol is living history. But the SSFL rested on its laurels and has not recreated itself. Because of this I really feel Intercol is in danger of being reduced to a "homecoming" style event from its current status as a national showcase league.
The people believe that the SSFL is impeding development only have a point if a footballer needs to play for their school in order to get a scholarship. If they do not, then simply continue national training, from what I gather most of the u-17 would skip intercol to train together anyway. Regardless, SSFL is neither the great saviour nor the great nemesis of Trini youth football the competing interest contend it is.
Anyway these are just my opinions, I freely admit to being very uninformed. Ah new here doh cuss meh too hard;

but as a Trini I ah have to run mih mouth (fingers).