Yeah that is good talk dey brother, them boy scatter all over de place, I personally know 6 of them them boy went benedict's with me, Nkosi Blackman ( Chucky) Andre Alexis ( Chinky) Devon Bristol, Lee Hanes, Devon Leacock, all these guys went Benedict's and well Forbes went NAPS. But I tell you some of them is ah attitude problem, others kinda lazy and lack the drive and determination. But that under 17 team was suppose to be a team we build and nurture and mould like clay. We need to realize that footballers yes born with talent but only pratice and hard work will you reach the top. TTFF should have things implemented to harness this yong talent and nuture them. I see somebody post a message about how Arsenal signing a 16 year old guy Vela, look at the ages them fellas breaking in the Premiership,dwight yorke was young too when he was called to play for Aston Villa before moving to Manchester United, my point is that we should have these fellas growing and learning the game from qualified Professionals. Look at it most young premiership deals comes when you showcase your talent at a Youth Championships, Yes and we all know Dwight Yorke was in one of those Youth Championships. Also, Saviola, KAKA, and many of them fellas. Premiership manangers does look in Fifa World Youth Championships to scout for new talent they don't usually come into domestic leagues and say waw we find talent here, no you have to showcase it to the world. We have some very talented and gifted players, but a team cohesion is important , alluyuh ain't hear what Beenhakker say when he came he met 20 very good individual players but nothing resembling a football team. We have to be able to gel together and once we make it to a Youth Championship we in good standing, because the World will see. A senior Team qualification will do some good, in terms of scouting, but ideally you don't want your players being close to 30 before they break in the world's TOP leagues you want them young , fresh quick and eager to learn. So my thing is scout for the talent in T&T , gather them harness the talent and groom them fellas and here what trying to put Trinidad on a MAP will be a thing of the past, no more WHERE TRINIDAD THAT IN AFRICA?. NOW EVERYBODY GO KNOW WHERE THE BEAUTIFUL TWIN ISLAND REPUBLIC COULD BE FOUND AND WELL ACQUAINTED WITH THE PROFESSIONALS WE HAVE HERE IN TNT. REMEMBER TTFF , YORKE , LATAPY HISLOP AND THEM FELLAS PLAYING DAYS COMING TO AN END WE NEED TO FILL IN THE SPACES, PLAYERS ARE NOT BORN OVERNIGHT SO WE HAVE TO SOW NOW SO WE COULD REAP LATER. WE NEED DYNAMIC AND PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS LIKE THESE ARE. SO MY SWEET T&T BLESS UP FOREVER AND I CAN'T WAIT TO REALIZE GERMANY. AND ITS NOT ABOUT JUST REACHING GERMANY BUT PERFORMING CREDITABLY IN GERMANY AND WE HAVE NO INFERIORITY COMPLEX. WE COULD BEAT THEM SO CALLED BIG TEAMS, ITS JUST ABOUT BELIEF AND SELF CONFIDENCE, DISCIPLINE AND DEDICATION.
WHERE ME POINT FORTIN POSSE DEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHERE MEH SANDO POSSE DEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T&T Faithfully TRINITIM.