Ah man start ah thread blaming Stern for not getting Sancho ah contract
at Southamton ..sometimes yuh does really have to wonder wey dese c0nts does come out from.
Mr. Berris, count your posts firsts before u ask where ppl come out from. Have some respect for your senior soca warrior members cause that c**t thing was unwarranted.
I doh mind the picong, but whether u think what I write is shit or not, do not refer to I in that manner.
Let this go no further, trust me.
Buh wha de arse is dis,ah man pm meh and ask if yuh is meh fadda.
Mr Spidey doh buss meh head yet ..is either yuh cud take picong or yuh cyar take.. ..If you think you is ah c0nt den yuh have ah right tuh geh vex but nuttin wasn't personal,me eh know u ,I responding to what IMO was ah jackass thread and roll out ah lil talk yuh talk shit talk, so doh sen up yuh pressure pleeeze.
As for yuh 'Let this go no further' joke ,dais entirely up to you,but ah have ah problem wid de 'trust me' remark, check meh signature below,yuh not in de same company so ah cyar help yuh dey.
No, but on ah more serious note,if is not too much trouble,I would like you to share wid de forum,exactly how long it take yuh come up wid dis arsehole thread.