the reason = NICOLE MERRY
wenger have henry back.
Ey, Yo! Andre! If yuh keep using dem kinda avatars, man go real have problems checking dis site from work!!
Ey, yo! Leave Andre alone nah, I love dat avatar
. Ah doh know if yuh joking wid Andre or not. However, ah not getting betwen you and Andre wid de avatar thing, let Andre talk fuh he self. Seriously meh boi, ah have ah question fuh yuh. What is de difference wid his avatar and de females we does see in we living room or bedroom on de tv, wid women in tongues and thing? Yuh doh have tuh answer meh eh, but is reality ah throwing out here boss
Come man SUPA, ah doh keep pictures of what going on in mih bedroom at mih desk!!! 
Alright Moose, ah get yuh point. Ah thought de avatar was offending tuh yuh in general. Well tuh be honest, de computer on meh desk, when ever ah do log on from it, de guys dat might pass through dey doh give ah damn, as ah matter of fact dey like Andre avatar 2

. Dey does ask meh, who is dat chick wid dat big a** in Andre avatar ,dey said she looking like ah stripper dey know

. Seriously, dis is USA, if one ah de females on my job, came tuh meh desk tuh find out some thing, although dey cool wid me and most ah de other guys, ah does still show dem respect and if is some thing like Andre avatar, ah will just scroll down or scroll up real quick, cuz is ah work place environment. Cuz if she want tuh bad mind meh, she cud report meh fuh having nude photos on de job, dat was offensive tuh her. Well if dat happen, ah cud kiss meh 10,11,12 years etc, on de job good bye. Ah guess Andre go get ah wuk fuh we

Seriously doh, I like Andre avatar it doh bother me at all. Ah guess we have tuh know where we are and de people we have around us and just make smart decisions. Like scrolling up or down, does work for me, it may not for you. Strip, doh think dat ah ignoring yuh eh, cuz ah doh purposely ignore any member, even if ah have tuh answer yuh back wid some cuss, yuh will get ah response

, cuz ah think dat is very rude tuh ignore another person. Simple rule meh boss, treat others like de way you would like to be treated. Is pure love and respect fuh each individual, until dey dis de order. However, wid reference tuh yuh post dat was addressing meh, ah wouldn't have tuh make ah next post tuh respond tuh yuh, cuz yuh should find yuh answer in dis post
Moderators, no dis tuh all yuh, ah not using de forum tuh promote de fete. All yuh know how ah does deal wid de thing ah ready, ah must inform de people dat might be interested tuh see meh bois and dem when dey here

Tuh de reggae and
Alliance lovers ,de original gangster and bad man from Jamaica, will be in town on (Sunday) 10/07/07. I'm taliking about
Mr Bounty killer, he will be at Papa Keith annual Miami carnival Sunday night dance in Pembroke Pines. Ah know we have some members here in Pembroke pines, so all yuh doh have any excuse. Yuh cud walk or take ah cab, so yuh cah get ah DUI

. Ah know some of you all might say not me in dem young people and bad men dance nah, 2 much bad men wid dey guns does be dey. Well ah wouldn't lie tuh all yuh nah, when de Alliance (Bounty Killer, Movado, Busy signal and de rest ah de crew) performing any way, it is natural fuh dem tuh draw de bad men in de dance, dey doh have any control over dat. As ah on de subject, ah few months ago meh boi Movado was performing at ah spot in Ft Lauderdale, ah couple rude bois had dey tools wid dem in de dance, how dey get in wid de tools ah doh know nah. But dey get de vibes so much when Movado start tuh throw down he gangster songs and dem, dey pull out de business and start tuh sound it in de air (nobody got hurt). Dat is just their way of celebrating, when dey drink dey Guinness and Hennessey, wid ah big head.Well of course de police shut down de dance immediately

. Wid dat said, meh point I'm geeting at is if dis is yuh type ah dance, doh be scared, come and enjoy yuh self, cuz all de promoters done know dat when de Alliance in town, is nuff BSO dey go have tuh put dey.