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Author Topic: Paging TI  (Read 1211 times)

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Paging TI
« on: November 05, 2007, 09:43:16 PM »
Hey yuh fowl fornicator....how yuh making out?

At least yuh god win he seat!


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Re: Paging TI
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2007, 10:16:55 AM »
my God is the Lord Jesus Christ..... and as far as i am concerned all dem leaders is some satan... dooks did what he was suppose to do, split the unc vote to give pnm power, he get he money, now he go ride out in the sunset till the next election, trinidad wont change, maybe a lil more development but the crime will increase and as i said b4 expect a revolution in 2010.... ah hope manning do the right ting for once and save his soul from damnation....

God is de BOSS....


so yuh rally feel dat if de COrPse and de U ent see did combine dem woulda win?

steups.   sorry tuh bust yuh bubble is same licks.

as de people who vote fuh COrPse did so becasue dem did not want de U ent see or de PNM.   and dey woulda den have tuh vote U ent see and dat wasn't happening.

it woulda still be PNM!


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Re: Paging TI
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2007, 10:36:38 AM »
my God is the Lord Jesus Christ..... and as far as i am concerned all dem leaders is some satan... dooks did what he was suppose to do, split the unc vote to give pnm power, he get he money, now he go ride out in the sunset till the next election, trinidad wont change, maybe a lil more development but the crime will increase and as i said b4 expect a revolution in 2010.... ah hope manning do the right ting for once and save his soul from damnation....

God is de BOSS....


so yuh rally feel dat if de COrPse and de U ent see did combine dem woulda win?

steups. sorry tuh bust yuh bubble is same licks.

as de people who vote fuh COrPse did so becasue dem did not want de U ent see or de PNM. and dey woulda den have tuh vote U ent see and dat wasn't happening.

it woulda still be PNM!

 i never had a problem with pnm being in power, its the leadership concern... will manning deal with the crime in tt, or will the nation plummet once more, its left to be seen bc pnm could never deal with the rise in crime...

God is de BOSS....


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