Folks, we have seen the TTFF organizations move from the sublime to the Totally INSANE, INEPT, IRRATIONAL, INNATE , INCOMPETENT.
Once more I am not in their shoe nor do I wish to be in the shoes of folks who made it possible for us to qualified for a World Cup. Far be it of me to mess with that record.
That was the sublime part:
to elevate or refine something inferior into something of higher worth,
(adj.) of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth,
(n.) the grand in the works of nature and art,
Not how the TTFF moving these days is Totally insane!!!!!!! ah mean I thought we were about to turn the corner but now.....I eh know I just eh know. Maybe there is much comfort in we 'old time ' ways. To this end, I say leh we put out all the Totally Insane ideas and see if this will work for the TTFF:
How about:
1. Creating a local senior team and have Gally coah that team and Wim scout them? Wim go only coach the foreign based team and af ew locals.
2. Arranging some friendlies (if that could still be done) aganist teams like India, Bahamas, Samoa, Nigeria, Ethopia, Somalia and Bangladash?
3. Creating an All Star PLF team to play we 'big team?
4. simply operate the TTFF as a private company and doh be accountable to no one.
Simply yet just keep do what we have always been doing and we'll just keep getting what we have always been getting; throw ah fete and we go be happy.
Totally Insane what happening with the organization. Anymore insane ideas because I eh sure people ready for high functioning , organized, structured approaches in the TTFF.