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Best Formation vs Guatemala.

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Author Topic: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.  (Read 33432 times)

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Offline Flex

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Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« on: August 30, 2005, 05:30:28 AM »

As usual, any updates/scores, shout-outs, reports, predictions, views, etc, on the game vs Guatemala will be posted here, this way, we can maintain the message board and not make it look too scrappy with un-necessary headlines and postings.

For the internet users, you can follow the game at these sites from 4:30pm;

1. SW Online Forum.

2. SW Online Live Chat.

3. Fifaworldcup.com.

4. Homeviewtnt/CT105fm.

5. Lared.com.gt.

Game Preview.

Current Standings.

Overall Head To Head Battle.


 P   W    L    D     F   A

14   5     6    3    18  26

26-03-05 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 5-1. WCQ.
11-08-04 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 4:1. Friendly.
24-03-01 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 3-1. Friendly.
15-02-00 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 4-2. Gold Cup.
23-01-98 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 3:1. Friendly.
08-12-96 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 2:1. WCQ.
06-10-96 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 1:1. WCQ.
03-07-91 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 1:0. Gold Cup.
03-09-89 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 2:1. WCQ.
20-08-89 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 0:1. WCQ.
31-08-88 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 2:2. Friendly.
10-12-73 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 1:0. WCQ.
20-11-68 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 0:0. WCQ.
17-11-68 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 4:0. WCQ.

Probable GUA Line-up - 4-5-1/4-4-2.

Miguel Ángel Kleé - Elmer Ponciano, Gustavo Cabrera, Selvyn Ponciano, Ángel Sanabria - Julio Girón, Gonzalo Romero, Fredy García, Fredy Thompson, Guillermo Ramírez - Carlos Ruiz.
The ‘Magician’ comes home.
By Nigel Simon (Guardian).

T&T’s Russell Latapy is expected to be the centre of attention today when he dons the national colours for his first training session towards the CONCACAF World Cup qualifier against Guatemala on Saturday.
The 37-year-old Latapy, called “Little Magician” because of his cleverness on the ball, has returned to help the Warriors in their remaining World Cup qualifiers on the road to Germany next year.
He is expected to touch down at Piarco Airport at 4.30 pm and will head straight for the Hasely Crawford Stadium, to join national coach Leo Beenhakker, team captain Dwight Yorke and the rest of the “Warriors”.
Latapy who retired from the interntional scene in 2001, has agreed to make a come-back for Saturday’s match and the away game in Costa Rica four days later. Latapy quit the team after a row with coach Brazilian Rene Simoes, and resisted several efforts to reconsider his decision.
However, with T&T fighting doggedly to be one of the three automatic qualifiers from the Concacaf zone, recent overtures by Jack Warner, advisor to the T&T Football Federation, and Dwight Yorke, his close friend, have brought a change of mind.
The decision by the “Little Magician” came last Monday after Warner spoke to the Falkirk player/coach.
Latapy said he was willing to make a contribution with the country’s interest at heart. “The situation is one where Dwight spoke to Warner and he spoke to me and a decision was then agreed upon.
“Warner made it clear that they would like me to contribute and for the cause at the moment, for Dwight, for Jack Warner and the country, I am willing to do whatever I can,” Latapy said.
Previously, attempts were made to get Latapy back in the team but the former FC Porto man explained that he had commitments to Falkirk.
His change of heart is a boost for the “Warriors.” Latapy last appeared for T&T in a 2002 World Cup Qualifier against the United States in June of 2001 before announcing his retirement from international football along with Yorke.
This season, Latapy has earned plaudits for his performances for Falkirk in the Scottish Premier League, appearing in their four league matches.
Yorke, who netted in his Australian club, Sydney FC’s 1-1 draw with Melbourne Victory on Saturday was scheduled to arrive home last night along with Silvio Spann of Japanese Division Two club, Yokohama and US-based duo Avery John and Scott Sealy.
Meanwhile coach Beenhakker has decided against naming a replacement for the injured Collin Samuel.
Samuel was forced out of the team after suffering a hamstring injury during Dundee United’s 1-1 draw with Iverness Thistle on Saturday. Also out through injury is Southampton striker Kenwyne Jone and his place has been taken by St Johnstone striker Jason Scotland.
The remainder of the European-based players including Stern John, Kelvin Jack, Shaka Hislop, Brent Sancho, Ian Cox, Dennis Lawrence, Christopher Birchall and Marvin Andrews are also expected home today.
With Mexico and USA all but sure of qualifying for the World Cup finals, the battle is now one for the two remaining spots between Costa Rica, Guatemala, T&T and Panama. Guatemala and Costa Rica, T&T next two opponents, both have seven points followed by T&T on four and Panama with two with four matches left for each team.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2005, 12:56:31 PM by Flex »
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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2005, 05:36:50 AM »
My Lord....we starting thread Four days in advance now.



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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2005, 05:46:25 AM »
Where were you when I posted the USA/TRI thread, that was 7 days before...  ;)

Man excited bro.... besides I might be out for a while....  :angel:

PS: Like you didn't notice how many related questions being posted on the MB.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2005, 06:18:25 AM by Flex »
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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2005, 06:10:26 AM »
Carlos Figueroa is a key player to.. he might start.

Somebody translate this;

Ramírez y Cabrera se unieron a la Selección para fortalcer al grupo ante Trinidad y Tobago
Por: César Augusto Pérez, Eddy Recinos. El mediocampista del Galaxy, Guillermo Ramírez; y el defensa del Real Salt Lake, Gustavo Cabrera, llegan con un claro objetivo: buscar la victoria ante Trinidad y Tobago el sábado. Ambos jugadores se perdieron el último partido de la eliminatoria, Guatemala ante Panamá, ya que Ramírez estaba inhabilitado por acumulación de tarjetas amarillas, mientras que Gustavo Cabrera solventaba su vinculación con el Real Salt Lake.

Por la victoria

El cansancio del viaje de ayer desde Los Ángeles, California, no fue un obstáculo para que “el Pando” llegara ayer a primera hora al proyecto Goal y se metiera de inmediato en los objetivos que se traza el grupo para el duelo ante los trinitenses.
“El compromiso lo tenemos todos, ya que sabemos bien que queremos, ganar el partido y creo que los puntos los vamos a traer”, recalcó antes del inicio del entrenamiento matutino.
Respecto del rival en turno, Ramírez indicó: “Será un partido difícil. Tenemos que trabajar como lo hemos realizado y esperamos que las cosas salgan bien, así que hay que buscar la victoria”.
Ramírez consideró que trae buen ritmo, después de haber participado en los últimos encuentros con el Galaxy de Los Ángeles.
“Me siento bien, he trabajado muy fuerte, además he jugado los 90 minutos de los últimos partidos con mi equipo. Estoy un poco cansado por el viaje, pero me recuperaré pronto”.

Sana competencia

El defensa Gustavo Cabrera llegó también al Proyecto Goal, y manifestó estar dispuesto a pelear por un puesto en el once que saldrá el sábado ante los trinitenses.
“Voy a trabajar fuerte en los entrenamientos y a tener una competencia sana con los demás compañeros para ganarme un puesto”, comentó Cabrera.
“Estoy al cien por ciento a pesar de que no tuve participación en la MLS por la visa de trabajo, pero antes de viajar disputé dos partidos y tengo ritmo”, agregó.
Guatemala debe de ejecutar un futbol solidario, de sacrificio, inteligente y disciplinado tácticamente para llevar a cabo la estrategia delineada por el cuerpo técnico, que se resume en cinco aspectos primordiales, según Gilberto Yearwood, asistente de Ramón El Primitivo Maradiaga.
Concentración en los primeros minutos; presionar a Trinidad en su propia cancha; capacidad de hacer la lectura del encuentro para bajar o subir el ritmo si el rival "agobia"; jugar compactos para cerrar espacios, y la pelota al ras de césped.
Yearwood sabe que Trinidad va a presionar para hacer un gol tempranero y hacer que Guate se abra. "Van a querer espacios para explotar su juego y van a venir por arriba", añade, y por eso en este momento estudia el esquema con El Primi para determinar si será un 1-4-5-1 o un 1-4-4-2 (lea: Las 10 virtudes de aquel 5-1).
Para evitar este ataque, la apuesta será encerrar al rival en su cancha, recuperar la pelota y trasladarla a ras de césped; "hay que presionarlos, no dejar que crezcan, pero hay que saber que ningún equipo del mundo puede hacerlo los 90 minutos", expresa el subentrenador.


Cuando sea muy insistente el ataque rival, los jugadores deben de tener "capacidad para hacer la lectura del encuentro y bajarle ritmo, eso nos permite hacer reajustes y manejar el choque", continúa Yearwood. Juan Carlos Plata añade que ese pase debe ser "preciso para no perder la posesión de la pelota".
Y por último, jugar compactos, unidos, sintonizados para crear y cerrar espacios. Para eso el cuerpo técnico necesita de muchos hombres en el centro, pero Yearwood afirma que no es el esquema en sí el que hace poblar el medio campo, sino la función del jugador en cierto esquema.

Chivos de afuera

Periodistas de México y Panamá que ya vieron jugar a Trinidad bajo el mando de Leo Beenhakker, aconsejan a la bicolor que juegue a un toque, presione y no contragolpée. "Eso sería un suicidio", afirma Manuel Gómez, del diario azteca Esto. Y ven que el sistema adecuado sería el 1-4-5-1.

volantes - frenar al rival y ser ofensivos

El esquema ideal, según los expertos, sería el 1-4-5-1, lo que daría solvencia para interrumpir el futbol del adversario y crear opciones no sólo por el centro, sino por las bandas.


Detrás de cada 11 que el cuerpo técnico de Guatemala pone en cada partido, hay un trabajo bien estructurado. El primer paso es tomar en cuenta la estrategia chapina: salir con el balón dominado y hacer que los volantes mantengan la pelota sobre el césped.
Luego se analizan debilidades y fortalezas del rival. Con base en esas dos premisas se hace el planteamiento y se inicia la formación teórica de los jugadores. Finalmente se practica en los entrenamientos y el día del encuentro; pero se guardan sorpresas para tener un as bajo la manga. Aunque la improvisación y el criterio de un jugador puede romper el esquema de ambos bandos.

A puerta cerrada

A cinco días de que se enfrenten chapines y trinitarios, Maradiaga inició los entrenos a puerta cerrada. El catracho efectuó trabajo en la defensa, donde paró a Elmer Ponciano, Ángel Sanabria, Gustavo Cabrera y Selvin Ponciano. Luego hizo trabajo físico con todos. A esta jornada se unieron Guillermo Ramírez y Gustavo Cabrera; Carlos Ruiz llega hoy.


El 26 de marzo Guatemala se dio el lujo de anotarle cinco goles a Trinidad y Tobago, los que fueron obra de varios factores fundamentales que se deberían de tomar en cuenta para el juego del sábado.


Guatemala jugó como un equipo; no sobresalió uno más que otro. Los intereses fueron en conjunto y no individuales.


Las cinco anotaciones se dieron gracias a la diversidad: tiros de larga distancia, triangulaciones, incluso por aire, que era la virtud del rival.


En este juego las cuatro líneas (portería) que Ramón Maradiaga colocó en el campo hicieron su trabajo efectivamente.


Carlos Figueroa llegó en uno de sus días más inspirados y, con su futbol, logró poner varios balones para gol.


Fue evidente el sacrificio de Dwight El Tanque Pezzarossi; le puso 1 gol a Carlos Ruiz, anotó 2 e hizo buen juego aéreo. Ahora no estará.


La celeste y blanco logró jugar el balón pegado a la gramilla; eso le permitió descontrolar al rival, que carece de esa habilidad y pudo encimarlo.


La oncena chapina aprovechó los errores que cometieron los caribeños, especialmente en aspectos tácticos y espacios abiertos.


La cantidad de goles anotados en el encuentro se dio gracias a que los arietes fueron contundentes a la hora de definir.


La bicolor jugó uno de los partidos con más precisión en sus combinaciones. Los pases eran exactos al compañero.


La forma en que trabajaron mostró que jugaron con seguridad y garra, dando muestra de la seriedad que se tuvo para encarar el duelo.6
« Last Edit: August 30, 2005, 06:45:03 AM by Flex »

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Starting line up
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2005, 06:36:20 AM »
I'm concerned abt. the starting line up...I don't know much abt. Samuel and where he fits in...

so ah try ah thing.

                                                        Yorke - Sealey

                                  Samuel           Birchall - Latas                    Edwards

                                 Sancho             Cox    Andrews                 Spann


I know Spann is a mf...but he did well as right back and can add some depth in that area....ala Rougier

Sam and Glenn would have given us some good speed..but they arent there.

Theobald should come off the bench...running at those tired legs would be nice.
I was thinking of playing Yorke on the left and having Scotalnd and Sealye up front...but wanted to start off with some experince up front. Alos maybe start with Cox on the bench and use Whitley in front of the defenders.

Subs...Gray, Whitley,  Ince, theobald..Scotland...Wolfe

With a lack of speed on the team, I would have liked to have seen Nixon invited to the camp.



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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2005, 07:01:25 AM »
Hey Nanny wax,,, Samuel injured,,,,,

And Sancho is ok to play on Saturday.

PS: From that Spanish article Sando posted there,,,,, my Spanish pardna now translate piece for me,,,,Guatemala saying they expecting nothing but a win, they said T&T will more than likely play a 4-5-1 formation and attack through de center. Guatemala expecting to score early and take the game to T&T, they say after the 5-1 trashing they know an early goal will destroy T&T and throw them off their game, they also said that T&T takes long to settle in and they plan to exploit that,,,, they also said that Carlos Figueroa, Guillermo Ramírez, Fredy Garcia and Carlos Ruiz is four key players.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2005, 07:20:27 AM by Flex »
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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2005, 07:39:26 AM »
Sando to translate text --- Go to Google, click on language tools and de rest is simple.  Language tools can be found on the right side of the screen just below Advanced Search and Preferences.

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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2005, 08:19:40 AM »
ooooh that was in Spanish!!!
maaaan I thought I was having a sizure for a minute yes, ah start to cold sweat and thing, ha only blinking meh eye and dem hoping to be able to make out the words...   :o

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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2005, 08:59:08 AM »
Well from what I hear Glen not serious, he only want to lime and run down gal.. I am sure Beenhakker have a good reason for not calling him, because he is a help for us...

Jerren Nixon should replace injured Collin Samuel...

We cant rely on Stern John to score and both him and Yorke have de same style up front, we need some trigger happy striker, Jones was perfect, sorry he injured, hope he comes for the CRC game.

But we have strikers on de team who does fraid to shoot de dam ball, they dont even make an effort, they does wait till they in front de goal, 6 yards out to shoot
« Last Edit: August 30, 2005, 09:00:53 AM by Flex »
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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2005, 12:19:57 PM »
My Lord....we starting thread Four days in advance now.



This is the big one.

Win or lorse the board will be hot come Saturday.

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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2005, 12:22:21 PM »
PS: From that Spanish article Sando posted there,,,,, my Spanish pardna now translate piece for me,,,,Guatemala saying they expecting nothing but a win, they said T&T will more than likely play a 4-5-1 formation and attack through de center. Guatemala expecting to score early and take the game to T&T, they say after the 5-1 trashing they know an early goal will destroy T&T and throw them off their game, they also said that T&T takes long to settle in and they plan to exploit that,,,, they also said that Carlos Figueroa, Guillermo Ramírez, Fredy Garcia and Carlos Ruiz is four key players.

Sounds like they have a game plan. Everything they write there is true, sounds like a good plan.

It is up to us to make them tear it up and start over.

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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2005, 01:27:19 PM »
PS: From that Spanish article Sando posted there,,,,, my Spanish pardna now translate piece for me,,,,Guatemala saying they expecting nothing but a win, they said T&T will more than likely play a 4-5-1 formation and attack through de center. Guatemala expecting to score early and take the game to T&T, they say after the 5-1 trashing they know an early goal will destroy T&T and throw them off their game, they also said that T&T takes long to settle in and they plan to exploit that,,,, they also said that Carlos Figueroa, Guillermo Ramírez, Fredy Garcia and Carlos Ruiz is four key players.

Sounds like they have a game plan. Everything they write there is true, sounds like a good plan.

It is up to us to make them tear it up and start over.

Yea its true.. but Fudge them.!!  We Will Cut deh arse come saturday.!!


 :beermug: :beermug:

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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2005, 02:14:19 PM »
Hey Nanny wax,,, Samuel injured,,,,,

LOL .... why u have to use the man name from his birhtpaper. That is private info. Yuh bussing the man files.  ;D
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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2005, 02:16:39 PM »
Btw saw highlights of Glenn playin on the left in the MLS and he was giving dem beans with his pace and skill..

made sure to shoot with the right foo though.

Of course these were just highlights. But this man really fall out of favour yes.


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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2005, 02:19:17 PM »
Hey Nanny wax,,, Samuel injured,,,,,

LOL .... why u have to use the man name from his birhtpaper. That is private info. Yuh bussing the man files.  ;D

Never mind Sam....a few years ago he didn't even know who Lincoln Phillips was.
Couldn't believe it when ppl tell him the man was Assistant Coach for the US at WC 94.

Try to tell us that Mannie Dookie win a medal at the Olympics...Mannie never even went to the Olympics.
So Sam talks his fair bit of shit too... ;D

Maybe we should call him ass wipe.. ;D :devil:


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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2005, 03:28:39 PM »
now that we have mastered the language we can wield it as we may

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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2005, 08:18:12 PM »
ok i too lazy..so someone please tell me what going to happen "IF" we lose or draw..or we win 1-0?
whats the maths like?
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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2005, 09:59:40 PM »

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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2005, 04:39:15 AM »
Latapy: No miracles is true, but we expect heart and soul.

The only players I look forward to coming off the bench is Glen, Eve and Dwarika.... they can change a game, Glen needs to chill out and get serious, WC is a serious thing and will do alot for him if we succed. Off course Jones would start in my team.

I hope Stern John finds his goal scoring ability back, hopefully Latapy can help him there, Yorke too because most likely both of them will start on top Saturday.

PS: VB, talking horse shit....  I always know who was Lincoln, I just throw a hook and VB bite.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2005, 04:49:50 AM by Flex »
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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2005, 05:28:54 AM »
Overall Head To Head Battle.


 P   W    L    D     F   A

14   5     6    3    18  26

26-03-05 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 5-1. WCQ.
11-08-04 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 4:1. Friendly.
24-03-01 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 3-1. Friendly.
15-02-00 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 4-2. Gold Cup.
23-01-98 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 3:1. Friendly.
08-12-96 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 2:1. WCQ.
06-10-96 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 1:1. WCQ.
03-07-91 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 1:0. Gold Cup.
03-09-89 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 2:1. WCQ.
20-08-89 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 0:1. WCQ.
31-08-88 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 2:2. Friendly.
10-12-73 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 1:0. WCQ.
20-11-68 Trinidad & Tobago - Guatemala 0:0. WCQ.
17-11-68 Guatemala - Trinidad & Tobago 4:0. WCQ.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2005, 05:34:47 AM by Flex »
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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2005, 07:30:34 AM »
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Dont mean to sound negative
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2005, 08:38:36 AM »
but I dont understand all this hyoe around Latas coming back.
I personally dont like the idea, it is not progress on our part.
If we relying on men who have been trying to take us to the promised land 16 years ago (this is their 5th campaign), we really worse than we think.
It is plain we have no idea what we doing, and we not producing the players f the calibre we once did.
Its not the coach fault, its just down to the 1.2 million Trinis, we just not as good as we were before.
Our performances on the field attest to this. We barely make 3-4 passes at any one time, and we have become so predictably slow and direct, it is almost comical.
We could have had Wegner, Ferguson or Mourinho, it would not matter that much.
All we can hope is that Beenhakker can use his astuteness and tactically defeat Guatemala and CR on the day.
The positive thing for us is that you dont have to be better than a particular team to beat them.
I am being brutally honest, but we are the worst team in the Hex, maybe just behind Panama.
But as a Trini, I am supporting 110% ! And we could do it. But I dont think Latas is some kinda magic wand that will just show up and make things better.
A little bad play from Guat, a nice strong crowd with vibes, a solid display from our players, WITH DISCIPLINE and a lill luck, and we will win on Saturday, like how we did vs Panama.
Back to Latas, if I was coach, I woulda kindly decline his offer. I wonder is Warner consult Beenhakker before he ask Latas? WOnder what Beenhakker thinks of the whole scenario.
I am Latas number 1 supporter, he is the best and most skilful midfielder to come out of CONCACAF in perhaps 15-20 years, with very few challengers for that role.
When he is on song, he is pure class and magic, capable of almost Michael Jordan like displays or single handedly changing games.
But the man retire on bad grounds, now is 37, and barely plays a full 90.
At his best, he could not engineer TT to the WC, is he better than his best right now? I doubt that strongly.
I woulda play him for the last 30mins, if it was mandatory to play him (Warner factor), especially if we tied or down (which we are 99% of the time)....
I just hoping and praying that Latas make me eat my words, and come out like Roger Milla on the day.
Without Latapy, I feel we could still take care of Guatemala on Saturday.
Latas and Yorke on our team still?? Nah, We real clutching at straws yes.
Are we that bad?

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Re: Dont mean to sound negative
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2005, 09:12:46 AM »
At his best, he could not engineer TT to the WC, is he better than his best right now? I doubt that strongly.

Who gives a shit about what happened in past WC campaigns?  The fact is right now we only need to beat Panama, Guatemala and Uzbekistan/Bahrain and they are much worse than the teams we had to beat before to qualify. 
So all that matters is whether or not Latas can improve our team's chances as it stands right now by playing better than Theobald, Whitely or Birchall.  Obviously at his best those men couldn't even shine his boots but that is irrelavant.
He doesn't need to be better than his best, just better than the rest.


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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2005, 10:18:03 AM »
    :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:   :applause: :applause: :applause:

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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2005, 10:49:31 AM »

                             LATAPY          GOD
                                10                10
Little Magician is King.......ask Jorge Campos

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Re: Dont mean to sound negative
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2005, 11:17:04 AM »

Who gives a shit about what happened in past WC campaigns?  The fact is right now we only need to beat Panama, Guatemala and Uzbekistan/Bahrain and they are much worse than the teams we had to beat before to qualify. 
So all that matters is whether or not Latas can improve our team's chances as it stands right now by playing better than Theobald, Whitely or Birchall.  Obviously at his best those men couldn't even shine his boots but that is irrelavant.
He doesn't need to be better than his best, just better than the rest.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: 

PREACH IT BREDDRIN!!   Yuh leggo some serious blows dey....:challenge:

 :notworthy:  :notworthy:  :salute:
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Re: Dont mean to sound negative
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2005, 11:44:59 AM »
Latas and Yorke on our team still?? Nah, We real clutching at straws yes.
Are we that bad?

Trini yuh asking answers man. But the fact of the matter is that with the quality of the team we have, Latas and Yorke and can make and start and star on this team, so yes it is a GOOD thing for us to have him back and he does make the team better than it was before.
So its not that we are that bad, to put a more positive spin on the words we are just not that good, so we need their help.  I think we might have been able to do it without Latas but him being on the team is a boost so why not strengthen our squad.
Hopefully one day we will have such a deep and strong squad that we will no longer need to beg our star players out of retirement to help the team and a past him prime Carlos Edwards and Kenwyne Jones will not be needed but as for today and this weekend, we need everybody who could help.

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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2005, 02:39:58 PM »
Latapy: No miracles is true, but we expect heart and soul.

The only players I look forward to coming off the bench is Glen, Eve and Dwarika.... they can change a game, Glen needs to chill out and get serious, WC is a serious thing and will do alot for him if we succed. Off course Jones would start in my team.

I hope Stern John finds his goal scoring ability back, hopefully Latapy can help him there, Yorke too because most likely both of them will start on top Saturday.

PS: VB, talking horse shit....  I always know who was Lincoln, I just throw a hook and VB bite.

Yuh lie ...u didn't know one ass.

I sorry ah couldn't find dat post from the old site....but keep mama guying yuh self..:-)


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Re: Thread for the TRI vs GUA game.
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2005, 02:45:59 PM »
ppl talking about fourth spot.

Quite frankly we can beat Guat and Mex at home and beating CR abroad is not impossible.

I doh friten CR,...but that altitude is a bitch.
We gave them all they could handle back in 1989...two offside goas...and they manage a 1-0 victory.

We might shock a lot of ppl. But beating Guat. is of the essence. Ah looking for a 2-0 victory.


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« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2005, 06:55:14 PM »
I really hope u right and it pull thru.
I jus have this memore in my head from 2001 when we was suppose to steamroll honduras, and we had rela momentum going into the game, with Yorke being recalled from suspension from Simoes just for the game and all of T&T was in joy at his return., the man say his boots would do the talking etc etc.
Needless to say, we all knew what happened.

Put it this waym if we cant beat Guatemala on saturday, a direct rival for the 3rd or 4th spot, we aint going anywhere.
And we should not be griping, cause Guat will jus prove they are better than us now and deserve that spot.
I also believe that we should go for goals, I have a feeling even if we win, we could end up level on points with guat, and the head to head goes into effect.
We in real trouble from that 5-1 we get.


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