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You think you know people eh....

Published: April 13, 2008

LAREDO, Tex. — When one of the most successful coaches in the history of track and field goes on trial next month in the long-running federal investigation into doping in sports, lawyers for both sides are prepared to reveal that cheating in track is far more widespread than previously known.
The main witness against Trevor Graham, the coach, said he advised and supplied illicit drugs to Mr. Graham and his camp of elite athletes, including Marion Jones, as well as to many other sprinters and their coaches.

Angel Guillermo Heredia is identified as Source A in the felony indictment. He agreed to be a cooperating witness three years ago when investigators confronted him with evidence of his own drug trafficking and money laundering, court filings show. In that time, Mr. Heredia said, he has provided prosecutors with the names of many elite track athletes and Olympic medal winners, as well documentation.

Mr. Graham, who is charged with three counts of making false statements, says that he is innocent. A defense motion to dismiss, which was denied, said the government’s case had been built on accusations by Mr. Heredia that “are not true and are merely an effort to attempt to divert attention from his illicit drug dealing and the illicit drug usage by athletes.”

Mr. Graham’s lawyers have said they will expose prominent athletes who were Mr. Heredia’s clients in an attempt to discredit him as a tainted witness who continued dispensing drugs and should be the one facing charges.

Mr. Heredia said he had named names to prosecutors, identifying about two dozen elite athletes as his clients in the hope of keeping his status as a federal witness rather than as a criminal target.

The federal authorities who have worked with Mr. Heredia for three years say that he is credible despite his unsavory activities, and that nothing he has told them has been shown to be untrue, said a lawyer familiar with the investigation who spoke anonymously because he is not authorized to discuss it.

In recent interviews with The New York Times, Mr. Heredia described how and with whom he worked, sharing copies of records that appear to link him to many of the best sprinters of the last decade, including e-mail exchanges of doping regimens, canceled checks, telephone recordings, shipping records, and laboratory readings of blood and urine samples, as well as Justice Department documents.

Among his clients, Mr. Heredia identified 12 Olympic medalists who had won a combined 26 Olympic medals and 21 world championships. Four of the 12, including Ms. Jones, had been named and barred from competition for illicit drug use. Eight of the 12 — notably, the sprinter Maurice Greene — have never been previously linked to performance-enhancing drugs.

Mr. Greene, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and five-time world champion, has never failed a drug test.

Mr. Heredia showed The Times a copy of a bank transaction form showing a $10,000 wire transfer from a Maurice Greene to a relative of Mr. Heredia’s, two sets of blood-test lab reports with Mr. Greene’s name and age on them and an e-mail message from a close friend and track club teammate of Mr. Greene’s, attaching one of the lab reports and saying, “Angel, this is maurices results sorry it took so long.”

Mr. Greene did not respond to numerous requests for comment over the last two weeks. His agent and his father each said he would pass along The Times’s messages to Mr. Greene. Copies of documents Mr. Heredia showed The Times were sent to Mr. Greene’s agent, Daniel Escamilla of HSInternational, based in California. Mr. Escamilla said he forwarded them to Mr. Greene but declined to make any comment.

The teammate also did not respond to telephone and e-mail messages asking for comment.

The Justice Department has kept its focus narrow in investigations rising from the Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative, a California company raided by federal agents in 2003. The government has filed charges only against those who dealt the drugs or impeded the investigation, not against the users who told the truth.

Regulators Take Notice

Even if the Graham case is settled before trial or the names of sprinters Mr. Heredia says he worked with never come out in public testimony, prosecutors are expected to pass along the evidence and interview reports to the United States Anti-Doping Agency, which investigates doping in sports after criminal proceedings are complete.

Travis T. Tygart, the chief executive of the antidoping agency, declined to make any comment regarding Mr. Heredia in a telephone interview Tuesday. Mr. Tygart said, “Usada continues to cooperate with the Balco investigators and will aggressively act on all reliable evidence of doping if and when received through the Balco investigation or otherwise.”

Mr. Heredia said that he met with Mr. Tygart two years ago but that he did not reveal as many of his former clients to Mr. Tygart as he has to federal investigators.

The extent of Mr. Heredia’s disclosures were news to the International Association of Athletics Federations, track’s governing body.

“We would be very, very keen to talk to somebody who had information like that,” Chris Butler, a spokesman for I.A.A.F. antidoping programs, said recently in a telephone interview from his office in Monaco. Most of the doping suspensions last year were first investigated based on tips, which Mr. Butler said were “crucial to our testing and targeting.”

Mr. Heredia, 33, a former Mexican national discus champion, is a secretive figure on the track circuit who describes himself as a chemist, scientist and nutritionist. The son of a chemist, Mr. Heredia received an undergraduate degree in kinesiology from Texas A&M in Kingsville, records show.

He said he used family connections to pharmacies and labs in Mexico to help his business. For years, Mr. Heredia said, he helped his clients flout the rules and easily avoided detection. Substances like human growth hormone and the blood booster erythropoietin, or EPO, are still virtually impossible to detect, and “it is still easy to use testosterone” with fast-acting creams, he said.

“You combine all these things — boom! — you get amazing results,” Mr. Heredia said.

The I.A.A.F. performed 3,277 drug tests last year and barred only 10 athletes for doping. In her career, Ms. Jones passed more than 160 drug tests.

Mr. Heredia defended doping as necessary for his professional athletes to keep up with others who were taking performance enhancers or who had naturally higher hormone levels. “If you’re at the highest levels, you’ve got to do this to be competitive,” he said.

As for why he was talking publicly and without the approval of prosecutors, Mr. Heredia said he wanted to explain himself before the trial and to write books about his role in the track world, as José Canseco did with steroids in baseball.

“I tried for years to protect them,” Mr. Heredia said of the athletes, “and at this point, I’m just doing what’s best for me.”

Decision to Testify

Mr. Heredia and his lawyer, Armando Trevino, said that prosecutors had not granted him immunity and that they still worried that he could be charged. Prosecutors offered last year to help Mr. Heredia, a Mexican citizen, with his American visa, if necessary, according to a court filing.

The three charges against Mr. Graham all involve his statements about Mr. Heredia. According to the indictment, in 2004 Mr. Graham told Jeff Novitzky, a special agent for the Internal Revenue Service, that he had never met Mr. Heredia nor had they talked on the phone after 1997. Mr. Graham also said he never received or distributed drugs from Mr. Heredia and did not send athletes to him for drugs.

Ten months after Mr. Graham’s interview with Mr. Novitzky, Mr. Heredia was called before the grand jury. Before testifying, Mr. Heredia said, he was interviewed by Mr. Novitzky, who held up a thick stack of Mr. Heredia’s phone records and said, “We’ve got you.” Mr. Novitzky gave him the choice: either cooperate and tell what you know about the underside of track and field or face years in prison for drug trafficking.

Mr. Heredia showed The Times a photograph he said was taken in Laredo in December 1996 in which his hand rests on Mr. Graham’s shoulder. Mr. Heredia said they stopped working together in 2000 after a financial dispute.

Mr. Graham’s lawyer, Bill Keane, declined to comment on Mr. Heredia, the photograph and the pending trial except to say that he expected Mr. Heredia to be a government witness.

Gail Shifman, Mr. Graham’s former lawyer, described Mr. Heredia in a 2006 statement as a wrongdoer who was making “fraudulent allegations.” She wrote, “It is a sad comment that the pursuit of justice can be turned and twisted by personal vendettas and revenge.”

Mr. Heredia showed The Times e-mail messages, lab reports or financial records relating to 10 of the 12 Olympic medal winners he identified as his drug clients. The documents show that Mr. Heredia was paid by the athletes, had access to their private medical records and sent e-mail messages suggesting doping regimens, often with first-name familiarity, but they are not definitive proof that any of these athletes took performance-enhancing drugs.

Although most of their names are not mentioned in this article, Mr. Greene was identified because he is the most prominent athlete not previously linked to doping and was given copies of the documents Mr. Heredia provided as evidence of their working relationship.

Three of the 12 won Olympic medals in 2004, the others earlier. Mr. Heredia also identified as clients another dozen elite track stars who never won an Olympic medal.

“All these people are talented,” Mr. Heredia said. “The thing is they needed an extra boost. It’s a difference between running 10 flat all year, or 9.8 four times a year when you had to.”

Mr. Heredia told prosecutors in December 2006 and The Times recently that Mr. Greene had paid him a total of about $40,000, including the $10,000 wire transfer, for advice and steroid creams, EPO, insulin and stimulants in 2003 and 2004. Mr. Greene had won two Olympic gold medals when Mr. Heredia said Mr. Greene first contacted him after the 2002 track season. By then, Mr. Greene had lost the title “world’s fastest man” to Tim Montgomery and was also losing races to Dwain Chambers; those sprinters were being helped by taking Balco drugs, court records later showed.

Reviewing Mr. Greene’s two blood reports for The Times, Dr. David L. Diuguid, director of hematology at Columbia University Department of Medicine, said they looked “totally normal.”

Mr. Greene, slowed by injuries in 2003, ran faster in 2004. He clocked 9.87 seconds in the 100 meters — his best time in three years — for the bronze medal at the Athens Olympics, where he also took a silver for anchoring the 4x100-meter relay.

Mr. Heredia said he stopped working with Mr. Greene after the Athens Games because of the expanding Balco investigation. Mr. Greene has not broken 10 seconds since then. He retired from racing in February at age 33 and was named an ambassador for the I.A.A.F.

Suspended Athletes

Of the two dozen sprinters Mr. Heredia said he worked with over the years, official track records show that seven of them have been barred for periods of two years to life for drug violations. Mr. Heredia said some took drugs he did not recommend. Others were implicated in records seized from Balco after they switched from working with Mr. Graham and Mr. Heredia to working with Victor Conte Jr., the Balco co-founder.

Mr. Graham portrays himself as a whistle-blower because he sent a Balco syringe to investigators. But Mr. Heredia and Mr. Conte, in separate interviews, said that Mr. Graham was simply trying to put Mr. Conte out of business.

Mr. Conte confirmed that he had known Mr. Heredia was advising and supplying drugs to athletes, including Ms. Jones, but he considered Mr. Heredia less sophisticated than himself.

Some of the records Mr. Heredia showed to The Times were blunt and to the point. One e-mail message from a world indoor champion sprinter stated: “Send me some GH to my house. I am running Zurick. Let me know how much it is and I will send.” Mr. Heredia said “GH” was shorthand for growth hormone.

A July 2003 e-mail message from Mr. Heredia to Raymond Stewart, a track coach in Texas and silver medalist for Jamaica at the 1984 Olympics, described the drugs Mr. Heredia had recommended for two of Mr. Stewart’s runners. It referred to bottles of “g” — another shorthand for growth hormone — and testosterone.

Reached by phone at his home, Mr. Stewart initially denied knowing Mr. Heredia. But after being provided with a copy of the 2003 message from Mr. Heredia, he said they had met. Mr. Stewart also contended that he had rejected the drugs Mr. Heredia offered in the note. “We don’t do that,” Mr. Stewart said.

As Mr. Heredia waits to testify and worries he will be arrested, he still has work to keep him busy. He continues to advise foreign athletes on performance-enhancing drugs, he said, but never in the United States and no longer as a supplier.

Oh I can't wait to hear when this man names everyone on his list..... >:(


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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2008, 10:13:44 PM »
Ahhh I could n finish read it ,I saw one name and my blood when cold ,and was to excited to continue yahhhh . am gonna finish read it now .

Offline willi

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2008, 02:06:41 AM »
Ohh but I hear the best is yet to come....I done change 2 medals already since I retired in 2004, why not some more? I want to see the rest of this list, I heard there is a HUGE name still to come.....PM me for it.

the USA hypocrisy is finally ending.

Rhatid CUP!

What the hell is going on??

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2008, 02:11:44 AM »
Man i really hope I am dreaming. This stuff can't be real. Track can't take another serious blow like this. :'(
Psalm 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

Offline A.B.

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2008, 02:23:53 AM »
The way I see it you can't begin work on the new house until you DEMOLISH the old one.......let's get every single name! EVERY ONE, then right the wrongs medal wise, and then give this generation a chance to avert those mistakes.

I have great faith in athletes like Veroinca Campbell-Brown, Sanya Richards and Allyson Felix

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2008, 06:08:46 AM »
The way I see it you can't begin work on the new house until you DEMOLISH the old one.......let's get every single name! EVERY ONE, then right the wrongs medal wise, and then give this generation a chance to avert those mistakes.

I have great faith in athletes like Veroinca Campbell-Brown, Sanya Richards and Allyson Felix

I can only hope...but I swear for no-one!

Yuh get my PM?

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2008, 07:21:06 AM »
Wow, all this stuff is truly horrible. Ato, I remember some time ago after the situation with Gatlin and Marion, you said that another big name will be implicated. I don't know if this news is what you were talking about. I don't want to put any words in your mouth or imply anything that I should not especially with something as sensitive as this, but it seems from your comments that you are not doubting the validity of the claims made by this guy. I suppose all will come out eventually.

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2008, 08:57:10 AM »
Ato, as long as you are not implicated... When ah see Maurice name I start to shke.  BUt believe me, I have told my wife wif for years that I believe that Maurice is dirty and swore for your cleanliness.  Now, please beg Brown, Kelly-Ann, Richard Thompson, and Burns and every TT athlete you see to shun the lure of the cheaters.  Please...please!
Never, never, ever give up! Go T&T Warriors!

Offline A.B.

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2008, 10:41:36 AM »
This wasn't the big name it was Marion after Gatlin I was referencing at the time.  This is a shock, trust me, because you think you know people.  You don't. Vouch for yourself is all I can say.  People will smile in yuh face, and they will be doing all sorts of things that will amaze you.

P.S. Damn right I believe the federal testimony of this man.  When you send 40k to a dealer, it isn't for advice.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 10:49:18 AM by A.B. »

Offline willi

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2008, 01:15:13 PM »
This wasn't the big name it was Marion after Gatlin I was referencing at the time.  This is a shock, trust me, because you think you know people.  You don't. Vouch for yourself is all I can say.  People will smile in yuh face, and they will be doing all sorts of things that will amaze you.

P.S. Damn right I believe the federal testimony of this man.  When you send 40k to a dealer, it isn't for advice.

It is a sad situation.

Not nice for anyone really.

AND yes, I dont swear for anybody...nuhbaddy, sorry, just suh it go.


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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2008, 07:30:34 AM »
Mr. Heredia told prosecutors in December 2006 and The Times recently that Mr. Greene had paid him a total of about $40,000, including the $10,000 wire transfer, for advice and steroid creams, EPO, insulin and stimulants in 2003 and 2004. Mr. Greene had won two Olympic gold medals when Mr. Heredia said Mr. Greene first contacted him after the 2002 track season. By then, Mr. Greene had lost the title “world’s fastest man” to Tim Montgomery and was also losing races to Dwain Chambers; those sprinters were being helped by taking Balco drugs, court records later showed.

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't this suggest that Mo used the stuff after he was already Olympic Champion?  If that is the case, then where is the proof that he was a drug cheat BEFORE he contacted Mr. Heredia?

On another note, I always felt that Donovan Bailey and Michael Johnson were on the juice....Bailey come from nowhere and in 2-3 years he is W Record holder and olympic champ and Michael Johnson...welll his times speak fuh demselves.

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2008, 10:43:20 AM »
The IAAF backs Greene....

IAAF, Greene Dismiss Doping Allegations

By RAF CASERT – 4 hours ago

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) — Track and field's world governing body dismissed doping allegations against former Olympic sprint champion Maurice Greene, throwing its support behind the man who once held the 100-meter world record.

Greene also denied the accusations, which were made by a witness in a U.S. government investigation into sports doping and reported this past weekend in the New York Times.

"None of this is new," International Association of Athletics Federations spokesman Nick Davies told The Associated Press. "There is no reason to take action against Maurice."

Davies said the IAAF would continue to use Greene as one of its goodwill ambassadors to promote the sport in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics.

"With every ambassador we do an immediate check with the doping department," Davies said by telephone from IAAF headquarters in Monaco. "In this case they said, `No, we don't have anything.'"

The Times reported that the witness, Angel Guillermo Heredia, said he advised and supplied banned substances to track coach Trevor Graham and athletes including Greene and Marion Jones.

"I read about this guy and this rumor four years ago," Davies said.

Citing court filings, the Times said that Heredia — identified as Source A in the documents — agreed to be a cooperating witness when investigators confronted him with evidence of his own drug trafficking and money laundering. The newspaper said Heredia provided prosecutors with the names of elite athletes, including 12 Olympic medal winners, who allegedly used performance-enhancing substances, and also provided documentation.

Among his clients, the Times said Heredia identified Greene, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and five-time world champion who never previously has been linked to doping. Greene, who retired in February, never failed a doping test.

Greene told Britain's Daily Telegraph that he had met with Heredia but did not receive or use any drugs.

"This is a bad situation for me," he was quoted as saying in Monday's editions. "My name's coming up in something and it's not true. ... I have met him before and when he was talking to me, I told him I don't believe in this stuff."

Davies said the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency had been looking into the link for years without finding any proof.

"If it was Maurice, it was not enough to even interest USADA, who are very interested," Davies said.

Greene won the gold in the 100 meters at the 2000 Sydney Games and was part of the winning U.S. 400-meter relay team. He once held the 100 record, and still holds the indoor 60 world record.

Greene was linked to doping by Heredia as part of the case against Graham, who is charged in a federal case in San Francisco with three counts of making false statements. He has pleaded not guilty.

"I have met with a lot of people who wanted me to try this and that," Greene told the Telegraph. "Everyone wanted me to work with them. But me getting anything or doing anything? I have not.

"My stance has always been that there is no place in our sport for drug users. I have always said that you should be banned for life if you come up positive even once. I stand by that."

Greene said he used to pay for items for other members of his training group, but didn't know what he was paying for.

"Our group was very close and things always came up," he said. "I would pay for stuff and not care what it was. I've paid for things for other people."

Those closing statement don't sound to good however. You don't drop 10k and don't ask what someone is going to do with it. Greene made some dough, but like most tract althletes didn't exactly have 'balla' status.
Psalm 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2008, 01:04:27 PM »
Wha Greene really saying there? Dat sound kinda funny.


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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2008, 05:24:39 PM »
Not Mo Greene's first brush with doping/steroids: Coach John Smith of HSI under scrutiny in the past too
Last night, as part of a huge track and field scandal, world record holder Maurice Greene found himself injected into the world of dopers when Mexican steroid peddler Angle Heredia revealed that he supplied the juice to Greene.  However, this isn't the first time Greene made the lineup of the usual suspects.

Greene, a Kansas City KS native, left the Midwest to train with elite sprint coach John Smith in California.  Several years ago, Smith reportedly signed a deal with BALCO's Victor Conte (report from 2004).  Conte and BALCO promoted many of the same PEDs Green stands accused of using: anabolic steroids, HGH, and insulin.

 John Smith, who coaches elite sprinters such as Maurice Greene and Ato Boldon, met and signed a non-disclosure pact with Victor Conte, the key figure in a steroid scandal, it was reported.

Trinidad's Boldon signed a similar document six weeks after Smith's three-hour meeting with the BALCO Laboratories president on October 11, 2001, the San Jose Mercury News reported.

The report also said Smith exchanged e-mails with Conte in October and November of 2001.

Conte is among four men indicted on steroid distribution charges stemming from last year's discovery of the previously undetectable anabolic steroid tetrahydrogestrinone (THG).

Smith coached Greene as well as several other elite athletes, some of whom were caught doping.

Among the athletes coached by Smith is Torri Edwards, promoted to the gold medal position in the 100m in last year's world championships after Kelli White was stripped of the title and banned for two years on her admission to the United States Anti-Doping Agency last week that she had been using banned drugs obtained from Balco.

Smith works with HSI Sports Management, who also employs Ato Boldon, similarly once named as signing a BALCO contract (same reference), and who once was Greene's training partner.

MAURICE GREENE, the Olympic 100 metres champion, is the latest leading sprinter to be linked with the United States doping investigation that led to the banning of Kelli White last week. White was stripped of the 100 and 200 metres gold medals that she won at the World Championships in Paris last year and Greene, like Marion Jones and Tim Montgomery, now finds his feet caught in the spider’s web.

John Smith, Greene’s coach, is reported by a Californian newspaper to have signed an agreement with Victor Conte towards the end of 2001. Conte is the owner of the Bay Area Laboratory Co- Operative (Balco), which is alleged to have supplied elite athletes with illegal steroids. The newspaper said that it had seen the document signed by Smith agreeing “not to disclose or use confidential and proprietary information”.

The document does not explain the intention or motivation of the agreement. Ato Boldon, Greene’s training partner and a former 200 metres world champion, also signed such a document. None of the documents outline a programme of drug use but Emanuel Hudson, the president of the HSI track club, the sports management company for which Smith is the coach, denied that Smith had signed a non-disclosure agreement.

We suspect the careers of many elite track stars will be under intense scrutiny in the near future.  How many of those world records and Olympic medals are drug-aided?


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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2008, 07:12:26 PM »

Offline A.B.

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2008, 06:59:03 AM »
Conte is a man (still) with a legal supplement business, ZMA, who in 2001 no one knew of, nor how infamous he would soon become.  A track athlete should/always has to look for cutting edge supplements to stay competitive, while remaining clear of the illegal ones.

He came to me FIRST thru my ex who sat next to him on the plane on the way back from Edmonton 2001 world champs where I had gotten 4th 3rd, and gave her his card. She passed it to me and he and I had a conversation about his ideas.
(It's like saying you used to date white girls with OJ Simpson - in 1980 that was cool, in 2007 it might mean something bad.)

This Conte association people try to fabricate with me based on the one conversation we had from 3000 miles apart doesn't stick, because Conte has taken down everyone when he was going down, so where is the Trini in all this? Diplomatic immunity???

Conte was trying to get in to the track business - and he did. When I spoke to him in 2001 I realized very quickly he was about to go down a path that would take everyone down with him - which I have lived to see.  That, I wrote about on my own site 5 years ago and it's still there to this day.  Those who got involved with his illegal wares after talking to him have all gone down in every sport.  Clemens, Bonds in baseball, tons of track athletes, NFL players, everyone.

The others, there has been no mention of, simply because nothing remotely illegal ever happened.  I don't understand how people have seen all these people accused/busted etc in 5 years, absent myself, and still act like "aha here it comes for Boldon, they have him!"  :rotfl:

Keep waiting for that, please. 

I'll be right here. I guess those who have been so sure about me and believe every tripe written and spoken about me will be disappointed, as they have been in the past 5 years since people from Balco have been busted, jailed and/or shamed.

Anyone can write or say anything about anyone, but what has the reality/evidence borne?

No set of long talking, let's see who the names on the list are since these seem to be the last batch of BALCO people to be outed.  If this Heredia guy is a rat, he will go down for lying to the feds, if not then he will be a star and big names will fall, according to the NYT article.



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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2008, 07:07:17 AM »
Hey brother, I am a fan.  I did not imply anything, I merely posted an article.

The track world is buzing with the talk that you wrote a letter castigating your ex-team mates for betraying you.  There is also much talk that you should have known that your one time best buddy was on the dope, afterall you hung out, went to weddings, and made You tube vids acting like the greatest of friends. (Not my words nor my sayigs)  It is just stuff I have been seeing all over the track sites.



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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2008, 07:59:59 AM »
Not saying you implied anything at all, just thought I needed to address what was in this posted thing.


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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2008, 09:35:49 AM »
Not saying you implied anything at all, just thought I needed to address what was in this posted thing.

Ok, because I is yuh fan in trute and I eh beleiveing nutten unless I see de evidence to de contrary.

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2008, 10:47:40 AM »
Well at least I have one eh lol


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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2008, 11:57:48 AM »
Well at least I have one eh lol

Yes yuh do, and yuh should be glad dat since meh intense therapy, I am no longer listed a dangerous stalker.

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2008, 03:05:22 PM »
Well at least I have one eh lol


You have several new ones. All Jam behind yuh! LoL

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2008, 03:26:58 PM »

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2008, 07:45:33 PM »
Three!  ............ I in dat


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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2008, 02:25:45 PM »

Those fighting to seal the lid on the latest track & field/steroids embarrassment need another box of nails, lickety-split.

The New York Times has reported it has obtained information from a government witness in the BALCO case linking retired US sprinter Maurice Greene to performance-enhancing drugs.
The witness, identified as Angel Guillermo Heredia, has alleged that Greene paid him around $40,000 for drugs, including steroids and stimulants, insulin and EPO in 2003 and 2004.
To no one’s surprise, Greene has denied the accusations in comments published by ‘The Daily Telegraph’ in the UK.

In that piece, Greene acknowledged that he had met with Heredia but that he did not receive or use any performance-enhancing drugs.

Maurice Greene (Reuters)

However, Greene did tell the newspaper that he often used to pay for things for other members of his training group, which he described as a tight knit bunch.

While Greene does not name names, the implication for his team members is obvious.

One of the other star sprinters in Greene’s Los Angeles based group at the time was Trinidad’s Ato Boldon. Not only were the two athletes training partners but the media also portrayed them for years as close friends.

But that relationship appears to have ended, Hollywood style.

Reached this morning, I asked Boldon about the news reports and rampant speculation on the Internet, to which he replied that unfortunately track & field and gossip go hand in hand. But he did offer a statement, one that reveals the possible existence of a great schism between the former training partners.

“One thing is clear, that the evidence and the facts will show someone to be a fraud and someone will be vindicated. I will make no further comment regarding this case until such time,” said Boldon.[/b]

Very surprising as well are the statements coming out of the IAAF. Spokesman Nick Davies, sounding more like Greene’s defense lawyer than a governing body trying to rid its sport of the steroids scourge, has reportedly dismissed the allegations against the former Olympic and World champion, saying there was no reason to take action against Greene, currently an IAAF ambassador.

This is a starkly different tune from Davies, who in the past has seen fit to wear a prosecutor’s cap on such issues in other cases. An email to Davies seeking comment was not returned, but one would hope the IAAF shelves both caps for the neutral & by the book one that has apparently gone missing.

On the other hand, Travis T. Tygart, the chief executive of the United States Anti-Doping Agency, is quoted in a separate NYT piece saying, “As we’ve done in the past and as is our mission, we will aggressively pursue any and all evidence of potential doping violations of an athlete in our jurisdiction.”

Despite the IAAF’s assurances, Greene is no stranger to controversy. Just as the Athens 2004 Games were to begin, the local Greek paper ‘Patris’ broke the story of the arrest of two Olympic drug testers looking to test Greene on August 12, 2004 at the Pilot Hotel in Chania, Crete, where the US team was based.

The paper reported that the testers were whisked away to a local police station where they were questioned for hours -- precluding them from conducting the tests they were originally charged to administer -- on US team charges that they were suspected of being terrorists. The testers were identified in the Patris story by name as a Swede and a Greek, according to the police report filed.

But with sparse international media coverage and treated like the unwelcome skunk at the garden party, the story quickly died, after US officials waived off the reports as preposterous and explained them away as Greek anger over the fall from grace, at the time, of their own star sprinters.

Greene went on to win a bronze medal at the Athens Olympics after clocking a lightning quick 9.87 seconds in the 100m final.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 02:29:08 PM by truetrini »

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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2008, 04:26:52 PM »
Birds of ah feather ...one geh ketch and one geh way .....at least so far.



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Re: Who says we don't have another Olympic gold coming (retroactively)
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2008, 09:35:15 PM »
Three!  ............ I in dat
four, ato get me interested in track, i aint shame to admit it, as a young boy growing up, i remember Ato running in hampton games in 98 those were d days yes,i remember d hype was to break d world record, Ato was a real hero to me then and still is. People doh realise how young people does look up to dem nah, marion and dem cheats let down alot of kids   
« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 10:00:28 PM by Die.Hard.Warrior »
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