A Bar B Cue Fundraiser is to be held on July 5th 2008 at Cover Girls on Carib Street in San Fernando. Tickets will cost TT$35.00 each -
Distribution is 11.30am - 3pm
I hope to have tickets in hand by June 13th 2008 for distribution. Let me know how many you require.
What we need urgently are Donations as individuals or on behalf of your company. Listed below are items we need for this venture:
Please note that individual ingredients can be donated as well as finished dishes. You do not have to donate full quantities, portions will be much appreciated...
Vegetable Rice
Bread Rolls
Bar B Cue Chicken
Coals - 8 Bags
Chicken - 400
Ketchup - 8 cases
Mustard - 3 litres
Butter - 6 lbs
Pepper Sauce
Rice - 275lbs
Celery -
Carrots -
Forks, NApkins, Bags - 1500 each
Boxes - 1500
Green Seasonings - Pepper, Bandania (pls don't laugh at the spelling), Ginger
Bread Rolls - 1500
Salt, garlic, onions
Sugar, Vinegar, Black Pepper
THe Financial assitance for Baby Hannah is not coming in
as fast as hoped. Please remember she the older she gets
the more risky the operation, so we need to move FAST...
My Contact Number is 686 1342 - Shanti or you may contact
Mohan and Meera Mahabirsingh
652 3460/ 653 0858
MMS Chartered Accountants
Lower Hillside
SAn Fernando