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Author Topic: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)  (Read 9735 times)

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2008, 05:26:26 PM »
Alllyuh cud stay and tickle yuhself with the fantasies about how things playing out (tennis  :rotfl:) ...the T&T public is seeing things another way....I suppose the court was wrong too...and the minister's legal adviser...and the media.

"my people"   ::)

Boy DCS I never realised that you were such a jack ass no pun intended. Every Jack Ass that brayed (booed) at the stadium should forever be confined down the islands with Jack as your leader. You all deserve each other. Hooray for Gary Hunt the first Sport minister with balls to tell jack where to go with his lies and downright dishonest, corrupt behavior. i wish I could honestly say that T&T didnt have such assholes like those who booed Minister Hunt. D Sucker leave Jack own alone and take in some air. Maybe you can regain your senses.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 05:37:37 PM by sub1 »

Offline Bakes

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #61 on: June 13, 2008, 06:39:30 PM »
Alllyuh cud stay and tickle yuhself with the fantasies about how things playing out (tennis  :rotfl:) ...the T&T public is seeing things another way....I suppose the court was wrong too...and the minister's legal adviser...and the media.

"my people"   ::)

Somehow I missed this.

"the T&T public" at times can't even find dey own ass with a compass and a roadmap... so it not surprising to me that some ah allyuh falling fuh Jack Jedi mindgames and "seeing things another way".

Offline R45

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2008, 07:04:22 PM »
You keep falling for that fiction... this is the TTFF's national team.  The public has no say in the running of the team's affairs, we have no voice in it's administration (the TTFF), no input in it's governance...we do not vote for it's members and we sure as hell don't appoint it's leadership.  Should the 'public'... in the form of the government ever put God out it's thoughts and interfere too much in the TTFF's affairs FIFA will promptly issue us a ban in we ass until we fall back and let the bobol proceed.  So please spare us this nonsense about this is "our" team... as Jack is more than happy to remind us, this is HIS team, we just have the privilege of cheering for it.  So same way, the HC is our stadium... HIS team playing there is a privilege, not a right.  If he wants to use the facility then he must be prepared to pay a rent.  Gary Hunt might be a poor politician but that's alright, I could live with that because he's one hell of a businessman, and right now he about the business of the public's money.

It is still the national team, just we are represented by a dictatorship run federation. But, the team represents our country in the only world football through FIFA (which every other country does as well), hence it is national. It isn't right for the TTFF to get away with what they do, nor am I condoning it, but it still is our national team when they run out on the field.

Knowing some of the crap that went on with Radical Designs, I would be very cautious in labeling him "one hell of a businessman", unless it's a literal statement.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 07:08:25 PM by R45 »

Offline dcs

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2008, 10:11:00 PM »
It would be interesting to see a proper open debate on football issues.  All kinda personal attacks and weak insults is supposed to influence people's opinion?  lol
sub1 doh make me laugh.  better than that

I doh mind ruffling feathers here...imagine anybody who give an opinion different to the board status quo hadda waste time reading all manner of empty insults that adding nothing to the discussion. 
You really depriving yourself if you don't welcome different opinions and try to see things from another perspective. So many here just doh even bother anymore but I seeing a totally different take on things betw some here and the rest of the country which I find interesting so I throwing it at allyuh.  Is either you want to talk about it and find out why or you could get vex that your internet spell not forcing the rest of the country to think like you.

This crusade to "force" everybody to think the same way on particular issues or have the same opinion on certain people.....well you don't have enough lifetimes to achieve that. 

talk yuh talk?

Offline fishs

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2008, 11:31:30 PM »
Alllyuh cud stay and tickle yuhself with the fantasies about how things playing out (tennis  :rotfl:) ...the T&T public is seeing things another way....I suppose the court was wrong too...and the minister's legal adviser...and the media.

"my people"   ::)

Somehow I missed this.

"the T&T public" at times can't even find dey own ass with a compass and a roadmap... so it not surprising to me that some ah allyuh falling fuh Jack Jedi mindgames and "seeing things another way".

B&S I don't think you're being fair to " the T&T public" , a lot of the people that go to international football matchs in Trinidad are true football lovers as much as we are. They choose to be selective of the games they go to for a myriad of reasons, work, family commitments, interest in the games etc.
When they go to support the national team that is what they do so anything that might affect THAT national team from performing or affect the performance of THAT national team they will oppose. Unlike most in here they have their  lives to live in TT where there are more concerns than Jack and his band of scoundrels , shit I have friends that literally don't go out again because of crime.
All have questioned this blabklist thing but all have realised that the type of action needed to correct that is just not worth the effort .
Don't pour abuse on what is a reality.
Ah want de woman on de bass

Offline Bakes

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #65 on: June 14, 2008, 11:04:35 AM »
Alllyuh cud stay and tickle yuhself with the fantasies about how things playing out (tennis  :rotfl:) ...the T&T public is seeing things another way....I suppose the court was wrong too...and the minister's legal adviser...and the media.

"my people"   ::)

Somehow I missed this.

"the T&T public" at times can't even find dey own ass with a compass and a roadmap... so it not surprising to me that some ah allyuh falling fuh Jack Jedi mindgames and "seeing things another way".

B&S I don't think you're being fair to " the T&T public" , a lot of the people that go to international football matchs in Trinidad are true football lovers as much as we are. They choose to be selective of the games they go to for a myriad of reasons, work, family commitments, interest in the games etc.
When they go to support the national team that is what they do so anything that might affect THAT national team from performing or affect the performance of THAT national team they will oppose. Unlike most in here they have their  lives to live in TT where there are more concerns than Jack and his band of scoundrels , shit I have friends that literally don't go out again because of crime.
All have questioned this blabklist thing but all have realised that the type of action needed to correct that is just not worth the effort .
Don't pour abuse on what is a reality.

In other words... their on again/off again support of the national team and failure to educate themselves about the issues central to the team... their abject equivocating on principle once their precious match is threatened...that should all be excused.



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