but it appears he wasn't selected for Cuba
Bake and Shark, ah find yuh slipping up a lil bit last few days yuh know. Yuh post hinting that yuh not yet aware Half slab wasn't selected for de Cuba trip. Like dat lil scuffle yuh had with Fuentes have yuh off yuh game or wha?
Nah man... i used "Cuba, Guate, USA" as an example, wasn't saying that he was selected for Cuba per se.
My point is that rather than call him for this 'meaningless' friendly... and with Southampton's season already underway, it better to wait for the bigger games before you start pulling man off their club duties. At least to me that is what makes the most sense...why risk upsetting a players relationship with his club, and your federation's relationship with the club by calling man for each and every game. If you notice, EVERY game it have man on here complaining about the selection.. "why they calling dis one, he not ready", "we need this man tuh play...why he not playing?
Fack Pacho and de Cornmeals".
Man juss shouting wid dey liver string instead ah trying to see de bigger picture. We need our best players so as to cement the squad, foster team unity, get players familiar with playing together etc. etc. etc. I understand all ah dat, but balance needs to be struck as well.