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Author Topic: WCQ Ticketing suggestion  (Read 3606 times)

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Offline Touches

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WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« on: August 21, 2008, 07:41:35 AM »
Dear Uncle Jack and the TTFF,

Now that your spat with Gary Hunt has been resolved and the fans can see our team perform at home, can you please reward us...the die hard fans with a competitive pricing strategy or a discounted batch of tickets for the next 3 home games.

Can you please sell these tickets as a package...3 games for $500 Grounds and 3 games for $1000 Stands.

There are at least 1000 of us who would be attending all three matches.

We are also the ones willing to come to the TTFF with a photo ID and passport picture for a laminated pass enabling us access to these games.

Please consider this request and the upfront revenue will go towards team expenses



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Offline ann3boys

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 07:46:22 AM »
Hey Touches- good suggestion, but I think the stadia have seating in 'uncovered and covered' we don't have grounds and stands again ;D
just a little picong :devil:

Offline SHOTTA

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2008, 07:50:59 AM »
Dear Uncle Jack and the TTFF,

Now that your spat with Gary Hunt has been resolved and the fans can see our team perform at home, can you please reward us...the die hard fans with a competitive pricing strategy or a discounted batch of tickets for the next 3 home games.

Can you please sell these tickets as a package...3 games for $500 Grounds and 3 games for $1000 Stands.

There are at least 1000 of us who would be attending all three matches.

We are also the ones willing to come to the TTFF with a photo ID and passport picture for a laminated pass enabling us access to these games.

Please consider this request and the upfront revenue will go towards team expenses



yuh shoulda say some cheaper prices touches yuh know when he read this he goin and say ok but is a extra 500 on each price to accomodate we

good plan still
now that we have mastered the language we can wield it as we may

Offline KND2

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2008, 08:00:26 AM »
Touches if you willing to pay $1000 to see these men play, I have a bridge down in caroni to sell you. You have to act fast because they dismantling it as we speak.

You could see them men free anyday sweating all over trinidad, or at least men who just as good as them.

$50 uncovered $100 covered anything more is too much to see these games.
By 2 tickes get one free.

money must be flowing like water if man think $500 is a deal to watch 3 games in the Stadium.

What is thissssss!

Offline socachynee

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2008, 08:06:11 AM »
good suggestion

season tickets format - they can sell group tickets for this round of games

then again for the next round another set of tickets at another or same pricing structure

Maybe Uncle Jack can throw in some Warriors freebees

Offline Dutty

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2008, 08:16:52 AM »
Freebee?? yuh forget who yuh dealin wit or wha?

de man use to lease schoolbags to he own chirren
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Offline trinimuse

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2008, 08:17:19 AM »
 :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  well done Touches  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:

Offline Small Magician aka Wazza

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2008, 08:54:00 AM »
300 Covered and 150 uncovered.... that sounds right for todays inflation rates

any more than that and is just greed

Offline SHOTTA

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2008, 09:35:12 AM »
good suggestion

season tickets format - they can sell group tickets for this round of games

then again for the next round another set of tickets at another or same pricing structure

Maybe Uncle Jack can throw in some Warriors freebees

he aint go do it jus so for the next round cuz he know when the hype start he cud double the prices of the games

we go be lucky to get it this rounds but for next rounds it might just be for a particular set of games or probably the option of buyin 2 tickets at once or sumtin
now that we have mastered the language we can wield it as we may

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2008, 09:51:38 AM »
Great suggestion.... How much was the pricing scheme agreed again? Remember the rankings of our opponents play a part in the pricing.
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Offline grimm01

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2008, 09:56:21 AM »
how bout a special package for the Warrior Nation members? that way the TTFF doh have to go thru the trouble of finding people, signing them up, laminating card, verifying membership etc... cuz yuh know dem eh want to go thru the hassle and logistics of organizing something like this. yuh have to make it easy for this lazy and incompetent bunch.

yuh also have to spin it as guaranteed sales cuz men putting the money up front whether they go to the games or not, yuh selling tickets for games that doh historically pull in big crowds - so the stadia doh look that empty, and lastly yuh rewarding the die-hards who there through thick, thin & blacklist.

Offline SHOTTA

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2008, 11:34:31 AM »
warrior nation members and the die hards are hardly one in the same.......unless we get acknowledged as the official team fan club the ttff owes us no alligence

any plan they havin they gnna hav to open it to the entire public

ps. me aint renew my membership ;D :beermug:
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Offline Babalawo

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2008, 11:44:58 AM »
Cheaper tickets = Stronger and more Vocal crowd support with a full stadium.

I also express to add temporary seating on sections of the track for fans and closer intimidation of the opponents.

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2008, 04:59:08 PM »
Touches yuh must be read mih mind....cuz just dis morning self ah print out TTFF contact info so ah could call and/or write them about this ticketing thing.  My main motivation being, I fed up fighting up to get tickets for the big games along with all dem waggonists and dem who suddenly realise that we have ah football team and decide to "support".

But before we get to the '"big games" I agree fully with the season pass idea.....so I will fashion my letter and/or phone call around that.

As for getting tickets as the WN as a group, well last time we ask for tickets to the England game we get blank so we could try again.....wha yuh say Tallman??....
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

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Offline Saywha

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2008, 05:24:25 PM »
Dear Uncle Jack and the TTFF,

Now that your spat with Gary Hunt has been resolved and the fans can see our team perform at home, can you please reward us...the die hard fans with a competitive pricing strategy or a discounted batch of tickets for the next 3 home games.

Can you please sell these tickets as a package...3 games for $500 Grounds and 3 games for $1000 Stands.

There are at least 1000 of us who would be attending all three matches.

We are also the ones willing to come to the TTFF with a photo ID and passport picture for a laminated pass enabling us access to these games.

Please consider this request and the upfront revenue will go towards team expenses



Dear Touches,
What is in it for me?  Will I be losing money?  I don't have my calculator on me right now but it seems like I will be losing too much money. Thanks for your suggestion, but I want to drain you Trinbagonians for every last cent and fill my pocket to the max!  Therefore your recommendation does not make sense to me, my financial advisors, my pocket or my bank account.  Hard luck.  But if you have another recommendation on how me and my wonderful family could make more money, I will be happy to hear it.


Uncle Jack

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry Touches but ah couldn't help that one. :beermug:

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2008, 05:36:52 PM »
Dear Uncle Jack and the TTFF,

Now that your spat with Gary Hunt has been resolved and the fans can see our team perform at home, can you please reward us...the die hard fans with a competitive pricing strategy or a discounted batch of tickets for the next 3 home games.

Can you please sell these tickets as a package...3 games for $500 Grounds and 3 games for $1000 Stands.

There are at least 1000 of us who would be attending all three matches.

We are also the ones willing to come to the TTFF with a photo ID and passport picture for a laminated pass enabling us access to these games.

Please consider this request and the upfront revenue will go towards team expenses



I understand that a similar idea was floated to them before, but de powers dat be shot it down.
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Offline Rastaman

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2008, 09:19:48 PM »
I think we need to take infront again and request a number of tickets from the TTFF as was done in the past. We just do another thread to find out how many tickets we want and put in we request.

No need to wait until games going to be sold out Start from now !!!!!!

Offline FLi !

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Re: WCQ Ticketing suggestion
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2008, 05:10:26 AM »
well as said above, you have to make things very simple for the TTFF, cuz they don't like to do anything with any real sort of work.

That being said, they way the FA does it up here is register loads of people as England Fans and give them priority to tickets when friendlies and internationals come about around wembley.

The TTFF could do something like that along with WN/socawarriors.net and give us a priority code to get first option to purchase ticket, even if it won't be at the 'discounted' price as Touches suggested.

The real bottom line is we shouldn't have to go through the same passa passa for tickets as fair weather fans, when we supporting the team through thick and thin for years.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 05:20:18 AM by FLi ! »
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