I am not a hator but there is a person that I detest, Sean Coombs.
Good businessman, knows a good hustle. Can't hate because the man have money and the means to make more.
Arguably a talented producer i.e. decent at taking pre-produced popular music and re-introducing it to unsuspecting masses.
But every other creative venture that he tries to display he is horrible at and his success is purely due to his strong brand and not any outstanding creative talent.
Not a good solo performer or recording artist. On stage he has the charisma of a shell-top sneaker and I would be surpised if ANY of his rap albums make the list of the best 200 rap albums of all time. He has a career built entirely on the death of Biggie.
Always trying to "dance" onstage or in a video, the most pitiful one-two step moves that you could imagine yet we wouldn't stop.
Horrible when trying to sing a melody on a song, even with a heavy dose of voice modulation and layering.
Terrible actor, although not as bad as his singing or dancing. In fact I take that back I have seen his "reality" shows where he tries to be a charismatic shot-caller and entrepreneur, a la Trump, and I have to say that his acting is worse than I first remembered.
Now comedy and a return as a political activist. Anybody remember the assinine "Vote-or-Die". The presence of this shit-fly and other well-meaning but self-promoting celebrity idiots did nothing to help Kerry in 2004 and now they trying their level best to sink Obama.
Case in point the Diddy Blogs.In This One he is supposedly trying to be witty and conversational and all he does is show that he is partially illiterate, fully ignorant and cannot express a coherent opinion or present an argument. Love the fact that HE is not going to let McCain get away with
In This One, again trying to be funny, again looking like an idiot.