I finally made it home after a 3 1/2 hour delay in JFK....ah never fall down in mih bed till 1 am this morning.
Is a good ting ah get 2 hrs sleep at the hotel before ah leave, 1 1/2 hours on the plane to NY, about a 1/2 hour here and there in JFK....another 1 hour while Delta sort out dey problem...about 2 1/2 hours en route to Piarco and thankfully a good 3 1/2 hours in mih nice warm bed as such I am surprisingly very bright eyed and bushy tailed here at work today...
I'll post in more detail later cuz is pace right now trying to meet deadlines but it was really, really very nice to meet Very cute1, Preacher, Firebrand, Feliz, Royalian, Elan, Jumbonuts, Optimus Prime, Omarldinho (sorry about the Scotch fellas we'll make it up another time
), Mr. Kevin (who posts very rarely but reads), Bagosolider....and ah know ah probably forget somebody, but its not intentional....
Had a good time.....looking forward to the next one....