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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #30 on: December 11, 2008, 11:26:26 AM »

Family Accuses 'Sugar' Filmmakers of Defamation

by Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Listen Now

All Things Considered, October 3, 2007 ·

That tablespoon of sugar in your coffee is the subject of a new documentary film. The Price of Sugar examines the sugar plantations of the Dominican Republic through the eyes of a Roman Catholic priest named Father Christopher Hartley.

For nine years, Hartley waged an escalating war with one of the wealthy plantation families over their treatment of the migrant Haitian workers who live and work there. The film involves two narratives — one on camera, and one off.

It's hard to imagine Hartley was not hired for this role. Tall and powerfully built, rakishly handsome, with salt and pepper hair and an accent betraying his Spanish aristocracy, Father Hartley is as comfortable with the camera as he is with his mission: to change the plight of Haitian workers in the Dominican Republic.

"I arrived in the Dominican Republic in September 1997," you hear him say in the film, as he bounces down the dusty roads in his jeep. "Gradually, I began to learn more about their situation. What I discovered was truly appalling."

Documenting Abuses

The camera follows the priest as he greets Haitian migrants who have crossed the border illegally and now live in the bateyes, or compounds within the sugar plantations. Speaking from Spain, Hartley says the workers drink from the same water source as oxen. They have no electricity or toilets. They're forbidden to leave the plantation.

"People were denied very frequently the freedom to congregate, for example, the freedom to come to mass," he says. "People were not paid in cash. Children would sow the sugar cane fields for approximately 25 cents a day, and this would include pregnant women and young girls."

Ten years ago, the priest began documenting what he saw, snapping digital photographs of a young boy working in the field, an armed guard, an old man with a finger missing, a painfully malnourished child. By October 2004, Hartley had amassed a stack of evidence, when some American volunteers arrived in his parish to deliver medical supplies. Bill Haney, a documentary filmmaker, was among them. Haney says as they talked over dinner, he asked the priest what he could do for him. The priest did not answer right away.

"The next morning he called me and said, 'I'd be very grateful for your medical supplies and support. But I really think a film about some of the issues that I'm seeing in this parish might have something valuable to say,'" Haney recalls.

Haney hesitated. Then he learned that American consumers "subsidize" the misery of the Haitian workers. The Dominican Republic has a preferential trade deal with the U.S., which purchases most of its sugar.

'A Turning Point in the Struggle'

Haney spent two years filming, as Hartley tried to win better conditions for the Haitians. One day, after some new arrivals complained that they did not know what their wages would be, Hartley began urging them to go on strike until they were told. As he spoke, a crowd gathered around, as did the company guards.

"I turned around, with my back to the bosses, and faced the crowd. I said, 'I propose that none of you goes to work until you're told. And then it is your right to remain on the plantation or to leave," he recalls. "This was a turning point in the struggle."

The strike was also a turning point in the priest's fortunes. He had become a headache to the Vicini family, which owned many of the plantations in Hartley's parish. The family and its employees grew openly hostile to the priest — and to the filmmaker.

"I kept thinking there would be another side of the story," Haney says. He says he gave the Vicini family a chance to be interviewed, flying a film crew down from Boston to be at the ready in case they wanted to talk.

"I had expected to be told any series of explanations for why the conditions we saw were soon to be cured," Haney says. "And that wasn't their position. They didn't want to go on camera, and the other side of the story wasn't clear to me. They were more comfortable with the conditions that their workers were struggling under than I ever would have expected."

Ousted from the Country

The film culminates in a near violent protest to eject Hartley from the country. People interviewed in the film said the Vicini family played on the traditional tensions between the Dominicans and the Haitians, and paid Dominicans to rally against the priest. In the film, Hartley's supporters appear to win the day. But they did not win the war. The Catholic Church removed the priest in late 2006, after the filming had wrapped.

"The family, the government, and I think even the church was tired of me," the priest says ruefully. "I don't think the church wanted to endure this constant bashing in every newspaper, day after day after day."

As the arc of one story was winding down, another was taking off — this one, off camera.

Legal Repercussions

"The misrepresentation are very egregious," says Read McCaffrey, a partner in the law firm Patton Boggs, "and as deceptive as I have seen in a very long time. "

McCaffrey is representing the Vicini family in a defamation suit filed in federal district court in Massachusetts. The family wants the film pulled from theaters — a request that First Amendment lawyers say no court would grant. The Vicinis are also suing for unspecified damages. McCaffrey, a partner at the powerful law firm Patton Boggs, says his researchers found 53 specific errors in the film.

"These scenes — the overly dramatized, made up, staged situations, for whatever reason, targeting the Vicinis as some kind of monsters in the sugar industry — are simply untrue," the lawyer says.

Corroborating Claims of Abusive Practices

The U.S. State Department did not call the Vicinis monsters. But its 2006 human rights report on the Dominican Republic stated that Dominican sugar plantations lacked such basics as sewage systems, and confirmed that they withheld wages to ensure the workers would return. Moreover, the State Department cited the Vicinis by name as allegedly trucking in undocumented Haitians.

For his part, filmmaker Bill Haney says the Vicinis' complaint does not address any of the film's cornerstone principles.

"Are Haitians taken across the border? Is there forced labor? Do children work in the fields? What kind of access to health care do these people have? What kind of access to education do they have?" Haney says. "They ask us questions like, on what street corner was the light placed when you took that shot? They want to drag us down to some small amount of picayune issues, and not deal with the central questions."

Is the Movie's 'Core' Correct?

A film can have flaws and still survive a legal challenge, says First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams.

"If the core of the movie is correct, if the most serious charges are true, then the fact that maybe some errors along the way in details would not be enough to permit a successful libel suit," Abrams says.

But Read McCaffrey says that's precisely where the film runs into trouble. McCaffrey cites the scene in which Hartley points at a mound in what he calls an unmarked cemetery, and states that a man was beaten by an Vicini employee and buried in a shallow grave.

"If you accuse someone of killing workers and burying them in a graveyard with no marker, covering up your crime — if that isn't a desperately rotten core, I don't know what is," McCaffrey says.

The priest says later in the film that he did not have absolute proof of his allegation. Filmmaker Haney says that taken in context, the story does not defame the Vicinis.

"The point of it was not to accuse anybody of murder, because I don't think there's any suggestion that anybody intended this man to die," he says. "But rather it was to highlight the disregard for basic human rights that take place commonly in this plantation. I don't feel uncomfortable with that."

A Better Outcome for the Workers

A court may well decide the end of the legal story. The Haitian workers in Hartley's former parish, however, have seen some resolution to their story. A small number of new cement houses with electricity and water have been built. There are a few rural clinics now, and an ambulance. The guards no longer carry guns, and the Haitians can venture beyond the plantation boundaries. But Father Hartley doubts the plantation owners have suddenly gotten religion.

"It's changed because the irony is that those who inflicted terror are now terrorized. They're afraid of negative publicity. They're afraid of NPR. They're afraid of Bill Haney and a documentary," Hartley says. 'So they are changing only because they are afraid that the exposure of this horror is going to affect their financial interests."

Hartley is now working with Mother Teresa's missionaries of Charity, an organization he worked with 20 years ago.


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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2008, 11:59:11 AM »
I have serious problems with countries that do not automatically recognize the right of citizenship of children born of immigrants. I could understand putting some requirements of residency on top of it but to say that someone born and raised ina  country for 33 years does not belong there is ridiculous.

I believe that Germany has the policy as well with their Turkish immigrants and their kids. 

The policy has been adjusted ... ameliorated ... but the effect of its legacy still remain ...

Japan presents another case study.

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #32 on: December 11, 2008, 12:02:06 PM »
This DR-Haiti issue is one on which CARICOM should have invested substantial effort ... when I balance this situation with the prerogatives of the recent CARICOM Santiago Summit in Cuba ... I wonder when CARICOM governments will add some sheen to their veneer.

P.S. Imagine the consequence of an Al Jazeera broadcast of this material in Arabic ...
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 12:05:22 PM by asylumseeker »

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2008, 02:20:39 PM »
geez man this is rel crazy....just speechless.....its things like this that could spark a war

yes that is true, but Haitians eating mud pies and have no way that they can attack the D.R>, is hell to declare war against hunger there.

Dem damn so-called latin americans hate blacknes, and some of dem blacker dan de darkest night!

theres alot of them "rebels" or "militia" however u want to put it wielding heavy guns like ak-47's uzi's and all God forbid it happens but that will be worse than hell....i dunno how they run things in DR but i know Haiti in more of a mess than DR...gov't wise....i have a Haitian friend who tell me that their presidents does always get assassinated.

yea i know....they deny that they have roots from Africa. they're really ethnocentric.
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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2008, 04:57:29 PM »
Haiti is not as bad as the media would like to portray it, and unfortunately as some of you here with Haitian friends portray their own country. Lesson, never let a trini from the ghetto represent TnT to go tell the world about Trinidad. Any Haitian person who claims that their Prez always get assassinated is oblivious to history or just the truth. Next time ask him/her for the name of the last prez that got assassinated rather than negative broad brush. In fact I'll tell you. the last president that got assassinated was right before the American Occupation in 1914. No other prez since has been assassinated in Haiti.

As far as Haitians eating mud pies, again another broad swipe of the media's attempt at denigrating the entire country. Things happening in cite soleil or the slums are always generalized as happening all over. An unfair practice if applied to TnT or Jamaica regarding poverty or crime would rally evreyone to the subjectivity/unfairness of such reports. They never show you the good side for a reason!

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2008, 05:22:00 PM »
Haiti is not as bad as the media would like to portray it, and unfortunately as some of you here with Haitian friends portray their own country. Lesson, never let a trini from the ghetto represent TnT to go tell the world about Trinidad. Any Haitian person who claims that their Prez always get assassinated is oblivious to history or just the truth. Next time ask him/her for the name of the last prez that got assassinated rather than negative broad brush. In fact I'll tell you. the last president that got assassinated was right before the American Occupation in 1914. No other prez since has been assassinated in Haiti.

As far as Haitians eating mud pies, again another broad swipe of the media's attempt at denigrating the entire country. Things happening in cite soleil or the slums are always generalized as happening all over. An unfair practice if applied to TnT or Jamaica regarding poverty or crime would rally evreyone to the subjectivity/unfairness of such reports. They never show you the good side for a reason!

beau, has this video received any international media coverage?

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2008, 05:51:19 PM »
Yes, international as far as Haitians and Dominicans in both countries and their diasporas. But not so from major Int'l media (a la BBC, AFP, Reuters, AP etc..).  The respective gov't are still trying to authenticate if this really happened and where. DR/officials are stating the accents are Colombians/Venezuelans, and the Haitian gov't will not make any public comments until they know for sure that the victim is a Haitian migrant. But they are working hand in hand and today the DR president stated that this is a sign that there is are real historical problems and perceptions between the two nations.

He also referred to the 1937 massacre by Trujillo of an est. 30,000 Haitians, where to distinguish Haitians from Dominicans, people were asked to say Perejil "parsley", something weirdly akin to what is found in the bible in Judges 12:6.

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2008, 06:21:48 PM »
Yes, international as far as Haitians and Dominicans in both countries and their diasporas. But not so from major Int'l media (a la BBC, AFP, Reuters, AP etc..).  The respective gov't are still trying to authenticate if this really happened and where. DR/officials are stating the accents are Colombians/Venezuelans, and the Haitian gov't will not make any public comments until they know for sure that the victim is a Haitian migrant. But they are working hand in hand and today the DR president stated that this is a sign that there is are real historical problems and perceptions between the two nations.

He also referred to the 1937 massacre by Trujillo of an est. 30,000 Haitians, where to distinguish Haitians from Dominicans, people were asked to say Perejil "parsley", something weirdly akin to what is found in the bible in Judges 12:6.

honestly, you really,really should email it to as many international media houses as u can. just look at the response u got on this site...that video is shocking. I live in Britain and I think if the people of this country saw that video there would be enough outrage for the Dominican government to be aware that the rest of the world is taking notice.

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2008, 06:39:09 PM »
Haiti is not as bad as the media would like to portray it, and unfortunately as some of you here with Haitian friends portray their own country. Lesson, never let a trini from the ghetto represent TnT to go tell the world about Trinidad. Any Haitian person who claims that their Prez always get assassinated is oblivious to history or just the truth. Next time ask him/her for the name of the last prez that got assassinated rather than negative broad brush. In fact I'll tell you. the last president that got assassinated was right before the American Occupation in 1914. No other prez since has been assassinated in Haiti.

As far as Haitians eating mud pies, again another broad swipe of the media's attempt at denigrating the entire country. Things happening in cite soleil or the slums are always generalized as happening all over. An unfair practice if applied to TnT or Jamaica regarding poverty or crime would rally evreyone to the subjectivity/unfairness of such reports. They never show you the good side for a reason!

No where did I say that ALL Haitians are eating mud pies.  The fact is that SOME are, and that is an indication on how poor things are there politically, economically and socially.   I also know that in recent times Haitian presidents have been deposed, and NOT assassinated.  The real trouble though is the instability there and it is indeed very bad.  I have many Haitian friends and they are educated, not from the slums and they are for the most part reminiscing about how good things were and the Duvalier s.

That in itself is an indication of how bad things really are in Haiti.  There can be no denying that things are desperate in Haiti as it pertains to poverty, with more than half the population subsisting on less than 1 US dollar a day.  Life expectancy is around 53 years for both sexes.

I am not here spouting figures to darken your day but simply to illustrate that Haiti is in a royal mess.

The CARICOM community MUST do something to alleviate this suffering.  Instead of calling for Cuba to be brought back into the international community, greater efforts should be made to get the requisite aid into Haiti sans political wrangling.

Global food prices has added to the misery.  There is no need for Haitians to be further exploited based on their nationality or skin color.

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2008, 08:06:10 PM »
Assrancid, I am not blaming you. Just wanted to make a point to clear away any assertions. BTW, life expaectancy in Haiti is not low because people really die at 53 on average, but it is low because of the high infant mortality that is taken into account when counting the average. Meaning if 8 out of 10 people in Haiti lives to 90 and 2 dies at the age of 1. An average is taken which reduces the total to less than 90 years due to the 2 that dies at the age of one. In general adults in Haiti live as long as everyone else from personal experience.

Now I have good news and bad news: Ouf, sigh of relief! The good news out just now is that the persons in the video according to authorities of both countries are not Dominicans or Haitians. The bad news is that it is not a montage and was perpetrated on a poor farmer by paramilitaries in Aguachica, Colombia according to Haitian/DR officials. This VDO was posted  this week in www.lafiscalia.com and yesterday in www.caracol.com and was recognized as the works of Colombian paramilitaries. Nonetheless it is a sad world that we live in taken into account what is going on in Mexico, Colombia, and in the sugar plantation of the DR.

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #40 on: December 11, 2008, 08:10:52 PM »
I'm glad that video was removed.  Let's try to be less careless next time folks.  It should have been removed by the Mods.
PNM in yuh mudda-in-law

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #41 on: December 11, 2008, 11:57:15 PM »
Fork dem dominicans!! dey have the same sickness like dem french creole in Trini! back in 1990 i went to work in midtown manhattan and my boss was late, so i ask ah blacker than me semi curly haired dude for the time" brother can you tell me the time please " he promptly replied in ah spanish accent " i'm not your forkin brother" and walked away.

 i later learned he was ah duty stinkin poverty stricken dominican spik ball!! i then told my uncle who informed me of their behavior, after dat i started paying attention to them, and i noticed that there were some real nice ppl from DR , but for the most part they are self laothers, which truly is sickening, as a matter of fact, most hispanics are self loathers , they're black like coffee but want to call you black, and call themselves white. they're real forkin mad sick head no good kinda ppl.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 07:37:28 PM by just cool »
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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #42 on: December 12, 2008, 12:28:31 PM »
Haiti is not as bad as the media would like to portray it, and unfortunately as some of you here with Haitian friends portray their own country. Lesson, never let a trini from the ghetto represent TnT to go tell the world about Trinidad. Any Haitian person who claims that their Prez always get assassinated is oblivious to history or just the truth. Next time ask him/her for the name of the last prez that got assassinated rather than negative broad brush. In fact I'll tell you. the last president that got assassinated was right before the American Occupation in 1914. No other prez since has been assassinated in Haiti.

As far as Haitians eating mud pies, again another broad swipe of the media's attempt at denigrating the entire country. Things happening in cite soleil or the slums are always generalized as happening all over. An unfair practice if applied to TnT or Jamaica regarding poverty or crime would rally evreyone to the subjectivity/unfairness of such reports. They never show you the good side for a reason!

hmm he failed to mention that the last assassination was in 1914.....all he said "oh check the newspapers, it will be everywhere". i didnt even know that....as a matter of fact next time i see him i will ask him.
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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2008, 12:51:25 PM »

He also referred to the 1937 massacre by Trujillo of an est. 30,000 Haitians, where to distinguish Haitians from Dominicans, people were asked to say Perejil "parsley", something weirdly akin to what is found in the bible in Judges 12:6.

The Parsley Massacres... aka "el Corte"...

honestly, you really,really should email it to as many international media houses as u can. just look at the response u got on this site...that video is shocking. I live in Britain and I think if the people of this country saw that video there would be enough outrage for the Dominican government to be aware that the rest of the world is taking notice.

CNN was made aware I believe thru iReports.com http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-160654

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #44 on: December 12, 2008, 03:27:05 PM »
so wait, after ALL dat de video eh even have one haitian or dominican in it?

dis man chain up everybody oui   :-\
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #45 on: December 12, 2008, 05:06:46 PM »
so wait, after ALL dat de video eh even have one haitian or dominican in it?

dis man chain up everybody oui   :-\

It hasn't been verified... the Dominicans are vehemently denying that it occurred in the DR (surprise... surprise).  Haitians haven't been able to verify it either... how could they?  Assuming the victim was in the DR how would the Haitian gov't get word to him to hear his side?  Is he even still alive?

I'm not that willing to debunk it just yet... particularly not in light of events like the Parsley Massacres.

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #46 on: December 12, 2008, 08:37:20 PM »
I have serious problems with countries that do not automatically recognize the right of citizenship of children born of immigrants. I could understand putting some requirements of residency on top of it but to say that someone born and raised ina  country for 33 years does not belong there is ridiculous.

I believe that Germany has the policy as well with their Turkish immigrants and their kids. 
Saudi Arabia is the worst! even if yuh granparents were born in saudi and their parents were immigrants you the 3rd generationer is still not given suadi citizenship!
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #47 on: December 12, 2008, 08:47:18 PM »
Just Cool,
             What if you is good footballer or runner. Is there exception for athletes???

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #48 on: December 12, 2008, 09:13:59 PM »
Allyuh doh cry too hard on DR and brazil nah, BC we in T&T still have that sickness , that's why trini's hate on small islanders so much BC most ah dem have ah real african finish like the haitians.

i read one poster comments about ah yr ago responding to ah ghetto wedding saying "they" the ppl in question couldn't be from trini BC they too ugly, in reality i believe they were implying they look too afrocentric to be trini Bc in trini we are for the most part mixed, and no one checked that statement which was amazing to me.

even though we are not as outrageous as DR, i still think we may have the same attitude as in brazil where we have this false sense of security where we tend to believe we're all one, when in fact we're not in the least!

T&T is still as divided as anywhere else , @ least where there's a reasonable mix of races under one flag. only difference is , we are a bit more civilised and savvy, plus the british weren't as stink as the french, spaniards, portuguese and the dutch, they never allow anarchy in their colonies and that carried over into Independence.

if yuh don't believe meh look @ most british colonies in africa and the caribbean. less war torn less genocidal less poverty as opposed to their other colonial counterparts.
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

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Re: Barbaric acts by Dominicans on poor Haitians cane cutters/WARNING!!!
« Reply #49 on: December 12, 2008, 09:24:21 PM »
Just Cool,
             What if you is good footballer or runner. Is there exception for athletes???
I'm not sure deeks, but if i was ah gambling man i would bet against it. all i know is they're harsh on outsiders especially arabic speaking outsiders .

i saw it 1st hand in jeddah airport, they were really nasty to the arabs and real nice to us BC we had US passports, and there was a trini with ah trini passport who was treated as if he had a US passport as well.
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.


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