Man dem boys have what we use to say is 'GUN TALK" at least they have the talk we eh even have dat!!!!!! we have power puffs!!!!! we like feathers blowing in the wind. Every one passing in we by and knocking we over.
We need to INTIMIDATE!!!! play physical and slow the speed of these Centeral Americans. YUh cah play 'saga Ball'' with them teams. They rely on speed but they eh like the physical going. The get too "hot tempered" Use that and tell them about they " MADRE GATO"
Look as a man whose grad work is to study cultures ah believe very much that any sport is getting to the psyche of players and the opposition. Right now I am positive that the mood and focus on our team is very TIGHT. We really need to get back to our style our flavour of football. Our players for too long has been forced into a style that has not yield success for them.
Think of Brazil= what picture or style come to mind?Â
Think of England = what picture or style comes to mind?
Think of Germany/ Holland= what style comes to mind?
Do we put fear in teams when they play us? are teams coming to Trinidad with a fear that they will be hurt or humiliated? These teams are coming in thinking easy three points. Now this could work to our advantage, in that teams may be underestimating our talent, desire, abilities and strengths. If we could take this and turn it into a positive, we maybe able to surprise many teams. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE THE ADVERSITY OUR TEAM IS NOW FACING , TO RALLY PLAYERS AROUND A "CAUSE."
The humiliating defeat is no longer one about the country, each and every player must now take that personally and use that as a source from which to gain MOTIVAION, to prove the worth of themself a an individual, a player, and to restore public confidence and pride in our National team.
I too have undergone the process commonly associated with "death and dying"  I WAS IN UTTER SHOCK of the results; ANGRY at evryone associated with the team and NOW i am willing to let it go and direct some POSITIVE energy into making amends. I am sure there are players who would like nothing more than to make amends for the showing aganiast Guatemala. Should they be given that opportuinity or should we use new players in the next contest. That is the tension which the so called team experts have to face. It is not easy, I warrant to be in that situation and for a player to be playing where so much is at stake. We have the luxury of being on the sideline and calling the shots without the added stress or burden of decision making and playmaking.
I hope that I am ready to move on and have got over the anger and disappoinment. From now on AlbertaTrini looking fuh positive solutions fuh the team. Ah back on board. dat 'babash" is a wonder drink yes. Man two straight days of dat and ah back tuh meh senses.