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Author Topic: I am just disgusted with our so-called football "supporters". Are You?  (Read 10605 times)

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Offline davidephraim

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Re: I am just disgusted with our so-called football "supporters". Are You?
« Reply #60 on: April 02, 2009, 05:01:12 PM »
This post is a direct contrast between home and away! There is the way we watch football at home and the way when we're away. When in Europe, North America and recently Asia; we sing songs & chant. Africa I believe is a little closer to the South American influence with the percussion instruments, -some bought, some made- and a more intense and "flowing riddum" which allows for more singing on a particular riddum...
As in T & T --  we want a Goal. on top of percussion. With the many influences (ethnic) existing in TnT we have kinda cultivated our very own way of watching football. We now let de riddum sections carry de riddum for us, inclusive of a tattered trumpet to blow de TnT we want a goal part and that leaves us free time to cheer, cuss and throw beer up in the sky every time something good happens which mean somebody just get breed or drag. This style of support is unique to TnT along with the many side shows ranging from de nutsman (who will fack yuh up) to de fine specimens( female ones) that walk by.       This is TnT.  
On another note...village football is a different thing as this entails cheering and jeering, a lot more cussing, loud direct instructions from everyone on de sidelines since they themselves officially or unofficially is a coach too and a lot more focus is placed on technique like more drags and who get breed.

This is how we watch football in TnT... TnT like doin thing dey own way.


You have a point there, but not every trait that a nation has developed is beneficial to its progress and success. Our lack of speaking up vocally when your voice can make a difference is one of them. Also, if you want to go into the history of why this type of "support" has developed, it might be the stifling of voice and expression of colonial times, and being made to feel inferior, and when someone tries to lead the way and make a change, they're frowned upon and chastised just like the slaves did those leader who tried to rebel. We grip onto our false-pride and won't let go, thinking that being silent and "composed" says that you're demure and high-class. Its foolish and idiotic, but no one will question it and make a stand for the things that will produce real progress, instead of holding on to flawed traditions, traditions that have grown out of poisonous soil, thereby though still green and providing oxygen like all green plants, are poisonous themselves. Thats one the difference between a developed nation and an underdeveloped one.(e.g. Nations in Africa that hold onto rituals that hold their people back)  You could write a thesis on this subject. Everything I've said above I've not thought out sufficiently for it to be a given, but I hope you see my point a little.

Also, I liked your comment, because you injected some deeper thought into the issues and provided some good contrasts, though ultimately I have to disagree with the conclusion that because its the traditional way we go about "supporting," that excuses the absolutely ineffective and unmoving nature of said support, because as said above, some traditions are poisonous.
Bravo. A very Up-full read. Time will tell if TnT is willing to trade in our demure and air of aristocracy for your aforementioned functionality and pragmatism.  Hey at least we started doing the "Wave" right?

Warren N. Boucaud


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