LIL DAMO how many games you could honestly say that you saw from maturana's tenure as coach?
Bc you sound like yuh never seen one of his games at all! by saying, quote " for the most part he did an excellent job with tatics, subs and player selection. " what games were you watching ??
now let me just tell you how much i've seen, one live, and all the games that came on TV and the ones that was streamed over the net. the one live was against bermuda @ the marvin lee behind ah big cemetary.
it was like watching ah colleges league game, his tatics was flawed to sa the least.
the only quality on the pitch was stern, carlos , farrier, telesford, whitley, hyland, everyone else paled in comparison. the man failed tuh make one decent sub in such a vital game!
first he sub off hyland who was making some decent runs, for farrier, then he take off kareem smith and bring on steve david, well the whole stadium started tuh cuss, all the while leaving on scotty who i was told later on recently had stomarech surgery.
he left daryl on the bench , one of our major goal threats when we really needed a goal tuh play 2 men with simular styles(stern and scotty).
then the same trend continued! bad team selections over and over and over again, he left out player who are capable for inept players. i.e. the USA game in chicago, no lawrence , no avery no roberts, no stern, no birchall!
he continued down the same road with bad tatics and selection policy, every game is ah new face, ah new try out , players he's seen before and players who he know what they bring.
he was there for a whole yr and better but never settled on ah core of player! in other words, the man experimented for ah yrs and a half!!! what the fack bro!! this is not sane behavior!
and for your information, we have capable players, the mad fellow just didn't use them!
when did he evr pick this team.
carlos/ cyd lawrence james avery
glenn birchall whitley/hyland/yorke hyland/guerra
KJ/ stern
the fool didn't have enough sense tuh even contemplate such ah squad!! the man is ah real dunce bredder. and another thing , experience beats youth all the time! positive.
amazing every player in that squad have played under maturana... adn that you're still harping on a bermuda game in which 5 of your experienced campaigners played...good luck to latas tho...he is everything we did not get from maturana already it seems..
the organisation of the team against guatemala both home and away were just were the three times we drew with jamaica when we should have won at home and showed character to draw in jamaica...
maturana wasn't perfect, I could never say that because there are things he did i never agreed with, but to say he was the greatest cancer this team has ever known is absurd..
there were good things the man did that you and several other poster refuse to and will never give him credit for
And what's your point! did he ever select them all together, or on a consistant basis like the 14 i put together? NO! did he ever settle on ah core of player @ least after 6 months? NO! did he ever played the best players @ any one time? NO! well that was my point!
90% of the members agreed that the man's selection ploicy was abysmal tuh say the least, and his technical aspects of the game was outdated.
the man was out coached in all but 3 qualifying games!
tell me this . why select clyde leon who seem scared tuh even work the ball when we have whitley a vetran flowing with confidence, and ah proven midfielder? why use spann/wolf when we have a bonified right back in cyd gray/ osie telesford, why use aklie when we have avery a proven defender?
why use kenyo who broke down twice before in vital games wasting a sub when we have the likes of julius james who just came off a few concacaf champions games? why replace a full back wid ah cental defender in hislop? on the whole , why pick only 4 defenders for such vital matches?!!
you just trying tuh be difficult! the man is ah outdated clueless coach, if yuh could call him that.
I know ah jumping een late but ah have to say something here blaming Maturana for his team selection may have a point there ...but what about those he selected ? You blaming him because Jones could not collect the ball properly ? that his second touch was also poor ? dat birchall cant yet pass the ball to someone on his team after all the hard work of winning it ? that unless he has a session with Spalk , Daniel eh go make it as an international player no matter how much talent they say he have ?
Dat Tallest and dem making schoolboy mistakes like dey never watch tapes dat does tell you you doh sell yourself as a defender , especially a last defender ? Dat you stay on your feet ?
You blaming de coach for how easy de man drag tallest , putting him on he bottom to sit up straight ?
Before you get to play for a national team you have to have certain basics if you are a defender that you mark players on de opposing team ..and dat you kyah stand in one spot and hope de ball come dey ..ah national coach have to tell you dat ?
Waht about Stern and Scotty , players man was fighting down de coach to pick ? all of ah sudden is de coach fault for everyting
way Scotty do when he finally get another chance ? In my days if you come off half time and you playing forward de coach was bound to ask you how many attempts at goal you had knew if the answer was none dat you wasn't going back out dey ? Why should he send you back out ? eh try nothing in 45 mins what you want him to do ?
dais why after 20 mins you done know dat you have to get een an attempt or you could be watching de next half from your rightful place on de bench see if you wanted spectator role it was easy to get it then ... now man getting pick off ah newspaper, forum, and last year form and last world cup ratings ....
Ah hear dey even thinking bout bringing back Dog, Sancho and jack ting dey go bring back Leonsen to partner Latapy in ah de area
On the question of selection you sounding like so many others have a song for dat ..its called mambo no 5 ..ah little bit ah erica in my life, a little bit ah rita ..a little bit ah what I need ..trinidadians eh really know what dey want.
We does call for de players who eh dey rather than call on de players who dey.When de team lorse is beacuse so and so eh play ...some ah dem names you call who shoudda play have me wondering if you ever see dem play .....
I say maturana have to go not because he eh ah good coach, but becuse he kyah get de best out ah dem fellas. dey eh no world beaters but they could play better than that !!! I therefore feel dat dem fellas have to take blame too ..we kyah just blame maturana and the fact that others should have played ..all ah dem names yuh call get dey chance and what did they do when it came ? which player can say dey were not given a chance to cement their place on the team .tell me who has done so ? ..maturana had a back in times policy only rivalled by Hurrican George ! All yuh eh fair at all !
One setta hype built up dem players reality hit we want blood, anybody's blood we doh care whose ..
Ah shame to even respond to meh friends from de US ah just have to take it on de chin ...I eh giving dem players no bligh was an utter disgrace and all ah dem should be ashamed to call themselves national footballers !!!!!!!