Tomorrow we are at home and we need to play NOT to lose!!!
I have total faith in your strategy, so far yuh making dem other teams believe that all games against T&T is ah sureity 3 points. Boy Bertille yuh really fooling them fellas so far but you I and these drugs I just took know otherwise!! Anyway Berille my partner, I am hoping I would not need to take any more of these mind bending drugs after the game tomorrow.
So please Bertille, give we a draw at least nah partner cause we are at home and have home advantage and a decent showing will possibly save this monkey's from irrevisible depression or total insanity!
As ah said ah have total faith in you, we have them all fellas fooled so far, but dey dohknow what will hit dem as our master plan unfolds.
After tomorrow the world will know what BSC stands for "Best Soccer Coach" rather than
"Bull Shit Coach" as many have been rumourring!
I am hoping that the world will start seeing the truth after the unparelleled standard of T&T football after the game tomorrow and I don't want to be disappointed and have to overdose after game tomorrow so help me out eh Bertille!
I will be staisfied with a 0-0 result and at least 1 point on the board, that will be good enough to keep me off these mind bending drugs and get me thru the next 24 hours or so!
Thanks in advance Bertille.
Gorn fuh now to de temple of soca to pray like 10 pundit!!