BEFORE ALYUH SHOOT MEH DOWN history channel already verfied the story and that no DNA match exist for the creature. FEBRUARY OF 2009, I was a speaker at the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada. This is the largest UFO conference in the world. At this event, Mexican journalist and mystery investigator Jaime Maussan made an astounding announcement. It was the buzz of the entire event.
Jaime showed photos of a creature that had recently been captured in Mexico. He said scientific studies had demonstrated this was no hoax, and no creature known to science. We, in the audience, were given the special opportunity to see the initial evidence. However, he was not ready to release any of the images publicly until the research progressed further. I followed the story. And now, for the first time, I have been given permission, by Jaime, to show you one photo (of two in my possession) online and share the following facts, as I have interpreted them, according to him. The story is still incomplete, and many questions remain, but here is what I have so far:
Sometime around May 11, 2007, a wealthy Mexican rancher named Marao Lopez found this creature, less than one foot tall, in a steel trap. The property was in Metepec, a suburb of Toluca, the state capital of Mexico State in Mexico. There was no vast wilderness or jungle nearby, making the find even stranger.
The creature was alive, shrieking and scared. A small group of men took it back to the ranch. They marveled over it and took many photographs. The creature was found around 5pm in the evening, and (for reasons not yet made clear) the ranchers decided to kill and preserve it the morning of the third day, approx. 36 hours later. They dunked it in water for a few minutes, but it emerged alive, still screaming. They dunked it a second time--longer, but it again regained consciousness. They dunked it a third time, for many hours, and it finally drowned. It's ability to survive so long underwater has made many feel it was amphibious.
Within days, word about the strange creature had gotten to Jaime. As it turns out, one of the two best witnesses who observed the creature alive was a man Jaime knew well and trusted. In fact, Jaime had known the man since the man was a child. This witness swore that, while alive, the creature looked exactly as it appears in the photo you see--hairless and anguished.
Jaime considered Marao Lopez an honorable man. Since Lopez was wealthy, and money was never mentioned as a variable in this situation, Jaime sees no motivation for a hoax. Jaime requested access to the body, now mummifying, for tests at various universities. Around this period of time, Marao Lopez died mysteriously. He was reportedly found in a burned car on the side of the road, charred to a crisp. The temperature of the fire supposedly far exceeded that of a normal car wreck. Jaime says "he was assassinated," but does not know whether or not the death of Lopez is related to the creature. Apparently, details regarding the death are still not clear, and shrouded in local issues.
As Jaime arranged various tests, Lopez's widow retained primary physical possession of the creature until late in 2008. At that time, she gave it to Jaime to pursue more thorough examinations. Jaime says "this is very serious," and he has been patient and careful in how news of the creature is released, building the most solid scientific database before presenting it to the world.
He said the first group of scientists, from a local university, to see the creature, consisted of an "anthropologist, a patologist, a foresinc expert, an odontologist [sic]." There was crude DNA analysis done, and there was no match with any creature on file. At that time, two of the experts speculated this could be a "skinned monkey." However, they conceded that it bore characteristics that did not match a monkey. It's number of teeth, type of teeth, and number of bones in the spine did not match a primate. The teeth also did not have roots (like some reptiles and fish), and the ankle section looked entirely human.
Around mid-April, 2009, Jaime took the specimen to Dr. Jesus Higuera, head of the Imaging Department at the Mexican Institute of Nutrition. There, the mummified creature was scanned with the best 3-D computer tomography on the continent, for a thorough look inside the body. Jaime says Dr. Higuera "was absolutely amazed." Compared to the skull, he said the back of the brain was larger, and more sophisticated, than any other creature known. There was no explanation for the specimen, and the scientist concluded it was definitely not a primate, and probably a new species. Jaime says Higuera's staff feels this is in fact an adult, as opposed to an infant, as originally presumed due to its stature. Jaime said it was most likely a "very smart creature."
Now, the creature has been sent to Spain, undergoing the best DNA analysis in the world by one of the field's top experts, Dr. Jose Antonio Lorente of the University of Granada. As soon as the results are finalized, and all facts are compiled, there will be a world press conference in Spain, Mexico, or both, to unveil all the findings for the full scrutiny of the scientific community.
Though Jaime is conservative in his claims, he notes the area in which the creature was found is especially interesting. There have been numerous reports and videos/photos of UFOs, aliens, and crop circles nearby. In 1994, one man captured video footage of a "bright creature" in a cornfield at night. Could this be a portal? Jaime definitely calls it a "very hot spot" and "very mysterious place."
We'll see what the final scientific results are, but for now, the trusted eyewitness testimony from those who saw the creature alive is enough for Jaime. He's confident when he says "this is not a hoax."
I will update this report as new information surfaces and permission is given to publish more photos.