Just finish watching the 2nd half. Like they read mih post

and ban the long ball. They try possession right through and look better, and because of that had 3 man vs keeper opportunities. Egypt keeper did well. Paul was in the game more too because of the possession game. Desilva actually look sick to me, he was so out of it. Worse players for me were him, Gay and Hyland. Totally disappointed in those 2 professionals. Thomson picked it up in the 2nd and play some nice crosses and run the line. Him, Primus and Cyrus were the best players for me on the night.
Obviously the instruction for the 2nd half was to possess the ball, so kudos to the staff. The defensive posture was good, even great at times, (are we seeing the genesis of good defence in Trini ball!!?),but the breakdowns were catastrophic and these happened when midfield did not keep up with the man on the ball runnin out of midfield. Coaching again!!
Somebody needs to tell Trinidad players they need to pass ALL, I MEAN ALL, passes, long and short with speed and authority. I doh mean to play faster, but to make the ball reach the next man with pace on it. Too many dribbling along, unhurried, near hang man passes that does give man time to recover and set for the next pass. We little better but work on it.
Still love this team, it potentially has greatness in it just because we have some good players, even on the bench, but we need to improve team play. The coaches need to step up and make these guys play all the time how they play when they up against the wall. Ah well, on to Paraguay.