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Offline Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #60 on: September 22, 2009, 07:53:49 AM »
OK so I am a new member , so I will put in my 2 cents IN. Unfortunately I cannot write the lingo on here ANYMORE because mine may come out stupid. So I will speak as if the words are coming out of my mouth. Yes I am a Trini, but left at the age of 171/2 to live in England.. So don't hate on how I write.

I think that it is fair that the players are kept on their toes. You have to remember that its all about the points when it comes to English football. They don't care how good you are. If they think that someone on the bench can do better , then they have to take that chance. Look at Jlloyd. He did well last season, but when this season started, Megson decided to have him on the bench for the first two games. He then realize that the new boy that started instead of J was not up to standards. So of course, Jlloyd was back to starting again. Believe me, it keepS them on their feet and alert. So all I can say is that Kenwyne has to work his a** off to show that he can be a better striker. HARD WORK BRINGS SUCCESS

Nothing wrong with that but up until Hull the results were credible so its a lil hard to understand why (at least for me) KJ was relegated to the bench

KJ was relegated to the bench because his replacement (while he was away with T&T on Hex duties) worked hard and impressed in training. Plus SB thought it wise to give KJ some extra rest once he got back after all the travelling back.

Considering all that it seems a logical decision to me! KJ just has to impress when he comes on and he'll soon be starting again. If he doesn't then he'll continue to warm bench, its that simple. Remember Sunderland is not T&T and Bruce is not Latapy so KJ is not guaranteed to start unless he's proving over & over again that he deserves to.
Some of what yuh sayin is reduntant and already understood fella.  Usually in most sports around the world a starter doesn't loose his spot unless he has been inadequate and failed in his role.  Impressing in practice is great but it must translate to the field as well.  So far the record with Campbell is (1-1 even) no different than with KJ (2-2 even) except that KJ faced stronger opponents than Campbell so far.  If they had tied or won Burnley then I would have said hmm maybe SB on to something but what has it yielded thus far?  Granted is only 2 games but KJ get replace after 4 solid performances, something just not adding up the way I see it. 

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #61 on: September 22, 2009, 08:52:55 AM »
Some of what yuh sayin is reduntant and already understood fella.  Usually in most sports around the world a starter doesn't loose his spot unless he has been inadequate and failed in his role.  Impressing in practice is great but it must translate to the field as well.  So far the record with Campbell is (1-1 even) no different than with KJ (2-2 even) except that KJ faced stronger opponents than Campbell so far.  If they had tied or won Burnley then I would have said hmm maybe SB on to something but what has it yielded thus far?  Granted is only 2 games but KJ get replace after 4 solid performances, something just not adding up the way I see it. 

Killa alot of what you're saying is bordering on very naive and overly simplistic.  The "usually in most sports" talk is somewhat irrelevant- First off we're talking about one sport, so who cares about most sports. Next every team's situation is different.  What works for A doesn't always work for B.  Every coach looks for something different in his players.  Just because some players get alot of rope to hang themselves doesn't mean that they "deserve" it, and it doesn't mean that every coach is going to run his team like that...And I'm guessing that the situation that you're talking about would more likely pertain to units where players (who are "fixtures" in a line up) have earned alot of goodwill under a particular system over time, or a player that the coach believes in and is hence giving him time to adjust to a particular system, or a player who came in at a high price tag and hence the investment in him/her would be considered wasted if he rotted on the bench....or if there is some kinda off the field politics involved.... also it's more customary when the system is working and the team is sitting pretty or at least very comfortable...And yuh also kinda contradicting yourself i.e. yuh saying that KJ got dropped undeservedly only after 4 games, and in the same breath  yuh calling for Campbell implying that he's yielded no results after only getting 2 bites at the apple....Long story short, lots of factors at play, that we are not privy to...

In the case of Sunderland it seems like Bruce is looking to shake things up- he doesn't seem fully satisfied with what he was seeing, and is willing to try a few new things and take a gamble with new players.... and he might be looking for some qualities in his forwards that KJ hasn't yet shown- he has his ideas of how he wants his team to play and what types of players he needs in order for his ideas to come to fruition.  The bottom line is results of course, but it need not be the only factor, so the whole talk about 1-1 with Campbell, and 2-2 with Jones...and Campbell's only win came against Hull blah blah, that's all hindsight first of all, and very naive when  you consider that a match result depends not only on the choice of starting striker and when you're considering a manager who is looking at players day in day out, and balancing a number of factors in order to get his ideas played out in reality.  You seem to be commenting from a betting man or a statistician's perspective and not necessarily that of a football manager... The Campbell experiment may well be a flop in the end and KJ might earn back his spot, but given the early stages of the season, and the other factors that opened the door for Bruce to try something out (mainly I think KJ int'l duty), I eh think we bong tuh shed tears for him riding a lil pine just yet....It's just 2 games...these things happen, and could possibly even turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 08:55:52 AM by kicker »
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Offline Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #62 on: September 22, 2009, 11:34:23 AM »
Kicker yuh is ah school teacher or something?!  Guess i should say in most sports including football the trend usually seems to be............  Would that have been better for you?  Nobody is sheding any tears, KJ is a big boy and a professional at that.  All that other fluff yuh offering is simply that.  You tossing around this naive word like you think you know me and what I understand, have a good time playing expert fella.  I have given my opinion and observation and yuh just like me free to yours.  I eh contradict nothing based on my perception of the situation.  It isn't often a starting player loses his starting spot simply being away on international duty so there is some other factor at play.  And while what you offer is plausable, it is also possible that SB simply favors the young english striker he has in Campbell to KJ.  Bruce had a whole preseason to evaluate them so if he felt Campbell was better he should have started from the get go.  By virtue of KJ being a member of SAFC I have become interested and would like to see them do well and IMO KJ gives them a better chace at that in more situations than Campbell will.  If you playing against a physically strong backline or even a stingy one I rather KJ because he can wear down opposing defenders and will draw double teams.  I never been a manager so I appologize for not responding in the tone or perspective of a manager.  :beermug:

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #63 on: September 22, 2009, 02:03:49 PM »
Kicker yuh is ah school teacher or something?!  Guess i should say in most sports including football the trend usually seems to be............  Would that have been better for you?  Nobody is sheding any tears, KJ is a big boy and a professional at that.  All that other fluff yuh offering is simply that.  You tossing around this naive word like you think you know me and what I understand, have a good time playing expert fella.  I have given my opinion and observation and yuh just like me free to yours.  I eh contradict nothing based on my perception of the situation.  It isn't often a starting player loses his starting spot simply being away on international duty so there is some other factor at play.  And while what you offer is plausable, it is also possible that SB simply favors the young english striker he has in Campbell to KJ.  Bruce had a whole preseason to evaluate them so if he felt Campbell was better he should have started from the get go.  By virtue of KJ being a member of SAFC I have become interested and would like to see them do well and IMO KJ gives them a better chace at that in more situations than Campbell will.  If you playing against a physically strong backline or even a stingy one I rather KJ because he can wear down opposing defenders and will draw double teams.  I never been a manager so I appologize for not responding in the tone or perspective of a manager.  :beermug:

Not playing expert, school teacher and not claiming to know how much you know dread....No need tuh rush meh like ah give yuh wrong change...My post is fluff...and then it's plausible lol  Which one is it? ...Like nobody could criticize what you say without some kinda unnecessarily defensive and underhanded juvenile tone in your response...Yuh that sensitive to the word naive?

Anyhow, based on how you describe how you came to your conclusion about why KJ was being benched, I just found it bordering on naive and overly simplistic... If everything else was the same except Campbell was a 28 year old Nigerian, how would your assessment change? do you think he would not have been given a shot to prove himself?

I guess I prefer to reserve judgment until later..... like I said it's just been 2 games- one of which KJ was clearly being rested...Even if you end up being correct in the in the end, to assert at this point, that KJ undeservedly lost his spot because SB prefers a young english striker based on (1) Campbell's win record v KJ's, (2) your (admittedly non managerial) opinion of who is the more effective player, and (3) the little that we've seen as spectators...in my opinion is naive, overly simplistic...and not to mention premature. 
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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #64 on: September 22, 2009, 03:14:12 PM »
OK so I am a new member , so I will put in my 2 cents IN. Unfortunately I cannot write the lingo on here ANYMORE because mine may come out stupid. So I will speak as if the words are coming out of my mouth. Yes I am a Trini, but left at the age of 171/2 to live in England.. So don't hate on how I write.

I think that it is fair that the players are kept on their toes. You have to remember that its all about the points when it comes to English football. They don't care how good you are. If they think that someone on the bench can do better , then they have to take that chance. Look at Jlloyd. He did well last season, but when this season started, Megson decided to have him on the bench for the first two games. He then realize that the new boy that started instead of J was not up to standards. So of course, Jlloyd was back to starting again. Believe me, it keepS them on their feet and alert. So all I can say is that Kenwyne has to work his a** off to show that he can be a better striker. HARD WORK BRINGS SUCCESS

Nothing wrong with that but up until Hull the results were credible so its a lil hard to understand why (at least for me) KJ was relegated to the bench

KJ was relegated to the bench because his replacement (while he was away with T&T on Hex duties) worked hard and impressed in training. Plus SB thought it wise to give KJ some extra rest once he got back after all the travelling back.

Considering all that it seems a logical decision to me! KJ just has to impress when he comes on and he'll soon be starting again. If he doesn't then he'll continue to warm bench, its that simple. Remember Sunderland is not T&T and Bruce is not Latapy so KJ is not guaranteed to start unless he's proving over & over again that he deserves to.
Some of what yuh sayin is reduntant and already understood fella.  Usually in most sports around the world a starter doesn't loose his spot unless he has been inadequate and failed in his role.  Impressing in practice is great but it must translate to the field as well.  So far the record with Campbell is (1-1 even) no different than with KJ (2-2 even) except that KJ faced stronger opponents than Campbell so far.  If they had tied or won Burnley then I would have said hmm maybe SB on to something but what has it yielded thus far?  Granted is only 2 games but KJ get replace after 4 solid performances, something just not adding up the way I see it. 

If you follow through logically what you are saying Campbell & Kenwyne played tonight against Brum (much changed) Campbell scored Kenwyne didn't, who do you then play Sunday.  Bent in form and is untouchable so was rested.  If goals matter then surely you would start Campbell as on tonights performance he cut it better than Kenwyne on goals. 

If you really want to be hard faced / cynical about it you have got to remember Campbell is 3 years Kenwyne's junior still gaining experience and learning, Kenwyne should be much further forward than him anyway, but is he?  You could look at Kenwyne in the cold light of day and come to the conclusion he is regressing rather than improving since his injury.  He certainly hasn't put in the performances (or even a single performance) like he did for 2/3rds of his 1st season at Sunderland. 

Its no good trying to blame Bruce the simple fact is it's upto Kenwyne to make sure he doesn't give Bruce the opportunity to bench him by putting in performances week in week out.  Kenwyne has great attributes and huge potential which he should be realising, its all in Kenwyne's hands I am just not sure he wants to take the opportunity badly enough.

If KJ is sold I have no doubt we will see a uplift in form, what would be more interesting to see is how long it lasts whether its permanent or just a year or so. 

Offline Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #65 on: September 22, 2009, 03:52:41 PM »
Not playing expert, school teacher and not claiming to know how much you know dread....No need tuh rush meh like ah give yuh wrong change...My post is fluff...and then it's plausible lol  Which one is it? inclompete thought professor.  What I meant was the potential reasons you offered were plausable, not your entire response.  I appologize for de confusion....Like nobody could criticize what you say without some kinda unnecessarily defensive and underhanded juvenile tone in your response...Apparently you must be keeping track of what I post in order to assess me this way.  It really not as serious as you believeYuh that sensitive to the word naive?Hardly, but the fact that you say it more than once in the same response lends to reasoning that you have determined that I am such.  Without more indept info, I simply believe your assesment is flawed.  Unless you are a psycologist I couldn't see how you could profile me well enough to state such.

Anyhow, based on how you describe how you came to your conclusion about why KJ was being benched, I just found it bordering on naive and overly simplistic... If everything else was the same except Campbell was a 28 year old Nigerian, how would your assessment change? Then I would wonder what about KJ he wasn't satisfied with up until that point. Not unlike now, only my narrow view point can't see what on the field has led to that thus far.do you think he would not have been given a shot to prove himself?  Maybe, maybe not.  Who knows?!

I guess I prefer to reserve judgment until later..... like I said it's just been 2 games- one of which KJ was clearly being rested...Even if you end up being correct in the in the end, to assert at this point, that KJ undeservedly lost his spot because SB prefers a young english striker based on (1) Campbell's win record v KJ's, (2) your (admittedly non managerial) opinion of who is the more effective player, and (3) the little that we've seen as spectators...in my opinion is naive, overly simplistic...and not to mention premature. 

Premature maybe.  I am not opposed to campbell getting the same amount of games as a starter to then examine who was more effective.  But is four games enough to make such assessments?  Does quality of competition count?  Simplistic? Maybe, but what is the point of getting into overly deep analysis of a situation without details.  I merely pondered one line of thought which is certainly possible.

Kev Campbell should start if is based on stats as goals win games.  i didn't see the game so i can't critique or opine on their individual play.  i will say this though, last year Anelka was the golden boot and yet the chelsea fans I know personally still think he's rubbish for the most part.  So stats don't always make the better player as far as perception is concerned.  Nevertheless if we were to follow through on my outlook campbell has to continue to start as he hasn't done any worse than KJ.  At minimum SB should feel secure that he can interchange them despite their differing strengths.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 03:54:17 PM by Flickin Killa a/k/a Mad Scorpion »

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #66 on: September 23, 2009, 02:31:08 PM »
Bruce out!

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #67 on: September 23, 2009, 03:12:05 PM »
FK as I said before Saturdays game I would still start KJ in front of FC tbh on Sunday. 

Stats are weird things but you can only compare them when both are playing in their rightful positions FC has mostly played RSM. 

I suspect Bruce is thinking he knows what KJ is going to give him, but Campbell is really an unknown under developed player and the only way to get him up there is by playing him, the problem he now has does he drop him after he scored last night and worry about any negative effect it has on him.  It doesn't work at the moment playing the 3 of them, it weakens the team too much without the strength at the back, that may change in the forthcoming weeks if Da Silva and Mensah are played regularly, settle in and are upto the job, its a big if though.

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #68 on: September 24, 2009, 05:30:31 PM »
I think that Steve Bruce, though he is ah asshole, is spot on here. Key word..

"if he doesn't play to his full potential his place will be under threat."

We never put his position under threat in TnT. However in all fairness to KJ.. when he is putting that 100% he is a force to be reckoned with. Even more than this campbell boy.

Wait why do you think Bruce is an ahole? Did I miss something?

I want to hear more about this. Steve Bruce has a big fat head, but I've never heard anybody call him an asshole before...

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #69 on: September 24, 2009, 11:18:21 PM »
For all the criticism levied at KJ... I thought this comment was very telling about the use of the single-striker formation:

There are different ways of playing with a one-striker formation. You could play with a three-striker formation with people that might not notice that it’s three forwards, then one forward. I’ve been in games when we’ve actually said, “OK, this time, we’re putting three up top.” And after the game people are like, “why did you only play with one forward?”

“No, we actually played with three, but maybe we didn’t have the ball as much so those guys has to come back a little bit and pinch in.”

But, for the first part of the question, as a main striker, there are different ways and different beings of that person. You can see that from Man U last year. You didn’t have a big guy. Most of the time, it was Rooney playing up there by himself. Or you had Ronaldo playing up there by himself. When he played up there by himself, he really didn’t because they did have two other guys running up the wing. But defensively, they pinched in, left one up top, because traditionally you have that main striker be someone big, who can hold the ball up, who is good in the air, who will battle, but I think that’s changed.

Now you’re seeing in many of the top teams, you have guys who are actually both, that have the ability and who are strong. Didier Drogba is one. And people talk about Fernando Torres being something similar to that, but right now you have to say Drogba is the epitome of what you would want out of your one forward striker formation.

I know a lot of people would be like, “Torres is so much better!” But Torres is an out and out goal scorer, but Drogba is not only a goal scorer, in the same vein, because you put him in front of the goal he’ll score, but he can man-handle players like you cannot believe. You watch some of these games where he’s just pulling some of the biggest guys down or holding them off.

I think that Drogba is probably what a team — if they’re building around someone like that — would be. Now you have teams who don’t have that financial ability like Chelsea to go out and have a player like that and, from there, you build off of the one or the other. In M.L.S., it’s much more difficult to build this team because you have to draft, you can’t buy players the same way because you have a salary cap. So philosophically it depends how much time the coach has, how much leeway the coach has, or director of football, however you want to put it. There are many different scenarios that can play out how you want it to be.

-Former Fulham and US MNT forward, Brian McBride


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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #70 on: September 25, 2009, 04:21:38 PM »
Sunderland boss Steve Bruce ready to ship out Kenwyne Jones
By Alan Nixon (mirrorfootball.co.uk)

Sunderland boss Steve Bruce will shunt out Kenwyne Jones in the transfer window – if the Trinidad and Tobago star's form does not improve.

Bruce fought hard to keep Jones in the last window when Stoke City, Tottenham and Blackburn Rovers were taking an interest in him after a couple of strong seasons at the Stadium of Light.

However, Jones's head has been down since Bruce's arrival and the manager will be taking a close look at his attitude and effort in the coming weeks.

Bruce landed Darren Bent and Fraizer Campbell in the summer, but really wanted a taller target man in Peter Crouch – and he will look for a similar player in the New Year.

And with Jones having an indifferent spell so far, he will be the player to leave to bring in the cash if he does not push his claims more effectively.

Bruce has spent heavily and has been told there is no more cash for signings unless some players leave – with Jones heading that queue at the moment.

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #71 on: September 25, 2009, 05:45:24 PM »
Jones been under immense pressure since bruce arrival let the man feel comfy even when he score that 2 goals he was on pressure next week steups...

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #72 on: September 25, 2009, 07:08:33 PM »
This is why fans can't get upset when players like Adebayor start talking about moving on to other teams... referring to Arsenal fan's justification of them booing Adebayor last season.  You can't be questioning players' loyalty when teams don't know anything about the concept.

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #73 on: September 25, 2009, 10:36:30 PM »
i dont think his position is under threat unless he stops performing. . the thing is he need to realize that he is not the best that he can be . . and he need to listen to criticism and learn from them . . do what necessary to improve. . . he have potential . .but i think we have been sayin that for about 5 years now .. ahahah
allyuh should try this in de us, uk and canada. . .actually works. . . use it instead of google. . and get free ting. . i get real free ting already....

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #74 on: September 26, 2009, 03:32:50 AM »
i dont think his position is under threat unless he stops performing. . the thing is he need to realize that he is not the best that he can be . . and he need to listen to criticism and learn from them . . do what necessary to improve. . . he have potential . .but i think we have been sayin that for about 5 years now .. ahahah
Fack steve bruce!! he's done this to stern, and now KJ, if i was KJ i would definatly move on in the january transfer, fullam, villa, burnley , wolves, even blackburn! steve bruce is ah hard a$$, and i certainly think KJ has over stayed his welcome @ sunderland.             time to move on son.
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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #75 on: September 26, 2009, 04:13:36 PM »
i dont think his position is under threat unless he stops performing. . the thing is he need to realize that he is not the best that he can be . . and he need to listen to criticism and learn from them . . do what necessary to improve. . . he have potential . .but i think we have been sayin that for about 5 years now .. ahahah
Fack steve bruce!! he's done this to stern, and now KJ, if i was KJ i would definatly move on in the january transfer, fullam, villa, burnley , wolves, even blackburn! steve bruce is ah hard a$$, and i certainly think KJ has over stayed his welcome @ sunderland.             time to move on son.

i was just sayin that the competition might do him good. . . . cuz before he never really had no big competition for his place. . . cuz healy and chopra and dem men was inconsistent and not a big target man kinda deal . .. but now bent there and bent puttin de ball in de net. . . and bent have inspiration to play real good cuz he want capello to pick him for world cup . .. buh now KJ have to step up his game cuz if he want to play he need to be competing with bent in terms of form and finishing etc . .. this might actually force him to improve. . cuz from what i see he still have plenty things to improve on . .. for example . . he cyah be a target man if he cyah trap de ball properly . .
allyuh should try this in de us, uk and canada. . .actually works. . . use it instead of google. . and get free ting. . i get real free ting already....

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #76 on: September 26, 2009, 07:38:36 PM »
i was just sayin that the competition might do him good. . . . cuz before he never really had no big competition for his place. . . cuz healy and chopra and dem men was inconsistent and not a big target man kinda deal . .. but now bent there and bent puttin de ball in de net. . . and bent have inspiration to play real good cuz he want capello to pick him for world cup . .. buh now KJ have to step up his game cuz if he want to play he need to be competing with bent in terms of form and finishing etc . .. this might actually force him to improve. . cuz from what i see he still have plenty things to improve on . .. for example . . he cyah be a target man if he cyah trap de ball properly . .

u sure u does be watching KJ play for SAFC?

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #77 on: September 27, 2009, 04:34:48 AM »
i was just sayin that the competition might do him good. . . . cuz before he never really had no big competition for his place. . . cuz healy and chopra and dem men was inconsistent and not a big target man kinda deal . .. but now bent there and bent puttin de ball in de net. . . and bent have inspiration to play real good cuz he want capello to pick him for world cup . .. buh now KJ have to step up his game cuz if he want to play he need to be competing with bent in terms of form and finishing etc . .. this might actually force him to improve. . cuz from what i see he still have plenty things to improve on . .. for example . . he cyah be a target man if he cyah trap de ball properly . .

u sure u does be watching KJ play for SAFC?

is true de man does play better for sunderland than for trinidad... buh i find his touches real heavy ... especially when a ball is played to his feet
allyuh should try this in de us, uk and canada. . .actually works. . . use it instead of google. . and get free ting. . i get real free ting already....

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #78 on: September 27, 2009, 05:35:08 AM »
i dont think his position is under threat unless he stops performing. . the thing is he need to realize that he is not the best that he can be . . and he need to listen to criticism and learn from them . . do what necessary to improve. . . he have potential . .but i think we have been sayin that for about 5 years now .. ahahah
Fack steve bruce!! he's done this to stern, and now KJ, if i was KJ i would definatly move on in the january transfer, fullam, villa, burnley , wolves, even blackburn! steve bruce is ah hard a$$, and i certainly think KJ has over stayed his welcome @ sunderland.             time to move on son.

Like JC reiterate.... Steve Bruce is ah ass. Ah man ask why I feel Bruce is an asshole... this is precisely why.
Lets take Drogba for instance... Dip in form last year had us thinking Drogba would be soon out the door. It worked out that Drogba just needed a coach that pats him on his head every now and then. The Beast is now Back to Business. Bruce's hard nose is to hide his inabilities... J should walk. If yuh have to take dat brow beating them go take it at a club thats doing things cause Sunderland isnt. Burnley would be nice.
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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #79 on: September 27, 2009, 08:24:36 AM »
Short fight.

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #80 on: September 27, 2009, 03:51:45 PM »
Double strike by KJ today should render this thread less controversial/disputable...at least for the time being. 
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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #81 on: September 27, 2009, 04:35:54 PM »
congrats to kenwyne on his double strike today . . .  but wha is steve bruce scene. .

Asked about Jones taking the second penalty, Bruce added: ''It's a good job he scored, it won't be happening again that's for sure.''

taken from article on http://soccernet.espn.go.com/report?id=269796&cc=5901

allyuh should try this in de us, uk and canada. . .actually works. . . use it instead of google. . and get free ting. . i get real free ting already....

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #82 on: September 28, 2009, 05:41:45 AM »
congrats to kenwyne on his double strike today . . .  but wha is steve bruce scene. .

Asked about Jones taking the second penalty, Bruce added: ''It's a good job he scored, it won't be happening again that's for sure.''

taken from article on http://soccernet.espn.go.com/report?id=269796&cc=5901

Bent is the designated penalty taker....he let Jones take it...sounds familiar  ;D

hence Bruce was vex....he was vex with Bent not with Kenwyne

« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 05:50:11 AM by lickslikefire »

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #83 on: September 28, 2009, 07:37:33 AM »
I dont' see what the big deal is with the PK- KJ is a professional footballer- he stepped up and he scored...case closed.  Fretting up yuh head over what would have been if he missed is useless because yuh could do that for everyone in every scoring situation. 

I respect Bent for being selfless, and doing his part to boost his strike partner's confidence
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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #84 on: September 28, 2009, 07:59:18 AM »
I dont' see what the big deal is with the PK- KJ is a professional footballer- he stepped up and he scored...case closed.  Fretting up yuh head over what would have been if he missed is useless because yuh could do that for everyone in every scoring situation. 

I respect Bent for being selfless, and doing his part to boost his strike partner's confidence

I dont agree with that nuh.

In practice, you work on certain solutions for different game situations, penalty kicks being one of them. I as a coach say that when we get a penalty, Bent is to take it. That is what we practicing week after week.

And you want to play fass and go against what i tell yuh? If KJ had miss, that coulda swing the complexion of the whole game thats the fact (see Stern vs El Salvador as mentioned above). Thats just indiscipline, next thing you know yuh leading 3-0 and Anton Ferdinand want to strike. Nah, the game is about focus for 90 mins.

Bruce well within his right to assert himself imo.

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #85 on: September 28, 2009, 09:19:18 AM »
I dont' see what the big deal is with the PK- KJ is a professional footballer- he stepped up and he scored...case closed.  Fretting up yuh head over what would have been if he missed is useless because yuh could do that for everyone in every scoring situation. 

I respect Bent for being selfless, and doing his part to boost his strike partner's confidence

I dont agree with that nuh.

In practice, you work on certain solutions for different game situations, penalty kicks being one of them. I as a coach say that when we get a penalty, Bent is to take it. That is what we practicing week after week.

And you want to play fass and go against what i tell yuh? If KJ had miss, that coulda swing the complexion of the whole game thats the fact (see Stern vs El Salvador as mentioned above). Thats just indiscipline, next thing you know yuh leading 3-0 and Anton Ferdinand want to strike. Nah, the game is about focus for 90 mins.

Bruce well within his right to assert himself imo.

Fair enough- Bruce is well within reason to say "never again"...or whatever...But the extent to which it's being blown up by the press and by Bruce in my opinion is a bit much...
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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #86 on: September 28, 2009, 10:37:54 AM »
I dont' see what the big deal is with the PK- KJ is a professional footballer- he stepped up and he scored...case closed.  Fretting up yuh head over what would have been if he missed is useless because yuh could do that for everyone in every scoring situation. 

I respect Bent for being selfless, and doing his part to boost his strike partner's confidence

I dont agree with that nuh.

In practice, you work on certain solutions for different game situations, penalty kicks being one of them. I as a coach say that when we get a penalty, Bent is to take it. That is what we practicing week after week.

And you want to play fass and go against what i tell yuh? If KJ had miss, that coulda swing the complexion of the whole game thats the fact (see Stern vs El Salvador as mentioned above). Thats just indiscipline, next thing you know yuh leading 3-0 and Anton Ferdinand want to strike. Nah, the game is about focus for 90 mins.

Bruce well within his right to assert himself imo.

Fair enough- Bruce is well within reason to say "never again"...or whatever...But the extent to which it's being blown up by the press and by Bruce in my opinion is a bit much...

Especially since he scored...Bruce coulda deal with it in the locker room, but making this a big media hullabooboo kinda shows he don't have any respect for KJ. But I think he is right to be upset if Bent went against team policy...after all he is the boss. But being upset so much as to complain to the media and saying it would never ever happen again is just taking it a bit too far. I did not hear the post interview, but did he have anything positive to say about KJ's performance and the 2nd goal? If not then I would have to agree with some that he is not too much happy with KJ and maybe wants him out.

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #87 on: September 28, 2009, 12:35:55 PM »
Especially since he scored...Bruce coulda deal with it in the locker room, but making this a big media hullabooboo kinda shows he don't have any respect for KJ. But I think he is right to be upset if Bent went against team policy...after all he is the boss. But being upset so much as to complain to the media and saying it would never ever happen again is just taking it a bit too far. I did not hear the post interview, but did he have anything positive to say about KJ's performance and the 2nd goal? If not then I would have to agree with some that he is not too much happy with KJ and maybe wants him out.

Big Up!

I tell allyuh Bruce eh like KJ and soon you'll see enough to allow such reasoning to seem logical.  I agree DeSowa he should have dealt with it internally.  No one would know that KJ wasn't supposed to take that kick if he didn't say so to the press.  He could have admonished them both behind closed doors and handled them like men, but instead he on this managing through the press kick and KJ always seems knee deep in whatever it is he's on about.  I doh give him wrong to be upset that they broke his rules but it wasn't necessary to make that public.  Man saying he upset with Bent over it and not KJ, think again.  If his rule is Bent takes it then both Bent and KJ went against him so I imagine he would be upset with both (maybe more with Bent but bothe nevertheless).  I wonder if KJ is a starter again now that he came through with goals?  If Bruce has nothing against him he'll probably be happy but on the flip side he may elect to only look at KJs second goal as true production since it came in the run of play (and wasn't against his rules).  If the latter be the case then Campbell might still be ahead in Bruce book.  Time will tell but I have my suspicions.  Hope I'm wrong though.

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #88 on: September 28, 2009, 01:48:12 PM »
Especially since he scored...Bruce coulda deal with it in the locker room, but making this a big media hullabooboo kinda shows he don't have any respect for KJ. But I think he is right to be upset if Bent went against team policy...after all he is the boss. But being upset so much as to complain to the media and saying it would never ever happen again is just taking it a bit too far. I did not hear the post interview, but did he have anything positive to say about KJ's performance and the 2nd goal? If not then I would have to agree with some that he is not too much happy with KJ and maybe wants him out.

Big Up!

I tell allyuh Bruce eh like KJ and soon you'll see enough to allow such reasoning to seem logical.  I agree DeSowa he should have dealt with it internally.  No one would know that KJ wasn't supposed to take that kick if he didn't say so to the press.  He could have admonished them both behind closed doors and handled them like men, but instead he on this managing through the press kick and KJ always seems knee deep in whatever it is he's on about.  I doh give him wrong to be upset that they broke his rules but it wasn't necessary to make that public.  Man saying he upset with Bent over it and not KJ, think again.  If his rule is Bent takes it then both Bent and KJ went against him so I imagine he would be upset with both (maybe more with Bent but bothe nevertheless).  I wonder if KJ is a starter again now that he came through with goals?  If Bruce has nothing against him he'll probably be happy but on the flip side he may elect to only look at KJs second goal as true production since it came in the run of play (and wasn't against his rules).  If the latter be the case then Campbell might still be ahead in Bruce book.  Time will tell but I have my suspicions.  Hope I'm wrong though.

The interview is here  http://www.skysports.com/video/inline/0,26691,16474_5587738,00.html

He was asked about it as it is unusual and told the truth in his response, as mentioned on the other thread imho it has more to do with authority than anything else, I suspect he would of said teh same if Campbell had been playing and Bent had of done the same.  Bent was on MOTD and saying he got it in the neck from Bruce.

From BBC site.


Bruce in Bent blast over penalty

Steve Bruce was left seething following Darren Bent's decision to hand penalty duties to Kenwyne Jones against Wolves.

Bent gave his side the lead from the spot in the first half but then opted to hand responsibility to Jones when a second penalty was awarded.

Jones scored to make it 2-0 but the incident did not please boss Bruce.

"That won't happen again," he fumed after the 5-2 home victory. "That's something you do on a pitch with your mates, not in the Premier League."

Bent, Sunderland's regular penalty-taker, looked set to take the second spot-kick against Wolves until partner Jones pleaded for his chance to get on the scoresheet.

Bruce says strikers saved Sunderland

That certainly did not impress Bruce, although the Black Cats manager had to be told what had happened because of a long-standing superstition not to watch penalties.

"We have got one of the best penalty-takers in the country in Darren, so that won't happen again, that's for sure," said Bruce.

"We don't throw the ball to somebody else because he wants to score a goal. There would have been absolute hell to pay if he had missed. It's not right.

"Okay, if you are 5-0 up or 6-0 up or whatever, but it was an important part of the game and we have got a top, top-class penalty-taker who has never missed one, I don't think, in his career, throwing the ball away."

By handing Jones the chance to convert the second penalty, Bent also missed the opportunity to go second in the Premier League scoring charts behind Liverpool striker Fernando Torres, who has scored eight league goals in this campaign.


I must say I was a tad worried when KJ went up, he is not a player that hand on heart you think is going to score with nearly every penalty, I don't really see what all the fuss is about tbh.

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Re: Kenwyne faces a fight for his place
« Reply #89 on: October 09, 2009, 01:12:05 PM »
OK so I am a new member , so I will put in my 2 cents IN. Unfortunately I cannot write the lingo on here ANYMORE because mine may come out stupid. So I will speak as if the words are coming out of my mouth. Yes I am a Trini, but left at the age of 171/2 to live in England.. So don't hate on how I write.

I think that it is fair that the players are kept on their toes. You have to remember that its all about the points when it comes to English football. They don't care how good you are. If they think that someone on the bench can do better , then they have to take that chance. Look at Jlloyd. He did well last season, but when this season started, Megson decided to have him on the bench for the first two games. He then realize that the new boy that started instead of J was not up to standards. So of course, Jlloyd was back to starting again. Believe me, it keepS them on their feet and alert. So all I can say is that Kenwyne has to work his a** off to show that he can be a better striker. HARD WORK BRINGS SUCCESS

i late on this thread. anyway, welcome to the forum mrs. samuel.