It have no doubt.....RAY HUDSON IS DE BEST!!!!!
Ah remember dis when 10R did score de overhead against villareal
As electrifying as a hair dryer thrown into a hot tub, my friend. Absolutely breathtaking! It puts the Haitian Voodoo rattle on this one. When he finishes -- oh! Like , they do not make them like him anymore! What more can you say? An extraordinary goal by an extraordinary player! That will send these people into their dreams tonight thinking of heavenly things. Absolutely bamboozles his defender with this virtuoso goal and little blondy says I wanna be like him. I doubt it very much. Look at this, gets all of his angles right, sets it up for himself. Cygan is just a spectator, looks down at him and says, 'That's not human.' And it is not. It is superhuman."
Dis next piece of heights talk
Let me tell you what's going to happen. When Mr. LaVolpe goes back to Mexico -- er, Argentina, where he's from -- his grandmother, his mother, and his great-grandmother will beat the crap out of him for coming out with something as stupid as that, especially after his team had their knickers pulled down, and their asses smacked and have been totally spanked right out of the park! How can he come out after being beaten fair and square, totally, and he comes out with an inane sort of statement like that? The women will take him to task!"