Congratulations Trinidad and Tobago.
The people wanted change and the people have spoken. And given the climate surrounding this entire elections, I'm also happy that it seems to have came off smoothly and without incident.
This was always a 'rock and a hard place' election. On the one hand you have a government failing its citizens in basic human necessities with an arrogant, borderline dictatorial leader consumed by power and now mired in serious implications of corruptions. The decision to call an early election itself was a tacit admission of failure and ineptitude.
On the other hand you have a hastily put together alliance that gives no confidence of staying together and provides no tangible solutions to the problems that face the society. Worst yet they bring more than their fair share of characters of questionable moral standing. The corruption that was significant of the party's previous tenure in government should also be fresh in memory.
But at the end of the day, a vote for the incumbent would have been a vote for the continued regression of this government and an endorsement for a leader that has simply lost the plot. And Trinidad and Tobago has decided not to have that.
Coming out of this election, as an optimist these are my hopes for the country:
- The crime situation is tackled head on by the new government. I seriously would like to see Jack take on the role of national security. He might be ah stinkin ole tief, but the f**ker is the hardest working person in government and he gets shit done!
- Government alliances with criminal elements managed through the URP and CEPEP are broken.
- The new government addresses the wanton spending on non-necessities by the prior administration and starts addressing the basic necessities like health care.
- The PNM uses this loss to re-organize itself, get its act together, get some fresh blood and become a stronger party that will be a real option for good governance in the next election.
- Term limits
- Societal integration.
These are just some things I hope for, like i said as an optimist. Lewwe see wha number play.