My fellow forumites...
I do believe that some of the words and actions we have seen in the last week and a half, prove that this election campaign has overstayed its welcome. Commandeering the nation's television stations for politicking, defacing the PM's residence, Mariano Brown's office, Errol Mcleod's office, "running" potential candidates on walkabouts, telling an 81 year old man expressing his political opinion to "stop making a fool of are 81 years old", bringing candidate's families into disrepute, carjacking candidates vehicles and stealing their documents, dousing candidates with paint, throwing water bottles into candidates vehicles, airing frankly unsavoury ads etc etc prove to me that we are taking this way too seriously, exhorting supporters to "deal with the media" particularly when contrasted with our general lackadaisical nature.
I pray that on May 24th, every single eligble person goes out and votes, even if only to express their displeasure at the lack of options given to them, in order to celebrate the luxury of belonging to a democracy.
I pray, and I have faith in my people, that regardless of the result, on May 25th, we will go back to our normal frame of life:
We will push our paper, we will cut our cane, we will sell our produce, we will fix our cars, we will build our buildings, we will sell our advertising space, we will sing and we will dance, we will complain, we will gripe, we will smile and we will laugh, we will love our football and we will love our cricket, we will suffer when West Indies fail and crash when T&T falters, we will beam when Ganga scores runs and jump when Kenwyne backflips, and cheer when either of the Marcs earns a medal. We will eat our doubles, and dish out our pelau, we will go to our weddings and our prayers, and our wakes and our funerals.
However, while we do this, one thing would have changed: we will be aware of our power, and of our maturity, and we will not let this happen again. We shall demand leadership that does not put us in between the devil, the deep blue sea, and the jagged rocks. We will make it plainly obvious that if those who seek to lead us do not get their act in order they will be made irrelevant by a people willing to forge their own destiny together, despite their differences and their differences of opinion.
I pray that on May 25th, we remember that "how we vote is not how we party", and that a people gets the politics it deserves. I hope that on May 25th, we don't simply stay the course, nor do we simply rise.
I pray that on May 25th we rise above the course we have taken, before and during this campaign.