is who time now? is trinidad and tobago time to rebuild and re-structure with everyone working together. the use of the words like THERE and DEM should not be in your vocab because you are fueling the hatred, don't you think its about time you get rid of those words when referencing to your own trinidad people and yes they are your people too unless you think otherwise.
Ah know yuh go bawl how ah picking on yuh... but yuh on ah real roll with de shit talk tonite. You chuckle and skin yuh face and bawl about how racist comments on "both sides" need tuh dun, when it clear it primarily coming from PP/UNC supporters. Not one harsh word, just some fence-sitting kumbayah talk. Yet Weary speaking what obviously on most people's minds... including those in government... and you giving she ah hard time fuh making an innocuous comment about what is likely popular sentiment.
You more outraged that Rahael talking about POS as de "crown jewel" than all de racist talk being spewed towards black people in dem comments.
breds i not bawling about anything, its a discussion, a conversation where there will be varying opinions and perspectives. where did I chuckle and grin my face? are you referring to when I laughed at what ribbit said? because thats the reason I laughed. if you read above you will see that I said racism needs to stop to progress the nation.
I can't place the blame on one party, both have their racist supporters, neither of them I support, the comments by the indo-trini poster on the trinidad express is ignorant and shows his lack of intelligence with regards to the system itself. I have no time for those type of individuals and they exist on both sides, this particular article it was from one side.
so exactly what is the popular sentiment you speak of, please elaborate to me in detail?
two wrongs don't make a right, weary is biased in her opinion, so it would be hard to get an objective analysis from her, especially if you were to follow her comments.
How about AB Trini with his curry coloured map of the elections, what is your opinion of that statement?

also i notice your avoidance to the terms i pointed out that weary used, a matter of convenience?
furthermore, rahael is a public figure for the pnm, he doesn't live in a bubble or a glass house to my knowledge.