Don't give in to the evil empire...
What's up with Tribe? What makes them the evil empire? Just asking - I have no affiliation and since last playing mas in 2002 with Poision I kinda clueless about all these new bands.
Let's just say that their upper management has some interesting ideas regarding darker skinned people and their place in both their organization and the band. In the interest of full disclosure, this is second-hand information that I received, but information that I got directly from the person to whom statements were made... someone who has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with said upper management (hence they considered the person 'safe' to make the comments to). I absolutely vouch for credibility and reliability of the person I got the information from (although I would understand why others would remain skeptical) therefore I have no hesitation accepting it as fact.
Fair enough! But knowing the high management (the 2 girls) from since child hood and kept in touch over the years with them....I am biased!! I am no help to the cause

I've never experience it though, or the group that plays with them every where. And that group is like the United Nations African continent.

I'm sure people say that a lot about Harts too. But give anyone a free costume.....