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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #30 on: August 19, 2011, 01:01:24 PM »
More to the point, what do most of the people on this site DO for football rather than TALK about it - mostly from North America, from what I can decipher, and talk any old thing they please too because they have a computer? Let me be more explicit, INFORMED and RATIONAL opinion - agreeable or not - is one things, anything else we could do without. Do YOU leave YOUR job every time YOUR employers do something with which YOU do not agree?

so is really you then keith?


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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2011, 02:16:51 PM »
Does it matter? If I say "Yes" somebody will fly into attack mode without KNOWING anything about me. If I say "No" somebody will say I don't know what I am talking about. We should deal with facts and INFORMED opinion on this site, which could be so much more than a space to just say anything you feel or think. The real issue is that too many contributors on this site pass judgement without having the slightest idea about what REALLY goes on INSIDE the TTFF, who is fighting for what, who is an obstacle, and they appear to believe that because they do not see or hear someone objecting to something in the public media that they are not objecting at all.

I hasten to add the TTFF is guilty of many sins, but I ask again, how many of us quit a job when their employer makes a decision with which they do not agree? If they are brave enough they object INTERNALLY. If they are that convinced then they leave, and when you leave you're free to take any course of action you choose. The TTFF is not exempt from this general principle. It's called Professional Ethics. Because you do not hear someone objecting in public doesn't mean they are complicit in private. 

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2011, 02:23:55 PM »
Opinion is one thing - everybody is entitled to have one - but facts are another. Whatever your opinion of Look Loy, people should have their facts right. Look Loy was never "convicted of striking a referee" - typical Trini mauvais langue and rumor. In 1991 the SSFL sought to find him guilty of striking a referee on CIC grounds. When he appeared with his lawyers at the disciplinary meeting and there was no evidence of this, the league then found him guilty of inciting Malick Comprehensive supporters to strike a referee. He took the SSFL to civil court, where the schools' league had to PROVE their case and not act on personal prejudice. The court judged in his favour and the SSFL was required to pay a settlement and court cost

" Look Loy was never "convicted of striking a referee" is not the same as Look Loy never struck a referee is it...and you chose your words well. I suppose Look Loy never led his team CIC off the field in protest too huh ? Well we all do things that in hindsight we might think were ill advised ...but we have to face facts ...  not being convicted because someone could not prove a case against you does not mean you did not commit the act. You watch TV and read the news happens all the time .

I am willing to overlook such trivial issues however .... but what concerns me is the fact that this man was in TTFF and has said nothing concerning the former FIFA vice president and the entire mess the TTFF has found itself in ! Can he be trusted to make a new start in a new TTFF ? His no  comment  approach is hardly the response from someone who is committed to representing democracy and transparency is it ?

He is part of an administration which has failed and failed miserably. I dont know the man so there is nothing personal , I just am hesitant to support " an insider who said nothing "


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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2011, 02:26:04 PM »
Does it matter? If I say "Yes" somebody will fly into attack mode without KNOWING anything about me. If I say "No" somebody will say I don't know what I am talking about. We should deal with facts and INFORMED opinion on this site, which could be so much more than a space to just say anything you feel or think. The real issue is that too many contributors on this site pass judgement without having the slightest idea about what REALLY goes on INSIDE the TTFF, who is fighting for what, who is an obstacle, and they appear to believe that because they do not see or hear someone objecting to something in the public media that they are not objecting at all.

I hasten to add the TTFF is guilty of many sins, but I ask again, how many of us quit a job when their employer makes a decision with which they do not agree? If they are brave enough they object INTERNALLY. If they are that convinced then they leave, and when you leave you're free to take any course of action you choose. The TTFF is not exempt from this general principle. It's called Professional Ethics. Because you do not hear someone objecting in public doesn't mean they are complicit in private. 

I could accept that but someone who has not shown his colours cant be expected to offer to paint you a different picture .

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2011, 02:38:56 PM »
Does it matter? If I say "Yes" somebody will fly into attack mode without KNOWING anything about me. If I say "No" somebody will say I don't know what I am talking about. We should deal with facts and INFORMED opinion on this site, which could be so much more than a space to just say anything you feel or think. The real issue is that too many contributors on this site pass judgement without having the slightest idea about what REALLY goes on INSIDE the TTFF, who is fighting for what, who is an obstacle, and they appear to believe that because they do not see or hear someone objecting to something in the public media that they are not objecting at all.

I hasten to add the TTFF is guilty of many sins, but I ask again, how many of us quit a job when their employer makes a decision with which they do not agree? If they are brave enough they object INTERNALLY. If they are that convinced then they leave, and when you leave you're free to take any course of action you choose. The TTFF is not exempt from this general principle. It's called Professional Ethics. Because you do not hear someone objecting in public doesn't mean they are complicit in private. 

Fair points... but I don't think it's as simple as asking "how many of us quit a job when their employer makes a decision with which they do not agree?"  It depends on what's at stake and if there are any ethical/morally reprehensible acts in question.  If one's professional ethics as you say, are compromised then the proper thing to do would be to quit.  The fact that no one here has quit under such circumstances don't make us hypocrites as implied by your stance... it just means we haven't been faced with the same dilemma as TTFF insiders (who have undeniably been faced with ethical concerns).

" Look Loy was never "convicted of striking a referee" is not the same as Look Loy never struck a referee is it...and you chose your words well.

You said he was "banned" though... if he wasn't "convicted" how could he be "banned"?  I think that's his point.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 02:44:14 PM by Bakes »

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #35 on: August 19, 2011, 03:14:46 PM »
Here we go again talking without facts. Look Loy NEVER coached CIC. He coached Malick Comprehensive. He never struck a referee, which is why the SSFL had to change tack from a charge of "striking the referee" to "incitement to strike". In any event, the SSFL sanction was thrown out by a court of the land. Get the facts straight before commenting.

Moreover, it is both easy and futile to criticize the TTFF from outside, where everybody has all the easy answers. Far more difficult it is to fight from the inside for a progressive agenda. Over time, the latter approach has caused an amelioration - albeit inconsistent - of the ills that affect the TTFF. An avalanche of criticism from the outside has produced NOTHING.

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2011, 03:52:24 PM »
An avalanche of criticism from the outside has produced NOTHING.

mr. President, meh eh have no beef with you. But this criticism seem to have some kind of effect. But are you are saying we should stay silent and let the TTFF continue to run the football whichever way they want. Are you satisfied with this preparation for our first WC game against Bermuda? Me eh no waggonist, yuh kno. I have been following this team 24/7 since 67.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 05:12:27 PM by Deeks »

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2011, 04:03:57 PM »
Not at all Deeks. I agree with much of the criticism on this site. What I do NOT agree with it the broad stroke of the brush with which almost everyone who has any relationship to the TTFF is painted and condemned. This condemnation is without knowledge of what people are doing, what they stand for, and is tantamount to guilt by association.

Specifically, the preparation of our national senior team, in terms of international matches, leaves a lot to be desired - and that's an understatement. The cancellation of the Haiti match was outrageous. The outsourcing of the national senior team's financial affairs in even more so - and it does nothing to resolve the many political, administrative and technical issues that arise from the TTFF's internal woes and weaknesses. These cannot be outsourced.

All I am saying is that people on this site - frustrated lovers of TT football, I appreciate - need to be more sober and rational in their opinions. As another example, on another thread, I see one person saying Fakoory is "a waste of time". One doesn't have to be a Fakoory acolyte, or even know the man, to appreciate the fact that he has spent millions of his own money to support the club and the game he loves over very many years - and with no financial return. Now, would the guy who so glibly condemns Fakoory spend one cent of his own cash in this way? I have serious doubts.


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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2011, 04:23:47 PM »
Let me add my 2 cents here...I have known keith Look Loy for a long time.. in fact my dad once coached him... and the fact that he has been perceived, (rightfully or wrongfully) as one of JW's "boys" raises a question in MY mind... if he is indeed as bad as some here think, WHY would the incumbent EFA President (who has repeatedly claimed he is "fed up wid de wuK and ready to leave") be STILL trying to hold on to the EFA Presidency??? He could just hand over the baton ent? As I said before Keith Look Loy undoubtedly has his OWN agenda (and WHO DOESN'T?), but the FACTS are it's a TWO way choice between Watson and faced with THAT choice, I choose to give Look Loy a chance... President said something VERY relevant... so many people on this site quick to bump their gum and COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN... "Camps must go"... "de TTFF corrupt, HOW can we get rid of them?", but when time for ACTION, how many GET INVOLVED... the FACT is the one SURE FIRE way to move these miscreants is to gradually REPLACE those sitting on the executive ONE BY ONE when the clubs have voting in the respective zones... THEN from among the replacements, one (or MORE) can contest the post of TTFF least that would be MY PLAN to the cynics here who wish to condemn Look Loy without at least giving him a chance to prove his detractors wrong all I ask is... WHAT IS YOUR PLAN B?... or as President wrote, is this just another TALK-FEST... I tell people who work for me al the time, if you do not agree with my decision or stance on something, then GIVE ME A VIABLE ALTERNATIVE... otherwise PUT UP AND SHUT UP!

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2011, 04:59:50 PM »
More to the point, what do most of the people on this site DO for football rather than TALK about it - mostly from North America, from what I can decipher, and talk any old thing they please too because they have a computer? Let me be more explicit, INFORMED and RATIONAL opinion - agreeable or not - is one things, anything else we could do without. Do YOU leave YOUR job every time YOUR employers do something with which YOU do not agree?

this site was started by an ex pat, not a local, that is a start, the mere fact you are on the site says alot

it is the voice for TT football worldwide and is influential whether you deem it worthwhile or not.

it has a lot of people on here that have done many things for TT football abroad, more than the ttff. in fact many on here are much more capable of running football in the nation than yourself and the rest of the ttff by far but we know the bobol that will take place to keep people out of local football

that fear and resistance is the reason why our football is declining and will continue to do so. the fear of letting go for others more capable to take over

birds of a feather flock together....

one fact remains, locally they would block anything from outside in order to tighten their grip on football

it is the same story that has repeated itself throughout TT history, the local admin needs to let go and try to seek help from the outside to better their position rather than threat it as a threat, we are all trinis

people back home have no sense of unity and loyalty, or foresight, especially when coming to sport and football.

that is facts and the results show.

the old boys club will continue to destroy our football
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 05:08:33 PM by Controversial »

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #40 on: August 19, 2011, 05:09:46 PM »
Not at all Deeks. I agree with much of the criticism on this site. What I do NOT agree with it the broad stroke of the brush with which almost everyone who has any relationship to the TTFF is painted and condemned. This condemnation is without knowledge of what people are doing, what they stand for, and is tantamount to guilt by association.

Specifically, the preparation of our national senior team, in terms of international matches, leaves a lot to be desired - and that's an understatement. The cancellation of the Haiti match was outrageous. The outsourcing of the national senior team's financial affairs in even more so - and it does nothing to resolve the many political, administrative and technical issues that arise from the TTFF's internal woes and weaknesses. These cannot be outsourced.

All I am saying is that people on this site - frustrated lovers of TT football, I appreciate - need to be more sober and rational in their opinions. As another example, on another thread, I see one person saying Fakoory is "a waste of time". One doesn't have to be a Fakoory acolyte, or even know the man, to appreciate the fact that he has spent millions of his own money to support the club and the game he loves over very many years - and with no financial return. Now, would the guy who so glibly condemns Fakoory spend one cent of his own cash in this way? I have serious doubts.

Not every pot that knock making music... I think you need to learn to pick sense from nonsense where it comes to this site.  My initial reaction to your earlier comment is much like Deeks... vehement disagreement with the notion that outside criticism is futile.  It is admirable that you appear to have backed off that stance, but by the same token you seem to be taking the opinions of a few and extrapolating them as being representative of the whole.  Such broad assumptions serve only as fodder for misunderstanding.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 05:12:34 PM by Bakes »

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #41 on: August 19, 2011, 05:11:33 PM »
Not at all Deeks. I agree with much of the criticism on this site. What I do NOT agree with it the broad stroke of the brush with which almost everyone who has any relationship to the TTFF is painted and condemned. This condemnation is without knowledge of what people are doing, what they stand for, and is tantamount to guilt by association.

Specifically, the preparation of our national senior team, in terms of international matches, leaves a lot to be desired - and that's an understatement. The cancellation of the Haiti match was outrageous. The outsourcing of the national senior team's financial affairs in even more so - and it does nothing to resolve the many political, administrative and technical issues that arise from the TTFF's internal woes and weaknesses. These cannot be outsourced.

All I am saying is that people on this site - frustrated lovers of TT football, I appreciate - need to be more sober and rational in their opinions. As another example, on another thread, I see one person saying Fakoory is "a waste of time". One doesn't have to be a Fakoory acolyte, or even know the man, to appreciate the fact that he has spent millions of his own money to support the club and the game he loves over very many years - and with no financial return. Now, would the guy who so glibly condemns Fakoory spend one cent of his own cash in this way? I have serious doubts.

how about when fakoory refused to pay certain players salaries when they were struggling to feed their family?

i bet you don't know about that do you mr.president

especially after giving undying service to his club, i will leave it as that.

have you spent a cent of your own cash for the ttff and towards TT football?

or did you just collect money from the govt through the ttff and claim to make a difference with the money of our citizens?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 05:22:52 PM by Controversial »

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #42 on: August 20, 2011, 12:53:23 AM »
Whether or not Mr President is Keith Look Loy, or someone very close to him is significant to this site. It serves as a reminder to us all, that this forum is considered to be the voice of T&T supporters, and also worthy of reading by those who wish to ascertain the "feelings on the streets".

Therefore, at times, we should all recognise the role that we are playing in the potential metamorphasis of T&T football. So we should speak with respect. We are not a bunch of children on facebook. We have been afforded an opportunity to investigate the real Keith Look Loy, so instead of aggression and insults, maybe we should be trying to discover if this man really can help to change football.

I do not know Keith Look Loy, and I don't know too much about his track record other than the work he's done at Santa Rosa (which seems very professional). But he certainly comes across as intelligent. Its understandable that people here may not trust him. His words hold good intentions, but we've been lied to before, so we're not holding our breaths. But we've been crying out for change for a very long time. Can he really do much worse than Camps & Co?

One strong indicator is that forces behind the scenes don't seem to want Look Loy to take control. On the basis that the enemy of your enemy is your friend, maybe we should give the guy a chance?

At least on this site, we should be asking him serious questions. It appears some people here have a beef with Look Loy. But how much of this is based on fact? How much of this is based on distant events when a much younger man made mistakes? How much of this is based on rumour and chinese whispers?

Now is your chance to find out the truth (or at least his version of the truth). We have no idea if Look Loy can bring positive changes, but we're damn certain the current TTFF administration won't.

Respect yourselves, by giving at least a little respect to him, listen and then make your judgement.

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #43 on: August 20, 2011, 06:19:19 AM »
Better words were never spoken FS...

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #44 on: August 20, 2011, 07:06:14 AM »
I think Keith Look Loy is a pretty decent guy and you should should focus on the road ahead and not talk about some stupid incident 30 years ago (if it even happened).... that's irrelevant...

I wish Keith all the best.

He must however understand that he gets a bad rep because of the people he associate with, birds of a feather flock together; and that is a true saying because if he didn't like what was going on in the TTFF he would have left a long time ago.

T&T football biggest problems is NOT Keith Look Loy.

Its Oliver Camps, Richard Gorden, Jamal Shabaaz, Alvin and Anton Corneal, Cheryl Abrams and the king pin Jack Warner.

I wish Keith all the best, I know he can do better, but he must distance himself in a smart way from these other guys who dont have a heart for our football.

I know Cheryl Abrams very well, and she can be very conniving.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 07:20:13 AM by Flex »

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2011, 08:45:06 AM »
East boss Watson seeks re-election

Saturday, August 20 2011

LENNOX WATSON will be seeking re-election as president of the Eastern Football Association (EFA).

But he will be challenged by Keith Look Loy when the election process takes place on Thursday, during the EFA’s annual general meeting, at the Nelson Mandela Hall, Dr Joao Havelange Centre of Excellence, Macoya, Tunapuna.

In Watson’s camp will be Wayne Cunningham and Carl Joseph who will be seeking to be vice-presidents, while Neil Mollineau will be seeking the assistant secretary, administration and Joseph Romeo assistant secretary operations positions.

Look Loy’s group of nominees comprises Roger Griffith and Frank Rodriguez (vice-presidents), Farlon Thomas and Anil Maraj, committee members.

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #46 on: August 20, 2011, 08:45:59 AM »
East boss Watson seeks re-election

Saturday, August 20 2011

LENNOX WATSON will be seeking re-election as president of the Eastern Football Association (EFA).

But he will be challenged by Keith Look Loy when the election process takes place on Thursday, during the EFA’s annual general meeting, at the Nelson Mandela Hall, Dr Joao Havelange Centre of Excellence, Macoya, Tunapuna.

In Watson’s camp will be Wayne Cunningham and Carl Joseph who will be seeking to be vice-presidents, while Neil Mollineau will be seeking the assistant secretary, administration and Joseph Romeo assistant secretary operations positions.

Look Loy’s group of nominees comprises Roger Griffith and Frank Rodriguez (vice-presidents), Farlon Thomas and Anil Maraj, committee members.

Note, they still listing Griffith.

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #47 on: August 20, 2011, 09:32:03 AM »
Griffith has consistently confirmed his membership in Look Loy's slate, and rank and file Prisons Sports Club members have confirmed their support for the slate as well. The problem is the top brass who have ties to the incumbent EFA president, Lennox Watson, an ex-Prisons brass himself.

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #48 on: August 20, 2011, 05:06:32 PM »
Keith Look Loy was interviewed by Andre Baptiste a few minutes ago.   He is saying all the things that we clamour for on this forum day in, day out and that is the old guard at the regional associations need to go in order for change at the TTFF to take place.

Of course he said what we all know.  That the persons running the EFA are not interested in the development of football but just want to hold on to power.  He said for example, minutes of association meetings are not recorded and when they are requested, the President simply laughs off the requests.

He said that his challenge may cost him his place at the TTFF but that is the sacrifice he is willing to make.   In response to the question why challenge now, he said that he has tried to stay out of the politics at the TTFF and the regional level and concentrate on the technical side of football but feels that the time is right now for the challenge to be made.

He said that he brought the maneuver to block his run for President to the media because the attempts taking place behind the scenes needed to be brought to light for all to see and hear....

Since he is willing to make the challenge that we all recognise as what is necessary to bring about change, I can't do anything else but support him in his bid.  If he succeeds and then do foolishness too, ah goh bash him at that point........
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #49 on: August 20, 2011, 11:59:45 PM »
Better words were never spoken FS...

Haha... of course yuh go like dat one, lol.

but agreed... I think the best point was that if they trying so hard to fight him down from de inside, then they obviously see him as a threat.  If the crooks see yuh as a threat then that is a good sign. good post FS  :beermug:

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #50 on: August 21, 2011, 09:12:53 AM »
Keith Look Loy was interviewed by Andre Baptiste a few minutes ago.   He is saying all the things that we clamour for on this forum day in, day out and that is the old guard at the regional associations need to go in order for change at the TTFF to take place.

Of course he said what we all know.  That the persons running the EFA are not interested in the development of football but just want to hold on to power.  He said for example, minutes of association meetings are not recorded and when they are requested, the President simply laughs off the requests.

He said that his challenge may cost him his place at the TTFF but that is the sacrifice he is willing to make.   In response to the question why challenge now, he said that he has tried to stay out of the politics at the TTFF and the regional level and concentrate on the technical side of football but feels that the time is right now for the challenge to be made.

He said that he brought the maneuver to block his run for President to the media because the attempts taking place behind the scenes needed to be brought to light for all to see and hear....

Since he is willing to make the challenge that we all recognise as what is necessary to bring about change, I can't do anything else but support him in his bid.  If he succeeds and then do foolishness too, ah goh bash him at that point........

De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #51 on: August 21, 2011, 11:01:49 AM »
Better words were never spoken FS...

Haha... of course yuh go like dat one, lol.

but agreed... I think the best point was that if they trying so hard to fight him down from de inside, then they obviously see him as a threat.  If the crooks see yuh as a threat then that is a good sign. good post FS  :beermug:

Or "tief doh like tuh see tief with long bag".
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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #52 on: August 21, 2011, 12:38:08 PM »
I WANT A TABLA RASA TTFF. Nobody who serving now I WANT AROUND.
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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #53 on: August 21, 2011, 12:56:01 PM »
Or "tief doh like tuh see tief with long bag".

I thought about that... but I doh know that Look Loy "tief" so dai'z why ah didn't say it.

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2011, 01:01:08 PM »
Or "tief doh like tuh see tief with long bag".

I thought about that... but I doh know that Look Loy "tief" so dai'z why ah didn't say it.

Not really saying he tief, don't think he did, "game recognize game" (maybe more appropriate).
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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #55 on: August 21, 2011, 01:08:30 PM »
Not really saying he tief, don't think he did, "game recognize game" (maybe more appropriate).

True... from de time Look Loy responded to the forum in that thread where we was talking abou Keith Aqui and the HU suit against the NCAA, I start to look at him in a different light.  I think what he says has merit, his focus was more on the technical side rather than the administrative.  Yeah the technical advisers pop dung too, but as suggested by LP's subsequent comments, they were hamstrung by the administrative.  Just because his technical committee "failed" that don't mean Look Loy can't be a competent administrator.  In the least he's earned the right for fans to give him a legitimate shot, rather than shooting him down without taking a look at what he has to offer.  At worst, he can do no worse than what we have now.

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2011, 12:06:39 AM »

Adolph Hitler - Chief Idiot :devil: Fuhrer: Third Reich
Leader of the German People
Chief Idiot of the Aryan Race
Ultimate Ku Klux Klansman
General Skin Head
General Racist
Ultimate Hater of Millions of People
Fearless Leader of the following Idiots:

Heinrich Himmler

Reichsführer SS
Chief of German Police
 Minister of the Interior
 Chief of the replacement Army

Rudolf Hess - General
Also Deputy-Führer of the NSDAP until 1941

Adolf Eichmann - General
Head of the Gestapo's Sub-Office of Resettlement and later head of the Office of Jewish Affairs under RSHA Amt IV Gestapo and officially known as sub-department Referat IV B4. Austin J. Warner, former treasurer and once special advisor to the TTFF, became one of the most powerful men in all of the Caribbean and also Vice President of the all powerful FIFA, ruled by the one and only Sepp Blatter.

Joseph Goebbels - One of Adolf Hitler's closest associates and most devout followers, he was known for his zealous oratory and anti-Semitism. Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda throughout the Third Reich and World War II. Named Chancellor of the Reich in Hitler's will, a position he held for only one day before his own suicide. This sounds like Richard Groden, Secretary of the TTFF.

Hermann Göring - He was Hitler's designated successor (until expelled from office in April 1945), and commander of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force). As Reichsmarschall he was the highest-ranking military officer in the Third Reich; he was also the sole holder of the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross. He was sentenced to death by the Nuremburg Tribunal but committed suicide before he could be hanged. He was a veteran of the First World War as an ace fighter pilot, a participant in the Beer Hall Putsch, and the founder of the Gestapo. Could Darryll Warner be the designated successor to the throne and family heir loom called the TTFF presidency.

Franz Gürtner - Minister of Justice responsible for co-ordinating jurisprudence in the Third Reich. Could this idiot and the judge presiding over the Soca Warriors case against the TTFF and Jack Warner have the same kinds of similarities?

Martin Luther - advisor to Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, and participant in the infamous Wannsee Conference.

Erwin Raus AKA "ROMMEL"

He is Hitler's general in the purely literal sense of the term. He rose because he was tough and
determined and because he contrived to get himself into the thick of affairs at a period when stress and change were everywhere and Hitler was looking for clever sword-sharpeners to help him further his own ruthless ends. Shares some similarities with Richard Groden's role in the now infamous Soca Warriors of 2006 scandal.

Hitler has always needed men like Rommel. Jack and Oliver needed men like Richard Groden.

It was in 1922, on a Sunday morning, when a few hundred
storm troopers under Rommel's leadership arrived at the small north Bavarian town of Coburg. Now he had a chance to 'play at strategy'. He surrounded the town, sent parties of shock troops into the streets, beat up the citizens who were just about to go to church, locked the local police in their own station, and then made everybody appear in the market square, where in the meantime Hitler had arrived. Just an example of his foolish ruthlessness.

Rommel soon saw that a continuation of his activity as an organiser for Hitler's mass meetings under storm trooper 'protection'would at best get him a higher rank in that organisation. Groden is still the Secretary.

General Dan Pienaar, the Commander of the South African
Springboks in the Middle East theatre, once said of Rommel,
'I don't consider him clever or cunning, but he is determined and tenacious'. Ah Richard, that fits you to a "T".

Austin "Jack" Warner (born January 26, 1943) is a Trinidad and Tobago football executive, businessman, and politician. Warner held the offices of Vice president of FIFA and President of CONCACAF until his suspension and eventual resignation from these roles in 2011. He was also the Minister of Works and Transport of Trinidad and Tobago, but still is an elected member of that country's parliament. A former school teacher (history), he is the owner of Joe Public F.C., a professional football club based in Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago. His son Darryll, runs the day to day affairs of the club which is in all likelihood a front to the money laundering that hides and protects the millions of dollars passing through the Warner's small scrubby hands. No no, Austin doesn't fall under Adolph's regime. Austin falls under history.

Oliver Camps - Defacto President of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation. Stooge of Austin Jack Warner, former Vice President of FIFA, current Minister of Works, oh wait, or is it, Transportation. It doesn't matter to this author. Man of a hundred letters or less, unable to leap a building in a single bound, slower than a rolling donut, and has a half-inch vertical leap. Wants to make us believe that he could raise funds on his own. Unable to throw a sucker punch. Is referred to as Uncle Ollie by Anil Roberts. I wish you would motherf#@*&r.

Vice Presidents : TIM KEE Raymond, THOMAS Rudolph,WATSON Lennox
General Secretary : GRODEN Richard
Treasurer : RUDOLPH Thomas, next in line to be president of the dysfunctional TTFF.

Keith Look Loy - So called Technical Advisor to the TTFF.
Defacto Henchman of FC Santa Claus

FC Santa Rosa has a Board of Directors comprising five persons, including the President and Club Secretary/Treasurer. The President is also the club’s Chief Executive Officer.
The Club has eight staff coaches. All have received formal training from FIFA, CONCACAF, the TTFF, the Brazilian Football Academy, the English FA, the German FA (DFB), the Dutch FA (KNVB), or some combination thereof. The formal education and training of the staff is one of the Club’s permanent priorities. Wait, where is the club going with all this coaching knowledge?
Keith Look Loy – President and CEO
Academic qualifications: M.A. (Sociology); M.A. (History)
Professional qualifications: English FA, Brasilian Football Academy, UEFA and NSCAA certificates. FIFA Football Committee member
I beg to ask this question. Why oh why isn't FC Santa Rosa the club that every young footballer in TnT flocking to like roaches to a poisonous gel?

Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone was an American gangster who led a Prohibition-era crime syndicate.
Despite his illegitimate occupation, Capone became a highly visible public figure. He made various charitable endeavors using the money he made from his activities, and was viewed by many to be a "modern-day Robin Hood".

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria aka Pablo Escobar Jr. was a Colombian drug lord. Often referred to as the "World's Greatest Outlaw", he was the most elusive cocaine trafficker ever to have lived. He is regarded as the richest and most successful criminal in world history.

Escobar was responsible for the construction of many hospitals, schools and churches in western Colombia, which gained him popularity inside the local Roman Catholic Church. He worked hard to cultivate his "Robin Hood" image, and frequently distributed money to the poor through housing projects and other civic activities, which gained him notable popularity among the poor

What is wrong or what is right with this picture?

So, which one of these characters do you listen to? Joseph Goebbels was one of the best. His rhetoric killed millions. Look Loy will run a marathon distant third at best in terms of convincing the gullables of what he can do or what the others will not let him do. Or maybe it's Camps who can do the job because if he can't then nobody else can. Then there is Rommel with his do or die attitude, a man that Groden fashion his attitude towards the 2006 Soca Warriors after. According to history, you know where that got him, if you don't know then you can always do your research. Then there is the rest of them and they are no slouches by the looks of things. I mean Hitler became leader of the Third Reich, and Goebbels, Goring, and even Eva Braun fell for and believed in this idiot. Where would Austin fit in? My guess? He would be battling Goebbels for the position as propoganda minister.

Keith Look Loy? Mr. Look Loy is, for the most part, one of Austin's imps. He shut up when Mr. Austin was running the brown envelopes and strong arming people. It was according to Mr. Warner either you do things my way or you hit the highway. Mr Look Loy was and for the most part doing things Austin's way. Mr. Look Loy had a chance to distance himself from the shananigans. Why didn't he? Did Mr Warner hold a gun to his head? Was his family threatened? What happened here? Some people rightfully asked questions and no one has answered them yet? You and your staff at FC Santa Rosa, Mr Look Loy, have all these qualifications and yet the club is not making any noise that anyone in the nation can speak of. Something is wrong here. Yet, Mr Camps is paying you to be the technical advisor to the TTFF. You joking? This is not a joke Mr. Look Loy. Now you are running for EFA president and you are soliciting the sympathy of the masses in TnT. Be very aware people. Be very aware.

What do the idiots I have listed above have to do with this? Well, if you didn't disassociate yourself from the Third Reich at any time in history, you are considered an associate of the most heinous and most hated man in history depending on which side of the globe you happen to be living on and also the race of people you happen to derive from. If Austin J. Warner was a part of the Third Reich, a general in the SS division, and Keith Look Loy worked with him, would you still be saying the blessings that you are bestowing upon him now? Or would you do some research on this man to find out more about him?

Now for those of you who missed the word "worked", I highlighted that particular word for a reason. It means "in the past". So you are thinking that Look Loy is your knight in shinning armor. Is he really?. One of Austin's imps.

I remain skeptical and probably one of the few, but like somebody once told me, "Be patient Deese, be patient". Just sit and watch my brother, just sit and watch.

Why or why not?

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2011, 11:19:37 AM »
So let me get this right: Look Loy=Goebbels(guilty of unspeakable crimes against humanity and GENOCIDE)=Capone(psychotic mass MURDERER)=Escobar(international drug over lord, mass  MURDERER, and guilty of transforming more than one country into a narco-state)? Are you insane?

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2011, 11:27:28 AM »
So let me get this right: Look Loy=Goebbels(guilty of unspeakable crimes against humanity and GENOCIDE)=Capone(psychotic mass MURDERER)=Escobar(international drug over lord, mass  MURDERER, and guilty of transforming more than one country into a narco-state)? Are you insane?
     I don't know where these guys does come from. :rotfl: :rotfl:

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Re: Look Loy candidate for EFA president.
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2011, 11:50:29 AM »
Griffith has consistently confirmed his membership in Look Loy's slate, and rank and file Prisons Sports Club members have confirmed their support for the slate as well. The problem is the top brass who have ties to the incumbent EFA president, Lennox Watson, an ex-Prisons brass himself.

Watson is a person that does not need to be in a position such as he is.

Isn't Frank Rodriguez is/was a Prisons Officer also?
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