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Author Topic: The TTFF Thread.  (Read 7043 times)

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Offline Controversial

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #30 on: August 26, 2011, 01:36:45 PM »
Contro what i come to realize is this,being unteen miles away with all these ideas it will never work,the people on the ground at home,in the office every day,attending the meetings,voteing for who they want,seeing to it that their ideas are implimented etc etc they will always have the upper hand,people home must be don't even know who Contro and Soca is,waiting for that ragime to go not making sense,i want you all to take into consideration most of the TTFF administration have been there all their lives,it's their career/living where they going. 

i totally agree, being home will give these men the advantage over us trinis living abroad in terms of voting and implementing their ideas. It puts us at a disadvantage, but it also puts the locals at a disadvantage as well because the ex-pats are exposed to better systems of politics, business structures, organization and planning, not to mention marketing and promotion.

structures that are much more advanced than in TT, we are better organized and this puts us abroad at an advantage.

Personally i don't care whether they have spent their lives in football, they are not doing a good job and I am watching our football go down the drain. It is time for a change and the change must come from the outside, not within TT in order for TT football to rise once more.

The ex-pats are the ones who will effect change in TT football in the near future, whether the local boys like it or not, we started and maintained this website which is the voice of TT football worldwide, the people locally never even thought of this idea or have even attempted to bring a voice internationally for our football.

Lets put it this way, implementation, management and scouting are the only 3 elements that need to be done locally, everything this else can be arranged externally and done 10 times better than the old boys club.

Offline Coop's

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #31 on: August 26, 2011, 01:59:03 PM »
Contro what i come to realize is this,being unteen miles away with all these ideas it will never work,the people on the ground at home,in the office every day,attending the meetings,voteing for who they want,seeing to it that their ideas are implimented etc etc they will always have the upper hand,people home must be don't even know who Contro and Soca is,waiting for that ragime to go not making sense,i want you all to take into consideration most of the TTFF administration have been there all their lives,it's their career/living where they going. 

i totally agree, being home will give these men the advantage over us trinis living abroad in terms of voting and implementing their ideas. It puts us at a disadvantage, but it also puts the locals at a disadvantage as well because the ex-pats are exposed to better systems of politics, business structures, organization and planning, not to mention marketing and promotion.

structures that are much more advanced than in TT, we are better organized and this puts us abroad at an advantage.

Personally i don't care whether they have spent their lives in football, they are not doing a good job and I am watching our football go down the drain. It is time for a change and the change must come from the outside, not within TT in order for TT football to rise once more.

The ex-pats are the ones who will effect change in TT football in the near future, whether the local boys like it or not, we started and maintained this website which is the voice of TT football worldwide, the people locally never even thought of this idea or have even attempted to bring a voice internationally for our football.

Lets put it this way, implementation, management and scouting are the only 3 elements that need to be done locally, everything this else can be arranged externally and done 10 times better than the old boys club.

     Now i'm an expat too eh.From what i'm reading here it seems expats are the ones keeping back our Football,because if the expats are expose to better systems of politics,business structures etc etc and don't want to come home and run the show or share their expertise with the locals how changes going to take place ?

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #32 on: August 26, 2011, 02:32:05 PM »
You condescending attitude as "ex-pats" is amazing. It sounds colonial, almost racist, which I would conclude if I didn't know it was Trinis talking. You're not the only people who lived, studied, worked abroad. You guys are carrying baggage that does nothing for the often valid points you make about the TTFF and TnT football...

Offline Socapro

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #33 on: August 26, 2011, 02:35:15 PM »
If you had a chance to rebuild the TTFF, what would you do? What changes/people and new ideas would you bring to make  a new and improved TTFF?.

good intention but the ttff will just sponge off the ideas and continue with the current admin in power and the inept all sport at their side which is basically a joint company with the govt and an extension of the ttff

giving the ttff great ideas will just strengthen their grip on local football, which is what we don't want

good intention flex but it will play against the fans more than benefit the progression of football

Nah man, I disagree. If we are truly interested in the betterment of the football, then it shouldn't matter who implements these good ideas. BUT, i would wager that once these ideas are presented by this board, The TTFF is guaranteed not to implement them since they weren't their ideas. Don't even talk about the ideas that require accountability; they ain't touchin' dat!
       Sometimes i wonder if we really want to be the voice of T&T Football when peeps acting like this,if we want change we have to give them the ideas we got or make the changes for ourselves,don't share our ideas, nobody wants to step up to the plate and expect progress to take place,are we for real?when will we start coming out of the hole we dug ourselves.

Once again Coop's, you very well know that Controv is delusional and don't speak on behalf of all of us on this board!

Stop trying to make us all look mad nah man?!!  ::)

Controv with those voices in his head speaks for himself only! His crazy controversial views do not represent the views of all on this forum!!

lets hear your abundance of ideas...

we are all waiting, you like to condemn but when asked to contribute you bring nothing to the table

still waiting to hear your creative ideas to turn around TT football but nothing yet, as usual, all talk and no action, better yet, no ideas

Why should I put my ideas here on this forum for Camps & them in an organisation that I don't support to come & steal them! Remember that's you argument eh, just decided to use it against you and show you how dumb you come across to folks on this board sometimes!

You are the biggest time waster on this forum and I will not allow you to waste my time trying to prove anything to you especially as you already convinced yourself that you know all the answers!
For now, let’s just say that I know nothing and you know everything and leave it at that!  ::)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 02:52:31 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #34 on: August 26, 2011, 02:39:55 PM »
You need someone with alot of money to revive the TTFF.

The damage is done and it has reached a point where it is almost impossible to do anything.

Anyone who is willing to take over will have a tough job because Jack has buried his claws to deep.

Dont waste your time with this especially when no one is willing to step forward even for a challenge at this stage.

Where have you been?! Jack is gone!! He has literally been banned from being involved in football!

Right now Jack could get into trouble for as little as buying one of his grand children a football for Christmas or watching a 5-a-side game down by the corner!

All we need is for Camps to do the honourable thing and the new committee being discussed proposed above can step in to save our football!

Please try to contribute your ideas!! The longest rope has an end and now is the time!!!  :beermug:

you speak about delusional, but your writing it time and time again.

what makes you think a new committee will be formed and the current ttff admin will step down?

the government has basically extended its hand to the ttff, essentially given them a lifeline with all sport being both an extension of the ttff and govt, in a JOINT effort.

the ttff admin are not going anywhere and neither are their supporters who vote for them in the regional associations

you saw what happened to look loy when he tried to run for the post, even if he succeeds he will be in the minority.

use your head for once, oh i forgot, that is not something you are use to doing  :o

Eh Madman!! Ah know yuh have voices in yuh head but please note I was not addressing you here unless you now feel yuh name is Sando!   ::)
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Socapro

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #35 on: August 26, 2011, 02:49:00 PM »
You condescending attitude as "ex-pats" is amazing. It sounds colonial, almost racist, which I would conclude if I didn't know it was Trinis talking. You're not the only people who lived, studied, worked abroad. You guys are carrying baggage that does nothing for the often valid points you make about the TTFF and TnT football...

Once again the views of that arrogant fellow called Controversial does not represent the views of everyone else on this forum even though many of us here now live on the outside!

Don't get it twisted President! His views are his and his only, he is delusional!!  8)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 02:50:36 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Controversial

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #36 on: August 26, 2011, 03:18:01 PM »
Contro what i come to realize is this,being unteen miles away with all these ideas it will never work,the people on the ground at home,in the office every day,attending the meetings,voteing for who they want,seeing to it that their ideas are implimented etc etc they will always have the upper hand,people home must be don't even know who Contro and Soca is,waiting for that ragime to go not making sense,i want you all to take into consideration most of the TTFF administration have been there all their lives,it's their career/living where they going. 

i totally agree, being home will give these men the advantage over us trinis living abroad in terms of voting and implementing their ideas. It puts us at a disadvantage, but it also puts the locals at a disadvantage as well because the ex-pats are exposed to better systems of politics, business structures, organization and planning, not to mention marketing and promotion.

structures that are much more advanced than in TT, we are better organized and this puts us abroad at an advantage.

Personally i don't care whether they have spent their lives in football, they are not doing a good job and I am watching our football go down the drain. It is time for a change and the change must come from the outside, not within TT in order for TT football to rise once more.

The ex-pats are the ones who will effect change in TT football in the near future, whether the local boys like it or not, we started and maintained this website which is the voice of TT football worldwide, the people locally never even thought of this idea or have even attempted to bring a voice internationally for our football.

Lets put it this way, implementation, management and scouting are the only 3 elements that need to be done locally, everything this else can be arranged externally and done 10 times better than the old boys club.

     Now i'm an expat too eh.From what i'm reading here it seems expats are the ones keeping back our Football,because if the expats are expose to better systems of politics,business structures etc etc and don't want to come home and run the show or share their expertise with the locals how changes going to take place ?

with the way the current ttff is operated, you have to convince the supporters voting for the ttff to vote your way, which as many ex pats will tell you, doesn't work back home, it will be met with fight down consistently from the local based

that is a fact and many would tell you the same, also suggestions have been given to the local based to improve football and they did nothing.

so your argument about ex pats not wanting to go home to make a change is bull and holds no merit
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 03:37:59 PM by Controversial »

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #37 on: August 26, 2011, 03:37:13 PM »
You condescending attitude as "ex-pats" is amazing. It sounds colonial, almost racist, which I would conclude if I didn't know it was Trinis talking. You're not the only people who lived, studied, worked abroad. You guys are carrying baggage that does nothing for the often valid points you make about the TTFF and TnT football...

Colonial? The tribal mentality of the people based locally in regards to politics, to everyday life is a result of colonialism. The backward mentality that still exists home is a result of colonialism, the division of the football fraternity and nation in general is a result of colonialism.

The TTFF can be likened to a sugar plantation owner holding on to his prized sugar estate.

We have no baggage, the only baggage that is being carried is locally, and it is insecurity. Coupled with a deep fear of being marginalized because they lack the skills, ingenuity, initiative and ideas to take TT football forward.

Ex pats are met with fierce resistance because of the fear the local based admin and management will be displaced, like coops suggested, many are trying to hold on to their job despite being incompetent.

They allow football to suffer, while putting up barricades to prevent external forces from entering the local market.

You talk about the condescending nature in which I speak, but the truth has a way of offending those who it speaks to directly. Knowing the environment of football locally and knowing that you, yourself have been prevented from obtaining a influential position is a testament of the obstacles that exist locally, far less for individuals coming from abroad.

So before you address my post as condescending, take a long hard look at what society in TT has regressed to first.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 03:39:18 PM by Controversial »

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2011, 03:58:09 PM »
You condescending attitude as "ex-pats" is amazing. It sounds colonial, almost racist, which I would conclude if I didn't know it was Trinis talking. You're not the only people who lived, studied, worked abroad. You guys are carrying baggage that does nothing for the often valid points you make about the TTFF and TnT football...


why did you select Pfister, a foreigner, why not stay local? Because both you and I know there is no local coach that can guide us to the world cup against the opposition we will face in the next round.

unless its a local who has been based abroad like SH, who is the head coach of Canada.


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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2011, 05:05:04 PM »
You condescending attitude as "ex-pats" is amazing. It sounds colonial, almost racist, which I would conclude if I didn't know it was Trinis talking. You're not the only people who lived, studied, worked abroad. You guys are carrying baggage that does nothing for the often valid points you make about the TTFF and TnT football...

Once again the views of that arrogant fellow called Controversial does not represent the views of everyone else on this forum even though many of us here now live on the outside!

Don't get it twisted President! His views are his and his only, he is delusional!!  8)

But controversial eh lie! most locals based trinis don't have ah clue as to the true meaning patriotism ! they think it's waving ah flag or having a fag tattooed on their arms or hanging ah mini a flag on their rare view mirror.

IMO there are more patriots living in foreign lands than on home soil. ppl seem to miss the subtleties of true patriotism.

ask all dem flag wavers if they are willing to spend 3 hrs of every weekend devoted to public service, forinstence, teaching under privileged kid ah skill, volunteer work like cleaning up the savannah, public parks,  building stages for ceremonial parades and government cultural shows, matter of fact, asked them if they willing to even pick up ah piece of paper thrown on the streets by an unconcerned citizen ?

IMO, there are too many ppl like president in T&T who like tuh come down on Xpats like they carrying some sort of torch, ah chip on their shoulders or even an inferior complex. stteuuupppsss

ah doh know when they will recognize that all ahwee is trinis. i'm fully aware that it have ppl who spend time abroad and does come home and act silly, but not all xpats behave like that for crying out loud!

all ah fackin we is trinis, and some locals have to face the fact that trinidad is slow and behind time bc of the lack of exposure of the masses and ah worthless government,

and even though there are some well traveled and educated ppl in trini, not everyone is as fortunate, and from amongst the educated, most of them were educated abroad. don't knock it embrace it, after all, ain't no shame in admitting the truth.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 05:09:54 PM by just cool »
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2011, 05:20:41 PM »
Contro what i come to realize is this,being unteen miles away with all these ideas it will never work,the people on the ground at home,in the office every day,attending the meetings,voteing for who they want,seeing to it that their ideas are implemented etc etc they will always have the upper hand,people home must be don't even know who Contro and Soca is,waiting for that regime to go not making sense,i want you all to take into consideration most of the TTFF administration have been there all their lives,it's their career/living where they going. 

i totally agree, being home will give these men the advantage over us trinis living abroad in terms of voting and implementing their ideas. It puts us at a disadvantage, but it also puts the locals at a disadvantage as well because the ex-pats are exposed to better systems of politics, business structures, organization and planning, not to mention marketing and promotion.

structures that are much more advanced than in TT, we are better organized and this puts us abroad at an advantage.

Personally i don't care whether they have spent their lives in football, they are not doing a good job and I am watching our football go down the drain. It is time for a change and the change must come from the outside, not within TT in order for TT football to rise once more.

The ex-pats are the ones who will effect change in TT football in the near future, whether the local boys like it or not, we started and maintained this website which is the voice of TT football worldwide, the people locally never even thought of this idea or have even attempted to bring a voice internationally for our football.

Lets put it this way, implementation, management and scouting are the only 3 elements that need to be done locally, everything this else can be arranged externally and done 10 times better than the old boys club.

     Now i'm an expat too eh.From what i'm reading here it seems expats are the ones keeping back our Football,because if the expats are expose to better systems of politics,business structures etc etc and don't want to come home and run the show or share their expertise with the locals how changes going to take place ?

with the way the current ttff is operated, you have to convince the supporters voting for the ttff to vote your way, which as many ex pats will tell you, doesn't work back home, it will be met with fight down consistently from the local based

that is a fact and many would tell you the same, also suggestions have been given to the local based to improve football and they did nothing.

so your argument about ex pats not wanting to go home to make a change is bull and holds no merit
      Contro first of all i don't argue,i just putting my thoughts looking for answers or peoples views.What i'm trying to say is if you are giving people suggestions and nothing is being done why don't expats go home and demand the changes necessary,you can't force people to do anything unless you are paying them or may be your suggestions eh good,Lincoln was back home expats gave him a hard time, Deleon, Sancho, Carter,Anton,Jefries,Ince,Look loy etc etc back home trying,they are not enough we need more.
       I can't agree with peeps like yourself the way you all talk about people back home,you talk about the way they fight expats down but the same thing you all doing to them.I think local Coaches do quite a good job,they have just as much success as their foreign counterparts,check the amount of foreign Coaches that we hire and they just received pay checks and leave,Bertille,Anton and them qualifying teams for WC too.    

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #41 on: August 26, 2011, 08:11:25 PM »
You condescending attitude as "ex-pats" is amazing. It sounds colonial, almost racist, which I would conclude if I didn't know it was Trinis talking. You're not the only people who lived, studied, worked abroad. You guys are carrying baggage that does nothing for the often valid points you make about the TTFF and TnT football...

Once again the views of that arrogant fellow called Controversial does not represent the views of everyone else on this forum even though many of us here now live on the outside!

Don't get it twisted President! His views are his and his only, he is delusional!!  8)

But controversial eh lie! most locals based trinis don't have ah clue as to the true meaning patriotism ! they think it's waving ah flag or having a fag tattooed on their arms or hanging ah mini a flag on their rare view mirror.

IMO there are more patriots living in foreign lands than on home soil. ppl seem to miss the subtleties of true patriotism.

ask all dem flag wavers if they are willing to spend 3 hrs of every weekend devoted to public service, forinstence, teaching under privileged kid ah skill, volunteer work like cleaning up the savannah, public parks,  building stages for ceremonial parades and government cultural shows, matter of fact, asked them if they willing to even pick up ah piece of paper thrown on the streets by an unconcerned citizen ?

IMO, there are too many ppl like president in T&T who like tuh come down on Xpats like they carrying some sort of torch, ah chip on their shoulders or even an inferior complex. stteuuupppsss

ah doh know when they will recognize that all ahwee is trinis. i'm fully aware that it have ppl who spend time abroad and does come home and act silly, but not all xpats behave like that for crying out loud!

all ah fackin we is trinis, and some locals have to face the fact that trinidad is slow and behind time bc of the lack of exposure of the masses and ah worthless government,

and even though there are some well traveled and educated ppl in trini, not everyone is as fortunate, and from amongst the educated, most of them were educated abroad. don't knock it embrace it, after all, ain't no shame in admitting the truth.

But President have a much more valid point than you all. The problem with ex-pat is that WE does be real condescending to locals. WE does talk down to them as though they are dumb as rocks, and that T&T cyah teach them nothing. WE does be on WE high horse for real.

It have rel knowledgeable people back home who will put many out here to shame.

Patriotism, the words that Americans like to throw about. What the F@#k is that. Going to war and dying for your country? Helping the poor? What de hell makes Americans more patriotic than a Trinbagonian? PLZ
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Offline Controversial

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #42 on: August 26, 2011, 10:39:42 PM »
Contro what i come to realize is this,being unteen miles away with all these ideas it will never work,the people on the ground at home,in the office every day,attending the meetings,voteing for who they want,seeing to it that their ideas are implemented etc etc they will always have the upper hand,people home must be don't even know who Contro and Soca is,waiting for that regime to go not making sense,i want you all to take into consideration most of the TTFF administration have been there all their lives,it's their career/living where they going. 

i totally agree, being home will give these men the advantage over us trinis living abroad in terms of voting and implementing their ideas. It puts us at a disadvantage, but it also puts the locals at a disadvantage as well because the ex-pats are exposed to better systems of politics, business structures, organization and planning, not to mention marketing and promotion.

structures that are much more advanced than in TT, we are better organized and this puts us abroad at an advantage.

Personally i don't care whether they have spent their lives in football, they are not doing a good job and I am watching our football go down the drain. It is time for a change and the change must come from the outside, not within TT in order for TT football to rise once more.

The ex-pats are the ones who will effect change in TT football in the near future, whether the local boys like it or not, we started and maintained this website which is the voice of TT football worldwide, the people locally never even thought of this idea or have even attempted to bring a voice internationally for our football.

Lets put it this way, implementation, management and scouting are the only 3 elements that need to be done locally, everything this else can be arranged externally and done 10 times better than the old boys club.

     Now i'm an expat too eh.From what i'm reading here it seems expats are the ones keeping back our Football,because if the expats are expose to better systems of politics,business structures etc etc and don't want to come home and run the show or share their expertise with the locals how changes going to take place ?

with the way the current ttff is operated, you have to convince the supporters voting for the ttff to vote your way, which as many ex pats will tell you, doesn't work back home, it will be met with fight down consistently from the local based

that is a fact and many would tell you the same, also suggestions have been given to the local based to improve football and they did nothing.

so your argument about ex pats not wanting to go home to make a change is bull and holds no merit
      Contro first of all i don't argue,i just putting my thoughts looking for answers or peoples views.What i'm trying to say is if you are giving people suggestions and nothing is being done why don't expats go home and demand the changes necessary,you can't force people to do anything unless you are paying them or may be your suggestions eh good,Lincoln was back home expats gave him a hard time, Deleon, Sancho, Carter,Anton,Jefries,Ince,Look loy etc etc back home trying,they are not enough we need more.
       I can't agree with peeps like yourself the way you all talk about people back home,you talk about the way they fight expats down but the same thing you all doing to them.I think local Coaches do quite a good job,they have just as much success as their foreign counterparts,check the amount of foreign Coaches that we hire and they just received pay checks and leave,Bertille,Anton and them qualifying teams for WC too.    

coops i have always had the utmost respect for you and still do, however you are contradicting yourself, you mentioned tiger and co have faced opposition, then afterwards you stated we shouldn't criticize the local based in the same breath.

knowing that some of our best have faced this opposition, you should understand where I am coming from.

i love my people back home, however, they have far to go and we can help them or take the reins and run it the way it should be run.

sometimes people need to learn to let go, a lot of the time ex pats don't go home because they learn that time is money and time is valuable, wasting time fighting with the local based to effect change and getting nowhere, is wasting time and money that you can't get back.

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2011, 04:50:36 AM »
..."The full listing of members selected for the Authorisation Committee (AC)—responsible for the marketing and management of the Soca Warriors as it looks towards qualifying for the 2014 Brazil FIFA World Cup via All Sport Promotions Limited—will be revealed today. This was confirmed by Anthony Harford, managing director of All Sport and chairman of the Authorisation Committee when contacted yesterday.
The Authorisation Committee already has been given the full approval by Minister of Sport, Anil Roberts at its unveiling earlier this month at the Queen’s Park Oval. In addition to Harford, the other members of the Authorisation Committee confirmed to date are Ian De Souza, General Manager Corporate and Investment Banking, Republic Bank T&T and Caryl Kellar, Advisor to the Minister of Sport. According to Harford, “the T&TFF was expected to meet yesterday to name its representative while the other member from Central Bank was also expected to be confirmed yesterday.”...(From today's Trinidad Guardian)...

Now, I repeat, unless these people (underlined above) are also in on some big scheme to rob the Treasury, one has to assume that control of the WCQ funds is safe. I repeat as well, this outsourcing of an obvious TTFF function does not resolve the internal issues affecting the operations and development of the Federation and the local game. Only a democratic movement of clubs from below will have any hope of doing so.

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2011, 05:07:36 AM »
If is one thing Controversial could do is talk, nothing else, he should change he name to Alvin Corneal.
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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2011, 11:59:07 AM »
..."The full listing of members selected for the Authorisation Committee (AC)—responsible for the marketing and management of the Soca Warriors as it looks towards qualifying for the 2014 Brazil FIFA World Cup via All Sport Promotions Limited—will be revealed today. This was confirmed by Anthony Harford, managing director of All Sport and chairman of the Authorisation Committee when contacted yesterday.
The Authorisation Committee already has been given the full approval by Minister of Sport, Anil Roberts at its unveiling earlier this month at the Queen’s Park Oval. In addition to Harford, the other members of the Authorisation Committee confirmed to date are Ian De Souza, General Manager Corporate and Investment Banking, Republic Bank T&T and Caryl Kellar, Advisor to the Minister of Sport. According to Harford, “the T&TFF was expected to meet yesterday to name its representative while the other member from Central Bank was also expected to be confirmed yesterday.”...(From today's Trinidad Guardian)...

Now, I repeat, unless these people (underlined above) are also in on some big scheme to rob the Treasury, one has to assume that control of the WCQ funds is safe. I repeat as well, this outsourcing of an obvious TTFF function does not resolve the internal issues affecting the operations and development of the Federation and the local game. Only a democratic movement of clubs from below will have any hope of doing so.

harford is the head of marketing, and a ttff rep will be named to the committee

this is still dominated by the ttff, the ttff will make up the budget which will be approved by a partial ttff committee and implemented by harford, who is still an exec on the ttff

we will see how it goes. ian is a good addition, one of the people i would trust on that committee to be totally honest.

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2011, 12:00:36 PM »
If is one thing Controversial could do is talk, nothing else, he should change he name to Alvin Corneal.

i does walk the walk as well, unlike many on here, who just good for comedy and nothing else. ent tommy joseph?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 12:02:20 PM by Controversial »

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2011, 07:28:57 PM »
Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF)
- Foundation year 1908
- Affiliated since1963

President : CAMPS Oliver
Vice Presidents :  THOMAS Rudolph,WATSON Lennox, KUARSINGH Krishna
General Secretary : GRODEN Richard
Treasurer : RUDOLPH Thomas

43 Dundonald Street
Tel:+1-868/623 7312
Fax:+1-868/623 8109


website: www.ttffonline.com
Men's Coach : PFISTER Otto (GER)
Women's Coach : HOOD Richard(TRI)
Technical Adviser: LOOK LOY Keith (TRI)
Women's Technical Director: PELLERUD Even (NOR)
Media Officer : FUENTES Shaun
Referee Committee Chairman: KUARSINGH Krishna
Supportin' de Warriors right tru.

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #48 on: August 31, 2011, 04:01:02 PM »
Lookloy should not talk about colonialism because he is one who prefers foreign coaches to locals! You remember his shortlist before Otto was chosen. If you have no confidence in your own people what kind of mentality do you have? These people are so contradictory I think they are confused! Controversial have a point!
We have talented ,patriotic people who stand for integrity and who are can make a big difference  but our society does not give them a chance! They have the ability to put the country on a stable path to development , But they like jokers who stand for nothing! No wonder we are in the  current state . We have lost our way!

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #49 on: August 31, 2011, 04:56:56 PM »
Lookloy should not talk about colonialism because he is one who prefers foreign coaches to locals! You remember his shortlist before Otto was chosen. If you have no confidence in your own people what kind of mentality do you have? These people are so contradictory I think they are confused! Controversial have a point!
We have talented ,patriotic people who stand for integrity and who are can make a big difference  but our society does not give them a chance! They have the ability to put the country on a stable path to development , But they like jokers who stand for nothing! No wonder we are in the  current state . We have lost our way!

The last local coach failed.

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #50 on: September 01, 2011, 12:26:32 PM »
Trinitozbone, where and when did Look Loy talk about colonialism? Why do some of you guys on SWO just say ANYTHING you feel to say just because you feel to say it? On which SWO thread does Look Loy talk about colonialism in ANY context, never mind with reference to TTFF or ANY coaching appointments? Please let me know. I await your guidance. Some of you guys talk because you have a computer, I swear...

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #51 on: September 01, 2011, 01:12:37 PM »
I think he has a colonial mentality because he has no confidence in himself and feels the same way about others! I think because locals know his ability , he won't get a snocone chance in hell maybe that is the reason for his preference? People without that colonial mentality has confidence in their own ability and would like to see their country prosper from endogenous development!

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #52 on: September 01, 2011, 01:25:08 PM »
You think this. You think that. Here's what I KNOW about Look Loy:

He attended Howard University when that meant something to the struggle of black people in America and globally. He, like others in the Howard football team, faced white racism in the raw and overcame it. He won one NCAA title and two semi-finalist plaques, graduated summa cum laude, went on to graduate school on scholarship, and RETURNED to Trinidad. Back home, he CHOSE to teach in Malick Comprehensive, then known as "Cooley High" after the movie by the same name about a dysfunctional American inner city school, because the school had that bad a reputation - worse than now for sure. There, he coached the team to a title in 1990 and started the school steel band. While at that, he also joined the struggle of teachers for the creation of one, single union, fought the government for the right to create TTUTA, and became the Education and Research Officer of that union for four years. And I will tell you this too - he voluntarily returned his green card to the US embassy when he returned. And that's the short version. You THINK you willing to do that Trinitozbone?

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2011, 02:07:31 PM »
Lookloy is that you?

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2011, 02:13:19 PM »
Answer my question. You THINK you willing to do what he has done? And not just TALK?

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #55 on: September 01, 2011, 02:34:04 PM »
My brief version took you up to the 1990s. You want the next twenty years Trinitozbone?...

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #56 on: September 11, 2011, 08:05:20 PM »
Yes but I know the answer already! 20 years of undermining and carrying news to Jack  trying to stay in his good books but he still got fired  twice and then got the complementary position of technical adviser to bring the coach Jack wanted ! With all the struggle he faced at Howard he showed no support for  the coach who assisted him to get scholarships when he  was summarily dissed ,  by Groden and company ! He didnot learn anything  from  the  struggle he still genuflecting to the colonisers while talented nationals are sidelined!  is he proud of that legacy?

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #57 on: September 11, 2011, 08:53:01 PM »
Yes but I know the answer already! 20 years of undermining and carrying news to Jack  trying to stay in his good books but he still got fired  twice and then got the complementary position of technical adviser to bring the coach Jack wanted ! With all the struggle he faced at Howard he showed no support for  the coach who assisted him to get scholarships when he  was summarily dissed ,  by Groden and company ! He didnot learn anything  from  the  struggle he still genuflecting to the colonisers while talented nationals are sidelined!  is he proud of that legacy?

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #58 on: September 12, 2011, 10:49:55 AM »
You think this. You think that. Here's what I KNOW about Look Loy:

He attended Howard University when that meant something to the struggle of black people in America and globally. He, like others in the Howard football team, faced white racism in the raw and overcame it. He won one NCAA title and two semi-finalist plaques, graduated summa cum laude, went on to graduate school on scholarship, and RETURNED to Trinidad. Back home, he CHOSE to teach in Malick Comprehensive, then known as "Cooley High" after the movie by the same name about a dysfunctional American inner city school, because the school had that bad a reputation - worse than now for sure. There, he coached the team to a title in 1990 and started the school steel band. While at that, he also joined the struggle of teachers for the creation of one, single union, fought the government for the right to create TTUTA, and became the Education and Research Officer of that union for four years. And I will tell you this too - he voluntarily returned his green card to the US embassy when he returned. And that's the short version. You THINK you willing to do that Trinitozbone?

First bold: Commendable.

Second bold: Intriguing. Maybe even commendable.

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Re: The TTFF Thread.
« Reply #59 on: September 12, 2011, 11:50:57 AM »
Trinitozbone...again, I repeat: You think this, you think that. You THINK you could do what Look Loy has done? Is your mind made up so you won't confuse yourself with the facts of his life? What is YOUR track record? If you live in North America, you THINK you willing to come home and DO something for your country, under all the Trinitozbone TALK? You TALK about loyalty to Lincoln Phillips? Loyalty under any and all circumstances? So what is the difference between that and loyalty to Jack Warner under any and all circumstances? As the SWO banner says Trinitozbone, "Talk Yuh Talk" yes...


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