Don Leo thank you. Oh shit, Let us live in 2013 nah man. Don Leo pull off a miracle on the back of Latapy coming on versus Guatemala & John beating a Mexico that already
qualified & did not bring all their starters (yes I said it). Then Dennis Lawrence take us to the big stage.
Do we have Latapy, Yorke, Lawrence, John, Shaka, NO! NO1 Oh flick man, let us build for the future nah man.
Welcome Don Leo home as an adviser for the football organization and structure in the the country, especially the youth, & pro league. get government and or private corp on board and watch the ride 2022.
All who really feel Don Leo making any drastic difference to this present crop of players, might as well believe in Harry Potter. If all of allyuh was to pick a CONCACAF
team right now how much players from T&T making that 11 -16-22???