I hate de part about Gray because even if Gray looked better in training and after de shit he play in de first game and more shit in de second game Chalres should have gotten de chance. Bennhaker should know training and the actual game is two different things, Colombia and Panama realise that we right side was weak and kill us and Beenhaker so good as a coach should have realise that, I feel he bullsahit allyuh, he and Charles fall-out.
That 3 months contract was de best thing for latapy, because he could have killed 2 birds with one stone, he's an ass..... he would have gotten 3 months paid while his club was on break and then go back and still join he club, no love loss and everybody happy...
f**k Jlloyd... Triniman I feel if yuh meet Jlloyd yuh might squeez he balls de way yuh always begging for him, de man dont what we boy,,,, get de thing nah.