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Gosine resigns as CFA president, Collymore takes over helm
« Reply #120 on: November 24, 2021, 02:00:28 PM »
Gosine resigns as CFA president, Collymore takes over helm
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

Central Football Association (CFA) president Shymdeo Gosine has resigned, leaving the association's first vice president Wendell Collymore to assume the role of interim president.

His resignation comes after a long battle with his membership over his management of the embattled association. Following his resignation recently, Gosine told Guardian Media Sports that he also submitted a comprehensive report to the FIFA-appointed Normalisation Committee, being led by businessman Robert Hadad explaining in full the reasons for his resignation.

He is now awaiting a response from the normalisation committee to see if the situation will be dealt with.

In the meantime, Gosine who took over the leadership of the CFA from long-serving member Bryan Layne on November 26, 2015, and was re-elected for another term in 2019, has made it clear 'he is done with that.'

Gosine's first foray in the position of leader of central football generated huge excitement with a prize structure that exceeded that of all other regional associations. He also charted a course for youth development in the zone for the first time and spearheaded the upgrade of an online website for the association.

However, members still grew disenchanted, particularly with the way the association's finances were being managed.

Three weeks ago, the Board of the CFA called a meeting to move a motion of no-confidence in Gosine which eventually led to his resignation. It was one of several meetings held by the board.

But according to Gosine on Monday: "All those meetings were illegal meetings. They have never really had a proper meeting but it reached a point that I said listen, I don't need this. When I got involved in this it was to help football to get along, to help central football and for no other reason, because I love football.

"As you very well know, I had a professional team so my goal was to see how I can help football in central and when this thing started happening, since the T&T Football Association election, I decided that this has become too much of a headache for me and I have my business to run. I don't have time for this.

"This every day hounding me down and sending me emails and asking for AGMs, and when I hold one, they want another one, I said enough is enough, and I did a comprehensive report and sent it to the normalisation committee, telling them the reason I have removed myself as the president of central football.

"I removed myself as president of central football and that's the end of that. There's no in-between anymore, 'I done with that.' Not even if they ask me to go back there, I will not go back."

Guardian Media Sports was told that Gosine was also suspended by the board two weeks ago after he refused to give an account on the financial affairs of the association.

Gosine believes his investment in the association, coupled with his desire to take football to another level in T&T was not reciprocated by his members, saying: " In 2019 they got together and said they were going to raise the funds to pay the prize money, but to this date, they have not raised a penny.

"It has been going on for a little bit. All the time, I was picking up the expenses. I mean, there are some funds that I loaned them and I took back, but the truth is that $700,000 to $800,000 of my money was spent in there to keep football and keep it going, but those guys are not interested in football."

Meanwhile, Collymore's tenure will last until the Board of the CFA schedules a general meeting and at that time, they will have the election of a new president. Collymore himself can be returned as president at the general meeting if he is voted in.
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #121 on: January 07, 2022, 01:15:48 AM »
Anthony "Dada" Wickham steps down as NFA vice-president.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Outspoken Northern Football Association (NFA) vice-president Anthony "Dada" Wickham has resigned from his position with the regional football body with immediate effect.

This was cited in a letter to current NFA president and former national goalkeeper Ross Russell in a later dated December 21, 2021.

Back on December 28, 2020, Russell was legally elected as the next president of the NFA of the T&T Football Association after his slate won by a landslide to secure all seven positions that were at stake to manage the zone from 2021-2023.

Russell, the La Horquetta Rangers goalkeeper coach, was first elected president of the zone at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) arranged by Wickham and his supporting clubs at Cascadia Hotel, St Ann’s on Boxing Day (2020). The meeting was a reconvened meeting after the first meeting on December 12 failed to attract a quorum.

However, that gathering was deemed to be unconstitutional by the zone since it had no information about the meeting.

Nevertheless, Russell, 53, of Diego Martin, was elected unopposed in the presence of 16 clubs at the zone's annual general meeting which took place at the St James Youth Centre, Fort George Road, St James.

A former title-winning coach in the T&T Pro League with Defence Force, Russell was due to face off with national football administrator Richard Piper for the position, but Piper, who worked with recently deceased Anthony Harford for over a decade as operations manager, cited outside interference in the zone's elections and decided not to participate and withdrew his nomination form.

The meeting also had to address the issue of the nominations forms which were not completed according to the requirements of the constitution.

However, Wickham made a motion to have the forms accepted and he was successful with 14 clubs voting in support of it and two abstaining.

In addition to Russell, Wickham, the founder and head coach of Trendsetter Hawks which has produced a number of talented national senior and youth players, was elected as first vice-president via 10 votes to six over Tristan Charles.

The other elected members who were elected included Rodney Stowe (second vice-president), Michael Thomas (assistant secretary administration), Nevick Denoon (assistant secretary operations) and Kareem Paul, and Dexter Harris as ordinary members

However, in an email to Russell last December, Wickham cited his reason for resigning his position as due to a number of hindrances negatively impacting the ability to perform his role to which he was elected.

The letter added: "To further clarify, it has been a little over a year now since the new executive was elected and to date, we have not been able to accomplish anything that was promised to the members of the NFA.

"To date, outstanding payments to referees, as well as the 2019 league winners remain unpaid.

"Additionally, we are yet to make any headway with regard to the NFA's bank account and other important information that is required to be handed over to the newly elected executive.

"On being elected, I took a stand to bring about change in the NFA, however, if circumstances beyond my control hinder me being able to bring about change, I see no reason to continue in the position of first vice-president.

"Additionally and subsequent to the Ministry of Sports indication to have contact sports resume exclusively for vaccinated athletes, I regard this as a deliberate infringement of human rights, and as such, further supports my decision to make my exit from the NFA.

"Consequently, I am left with no choice but to tender my resignation with immediate effect. I, therefore, take this opportunity to thank the voting membership for the opportunity afforded to me to serve them, and to wish the Executive all success in their way forward," Wickham ended.

Reached for comment, Russell said the members of the NFA executive were yet to meet to discuss the letter of resignation by Wickham and also chart a way forward.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #122 on: January 23, 2022, 06:09:26 PM »
LOCAL FOOOOTBALL IS BACK ......................... :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel:
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #123 on: March 12, 2022, 01:25:21 AM »
Unknown vaccination statuses kick NFA, EFA out Inter-Zone tourney.
T&T Guardian Reports.

The Northern and Eastern Football Associations (NFA, EFA) have been thrown out of the T&T Football Association's (TTFA) Inter Zonal Football Tournament because of their unknown vaccination statuses.

Both zones are yet to play a match after just the first round of action when they were ousted.

The NFA, which is being coached by former national midfielder Travis Mulraine, was set to officially begin their campaign in the tournament with a match against the Eastern Counties Football Union (ECFU) at the Larry Gomes in Malabar, Arima. They were scheduled to play against the Tobago Football Association last Sunday in their opening game but that match was called off.

The EFA, on the other hand, missed a match against the Central FA on March 6 but is scheduled to be on a bye on Sunday.

A letter from the TTFA that was sent to the associations (EFA, NFA) on Wednesday said: "In an effort to finalise and adequately execute the Zonal Screening Teams (ZST) plan, in the interest of time and availability of stadia, we have unfortunately excluded the Eastern Football Association and Northern Football Association as they have not submitted any information regarding their players or vaccination status to date.

"Additionally, in accordance with our communication on 16 January, 2022 and the targeted kickoff of other club competitions such as Ascension Tournament, Tiger Tanks Men’s Under-20 tournament and NLCL (Next Level Consulting Limited) U-19 Community Cup, the fixtures of the ZSTs will be adjusted. The ZST plan was formulated to operate in the absence of club competitions and it was organised with the understanding from all zones that once club competitions resume, the players would return to their clubs."

Yesterday, Mulraine, fuming at the recent development, said: "The rules never declared a deadline for submitting players' vaccine card and ID, so by right the normal 48 hours should have been adhered to.

"Look at the last line, it specifically says U-20 team. Whether special consideration means senior players can play with them, I don't know. It seems the manager was of the opinion that worst-case scenario, players would have walked with their vaccine card to be able to play on Sunday, he miscalculated."

Mulraine noted that if they were told to submit their vaccination status by a certain date then that would have been done.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #124 on: March 12, 2022, 09:13:52 AM »
By now it should be evident to all and sundry that T&T is a world leader in organization and administration.

As you were! Carry on.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #125 on: March 12, 2022, 09:16:24 AM »
LOCAL FOOOOTBALL IS BACK ......................... :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel:

It's almost a full two months since you posted that and yet ...

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #126 on: March 12, 2022, 10:49:17 AM »
LOCAL FOOOOTBALL IS BACK ......................... :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel:

It's almost a full two months since you posted that and yet ...

You know how things are in trinidad . we are slow to do things .. always a little bacchannal ... yuh would think during the time contact sport was banned  they would be reorganizing etc
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #127 on: March 12, 2022, 02:14:32 PM »
Look, these club and players are at fault. They know the situation about players being vaxxed. Why the hell the clubs don’t encourage the players to get vaxxed to get vax.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #128 on: July 21, 2022, 05:08:08 PM »
Ascension pumps $.5M into zonal football
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

After almost two years of no activities, there will be football in the six Regional Associations this year as the Ascension Football Tournament of T&T has agreed to invest an estimated $500,000 into zonal football. The funds will be given to the Eastern Football Association (EFA), Northern FA, Southern FA, Central FA, Tobago FA and the Eastern Counties Football Union (ECFU).

Tournament Director of the Ascension Football Tournament Keiron Edwards said the sponsorship is to ensure that the foundation of local football at the various zones is kept alive, particularly at zonal youth levels.

Ascension's sponsorship will see each zone receiving $60,000, plus an estimated $30,000 for referees and other operational costs. The zonal executive will decide on how the tournaments would be played, the number of teams and who will be the teams taking part.

The winning team in each zone will walk away with $30,000, with $20,000 for the runner-up and $10,000 for the team placing third.

"We have been meeting with the officials from the T&T Football Association, the Normalisation Committee, the Referees Department, etc to ensure that issues related to refereeing, being compliant and club licensing among others are worked out," Edwards said.

He noted also that he believes the football association can provide much-needed assistance concerning supplying equipment, as well as the starting up of youth leagues in the various zones. The Ascension tournament which started on March 25 of this year, has seen top-quality, competitive action among 10 teams at the Phase II recreation ground in La Horquetta, the Arima Velodrome and the Police Barracks in St James.

Edwards said the Ascension tournament was also expected to include activities for tier one and tier two teams as well but restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have ruled it out. He promises that next year and there will be activities for all tiers of football in T&T.
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #129 on: September 25, 2022, 09:31:04 AM »
Zonal football warming up...Ascension to sponsor Eastern Counties, North and Central
By Ian Prescott (T&T Express)

EASTERN COUNTIES will kick off their 2022 football season on Octobers 9, while both the Northern and Central Football Association competitions are expected to start soon.

Six regional associations have benefited from sponsorship by the Ascension Football Tournament, which committed to investing in zonal football, as well as the Women League Football competition.

This comes after two years of inactivity due to the Covid-19 epidemic and Government only lifting subsequent playing restrictions in March this year.

Ascension’s sponsorship offer was made in July by Kieron Edwards, tournament director of the Ascension Tournament. It was noted that each zone would receive $60,000 in prize money, as well as an estimated $30,000 for referees’ fees and other operational costs. The prize structure is first—$30,000, second—20,000 and third—$10,000.

Already, the Southern FA, Eastern Football Association (EFA), Tobago FA and the women’s league are underway.

NFA finally agrees

However, the Sunday Express learned that the Northern Football Association had initially rejected the Ascension offer. However, NFA president Ross Russell, the former Defence Force and T&T goalkeeper, has suggested that whatever concerns they have had been alleviated.

“We supposed to start by the end of the month (September),” Russell informed, suggesting that the NFA needed solid confirmation from Ascension before committing to the season.

“We have it in writing,” Russell added. “We having a competition via them (Ascension) because they say that they will sponsor the league.”

NFA secretary Akel Baig also suggested that the start has been hampered by the lack of grounds and also by community issues, with NFA teams coming from several crime hot spots.

“It’s tough, with a couple of little things, such as home grounds and the crime issue in certain areas, such as with Laventille United and (the dangers of) players moving from Belmont into Laventille and Patna Village. It’s a lot of little issues.”

Eastern Counties set to start

Meanwhile, Eastern Counties football was due to begin this weekend, but has been pushed back to October 9. Newly-elected ECFU president Ian Pritchard acknowledged the late start and expects his competition to run all the way to January 2023.

“We were supposed to start on Sunday, (today), but we have been pushed back until the ninth of October,” Pritchard announced.

The Eastern Counties competition will see 13 teams divided into two groups, playing home and away matches across areas such as Mayaro, Sangre Grande, Mafeking, Sangre Chicito, North East Coast, Tamara, Valarie Hill, Niche, Manzanilla, Toco and so on.

Pritchard explained the late start as due to not wanting to disrupt traditional minor leagues that had started, while the ECFU were still working out their funding issues.

“We didn’t want to compete with any league because the same footballers that play in the minor league play in the ECFU (competition), Pritchard explained. “There is competition for grounds as well,” he added.

“We had the Sweet 16 which completed in August. Then we have the Anton Wolfe Sweet 16 that is going on and we also have the Mayaro Football League that starts soon. So, we competing for grounds also.”

Pritchard stated further: “As the national organisation responsible for football in the region, we wanted to give players the best opportunity to play football. We did not know when we would have started because football had not been playing before. So, instead of competing, we collaborated, by allowing these leagues that had their dates set before, to proceed. We made the compromise.”

Randolph Boyce has taken over as CFA president from Doc Engineering boss Shymdeo Gosein. Boyce also expects Central football, which caters for clubs in areas such as Caroni, Chaguanas, and environs to start soon, but does not yet have a kick-off date.

“We are having a competition,” Boyce replied confidently, “We are submitting some documents to the TTFA (Trinidad and Tobago Football Association) and when they get that, they will be able to give us a start date.”
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #130 on: September 28, 2022, 05:36:27 AM »
Guerra bangs in beavertrick in EFA Premier.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Former USA-based T&T international Ataulla Guerra registered a beaver trick as La Horquetta XF mauled Barataria Ball Players 11-0 in the second match of an Ascension-sponsored Eastern Football Association (EFA) Premier Division Zonal League double-header at the Maloney Recreation Ground, Maloney on Sunday.

Jamal Creighton helped himself to two goals while Kadeem Corbin, Isaiah Lee, Tyrone Charles, Isaiah Garcia, and Caleb Sturge chipped in with one each for La Horquetta in the one-sided contest against Barataria Ball Players to move to nine points in six matches, nine adrift of leaders Malabar FC who suffered a second loss on the season, this time by default after they arrived late for their match against CG Poseidon at D’Abadie Recreation Ground.

Also on D’Abadie, SKHY FC won by default as well after scheduled opponents Creek FC did not have enough players to start their match at the set time.

In Sunday’s other match, Keron Clarke scored two, and Saleem Henry, and Sean Bonval the others for Maloney FC to beat Oropune FC 4-0 to share the second spot with CG Poseidon on 13 points from six matches each, two behind Bon Air FC.

Results - Sunday:

Maloney FC 4 (Keron Clarke 2, Saleem Henry, Sean Bonval) vs Oropune FC 0

La Horquetta XF 11 (Ataulla Guerra 4, Jamal Creighton 2, Kadeem Corbin, Isaiah Lee, Tyrone Charles, Isaiah Garcia, Caleb Sturge) vs Barataria Ball Players 0

CG Poseidon 3 vs Malabar FC 0 - by default

SHKY FC 3 vs Creek FC 0 - by default

Teams P W D L F A Pts
Malabar FC 8 6 0 2 34 16 18
Bon Air FC 6 5 0 1 34 10 15
Maloney Eagles FC 6 4 1 1 28 10 13
CG Poseidon 6 4 1 1 19 15 13
Terminix Lighting 8 3 1 4 35 26 10
La Horquetta XF 5 3 0 3 26 15 9
SKHY FC 7 3 0 4 16 13 9
Oropune FC 7 2 2 3 14 23 8
Creek FC 8 2 1 5 10 45 4
Barataria Ball Players 7 0 0 7 3 46 0

Upcoming matches: Sunday, October 2:

Maloney FC vs Barataria Ball Players @ Maloney Rec. Grd, 7 pm

La Horquetta XF vs Malabar FC @ D’Abadie Rec. Grd, 6 pm

CG Poseidon vs Bon Air FC @ Bon Air Rec. Grd, 6 pm

SKHY FC vs Oropune FC @ Maloney Rec. Grd, 5 pm

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #131 on: October 12, 2022, 06:25:36 PM »
Police, Misc Laventille in winners' row in North Zone openers
By Andrew Gioannetti (T&T Newsday)

KEVIN McNEIL, Dishon Awai and Ryan Isaac were all on target as Miscellaneous Laventille United cruised to a comfortable 4-0 victory over Football Factory in the opening round of the Northern Football Association (NFA) Premier Division, on Sunday.

At St Mary's College Ground, St Clair, McNeil, a former San Juan North Secondary stand-out attacker bagged a brace, while Awai and Issac scored one item each to guide their team to an early Group D lead, ahead of Seekers FC on goal-difference.

There are four groups being contested with four teams in Group A and D and five in B and C. The top two teams will advance out of their groups into the quarter-final stage.

On Friday, Seekers FC defeated Patna FC 2-1, with Akeel Superville scoring an 81st minute winner. Nicholas Roach put Seekers before the half, before Kyle Jones levelled the scores in the 54th minute.

Also on Friday, Group A got underway with Abraham Livingston scoring a pair and O'Neal Vasquez, Khalid King and Josiah Cox all scoring one each as RSSR cruised to a 5-1 over Paramin Scholars. Kyle Jones scored for the losing team.

Police also won handsomely at the Police Barracks, St James, on Sunday, shooting to the helm of Group B, with a 4-0 win over Cultural Roots. Kurdell Brathwaite, Kadeem Boyce, Josiah Wilson and Jaden Moore were all on target.

Also in Group B, Petit Valley/Diego Martin United defeated AC Port of Spain via goals from Brandon Joseph and Jabarry Henry top join Police on three points.

On Saturday, Group C's St Francois Nationals and Guerreros played to a goalless draw.

Second round matches will be played this weekend. This season is the NFA's first since the start of the pandemic in 2020.

Prizes on offer include $2,000 for group winners, $1,500 for runners-up, $1,000 for third place and $800 for fourth place.

The overall winners will take home $19,000, with $8,000 on offer for second-place finishers.

Quarter-final victors will also earn $2,000.
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #132 on: October 23, 2022, 11:23:05 AM »
A website is promising!

If you wondered, the website is still totally incomplete. Not even got the executive up on the pages.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #133 on: October 26, 2022, 11:34:22 PM »
Palo Seco Trippy tops Point Ligoure United to qualify for CFL quarters.
By Rachael Thompson-King (T&T Guardian).

Palo Seco Trippy Football Club (FC) had three different players hitting the target in its lopsided 3-0 victory over Point Ligoure United in the Deportivo Point Fortin (PF) Community Football League (CFL) on Tuesday night at La Brea grounds.

Kyron Williams, Jeremy Carter and Tyrese Reefer each scored a goal to help Palo Seco Trippy win and move to top of Group Diamonds standings with seven points from two wins and a draw. The win also means that it has cemented it spot in next week’s quarterfinals. Nathaniel Garcia of Palo Seco Trippy was named the “Man of the Match” (MOTM).

Unfortunately for Point Ligoure, the loss means that it remains at the bottom of the three-team table with one point eliminating any chance of moving on in the southern 12-team competition.

 Sporting Club Fyzabad, with one match outstanding, will be the other team progressing from the group with five points from three matches (a win and two draws). Fyzabad will meet Palo Seco Trippy tomorrow in their final preliminary round match at a venue to be announced.

In the other match earlier Tuesday, Egypt United earned its first point of the competition holding Erin Boarder Players to a 2-2 draw. However, it was not enough to lift Egypt from the bottom of Group Hearts in its final league match.

Dval Moore scored a double for Egypt while Border Players’ two goals came from eventual MOTM award recipient, Gesiah Bishop.

The Erin team will advance to the quarterfinals as the second-best team in the group, regardless of the result in the final match of the regular season also on Friday against unbeaten Guapo Uprising Youths.

On Monday, teams in Group Clubs and Spades were in action.

New Village FC topped the previously undefeated Lakeview United, 2-0, to head Group Spades going into the quarterfinals. Goals came from Kemuel Farrell and Terrell Abraham in a match where their teammate Jules Lee was named the top player of the affair.

Despite the loss, Lakeview will also move on to the next round with seven points from two wins and a draw.

In the second match, the leader of Group Clubs La Brea All Stars were held to a 1-1 draw by Cedros Pirates, who had Kyle Vialva emerging as the top player of the match.

Rehad Moodie was on target for the Pirates while league leading scorer Shaquille John with six goals in three matches, netted the lone item for the group’s leader La Brea. Both teams will progress to the quartefinals after the final round of matches on Saturday, also at a venue to be announced.


Tuesday (La Brea grounds)

• ↓Erin Boarder Players 2 (Gesiah Bishop 2) vs Egypt United 2 (Dval Moore 2). MOTM- Gesiah Bishop (Erin Boarder)

• ↓Palo Seco Trippy FC 3 (Kyron Williams, Jeremy Carter, Tyrese Reefer) vs Point Ligoure United 0. MOTM - Nathaniel Garcia (Palo Seco Trippy)

Monday (La Brea grounds)

• ↓New Village FC 2 (Kemuel Farrell, Terrell Abraham) vs Lakeview United 0. MOTM - Jules Lee (New Village)

• ↓Cedros Pirates 1 (Rehad Moodie) vs La Brea All Stars 1 (Shaquille John). MOTM - Kyle Vialva (Cedros Pirates)

Saturday (Fullerton grounds)

• ↓Point Ligoure United 1 (Jamille Boatswain) vs Sporting Club Fyzabad 1 (Dantye Gilbert). MOTM - Brent Plenty (Point Ligoure)

• ↓Cedros Pirates 3 (Rehad Moodie 2, Kyle Moodie) vs Fanny Village United 1 (Reasean Paul). MOTM - Rehad Moodie (Cedros)

Friday (Bonasse Grounds)

• ↓Guapo Uprising 7 (Rondel Phillip 2, Christon Figaro 2, Akeel Vesprey, Daniel Diaz, Justin Cornwall) vs Egypt United 0. MOTM - C Fifgaro (Guapo)

• ↓Lakeview United 1 (Chris Collins) vs Mahaica FC 0. MOTM - C Collins (Lakeview)



• ↓Palo Seco Trippy FC vs Sporting Club Fyzabad, 6 pm

• ↓Erin Border Players vs Guapo Uprising Youths, 8 pm


• ↓La Brea All Stars vs Fanny Village United, 6 pm

• ↓New Village FC vs Mahaica FC, 8 pm

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #134 on: November 15, 2022, 12:53:37 AM »
Maloney edges La Horquetta on penalties in EFA kayo final.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Maloney Eagles FC captured the Ascension Eastern Football Association (EFA) Premier Division $10,000 winner-take-all knockout crown after they overcame league champions La Horquetta XF 4-3 on penalty kicks following a 2-2 draw in regulation time at the Phase II La Horquetta Recreation Ground, La Horquetta on Sunday.

Former national player Nathan Lewis stunned the host when he fired Maloney ahead as early as the second minute, but Jamal Creighton hit back for La Horquetta in the 15th minute before another ex-national player Ataulla Guerra put the host ahead for the first in the 34th minute which they held until the half-time interval.

Within 13 minutes of the restart, Saleem Henry got Maloney back on level terms at 2-2 and despite the best efforts of both teams the match ended 2-2 at the end of regulation time, and in the shoot-out, Maloney held their nerves to come away with the victory, making amends for their runner-up finish in the league.

For Maloney, Henry, Joshua Alexander, Keron Clarke and Lewis all scored their attempts with Sean Bonval the lone player to miss while Creighton, Guerra and Tyrone Charles converted their attempts for La Horquetta with failed attempts coming from Aikim Andrews and Isaiah Lee.

In the semifinals a week earlier at the Maloney Recreation Ground, Maloney trashed Malabar FC 7-0 with Daniel Warner scoring a hattrick in the 29th, 31st, and 32nd minutes while Alexander, Bonval,  Keston Williams, and Jadel Carter added one each.

In the second semifinal, La Horquetta XF twice came from behind to defeat Terminix Lighting 3-2 in their semifinal at the same venue on Wednesday.

For Terminix Lighting, national youth team striker Real Gill opened the scoring in the fourth minute, but the short-handed La Horquetta who only fielded 12 men for the contest drew level seven minutes later through Guerra, only for Leonardo Da Costa to restore Terminix Lighting’s lead in the 42nd minute for a 2-1 lead at the interval.

Ten minutes into the second half, Lee got La Horquetta on level terms for the second time in the contest before Guerra fired in the decisive item, his second of the match on the hour mark to book his teams’ place in Sunday’s final.

Last month, La Horquetta defeated Maloney Eagles FC 3-0 to claim the $25,000 league top prize ahead with 21 points from nine matches while Maloney finished in the second spot, two points behind the winners for $15,000, with Bon Air FC securing the $10,000 for third ahead of Malabar FC on goal-difference after both teams ended with 18 points each.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #135 on: November 17, 2022, 09:50:35 PM »
Maloney edges La Horquetta on penalties in EFA kayo final.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Maloney Eagles FC captured the Ascension Eastern Football Association (EFA) Premier Division $10,000 winner-take-all knockout crown after they overcame league champions La Horquetta XF 4-3 on penalty kicks following a 2-2 draw in regulation time at the Phase II La Horquetta Recreation Ground, La Horquetta on Sunday.

Former national player Nathan Lewis stunned the host when he fired Maloney ahead as early as the second minute, but Jamal Creighton hit back for La Horquetta in the 15th minute before another ex-national player Ataulla Guerra put the host ahead for the first in the 34th minute which they held until the half-time interval.

Within 13 minutes of the restart, Saleem Henry got Maloney back on level terms at 2-2 and despite the best efforts of both teams the match ended 2-2 at the end of regulation time, and in the shoot-out, Maloney held their nerves to come away with the victory, making amends for their runner-up finish in the league.

For Maloney, Henry, Joshua Alexander, Keron Clarke and Lewis all scored their attempts with Sean Bonval the lone player to miss while Creighton, Guerra and Tyrone Charles converted their attempts for La Horquetta with failed attempts coming from Aikim Andrews and Isaiah Lee.

In the semifinals a week earlier at the Maloney Recreation Ground, Maloney trashed Malabar FC 7-0 with Daniel Warner scoring a hattrick in the 29th, 31st, and 32nd minutes while Alexander, Bonval,  Keston Williams, and Jadel Carter added one each.

In the second semifinal, La Horquetta XF twice came from behind to defeat Terminix Lighting 3-2 in their semifinal at the same venue on Wednesday.

For Terminix Lighting, national youth team striker Real Gill opened the scoring in the fourth minute, but the short-handed La Horquetta who only fielded 12 men for the contest drew level seven minutes later through Guerra, only for Leonardo Da Costa to restore Terminix Lighting’s lead in the 42nd minute for a 2-1 lead at the interval.

Ten minutes into the second half, Lee got La Horquetta on level terms for the second time in the contest before Guerra fired in the decisive item, his second of the match on the hour mark to book his teams’ place in Sunday’s final.

Last month, La Horquetta defeated Maloney Eagles FC 3-0 to claim the $25,000 league top prize ahead with 21 points from nine matches while Maloney finished in the second spot, two points behind the winners for $15,000, with Bon Air FC securing the $10,000 for third ahead of Malabar FC on goal-difference after both teams ended with 18 points each.

Hold up :o

La Horquetta has 2 teams in the same league?? (EFA)

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #136 on: December 23, 2022, 08:22:33 AM »
Coach Benny wants Belmont FC to become pro unit
By Jelani Beckles (T&T Newsday)

BELMONT FC won their first Northern Football Association (NFA) League Cup title at the Hasely Crawford Stadium training field in Mucurapo on Wednesday night.

An early second-half strike from Kendal Hackett was enough to give Belmont FC a 1-0 win over Guerreros FC. Belmont FC became the second team from Belmont to win the title following in the footsteps of St Francois Nationals who won previously.

Former St Anthony’s College players Che Benny and Haile Beckles are among those on the Belmont FC squad. A total of 18 teams competed in the tournament over the past six weeks.

Belmont FC coach Mark Benny was pleased with the effort of his players but thinks the standard of play could have been of a higher standard.

"Performance wise I think we could have been better. We have always been one of the fitter teams in the league."

Belmont FC have been in existence for six years and is a community-based team as 75 per cent of the players are from Belmont including goalscorer Hackett.

"Most of the players though are homegrown to our credit. It is more a Belmont-based team. We have a few people from outside, but they are friends of the players."

Benny has goals for the club and does not want to see the club stay in the NFA. "We want to bring a professional unit out of Belmont. From day one that has been the dream."

Belmont FC trains at Queen's Park Savannah which is within walking distance from the community.

With support from sponsors, the club can reach further. Asked where he sees the club in two years, Benny said, "We know how the football goes. It is all dependent on sponsorship. Right now everything usually is on my pocket. We try to do fundraisers in between. We are hoping to do something where we could get the community involved."

Benny was thankful that fans made the trip from Belmont to the Hasely Crawford Stadium training field for the match. "We had a good turnout last night and we had a lot of Belmont supporters. We trying to keep that (because) you play for community and family first. We have a set of players who represent Belmont to the best of their ability and we just want to carry that forward."

Discussing what may have contributed to the success of the team, Benny pointed to the defence. "Defensively we pride ourselves on our rugged and sturdy defending. Even though we never won the league (previously) we always come out probably conceding the least amount of goals. We are a very solid unit and we play for each other."
« Last Edit: December 23, 2022, 09:32:15 AM by Tallman »

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #137 on: December 23, 2022, 03:37:48 PM »
Good luck on your endeavours, Belmont FC.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #138 on: December 28, 2022, 07:22:24 AM »
Maloney edges La Horquetta on penalties in EFA kayo final.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Maloney Eagles FC captured the Ascension Eastern Football Association (EFA) Premier Division $10,000 winner-take-all knockout crown after they overcame league champions La Horquetta XF 4-3 on penalty kicks following a 2-2 draw in regulation time at the Phase II La Horquetta Recreation Ground, La Horquetta on Sunday.

Former national player Nathan Lewis stunned the host when he fired Maloney ahead as early as the second minute, but Jamal Creighton hit back for La Horquetta in the 15th minute before another ex-national player Ataulla Guerra put the host ahead for the first in the 34th minute which they held until the half-time interval.

Within 13 minutes of the restart, Saleem Henry got Maloney back on level terms at 2-2 and despite the best efforts of both teams the match ended 2-2 at the end of regulation time, and in the shoot-out, Maloney held their nerves to come away with the victory, making amends for their runner-up finish in the league.

For Maloney, Henry, Joshua Alexander, Keron Clarke and Lewis all scored their attempts with Sean Bonval the lone player to miss while Creighton, Guerra and Tyrone Charles converted their attempts for La Horquetta with failed attempts coming from Aikim Andrews and Isaiah Lee.

In the semifinals a week earlier at the Maloney Recreation Ground, Maloney trashed Malabar FC 7-0 with Daniel Warner scoring a hattrick in the 29th, 31st, and 32nd minutes while Alexander, Bonval,  Keston Williams, and Jadel Carter added one each.

In the second semifinal, La Horquetta XF twice came from behind to defeat Terminix Lighting 3-2 in their semifinal at the same venue on Wednesday.

For Terminix Lighting, national youth team striker Real Gill opened the scoring in the fourth minute, but the short-handed La Horquetta who only fielded 12 men for the contest drew level seven minutes later through Guerra, only for Leonardo Da Costa to restore Terminix Lighting’s lead in the 42nd minute for a 2-1 lead at the interval.

Ten minutes into the second half, Lee got La Horquetta on level terms for the second time in the contest before Guerra fired in the decisive item, his second of the match on the hour mark to book his teams’ place in Sunday’s final.

Last month, La Horquetta defeated Maloney Eagles FC 3-0 to claim the $25,000 league top prize ahead with 21 points from nine matches while Maloney finished in the second spot, two points behind the winners for $15,000, with Bon Air FC securing the $10,000 for third ahead of Malabar FC on goal-difference after both teams ended with 18 points each.

Hold up :o

La Horquetta has 2 teams in the same league?? (EFA)

I thought the same, but it seems Terminix Lightning isn't a reserve of the other two, just another sponsored team.

Could be wrong

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #139 on: December 28, 2022, 01:48:46 PM »
I kind of confuse here. I see Leonardo Da Costa and his brother played for Rangers in the national Acension league earlier in the year. Now he with Terminex Lightening. So Ferguson has two teams ?

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #140 on: December 30, 2022, 02:22:04 PM »
Was asking that earlier on....it seems so..

Hilarious if true

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #141 on: April 26, 2023, 02:07:34 AM »
Candidates Jordan, Latiff vie for SFA presidency
By Ian Prescott (T&T Express).

Battle for ‘Southern’ supremacy

IT is a South final and takes place tomorrow, at Manny Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella, from 7 p.m. The big prize though is the presidency of the Southern Football Association (SFA).

By Friday, the SFA will have a new president and executive to run its affairs, following its Annual General Meeting (AGM) when the membership vote to elect a new Executive to serve a four-year term.

Two heavyweight candidates, businessmen Brian K Jordan and Denis Latiff, are vying for the presidency, vacated by Richard Quan Chan, who is stepping down having fulfilled the two-term maximum any president can serve. “I will support whoever the general council select as their president,” immediate past president Quan Chan announced. “I am staying out of the election. If they call me, I will advise, I will give direction. But to say I am supporting one side over the other...no.”

Candidate Jordan, 48, is a Point Fortin-born business owner, licensed football coach and founder of the NLCL Community Cup, an island wide youth football tournament, which benefits many of the at-risk youth footballers across T&T. His opponent Latiff is associated with Tiger Tanks Club Sando and also general manager of Tigers Tanks Limited, sponsors of the T&T Secondary Schools Football League and Tiger Tanks Under-20 tournament.

Jordan’s slate includes Jefferson George, the Princess Town-based former national youth team and W Connection goalkeeper, who fills a dual role as president of the Unified Coaches of Trinidad and Tobago. George is vying for the role of SFA second vice-president and technical director.

Also on the Jordan’s slate are Kirwin Weston (first vice-president), Jaggernath Goolcharan (PRO), Anita Sennon (Administration) and Andy Smith (Health, Safety and Security).

Latiff, 63, is from San Fernando, and his team includes Aldwin Ferguson Jr, who runs for first vice-president; Edison Dean of Club Sando, who runs for second vice-president; Michael Maurice, the former Trinidad and Tobago national team goalkeeper; Clayton Williams, who currently serves as SFA assistant-secretary of operations; and PRO Joey Rooplal. If the slate is successful, former United States-based youth coach Dwight De Leon will come in as general-secretary.

Jordan, coach of Union Hall United, hopes to begin the overhaul of South football starting with Youth football. Jordan outlined his plans for the South Zone. “We want to get in there. We want to organise. We want to bring resources, like we have been bringing resources to the zone in the NLCL,” he said.

Jordan indicated that youth development is big on his agenda and he intends to implement youth and women’s competitions in the South Zone. “We will start from the Academy leagues. We will implement a girls/women’s league. We will implement a boys youth league, all of which do not exist today.”

Once a league with several divisions, SFA football was contested last year by just 11 clubs, broken up into two groups.

‘Youth development’ high on the agenda

Latiff is also talking “youth development”, including structuring an academy for the best, young South footballers. But he thinks the biggest problem with the South Zone is lack of good management and a disconnect with cubs.

“My vision is to get the SFA back on its feet and get it back to the glory days that we had before,” said Latiff. “Not much has been done with development as should have been done.” He hopes to quickly have functioning committees with properly trained personal and, once restructured, to have SFA games televised on YouTube etc.

“The goal is to use the people in the area to get that (Committees) going. I am going to have oversight on it, but they are the ones that know what they want,” stated Latiff. “Most of them say it’s the first time somebody come. First time they see a manifesto. I’m going to work with all. There are some teams that have no structure. We will help structure them.”

Jordan stated: “We believe the clubs are ready for change. The clubs are saying all the right things which indicate we will get their support,” stated Jordan.

“But we are humble and respectful of the process.” He believes he has the know-how to bring financial resources to South football as well. “NLCL is our company. So, we will be bringing some of our own resources to the table and, secondly, we have not had a problem with (getting) sponsors at the NLCL,” explained Jordan.

As a businessman and a former coach at both St Benedict’s College and Presentation College, Jordan pointed out that he also has vast experience of successfully dealing with the business community. “Business people have a way that we communicate and we have been saying to them we can provide value. That is all they want. They want standards and value,” Jordan concluded.

Latiff says his track record speaks for itself. “I am a doer. I’m going to make it happen. At Tiger tanks that is our motto,” noted Latiff. “We held the Tiger Tanks U-20 football tournament last year with the TTFA. I did almost everything for that single-handedly. The way it was structured, TV coverage, all that. The TTFA helped me with getting the grounds.”

He added: “The same thing we did with SSFL (Secondary Schools Football League)...I sponsored the SSFL last year. It is the first time that anybody ever got both Sportmax and Flow Sport to work together.”


‘Team Transformation’ promises youth development in South
T&T Newsday Reports.

SOUTHERN football is set to transition into a new administrative era as the general elections for the Southern Football Association executive committee are nigh upon all stakeholders involved.

Members of the southland's governing body will determine the future of football in the zone on April 27 when they march to the polls to cast their vote for this year’s new presidential candidate.

The elections will be contested by two teams – one led by the founder and organiser of the Next Level Consulting Limited (NLCL) Community Cup, Brian Jordan, and the other co-led by Tiger Tanks executives, Denis Latiff and Eddie Dean.

In 2022, both parties hosted youth tournaments which were considered successes by the respective organisers, investors and fans. Jordan spearheaded the NLCL Under-19 Community Cup and is currently managing the Under-15 version of the tournament. On the flip side, Latiff was the mastermind behind the Tiger Tanks Under-20 Invitational Tournament, which was won by Defence Force in June last year.

Nicknamed “Team Transformation”, Jordan declared that his party will be heavily focused on youth football and the improvement of football standards in the South Zone. Using his experience as a professional coach and former footballer, he believes that, if elected, the structure and organisation of the zone’s operations will be drastically improved.

In an interview with Newsday on Tuesday, he expressed that his youth tournaments sparked his desire to pursue the presidential position. “As many may know, the NLCL Under-19 tournament has been a blessing for youth development in the nation since 2019”, he said. “As a result, several stakeholders reached out and asked if there was anything that could be done in a similar nature in the south zone.”

“Grassroots and youth football are parts of a recipe that produced a generation of footballing talents in the zone in previous years. But now, we’ve lost that. We have to go back to producing talent through youth-focused development, and that is why I am running to be the new SFA president.

“We have to look at what has happened since TT qualified for the 2006 World Cup – there has been little to no progress in local football. The entire nation has been in a football stasis and, somehow, we need to find a way to change that.”

Jordan also addressed the lack of maintained grounds in the zone. He said that his team proposed a partnership with the regional corporation to ensure better field conditions and have more venues to facilitate matches. “Clearly, if we don’t have proper grounds, we can’t have proper development”, he claimed. “If we are to expand the opportunities for development – academy football, youth football, senior football, girls’ football and women’s football – we must have more facilities available and well maintained.”

The partnership will also provide employment opportunities as the unified SFA and Regional Corporation will staff ground maintenance crews.

If elected, Team Transformation will further boost the marketability of the league through engaging social media content, fan activities at matches and live broadcasting of select fixtures.

“We want to take the model of the pyramids in Egypt – build from the bottom and make the zone’s operations scalable and strong so that, no matter who comes into office in the future, there is a good base to work with and they can offshoot from there and initiate even more opportunities for football.”

Moreover, Jordan assured stakeholders that the senior SFA league will not clash with the TT Premier Football League (TTPFL). He said, “I believe that there can be an overlap (between leagues) particularly as there is currently no reserve league under the TTPFL. Therefore, younger players who are not first-team regulars at their Premier League club will be able to hone their craft and get playing time. We will not have senior players participating in both the Premier League and the zonal league.”

“However, with regards to the TTFA’s second-tier league, there is potential for South teams like Moruga FC, Erin FC and San Fernando Giants to be a part of it. We would be blessed to have them participate in both the second-tier and the SFA League. If scheduling allows it, those teams can be capable of competing on the two fronts. Sustainability for this will also be targeted so that teams will have full squads for every match day.”

Jordan also assured that his company, NLCL, will bring funds into the organisation, along with the financial assistance from sponsors, to ensure that the league, its teams and all other stakeholders can operate at their full capacity and produce the results that the Committee set out to achieve.

Additionally, he stated that match officials will receive benefits such as more training opportunities, equipment stipends and an increase in match fees. With the Match Officials Committee led by former FIFA referee Jaghernath Goolcharan, referees in the zone are almost certain to elevate to a higher level as the footballing standard increases.

He concluded by stating, “I’m proud to say this: once we get two or three years into our tenure, every zone will see our operations and seek to replicate it. When we started the NLCL Community Cup, no one gave it a chance. But, because of the strength of the team, we ensured that everything that was put to paper came to pass. Likewise, as the SFA Executive, things will happen.”

Along with Jordan, Team Transformation consists of Kirwin Weston (first vice president/iInformation technology enhancements), Jefferson George (second vice president and technical director), Jaghernath Goolcharan (board of management rep for match officials and PRO), Anita Sennon (board representative or administration), Andy Smith (board representative for health, safety and security) and Rucine Baker (board representative for women’s and girls’ football).

« Last Edit: April 26, 2023, 03:43:55 AM by Flex »
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #142 on: April 29, 2023, 01:26:10 AM »
Businessman Latiff is new SFA president.
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian).

Businessman Denis Latiff is the new president of the Southern Football Association (SFA).

At Thursday night’s Annual General Election (AGM) Election at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella, the man credited for the formation and execution of the Tiger Tanks Under-20 League defeated Brian Jordan 24-17 in the election for the position of president.

Jordan is another businessman from the southland who has invested his existence in the development of youth football. However, this time he had to settle for second place with Latiff’s promise of overall development, particularly at the youth level through his desire to include voting powers to football academies in the south football constitution, seemingly amongst the promises that the club voted for.

It is understood that Dwight De Leon was Latiff’s first appointment as general secretary.

Latiff in his manifesto also laid out a list of what he will pursue if he is elected the SFA leader.

They include: 1- Providing direction and assistance in helping clubs to become self-sustainable, and self-efficient, to be properly prepared to play in high-quality competitions; 2- Continuous improvement with clubs which includes interaction via regular meetings; 3- Continued assistance in providing local and international coaching assistance, to assist the development of clubs coaches, bringing together, a higher quality of players and performances; 4- Establishment of a proper office where clubs can have open communication amongst themselves and the association; 5- Creation of a dynamic SFA leading by example, by providing continue club and players development where scholarships and possible international contracts can be given; 6- Introduction of a proper club and players’ database, where information can be given at the press of a button; 7- The development of an SFA website and a virtual office for Clubs to interact with the management and transact daily football business in almost real-time; 8- All prizes (monetary) and otherwise will be given out at an end of season prize giving function; 9- Relook the Constitution to include the Academies as a voting power also; 10- Find and assist the ‘lost’ clubs/teams to revitalise and get back into the system; and 11- To assist teams to grow into clubs and to sustain themselves in their communities.

Latiff’s entire slate received the nod of approval to manage the affairs of southern football, with first vice president Aldwyn Ferguson beating Kerwin Weston 26-15; Eddison Dean, the man behind the successes of Club Sando FC in the T&T Premier Football League, getting the better of Jefferson George by the same margin 26-15, while Clayton Williams (secretary of operations), Michael Maurice (secretary of Administration) and Joseph Rooplal (public relations officer) prevailing over Jaggernath Goolcharan, Anita Sennon and Andy Smith respectively.

Attempts to reach Latiff for comments proved futile as he was on a business trip to the United States.



Denis Latiff - 24

Brian Jordan - 17


Aldwyn Ferguson - 26

Kerwin Weston- 15

SFA 2nd Vice President

Eddison Dean - 26

Jefferson George - 15

Vision Initiative For Football

1. 30 Clayton Williams

2. 26 Michael Maurice

3. 28 Joseph Rooplal

4. 26 Dwight De Leon


5. 12. Jaggernath Goolcharan

6. 13. Anita Sennon

7. 12. Andy Smith

8 13 R. Baker


Latiff is new SFA boss.
By Ian Prescott (T&T Express).

Ready to work

“I won’t let you down,” was the assurance given by San Fernando businessman Denis Latiff, after being installed as new president of the Southern Football Association (SFA).

Thursday night’s SFA AGM, held at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella, saw Latiff defeat Point Fortin businessman Brian K. Jordan in a keenly-contested race for the post of president, which was relinquished by Richard Quan Chan, having served the maximum two terms. Latiff has been given a mandate to serve for the next four years. The SFA election lived up to the heavyweight clash it was billed as, with 41 delegates voting. Latiff won 24-17 and was overwhelmed by the huge turnout.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 01:27:53 AM by Flex »
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #143 on: September 14, 2023, 01:16:38 AM »
Moruga/Tableland wins sixth straight in SFA.
By Nigel Simon (T&T Guardian).

Quinn Rodney netted a pair of goals as Moruga/Tableland Samba Youths clobbered Merikins Youth Academy 7-1 to make it six straight wins from as many matches in Group B of the Southern Football Association (SFA) Premier Division at the Grand Chemin Recreation Ground in Moruga on Sunday.

The quintet of Andy London, Chad Francois, Bevon Bass, Sanchez Lee, and Darren Moore added a goal each for Moruga/Tableland to push their points tally to a maximum of 18 from six matches at the top of the eight-team table, three clear of Mascall Football Academy and Erin FC while Merikins Youth Academy which got its lone item via an own goal stayed rooted to the bottom of the standings with one point after seven matches.

Erin FC missed a chance to stay top of the table after a narrow 1-0 loss to Mascall Football Academy with Maurice Dick on target for the latter at Erin Recreation Ground while in the two other matches, Dream Team outplayed Penal Is Love Youth Movement 3-1, and #9 United and Moruga FC drew 2-2.

In Group A, Shaquille Dublin netted a beaver trick to fire Deportivo Point Fortin past Newcomers 5-1 on Saturday.

Quinn Sealy got the other item for Deportivo PF now with 12 points from seven matches to stay seven behind unbeaten leaders Pitchmen who won by default over IBG Sporting Academy, while Newcomers’ which got its consolation strike from Simeon Pierre stayed fifth with eight points.

In the two other Group A encounters, Uprising Youths blanked Field of Dreams 3-0 led by a brace from Shakeem George, and one Simeon Modeste while Point Fortin Civic Centre trashed Lion Heart 8-1 with a goal each from Omari Cobham, Jahmali Cobham, Kendell Phillip, Akiel Phillip, Kaleem John, Gesiah Bishop, Kevon Bernard, and Ronell Paul to cancel out Jeremy Duntin’s reply.

Matches continue this weekend.


Group A

Pitchmen FC 3 vs IBG Sporting Academy 0

Deportivo PF 5 (Shaquille Dublin 4, Quinn Sealy) vs Newcomers FC 1 (Simeon Pierre)

Uprising Youths 3 (Shakeem George 2, Simone Modeste) vs Field of Dreams 0

Point Fortin Civic Centre 8 (Omari Cobham, Jahmali Cobham, Kendell Phillip, Akiel Phillip, Kaleem John, Gesiah Bishop, Kevon Bernard, Ronell Paul) vs Lion Heart FC 1 (Jeremy Duntin)

Group B

Dream Team 3 (Tevin Scott, Malik Elliot, Aiden Sankarsingh) vs Penal Is Love Y.M 1 (James Baptiste)

# 9 United 2 (Akel Sanchez, Kevin Alexander) vs Moruga FC 2 (Jessie Edwards, Anderson Toussaint)

Mascall Football Academy 1 (Maurice Dick) vs Erin FC 0

Moruga/Tableland Samba Youths 7 (Quinn Rodney 2, Andy London, Chad Francois, Bevon Bass, Sanchez Lee, Darren Moore) vs Merikins Youth Academy 1 (own goal)


Group A

Teams P W D L F A Pts
Pitchmen FC 7 6 1 0 37 6 19
Deportivo PF 7 4 2 1 27 12 12
Point Fortin C.C 6 3 2 1 26 13 11
Uprising Youths 6 3 2 1 14 7 11
Newcomers FC 6 2 2 2 14 15 8
Lion Heart 5 1 1 3 6 16 4
IBG Sporting Academy 3 0 0 3 0 19 0
Field of Dreams 6 0 0 6 3 39 0

Group B

Teams P W D L F A Pts
Moruga/Tableland SY 6 6 0 0 19 4 18
Mascall F.A 6 5 0 1 17 3 15
Erin FC 7 5 0 2 19 6 15
#9 United 6 2 1 3 16 18 7
Moruga FC 7 2 1 4 13 16 7
Dream Team 7 2 1 4 10 19 7
Penal is Love Y.M 6 2 0 4 9 15 6
Merikins YA 7 0 1 6 4 27 1

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #144 on: October 04, 2023, 06:51:17 AM »
Real Central repeats as CFA Premier champ...as Central Strikers abort clash
By Nigel Simon (T&T Guardian)

Reigning champion Real Central made it back-to-back triumphs in the Central Football Association (CFA) Premier Division in somewhat controversial fashion after they were leading Central Strikers 5-0 at the half-time whistle at the Balmain recreation ground, Couva on Sunday night when their opponents opted to forfeit the second half of the contest.

Going into the match, Real Central led the ten-club table with 21 points from eight matches and needed to win to be certain of the $25,000 top prize ahead of Central Soccer World who faced Valiant in the second encounter at Balmain and trailed the leaders by a mere point.

However, any doubts of Real Central lifting the title quickly faded when Chad Andre Baptiste opened the scoring in the 11th minute followed by Neon O'Garro's first of two items on the night in the 17th.

The score quickly turned to 3-0 in the 22nd minute through Miguel Pollard while Shakir Burk extended the advantage to 4-0 in the 26th before O'Garro added the fifth in the 27th.

Central Strikers, who began the match with seven players managed to stem the flow of goals until the half-time whistle, after which they opted not to return to the pitch for the second half after two of the players sustained slight knocks, handing Real Central the win and the title.

In the second match at Balmain, runners-up Central Soccer World who pocketed $15,000 ended the league campaign on a high ahead of its Hugo Francis Memorial Cup semifinal with a 3-1 whipping of Valiant via goals from Dion Lewis, Jeremiah Charles, and Vincent Pendergrass while Valiant got its lone reply from player/coach Keston Cedeno-Cardinez.

At Latchu Trace Recreation Ground, Compadres held onto the third spot and $10,000 after a 1-1 draw with host Latch Trace with Nicaya Mahon's penalty being cancelled out by Leroy Whyle.

In the opening match at Latchu Trace, Perseverance Ball Runners outlasted MIC Tigers 5-3 with Malik Robinson scoring all five goals for the winners while the trio of Syon Prosper, Shem Alexander and Yohance Nurse netted for the losers.

Meanwhile, Central Soccer World and Compadres will hope to add more cash and trophies to their collection as both contest the semifinals of the Hugo Francis Memorial Cup against Ball Runners and Gasparillo Youths, respectively, tomorrow with the winners advancing to the take-all $5,000 final.


Sunday, October 1:

Real Central FC 5 (Neon O'Garro 17th, 27th, Chad Andre Baptiste 11th, Miguel Pollard 22nd, Shakir Burke 26th) vs Central Strikers 0

Perseverance Ball Runners 5 (Malik Robinson 5) vs MIC Tigers 3 (Syon Prosper, Shem Alexander, Yohance Nurse)

Gasparillo Youths 3 vs Xtra Food Tigers 0 - by default

Latchu Trace Youths 1 (Leroy Whyle) vs Compadres 1 (Nicaya Mahon pen)

Central Soccer World 3 (Dion Lewis, Jeremiah Charles, Vincent Pendergrass) vs Valiant 1 (Keston Cedeno-Cardinez)

Current standings

Pl Teams P W D L F A Pts

1 Real Central 9 8 0 1 24 5 24

2 Central Soccer World 9 7 2 0 24 8 23

3 Compadres 8 5 2 1 17 5 17

4 Latchu Trace 9 5 2 2 18 10 17

5 Ball Runners 8 4 0 4 20 15 12

6 MIC Tigers 9 3 0 6 19 25 9

7 Gasparillo Youths 9 2 2 5 13 20 8

8 Valiant FC 9 2 2 5 9 18 8

9 Central Strikers 9 2 2 5 11 22 8

10 XF Arima Tigers 9 0 0 9 8 35 0

Upcoming matches:

Hugo Francis Memorial Cup semifinals:

Wednesday, October 4:

Central Soccer World vs Perseverance Ball Runners, Balmain Rec. Grd, 7 pm

Compadres vs Gasparillo Youths, Lumsden Rec. Grd, 7 pm
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #145 on: October 07, 2023, 03:37:12 PM »
Heatwave FC, Maloney Eagles unbeaten in EFA
By Roneil Walcott (T&T Newsday)

Heatwave FC and FC Maloney Eagles currently lead the way after three rounds of matches in the Eastern Football Association (EFA) league campaign, with both teams registering three wins apiece.

Heatwave lead the standings thanks to their +7 goal differential. Maloney, last season's runners-up, have a +6 goal differential and sit in second spot. Malabar Young Stars FC, Trincity Nationals and CG Poseidon (all six points) occupy the next three spots on the ten-team table.

Last Sunday, Heatwave got a 3-0 win over Poseidon to hand their opponents their first loss of the campaign. Meanwhile, Maloney were involved in a ten-goal thriller, as they ended up on the right side of a 6-4 result against United Coaching Academy (UCA).

In their exciting win over UCA, Maloney got a pair of goals from both Teryke Johnson and Levin Caballero. Kervin Coa and former TT international Nathan Lewis scored the other goals for Maloney. Lewis has made over 20 appearances for the Soca Warriors and last represented TT in November 2019.

The sixth-placed Malabar FC got their first win in the EFA and were the biggest winners in round three, as they hammered SKHY FC 10-1. Malabar Young Stars also put on a fine scoring exhibition as they slammed seven unanswered goals past Creek SCC in a 7-0 drubbing. Trincity got a 4-2 win over Zebulun FC, and their main goal threat Jiron Francis currently leads all scorers across the league with six goals.

This Sunday, the fourth round of matches will be contested. Malabar Young Stars will meet Trincity in a battle between the third- and fourth-placed teams in Phase 1 Malabar from 6.30 pm. Heatwave will face Zebulun at the Eddie Hart Grounds in Tacarigua from 5 pm. Maloney will tackle Poseidon at Knowles Street Recreation Ground in Curepe from 5pm.

The winner of the EFA competition will receive a $25,000 prize. The second-placed team will receive $15,000 and the third-placed team will pocket $10,000.
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #146 on: October 27, 2023, 02:49:09 PM »
Coa's hat-trick keeps Maloney FC atop EFA
By Roneil Walcott (T&T Newsday)

Maloney Eagles FC (16 points) maintained their one-point lead atop the Eastern Football Association (EFA) standings last Sunday, as they romped to a 6-1 win over SKHY FC to extend their unbeaten record in the ongoing season to six games.

Playing at the Maloney Recreation Ground, the hosts got a second-half hat-trick from Kerwyn Coa. Jaquan Samuel, Teryke Johnson and former Soca Warriors attacker Nathan Lewis netted the other goals for Maloney, who finished second in the EFA league campaign last season. Both Lewis and Johnson have netted six goals in the campaign. The hat-trick hero Coa took his league tally to five goals.

Creek SCC (12 points) continued their climb up the table as they leapfrogged CG Poseidon (ten points) courtesy a 2-1 win in a mid-table tussle. Justin Busby scored a double to inspire Creek to victory.

In the first game of a double-header at the D'Abadie Recreation Ground, Malabar FC moved up to seven points with a thumping 5-0 win over the cellar-placed Zebulun FC, who have lost all six matches this season. Valentonio Elder and Jason Nicholas both scored a pair of goals to propel Malabar FC to the big win.

In the second game of the D'Abadie double-header, United Coaching Academy (six points) wiped out a first-half goal by the league's top scorer Jiron Francis to get a 3-1 victory over Trincity Nationals (seven points).

At the Eddie Hart Ground in Tacarigua, the second-placed Malabar Young Stars (15 points) made sure to keep close tabs on the table-toppers Maloney as they handed the third-placed Heatwave FC (12 points) a heavy 6-0 defeat. Terrell Neptune opened the scoring in the 20th minute to take his season's tally to seven goals. Nickerson Simpson scored a late double to put the icing on the cake for the Malabar Young Stars outfit.

Heatwave started the season with four consecutive wins, but their fiery start has now been cooled following heavy defeats to Maloney and Malabar Young Stars.

On Sunday, both Maloney and Malabar Young Stars will aim to continue their impressive form, with the league leaders making an away visit to Creek and Malabar Young Stars contesting a Malabar derby when they meet Malabar FC in Phase One, Malabar.

There are just three games left to conclude the EFA league season. The winner of the EFA competition will receive a $25,000 prize. The second-placed team will receive $15,000 and the third-placed team will pocket $10,000.
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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #147 on: November 08, 2023, 02:00:09 PM »
Ex-Soca Warrior Lewis doubles for Maloney Eagles in 5-2 win.
By Roneil Walcott (T&T Newsday).

Former Soca Warriors winger Nathan Lewis scored a double for his Maloney Eagles team on Sunday as they powered their way to a 5-2 win over Trincity Nationals to maintain a one-point lead in the Eastern Football Association (EFA) league with a solitary match to go.

Maloney (22 points) placed second in the EFA last season, but they can seal the title and the $25,000 top prize on November 12 when they meet the cellar-placed Zebulun FC in their final game of the current campaign. Playing the struggling Trincity team at the Maloney Recreation grounds, Lewis, 33, scored either side of halftime for the hosts to take his league tally to nine goals. Kervyn Coa also scored a brace for Maloney, who overcame an early one-goal deficit against Trincity after a strike by the league's top scorer Jiron Francis.

The second-placed Malabar Young Stars (21 points) did their best to stay on the heels of the high-flying Maloney team as they whipped United Coaching Academy (UCA) by a 4-2 margin in a wild encounter in D'Abadie. All six goals were scored in the second half in the contest and UCA even held a 2-1 lead in the 71st minute after a double strike by midfielder Jervaughn Drakes. Jorel Grant, Terrell Neptune and flanker Renaldo Francois scored in the dying stages of the game as Young Stars staged a comeback to keep their slim title hopes alive. Young Stars are guaranteed a second-place finish at minimum and will play the third-placed CG Poseidon (16 points) on the league's final day.

Poseidon did their damage early and often versus Zebulun on Sunday, as they scored all six of their goals in the first half in a thumping 6-1 win. Lejean Lezama scored a brace to lead Poseidon to the big win.

At the Eddie Hart ground in Tacarigua, Heatwave FC (13 points) and Malabar FC (eight points) played to an exciting 2-2 draw, with the latter team salvaging a point thanks to second-half goals by Jamel Hargeaves and Miquel Williams.

Creek SCC (15 points) moved up to fourth on the ten-team table without kicking a ball on the weekend, as they won by default against SKHY FC who failed to prepare their ground in time for the fixture.

The second-placed team will receive $15,000 and the third-placed team will get $10,000.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #148 on: November 15, 2023, 06:47:18 AM »
Ex-Soca Warrior Nathan Lewis helps Maloney Eagles to first EFA league title.
By Roneil Walcott (T&T Newsday).

Maloney Eagles FC stormed to their first Eastern Football Association (EFA) league title on Sunday, as they got a thumping 5-0 win over cellar-placed club Zebulun FC to secure the crown by a solitary point. Maloney amassed 25 points in the nine-game EFA season, with Malabar Young Stars finishing a close second with 24 points.

Playing at Eddie Hart grounds in Tacarigua, the Maloney outfit left no stone unturned in pursuit of their maiden EFA league trophy as they outclassed the Zebulun outfit. Not for the first time in the EFA season, former Trinidad and Tobago winger Nathan Lewis proved to be a standout player for Maloney as he bagged a brace to take his season's tally to 11 goals – the second highest in the competition.

The former Caledonia and Jabloteh player was ably supported by his teammates, as Kervyn Coa and Teryke Johnson both scored their eight goals of the campaign in the riot. Jabari Charles got the other goal for Maloney, who will receive a $25,000 prize for their first-placed finish.

Young Stars did their utmost to push Maloney to the wire on the final day of the league campaign, as they held on for a 2-1 win over the fourth-placed CG Poseidon (16 points) in Phase One Malabar. Young Stars jumped out to a 2-0 lead thanks to second-half goals by Nathan Plaza and Renaldo Francois. The game took a twist in the 78th minute, as Poseidon coach Dareem Ranjitsingh was sent off after using abusive language towards the referee.

A Poseidon player was also sent off during the exchange for a similar offence. Despite their numerical disadvantage, Poseidon still managed a consolation goal in stoppage-time from Tyrek James. Young Stars will receive a $15,000 prize for their second-place finish.

At the George Boyce recreation ground in D'Abadie, Creek SCC (16 points) and the third-placed Heatwave FC (17 points) played to a 1-1 draw, with the latter team salvaging a draw in the 73rd minute through a penalty conversion from Deon Cuffie-Joseph.

United Coaching Academy (12 points) and Malabar FC (eight points) played out a wild contest in D'Abadie, as the former team held on for a 4-3 win in a seven-goal thriller after jumping out to a commanding 4-0 lead. Malabar were reduced to ten men from as early as the 24th minute, as Joshua Anderson was sent off for handling the ball near the goal-line. Malachi Hazel stepped up to convert the penalty for UCA, who also got a brace from Kosi Charles and another goal from striker Terron Miller to take a healthy 4-0 lead in the 72nd minute.

The ten-man Malabar team showed great fighting spirit though, as they got goals from Dillon Rogers, Daniel Arthur and Jamel Hargeaves to reduce the deficit to 4-3 in the 88th minute. Unfortunately for Malabar, the final blow of referee Gregory Mansano's whistle stopped their comeback plot short.

SKHY FC forfeited their match against Trincity Nationals.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Zonal Football League Thread
« Reply #149 on: April 19, 2024, 07:21:00 PM »
Does anybody have the results for the northern football association and the eastern counties football union 2023 tournaments?
Is there an fa trophy competition this year?
What are the results of last year's  champion of champions  tournament?


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