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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #120 on: October 15, 2011, 06:00:58 AM »

Even so, thus far what has surfaced in the local media is a reproduction of what he stated rather than anything more penetrating such as inquiries related to the actual transfers and practices Pfister has expressed as problematic.

This de shameful ting... I waiting to see who get off dey arse and do some actual work.

The Fearless One might be the only one to try......Lasana off the scene these days....only dem two interested in getting to heart of rest quite comfortable tiefing Flex's posts and trying to pass them off as their own..... ::)
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Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #121 on: October 15, 2011, 06:02:13 AM »
Pfister’s comment, German style
By Alvin Corneal (Guardian).

The match against Barbados was finished. Our national team won handsomely, giving the fans some level of hope that they are capable of playing better than their recent result (2–1 loss) against Bermuda implied.

Those of us who read the news out of Bermuda, saw that coach Otto Pfister was reluctant to attend the press conference, despite the fact that the FIFA rules indicate that a member of the coaching staff of each team must be present at the postgame press conference. However, he was reported to have eventually showed up and gave a brief comment about the game and left.

No doubt, many would have thought that he was a bitter loser and demonstrated it by his quick remarks on the game and exit. Tuesday afternoon was different and following a big victory, the experienced German entered the press conference with an apparent bout of bitterness, not at the result nor the manner in which the team played, but about issues pertaining to the number of players who were not made available to him through having to travel out of the country on trials in Asia, America, and Africa.

Now, his fit of anger tended to make his message be viewed by those who gave preference to the manner of the man and the language which he used to describe the local players. Immediately, some viewed it as the previously typical colonial behaviour which saw the boss talking down to the workers in a tone which could instil fear into anyone who rejects straight talk and prefer to deal with matters of this nature differently.

Having studied in Germany and having to deal with blunt remarks by some as something which they consider to be fair dialogue, I was not surprised, but preferred if he had used some diplomacy, especially as he was trying desperately to gain support for the national team in the future. Those who were present at the post match drama, did not expect this rude awakening and certainly were not ready for the direction which he took, regarding the players who were not available to the team, because of one reason or another.

So that was the behaviour of the messenger who may not have won many friends in the process, because of what they perceived as arrogance and disrespect for the local players, clubs and some “illegal agents”, according to Pfister. But it is good sense to seek further information as to why these players were not available to our national team in an official World Cup competition.

Actually, the argument would never have arisen if the rules governing players’ availability for their national matches were followed to the letter. Firstly, any national players selected to represent the country in an official FIFA fixture must be released by his club five days before game day and all the clubs across the world are aware of this rule.

But surely, some of our players or clubs are unaware of this rule and a few players have left the country days before the match is to be played, for the purpose of attending trials with some club abroad or in some instances, getting a contract with a club abroad.

It will be foolish to deprive players and the clubs they represent from wanting to sell players in order to get revenue for their clubs. This is absolutely legal and acceptable the world over. But when these transactions are being made at times when the players involved in the national team fixtures are sent away by their clubs or agents, and are not available for the official matches, it simply means that the FIFA rule will have been broken.

Three questions need answers for this type of problem. The first is whether or not these players or clubs are aware of the rules. I distinctly recall a visit to T&T by FIFA experts from the players status committee, who were sent to educate the stakeholders about all the details relating to players, whether they be transfers, trials, the rights of clubs and also agents. The bad news is that only three professional club representatives saw it fit to attend this important meeting.

So when players leave this country for greater opportunities, they sometimes fail to notify the TTFF, which is in itself a violation, or they make themselves unavailable five days prior to an official game, which is a club violation.

But maybe the most blatant mistake is for the ruling body to sign a release letter on behalf of the players or the club, knowing that the player is needed for an official match. It should be interesting to hear from the ruling body as to the amount of information they have regarding players, who are travelling on trials or even on contract.

Then there are the irresponsible agents, many of whom are not licensed by FIFA, whose desire to make a fast buck, influence the young inexperienced players to sign on the dotted line, with promises which are often unrealistic and in many cases unproductive. There are a number of players who have been sent off trials and returned home with great promises from clubs abroad. I wonder if anyone has checked to see if these players have earned contracts.

The truth is, most of these players leave here with full knowledge that they will not qualify for a work permit in England, yet still, they persist in making the trips. So while I will always be pleased to see clubs earn transfer fees for players in order to pay their bills and stay afloat in our pro league, I know that there are correct ways to deal with such transactions.

The time is ripe for the serious dialogue on these topics. The TTFF must draw to the attention of players, clubs and the national coaching staff, the methods to be used for smooth operations regarding players in our national team. So, in this particular case, the message seems clearly more important than the messenger.

Nevertheless, the excitement which is raised by the national senior team and their convincing victory over the Bajans, will have been appropriate for the fans who saw four excellent goals as compensation for the much improved interpassing and moving game which we witnessed. And although I saw nothing of the Bermuda match, it was not difficult to recognise speculatively the problems which existed in a 90-minute game which the observers claim, produced seven good scoring chances.

In the Tuesday’s encounter, the movement of the ball by T&T when in possession was fluid, accurate and appeared as though the lads were fully in control. However, much of this type of possession was in their own half of the field and even when it seeped into the final third of the field, the effectiveness was replaced by incompetence from under prepared strikers, who neither ran into space nor remain as post up players so that the midfield can induce penetration.

Unfortunately, our strikers failed to function and it was left to the speedy Lester Peltier and crafty Kevin Molino to take the responsibility themselves, the former getting behind the defence through sheer speed and got the first goal.

The second half changes created a new image to the Warriors as Hayden Tinto and the much underrated Hughton Hector, turned a difficult task into a simple walk in the park. Quick wall passes in and among the opposing defence, caught them losing their defensive modes and allowing for passing lanes to appear regularly.

Not only did this type of play impress the fans, but it offered an insight into a valuable adjustment into the selection process, leaving a brighter light at the end of the tunnel when they oppose Guyana twice.

I will be surprised if this group of players, when joined by Darryl Roberts, Kenwyne Jones and Carlos Edwards, do not produce the quality of football that the people of this country would enjoy. What we need is a high sense of discipline and commitment to the task which will cause us all to even forget the brash remarks made recently.
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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #122 on: October 15, 2011, 07:52:34 AM »
TTFF or Pro League should set up some kind of class or business session to explain these things to players. Unfortunately a lot of our players are ignorant to understand the business end of football and what is in their best interest

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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #123 on: October 15, 2011, 10:14:55 AM »
We're such a reactionary ppl ... but dahis a good thing ... until it isn't.

In the meantime ... if de play iz feast or famine ... eat food too oui.

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Football discussion on CTNT right now
« Reply #124 on: October 17, 2011, 08:13:08 PM »
The club owners and skeene on the tube right now talking bout pfister and his rants.
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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #125 on: October 17, 2011, 08:35:12 PM »
Not sure if anyone already posted this!

Sancho's reaction to Pfister's outburst!

Click link then click Play to view:
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #126 on: October 17, 2011, 08:40:51 PM »

I like Sancho, but did he listen at all to what Pfister had to say??

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Re: Football discussion on CTNT right now
« Reply #127 on: October 17, 2011, 08:48:57 PM »
I tuned in but it seems like the discussion was over because they were doing a report on a cricket club. What was their take on his rant(s)?

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Re: Football discussion on CTNT right now
« Reply #128 on: October 17, 2011, 09:28:37 PM »
I tuned in but it seems like the discussion was over because they were doing a report on a cricket club. What was their take on his rant(s)?

They were more or less agreeing with Sancho! Sancho is now a club owner so I can understand why he took the narrow point of view that he did in news clip interview below!

For Sancho's reaction to Pfister's outburst click link then click Play to view:

I am not sure if any of them listened properly to what Pfister was saying in his outburst!

To me he was 100% correct and had every right to say it as it was negatively affected his team's chances of making it to the next round!

Nice one “Iron Pfister Fury”, you won me over and now have my 100% support!
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 09:31:47 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: Football discussion on CTNT right now
« Reply #129 on: October 17, 2011, 09:42:24 PM »
Sancho ent say nothing wrong. I think Pfister looking out for himself, by using this avenue.

Which other National team coach has such access to National team players as Pfister? He is right in that better care needs to be taken when transfering players to different clubs around the world.
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Re: Football discussion on CTNT right now
« Reply #130 on: October 17, 2011, 09:59:29 PM »
I see both sides to the argument and I agree with Sancho in that their should be some communication channels between the clubs and the NT when it comes to NT team players not being available for team preparation.

With that being said the club should also have their players best interest at heart when sending them abroad. Like Pfister said in his rant, club owners should be educators (mentors) in that they should at least help them in intrepting the contract so they know exactly what they're getting themselves into. I still find it hard to believe that Leon did not even know what his salary was on his last contract.

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Re: Football discussion on CTNT right now
« Reply #131 on: October 17, 2011, 10:12:39 PM »
I see both sides to the argument and I agree with Sancho in that their should be some communication channels between the clubs and the NT when it comes to NT team players not being available for team preparation.

With that being said the club should also have their players best interest at heart when sending them abroad. Like Pfister said in his rant, club owners should be educators (mentors) in that they should at least help them in intrepting the contract so they know exactly what they're getting themselves into. I still find it hard to believe that Leon did not even know what his salary was on his last contract.

Dat is Leon fault he sign a blank contract?
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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #132 on: October 17, 2011, 10:48:05 PM »
So if a club don't have gate sales nor merch sales and the only way to keep your club alive is to sell your players, why have a club?   I think T&T pro-league may need a different model. 
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Re: Football discussion on CTNT right now
« Reply #133 on: October 17, 2011, 11:10:30 PM »
Socapro, Sancho is not a club owner, he is an employee!
There should be better communications between club and country, however, Pfister is getting far more access than other coaches. The clubs could limit their players to the mandated 5 days before a game. There are other issues too. At North East, Wolfe was signed as a striker and scored around 25 goals last season for MaPau and North East. Pfister wants him as a right back and believes North East should play him there. Its notable that Wolfe hasn't scored for North East this season. He was supposed to feed off Stern John, but if he's played at right back, North East have lost a 25 goal striker and cannot even sign a free agent to replace him until December. So, is that fair to North East? What if Wolfe is replaced in defence in the NT, is he supposed to go back to being a striker at NE?
I do believe clubs should take more care about overseas transfers, but this club v country battle goes on in every country. Its not new, its just unusual to see a coach with big enough balls to speak out. The coach of Ethiopia did a similar thing recently and got sacked for it!!

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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #134 on: October 18, 2011, 05:32:01 AM »
He is dam right!

Not a matter of the clubs having to conduct business, but the manner in which the business is conducted. Not to mention the integrity of the so called agents.

Listen carefully to what he is saying. "What is the salary? What is the duration of the contract? What are the taxes involved? What is the players signing bonus? How is the player to be paid? What is the legality of moving money out the country?" FIFA has stipulations on all of the above.

If these questions are not addressed it is simply a free for all market.
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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #135 on: October 18, 2011, 05:39:51 AM »
He is dam right!

Not a matter of the clubs having to conduct business, but the manner in which the business is conducted. Not to mention the integrity of the so called agents.

Listen carefully to what he is saying. "What is the salary? What is the duration of the contract? What are the taxes involved? What is the players signing bonus? How is the player to be paid? What is the legality of moving money out the country?" FIFA has stipulations on all of the above.

If these questions are not addressed it is simply a free for all market.

Excellently well said !!!!!!!!!

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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #136 on: October 18, 2011, 05:41:18 AM »
Socapro, Sancho is not a club owner, he is an employee!
There should be better communications between club and country, however, Pfister is getting far more access than other coaches. The clubs could limit their players to the mandated 5 days before a game. There are other issues too. At North East, Wolfe was signed as a striker and scored around 25 goals last season for MaPau and North East. Pfister wants him as a right back and believes North East should play him there. Its notable that Wolfe hasn't scored for North East this season. He was supposed to feed off Stern John, but if he's played at right back, North East have lost a 25 goal striker and cannot even sign a free agent to replace him until December. So, is that fair to North East? What if Wolfe is replaced in defence in the NT, is he supposed to go back to being a striker at NE?
I do believe clubs should take more care about overseas transfers, but this club v country battle goes on in every country. Its not new, its just unusual to see a coach with big enough balls to speak out. The coach of Ethiopia did a similar thing recently and got sacked for it!!

Latapy and Maturana had Wolfe playing right back to, it seems he prefer there. ?

And as a player you should be able to play anywhere, this is not amature football.

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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #137 on: October 18, 2011, 08:23:55 AM »
Everybody know yuh have an important WC game and men flying out 10 days before to go on trial and people here expect them to be back in 5 days as stipulated by FIFA  ???
Doh be surprise if Pfister blank the local base players and bring back Boucaud and all sorts of men out of the woodworks like Kevin Austin.

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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #138 on: October 18, 2011, 10:13:01 AM »
i think the club owners need to sit down and speak to the senior coach/federation on the future of football in trinidad. I do understands Sancho point of view.

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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #139 on: October 18, 2011, 10:59:19 AM »
No, Otto just need to call or write FIFA on the matter and have these clubs fined. Then and only then will the try to follow the rules.

Once clubs like W.Connection etc get 10k fines and bans only then will they inform our head coach about players leaving, etc.

It's too late for talking and even if he had "Talks" with them they wouldn't care what he has to say and do thier own thing anyway.

Let FIFA deal with them.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 11:04:54 AM by sHOTTA12 »

Offline elan

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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #140 on: October 18, 2011, 12:44:48 PM »
Socapro, Sancho is not a club owner, he is an employee!
There should be better communications between club and country, however, Pfister is getting far more access than other coaches. The clubs could limit their players to the mandated 5 days before a game. There are other issues too. At North East, Wolfe was signed as a striker and scored around 25 goals last season for MaPau and North East. Pfister wants him as a right back and believes North East should play him there. Its notable that Wolfe hasn't scored for North East this season. He was supposed to feed off Stern John, but if he's played at right back, North East have lost a 25 goal striker and cannot even sign a free agent to replace him until December. So, is that fair to North East? What if Wolfe is replaced in defence in the NT, is he supposed to go back to being a striker at NE?
I do believe clubs should take more care about overseas transfers, but this club v country battle goes on in every country. Its not new, its just unusual to see a coach with big enough balls to speak out. The coach of Ethiopia did a similar thing recently and got sacked for it!!

Latapy and Maturana had Wolfe playing right back to, it seems he prefer there. ?

And as a player you should be able to play anywhere, this is not amature football.

apparently you think it is. I would love to see Chicharito hold down ah left back for Man Utd.
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Re: Pfister goes Bizerk at post match interview
« Reply #141 on: October 18, 2011, 12:48:58 PM »
No, Otto just need to call or write FIFA on the matter and have these clubs fined. Then and only then will the try to follow the rules.

Once clubs like W.Connection etc get 10k fines and bans only then will they inform our head coach about players leaving, etc.

It's too late for talking and even if he had "Talks" with them they wouldn't care what he has to say and do thier own thing anyway.

Let FIFA deal with them.

What will/can FIFA do? There's already provisions in place to allow NT Head coaches access to players prior to International dates. Where a player allow his agent or where the agent send a player is up to the player, agent and the contracting club. You want FIFA to tell a player that he need to look out for himself when signiing a contract?
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Shabazz responds to Pfister's statements
« Reply #142 on: October 21, 2011, 06:09:30 PM »
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Re: Pfister goes berserk at post-match interview
« Reply #143 on: October 21, 2011, 09:48:17 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>


Very good interview! What he summarised at the end I was basically saying the same in the T&T vs Guyana thread (must find the quote!)

Here is my quote:

Shabazz is not being unpatriotic, he is being professional and we shouldn't confuse the two!

Worst case scenario if Shabazz as head coach of Guyana is able to beat Pfister as head coach of T&T which will be for the 1st time in our football history then Shabazz would have proved his credentials without doubt as a decent coach and would have taught us a lesson that maybe we shouldn't be so quick to discard and underrate our local coaches for foreign ones!

For this game Shabazz has something to prove as does Pfister and also the T&T players have something to prove with regards to their quality as compared to the Guyanese players.

Hoping for T&T to come out on top both home & away but not taking anything for granted!

I'm I perceptive or what?!! Listen to Shabazz's summary at the end of the interview as to why he took the Guyana head coach job! 8)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 12:04:16 AM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: Pfister goes berserk at post-match interview
« Reply #144 on: October 22, 2011, 06:44:21 AM »
Sports Minister, Gweha Ikouam Are Killing Football In Cameroon - Taninche
Friday, April 10, 2009
Interviewed by Innocent Mbunwe,  Ernest Sumelong & Elvis Tah

Fernand Taninche, the football agent who sued Sports and Physical Education Minister, Augustin Edjoa, and Lions Head Coach, Otto Pfister, for breach of contract, has opened the can of worms of the shady deals between the Sports Minister, Otto Pfister, and Lions Assistant Coach, Gweha Ikouam. He says Augustin Edjoa and Gweha Ikouam are killing Cameroon’s football. In this exclusive interview with The Post, Taniche talks about Pfister’s controversial appointment, the court case and problems rocking Cameroon football. Excerpts:

You are now a controversial figure in football setting in the country due to the problems you have with the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Augustin Edjoa and Lions coach, Otto Pfister, who is Fernand Taninche?

I am a former professional football player converted now as a player agent although I don’t have a FIFA licence. You know there are licensed FIFA agents and others without licence like scouts. I worked for Europe based sports Agency, Majestic Management but we are at a FIFA court because they owe me about one million US dollars for three players; George Ambasa in Baovista sold in January 2005 during the transfer window, Gustav Anicet Bebe Mbangue in Turkey sold in the summer of 2005 and Emmanuel Amungwa from Cotonsport. Amungwa first travelled to Portugal and now he is in Israel. Bebe Mbangue signed a contract with Majestic Management, the company which I represent in Africa.

You recently sued the Minister of Sports and Physical Education and Otto Pfister for breach of contract, can you explain how you got into this deal?

In fact, I was a close friend to the Minister and when Cameroon was looking for a coach, I made a proposal to find one and the minister authorised me through a written power of attorney. Later on he said I was not involved in the deal.

What happened between the Coach, the Minister and yourself that resulted to the court case?

The litigation came as a result of the non-payment of my fee for providing a coach. I had an agreement to receive 20 percent of Otto Pfister’s earnings. Otto Pfister was eager to coach Cameroon, particularly anxious to coach Samuel Eto’o Fils. He told me to do everything for him to coach Cameroon and that, if I succeed, he will give me 20 percent of all his earnings in Cameroon. After my mediation and he got the job, he started bluffing. When I took the matter to the press, scandalised and exposed as he was, he acknowledged the 20 percent deal. But he told me that the Sports Minister and the Lions Assistant Coach, Gweha Ikouam had told him to say that he does not know me.

At what level is the court case now?

The case will come up soon. The Head of State knows that there is a Cameroonian who brought a coach to Cameroon that qualified us to the 2008 Nations Cup final. That is why during the preliminary investigation of the matter, not only the coach but the Minister was also interrogated by the police and the Attorney General.

Before the recruitment of Otto Pfister, his name was not in the list of five names short listed by FECAFOOT; how did he finally get the job?

Otto Pfister came into the deal because I advised the Minister that we have a development project (SYFODA Project) put in place by my American partner, Mark Dillon, organiser of the 1994 World Cup in the USA. Otto Pfister was also involved in the project that was to revitalise Cameroon football by building stadia, train coaches and administrators and not only football administrators but other team sports all over the National territory.

What has become of the SYFODA project; has it been dumped?

The project is on the Minister’s table.

That sounds like a lofty project that would have helped the country; but why has it not been implemented?

You know, in Cameroon, when you bring a suitable project and people who are involved are not satisfied with their personal proceeds, they frustrate it. After the presentation of the project, I told the Minister that nobody will be allowed to steal a franc from it, knowing what it takes for Americans to invest in a project.

Going through these documents you are brandishing, it indicates that the Minister had given the green light for the project which they even started with feasibility studies, what later happened?

I told you that this is the bad mentality President Paul Biya is fighting against. He will punish all the perpetrators who are stifling development in this country. The project was aimed at getting American and European sponsors and donors to develop sports in our country at no cost on the part of government but the minister preferred the Chinese whose project is only bringing debts to the tune of FCFA billions to the Nation. It is a shame for us because the Minister would refuse a gift from the Americans to accept a debt from the Chinese.

Let me tell you something, in the SYFODA project, Otto Pfister accepted FCFA 13 million per month as salary to be coach for the Lions, but I am surprised that he now ends FCFA 15 million. Don’t you see that there is something fishy? Instead of negotiating for something less than FCFA 13 million as earlier agreed, you increase it to FCFA 15 million, this is just to ruin the Nation’s finances.

Cameroon recently lost to Togo 0-1 in the last phase of the 2010 qualifiers, what do you think was the problem?

The problem is that the technical bench did not call up the right players. For instance, how can we avoid a player like Eyong Enoh of Ajax Amsterdam who is at the summit of his career? Enoh is the much talked about midfielder today in Holland and Ajax is also one of the top clubs in the world, but they prefer to call players from obscured teams in Russia and elsewhere. Another case in point is that of Achille Emana, of Real Betis. He is the first African to be appointed captain in a top league like Spain for the very first year that he joined the club.

The most disheartening reason of wrong players being called up is that, Otto Pfister’s son who is based in Europe, Mike Pfister, is running a football agency call M&P Football Agency.
Because, this agency trades players, Mike influences the father, Otto Pfister, to call certain players whom he happens to be their agent. Calling these players into the National Team will facilitate their sale in Europe.

For your information, when a player is called to join the Lions, so many big clubs in Europe will send their scouts to monitor and approach these players because of the fame the Indomitable Lions has worldwide.

Since little known players don’t find it easy to sign good contracts, those who understand the network are bound to enter a kind of agreement for a fee with M&P Football Agency in order to be called up into the National Team by Otto Pfister. It is a mafia, because Minister Edjoa and the Lions Assistant Coach, Gweha, are both involved.

Why do you think Eyong Enoh was not called up?

Eyong has not been called because of the problem I have with the Minister and the Coach. When my relationship with the Minister was good, that is before the appointment of Pfister, he asked me to submit a list of young and new players I think can help the country. That I did, with Eyong’s name included along side Carl Lobe who happens to be my players.

Since you started narrating your deals with the Minister and the Coach, we have not heard you talk about FECAFOOT, which is supposed to be the body managing football in the country. Why?

At that time I did not know that FECAFOOT was sidelined from the deal. I have been working with Americans and Europeans for long and I have a different mentality. I was told that things were going fine with FECAFOOT, not knowing that it was the contrary. The Minister and Gweha are spoiling our football. You saw how because of their influence, Cameroon disgraced itself in Algeria in the Under-17 Championship and how things happened during the last Olympic Games in China.

People say that Gweha was not appointed on merit but on the basis of his relationship with the Minister. How true is that?
Of course, if he is not a very good friend to Edjoa, what was he doing with us (American partner) in a meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office with the then American Ambassador, Neils Marquardt, during the introduction of the SYFODA project in May 2007? His appointment was made in October 2007.

They started their deals long ago at Lycee Le Clerc with some Americans, a business that Gweha duped President Calvin Foinding of Mount Cameroon FC. Foinding started the transaction with some Americans and Gweha later on hijacked it. Foinding is a gentleman who doesn’t like trouble but for me, I like trouble.

As a football agent what proposal do you have to better our football in the country?

The only way forward is to go back to the SYFODA project that would build us stadia in Cameroon, change our mentality and train trainers. If we train trainers, they will have a change in mentality. For example, since our coaches are not well paid, they ask money from players to be fielded in a game at the detriment of the team. Also, FECAFOOT has started doing a good job and I think if they can combine with the SYFODA project it will be a very good thing for the Nation.

What, in your opinion, is the reason why the Minister is not willing to permit the SYFODA Project?

He is hesitant because he started wrongly from the base. Working with people who are straightforward and you yourself not being clean poses trouble. Imagine a person with whom I have operated with, talking publicly now that he does not know me; is it not a shame?  I am known world wide whereas he is recognised only in Cameroon. I have helped so many families in Cameroon by taking their children to Europe who now play professional football and are helping their folks back home.

Experts are saying that for Cameroon soccer to forge ahead the Minister should be sacked, what is your opinion on that?

I share the same opinion. I will give all the information I have about the Minister irrespective of the dead threats on my life. Knowing that the Head of State is a nice man, who likes justice, he would put all of them into prison.

Rumours are rife that the Minister recently bought a villa in Lyon, France; have you any idea how true the story is?

I also heard about the news while in Europe, but you know, I don’t say things that I don’t have evidence. For instance, when I say that Otto Pfister was demanding FCFA 13 million per month as salary, I have documents from my American partners. We don’t have a physical trainer but the salary of the physical trainer is being paid into Otto Pfister’s account; don’t you think that this is mafia? Fortunately, Cameroonians are not fools; the truth will one day come out. Don’t be surprised that you will hear in court that Minister Edjoa is the one behind my commission.
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Re: Pfister goes berserk at post-match interview
« Reply #145 on: October 22, 2011, 06:51:56 AM »
Fazeer did a whole show on the Pro League yesterday morning and I caught the discussion with Dexter Skeene and Larry Romany (I think it was Larry Romany not sure).  I remember Dexter saying that after Pfister's rant he did some research on him and discovered that this is his MO where ever he goes.  When things aren't going his way, rant and rave about the clubs etc. etc. 

I cyar remember all of what was said in the interviews, maybe there's footage on TV6's website from the show.  Not sure if they archive the morning show like they do for the news....
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Or yuh shoes burst off,
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Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

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Re: Pfister goes berserk at post-match interview
« Reply #146 on: October 22, 2011, 09:29:08 AM »
Ah find this article from Flex link....

Frustrated Cameroonian coach Otto Pfister calls it quits
He complains of deleterious conditions in his resignation letter
Friday 29 May 2009 / by Dorothy Ndoumbe
Cameroon national coach, Otto Pfister, Wednesday sent his letter of resignation to the Minister for Sports and Physical Education, Augustin Edjo. The latter had to rush to Belgium for a crisis meeting; to find a solution to the seemingly unending complexities of the Cameroonian National team, the indomitable Lions.
In his letter, the German coach, Otto Pfister complained of deleterious working conditions and a lack of collaboration among members of the technical staff of the Indomitable Lions. According to him, he has absolutely no support from anyone, including those who brought him to Cameroon. This caused the coach to lose his cool. He also regretted the tensions caused by the management team in Cameroon. In fact, in a recent interview, Mr. Pfister reiterated the fact that he was not given the freedom to handle the Lions and that his choices were always contested.

Otto Pfister’s three deputies, Kahama Michel, Jean-Paul Akono Ndoungou Mpille and Martin have, on the other hand, argued that they were not involved in the selection of the 25 players of the national team. But for Otto Pfister, Cameroon is the only country in the world where the technical staff seeks to discuss the list of players, which he believes is a prerogative reserved for a head coach. "The development of a list is the sole responsibility of the coach," he said.

Mr. Otto Pfister’s resignation of has revived controversy over who reserves the right to coach the Lions. Many Cameroonians have expressed their believe that the position should be exclusively Cameroonian. In the meantime, however, the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon have no official coach, that is, following Otto Pfister’s May 26 resignation letter. Despite this drama, they are expected to put their acts together and win their match with Morocco on June 7, in Yaounde.
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Re: Pfister goes berserk at post-match interview
« Reply #147 on: October 22, 2011, 12:20:25 PM »
well the good news for me is that finally we have a coach who believe our players are better than US players.  And right now the US run concacaf.  Let this man ride thru this campaign.  I would love to see what he can do.  Hopefully in due time he can take the team on a tour in europe (when they clickin on all cylinders) and beat some of them smaller european teams. surely that will be a good long term investment in terms of t&t player values.

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Re: Pfister goes berserk at post-match interview
« Reply #148 on: October 22, 2011, 02:57:37 PM »
pfister is right, he is just reiterating my issues from previous years

bad agents who have no connections and no morals, they don't care about our football players and our national program

yet these players have no choice because there is no options

i remember men on here insulting me about saying our players are talented enough to play in the epl, la liga and all top leagues around the world but now they listen

because 97% of the posters on this board are not knowledgeable about football, they lack foresight and don't have the eye for talent

plenty times man cuss me for players who world class coaches praised because of jealousy and insecurity

now pfister has come out and called out these fake coaches and agents who take advantage of the players

its time these so called football peongs wake up and realize what is going on

sending a talented player hector to vietnam? leon to colombia? these men should be sweating in la liga, erisdiva, bundesliga

but the coaches don't tell the national coach because they are insecure and want pfister removed, they are jealous

thats why i said locals should not run our football, they will run it into the ground and waste the talent of our people, it happens from music to sport

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Re: Pfister goes berserk at post-match interview
« Reply #149 on: October 22, 2011, 10:12:05 PM »
pfister is right, he is just reiterating my issues from previous years

bad agents who have no connections and no morals, they don't care about our football players and our national program

yet these players have no choice because there is no options

i remember men on here insulting me about saying our players are talented enough to play in the epl, la liga and all top leagues around the world but now they listen

because 97% of the posters on this board are not knowledgeable about football, they lack foresight and don't have the eye for talent

plenty times man cuss me for players who world class coaches praised because of jealousy and insecurity

now pfister has come out and called out these fake coaches and agents who take advantage of the players

its time these so called football peongs wake up and realize what is going on

sending a talented player hector to vietnam? leon to colombia? these men should be sweating in la liga, erisdiva, bundesliga

but the coaches don't tell the national coach because they are insecure and want pfister removed, they are jealous

thats why i said locals should not run our football, they will run it into the ground and waste the talent of our people, it happens from music to sport

I agree with the statement I've highlighted but only on one condition, you also include yourself in the 97%.

And btw I don't mind being viewed by you as being in that 97% once you also include yourself! 8)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 10:13:59 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)


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