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Author Topic: Shabazz says win bittersweet.  (Read 4457 times)

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Re: Shabazz says win bittersweet.
« Reply #30 on: November 16, 2011, 01:09:53 PM »
Bred look who talkin bout missing the point. all these men want tuh do is go to the big stage, and they leaving out and ignoring the development of football on the island. all i'm saying is focus on development and when that's taken care of, then yuh could move on tuh focusing on the big dance.

an analogy, going to the WC while yuh football is in dire straights is like ah man spending he last tuh take ah gyul out tuh dinner and ah movie and the next day he brok and his bills are unpaid , no food in his fridge, and his lights is about tuh get cut off.  all i'm saying is take care of your priorities, then after that yuh could focus on extras.

JC, like you slow or what?!! Going to the World Cup made us (our federation) loads of money, so we were not broke after our World Cup appearance is just that them greedy selfish fellas in charge thief all the money!!
Our World Cup appearance was a positive thing, the money could have gone back into our football development and helping to lift the standard of our football even higher!
Is just that we had and still have the wrong people in charge of our football who don't care about our players and our football development!! You are confusing two different issues!!
Like I said, lets agree to disagree on this one!

You have completely missed the point of his analogy if yuh talking about money the federation recieved.  What he seems to be saying is our level of play was already stagnated and in decline and therefore we had no real chance of building upon the achievement of making it to the WC in Germany.  What he seems to be saying is that is fools gold for us because even though we made it we were still destined to go down instead of up.  So the man who lights turn off trick de gyul by takin she out to ah fancy restaurant when he truly at a lack fuh resources and suffering.  TTFF fooled us with what looked like success when we were already on the path to ruin.  So build a sensible programme with a sensible and professional appraoch first and that way we wont embarass ourselves after what should be a positive milestone achievement.  That I believe is the point JC is trying to get across.  Correct me if ah wrong JC

And what I am saying is that qualifying for a World Cup is good for the profile and development of any football team/country provided that they have a Football Federation with honest leadership that cares about their country's football that will plough most of the profits made back into football development rather than into their own pockets as our federation did!

In principle qualifying for a World Cup is good and should move a country's football forward but of course that is dependent on a good federation with honest leadership that actually cares about the country's football development and is accountable to the people!

Btw I am not taking away from any of the other points JC made about football development, just contending that qualifying for the World Cup could have been a big positive for us if we had the right folks at the helm!!
Yes i agree with that, but we not talking about why going to ah WC is good for ah country with ah competent honest federation, we talking bout why it isn't good for us, ah country with ah badoloo federation who can't even make ah MADAfackin peanut butter sandwich even if silvia hunt was over their shoulders teaching them how too.

Ok we could agree on that!  :beermug:

This is why our top priority right now should be the overhauling of the TTFF and the installing of someone with honesty and integrity like Sancho as President!  The time is now, it will be a battle and it won't be easy but nothing good ever comes easy!!!   :challenge:
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline just cool

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Re: Shabazz says win bittersweet.
« Reply #31 on: November 16, 2011, 01:24:44 PM »
So pro, lemme ask yuh this, if we don't get the TTFf tuh budge, then what? we wait till they move on their own to take the team forward, so what the cow doing while the grass growing?

i believe our fuss priority is to sort out the business with the coach, if not him then someone who could take us forward, and not no local fella bc that would be counter productive.

then we must jump right back on the horse and start training and playing football right through, that's what i want tuh see. football is not WC alone, we have friendlies, gold cup, degicel cup, concacaf club football championship, but more so working together , gelling and forming ah cohesive unit.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 01:28:25 PM by just cool »
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Re: Shabazz says win bittersweet.
« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2011, 02:09:13 PM »
So pro, lemme ask yuh this, if we don't get the TTFf tuh budge, then what? we wait till they move on their own to take the team forward, so what the cow doing while the grass growing?

i believe our fuss priority is to sort out the business with the coach, if not him then someone who could take us forward, and not no local fella bc that would be counter productive.

then we must jump right back on the horse and start training and playing football right through, that's what i want tuh see. football is not WC alone, we have friendlies, gold cup, degicel cup, concacaf club football championship, but more so working together , gelling and forming ah cohesive unit.

This is where we have to agree to disagree!!

Look what working with an incompetent federation has done to Pfister!! He was unable to get us out of a group with Barbados, Bermuda and Guyana for goodness sake because of our incompetent federation!!

Remember how they had him here relaxing and playing no friendlies for 3 months after he was hired!!
We cancelled a decent preparation game against Haiti and then opted for India!!
So even Haiti has now suffered as a direct result of that friendly being cancelled (the incompetence of the TTFF) by not getting decent preparation games before the start of the 2nd round and also failed like us to progress to the 3rd round as a result!

As far as I am concerned we only have one top priority at the moment and once that's taken care of then everything else can be taken care of!

We have to stop spinning top in mud!!  The current federation is capable of high jacking the efforts of any world class coach, even "The Special One" if we were able to afford him and he's crazy enough to come!!
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 04:31:39 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Deeks

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Re: Shabazz says win bittersweet.
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2011, 04:16:04 PM »
we have friendlies, gold cup, degicel cup, concacaf club football championship, but more so working together , gelling and forming ah cohesive unit.

we don't know what friendlies mean.


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