Accreditation for T&T vs Bahrain on Nov 12
In accordance with the FIFA guidelines for World Cup Germany 2006, it has become necessary for all media personnel desirous of coming to Trinidad and Tobago to cover the match between Trinidad and Tobago and Bahrain on Saturday 12th November 2005 to apply for accreditation, to submit the following:
The name of the journalist and his/her employer.
The media category and functions while in Trinidad.
One (1) passport-size colour photographer by email to or by hand on arrival.
A formal letter to be signed by the company and carrying its official stamp.
On arrival in Trinidad, the applicant must contact Mr Neil Mollineau, the accreditation officer of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation at Tel: 623 7312, or on mobile at 678 9576. Media Officer Shaun Fuentes can also be reached at 681 5429
A completed application form will not automatically guarantee approval. Applications must be submitted no later than November 7th, 2005.
Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Yours Respectfully
LOC Germany 2006
Dave Lamy
Media Co-ordinator.