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Offline kaliman2006

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #150 on: November 26, 2011, 08:35:48 PM »
let's exorcist all dem demons.we need to do something that will shake de very core of T&T football.Any good times no matter how short live will cause ah illusion.

you joking right? with all due respect where was the forum/all the diehard fans when we made a call for submissions to send to the ministry of sport on the future of football? where were you? opportunity right in allyuh men face and nobody doing nothing. how much signatures tallman petition have?

Exactly! How many shared the petition link or told ah friend to tell a friend... This serious people, sign de damn ting and spread the word!!!  :pissedoff:


Thanks for the link. I just signed it. This is getting beyond ridiculous now.

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #151 on: November 26, 2011, 08:40:33 PM »
Well  !! well !! well,   here we go again , i will truly like  hear what coach angus eve to explain his game tactics , as well as why so many changes to his original starting  line up  for this game , which was crucial , to securing a favorable result in tonights game,,,!! i will truly like to hear his explaination....!  barring some injury to goalkeeper  marchan  hwo has been doing a great job , why break the rythm of a team thats performing well , mr eve  plz say something we want to know .........why so many changes coach angus , to the original line up , ??... 5 goals ??  5 goals ??. i will refrain  any critisisms for now ......  listening to the game good enough that the warriors were creating chances  however when its not put away  it comes back to haunt you ........ i have no idea why we make it so hard  for ourselves ..... ???  young warriors am behind you still ..... but oh lawd  show some resolve fight a good fight go out and win !!! the next game  best wishes warriors.......coach angus  what the status with ur starting keeper, ???? ah really want to know, is marchan injured?????

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #152 on: November 26, 2011, 08:49:45 PM »
I feel scouting the opponent is not a part of our preparations.
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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #153 on: November 26, 2011, 09:26:27 PM »
wth is this
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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #154 on: November 26, 2011, 10:07:34 PM »
Every time we lose, we say "Fire the coach!"  It is time to focus on the real problems.
1. An administration that is clueless
2. Players who are overconfident in their ability
3. Riding on the success of past performers and performances.

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #155 on: November 26, 2011, 10:23:49 PM »
 :cursing: :banginghead: :frustrated:

Offline Fyzoman

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #156 on: November 27, 2011, 01:34:25 AM »
Dis result is small ting man...compared to being beaten by Guyana...small ting (at least for me and my sanity)

Please allyuh tell meh de keeper from de first game was hurt nah.

Come bet Eve eh open he mouth for no interview after dis embarrassment (a la Corneal from a few years ago)

Five goals?!?!?!
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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #157 on: November 27, 2011, 04:49:45 AM »
I heard his interview about his coaching ability and how he went to a coaching session and did not learn anything new. Well this team had adequate preparation and even hired professional mind coaches . Eve had everything at his disposal for success to get out of this group. I will await his report.
 Same shit another day. Five is what we should be giving teams in the Caribbean.

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #158 on: November 27, 2011, 06:18:39 AM »
People don't want change apparently. Watson and his cohorts are settling in quite nicely thank you. They are feeling particularly smug after Watson's minion Wayne Cunningham recently "lobbied" got the support of Eastern FA clubs to avoid a proper election there - after many of the clubs had been clamouring for a vote. Too many people with votes want these people there. They benefit in little and big ways from the status quo - and the TTFF clique knows (or believes) that public sentiment cannot move them.
Which brings us to the petition. How many members does SWO have? Four thousand? How many guests visit this site every week? I don't know. Whatever the number, I responded to a post last week that said the petition could generate 200,000 signatures. My response was that if it got 2,000 it would have done well. After almost an entire week, it has generated exactly 207. Not even SWO members are signing the thing. And we want change?
Beyond that, we also need to accept that Trinidad and Tobago football is no longer dominant in the Caribbean. The era of our seven CFU titles is now long gone - and at all levels. The current failure to even beat - never mind dominate - CFU teams has a lot to do with the mentality of our players. Many of don't like to hear this and rush to condemn ONLY the coach whose team struggles in CFU tournaments, but the players MUST bear responsibility as well.
The solution is complex, therefore, and must include these basics, and all that they imply regarding human, financial, and material resources: 1) restructuring and improvement of the TTFF administration, 2) improved and more consistent youth development programmes at both TTFF and club level, 3) more effective management and preparation of our national teams, 4) better administration of regional football and TTFF-affiliated leagues.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 07:16:45 AM by president »

Offline TdotTrini

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #159 on: November 27, 2011, 07:32:13 AM »
People don't want change apparently. Watson and his cohorts are settling in quite nicely thank you. They are feeling particularly smug after Watson's minion Wayne Cunningham recently "lobbied" got the support of Eastern FA clubs to avoid a proper election there - after many of the clubs had been clamouring for a vote. Too many people with votes want these people there. They benefit in little and big ways from the status quo - and the TTFF clique knows (or believes) that public sentiment cannot move them.
Which brings us to the petition. How many members does SWO have? Four thousand? How many guests visit this site every week? I don't know. Whatever the number, I responded to a post last week that said the petition could generate 200,000 signatures. My response was that if it got 2,000 it would have done well. After almost an entire week, it has generated exactly 207. Not even SWO members are signing the thing. And we want change?
Beyond that, we also need to accept that Trinidad and Tobago football is no longer dominant in the Caribbean. The era of our seven CFU titles is now long gone - and at all levels. The current failure to even beat - never mind dominate - CFU teams has a lot to do with the mentality of our players. Many of don't like to hear this and rush to condemn ONLY the coach whose team struggles in CFU tournaments, but the players MUST bear responsibility as well.
The solution is complex, therefore, and must include these basics, and all that they imply regarding human, financial, and material resources: 1) restructuring and improvement of the TTFF administration, 2) improved and more consistent youth development programmes at both TTFF and club level, 3) more effective management and preparation of our national teams, 4) better administration of regional football and TTFF-affiliated leagues.

If allowed, can the Moderators send out an email broadcast with a link to the petition to SWO member?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 09:11:05 AM by Flex »
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Offline reggae-fan

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #160 on: November 27, 2011, 08:40:59 AM »
Beyond that, we also need to accept that Trinidad and Tobago football is no longer dominant in the Caribbean. The era of our seven CFU titles is now long gone - and at all levels. The current failure to even beat - never mind dominate - CFU teams has a lot to do with the mentality of our players. Many of don't like to hear this and rush to condemn ONLY the coach whose team struggles in CFU tournaments, but the players MUST bear responsibility as well.

Football is generally a cyclical thing brother, but i can see where you are coming from. Costa Rica's football is now emerging from a period where they have pretty much played second fiddle to Honduras in the past 4 years (failing to won the UNCAF cup and more importantly fialing to advanec to the world cup 2010). They are slowly emerging now to retake their position as firm #3 in CONCACAF.

As far as T&T football goes:- yes, T&T used to be dominant in the region, mainly at a time when many countries, including Jamaica paid little attention to football, due mainly to Administrators who lacked vision. Jack Warner's rise up the ladder in FIFA also created some intangibles for T&T during those days. Many here will continue to lambast Warner, rightfully so, but he also brought something to the table, which is no longer there. In Jamaica's case, Horace Burrell is a key player in our football, and i dare say unless we find suitable replacement for him when he leaves the scene, Jamaica's football will go right back to where it was in the 80s.

The success of any football program is started and maintained by the Administraors. The coach and players are the important raw material that is used to build the finished product. To create a sustainable football program, you need all the above ingredients. You can get to the world cup by share luck with a good coach and good enough players, but to do it conistently the administrators must be on their A game all the time.

Was Jack Warner a good administrator, but at the same time had an insatiable crave for $$, that eventually cast a shaddow over his administrative skills? Was Warners contribution to T&T and regional football greater than we all care to acknowledge? Is it coincidence that with him no longer in the picture, T&T got knocked out of the world cup by, of all teams, Guyana?

This debate about local vs foreigh coaches should be put to rest now. Less focus needs to be placed on the coaches, and more emphasis placed on the overall football administration, including technical director and federation executives and overall natiopnal football program. If they players are nt good enough, the entire system will fail, each entity plays an important part in the whole thing.

Culturally, caribbean teams are at a disadvantage, given the dominance of cricket in the region. In an ideal world, the football federation is self sustaining, without reliance on the state for handouts to carry out its cire functions. For instance, Pfister might be a good candidate for T&T coach for teh next couple years....and the TTFF might see it that way....but it is ultimately the minister of sport who will dtermine wether or not he stays on (they are the one paying 100% of his salary). So its a case of a government minister indirectly didctating the football program.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 08:56:55 AM by reggae-fan »

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #161 on: November 27, 2011, 09:50:19 AM »
Every facet of life in TT is in need of repair not only sport.

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #162 on: November 27, 2011, 09:59:30 AM »
there clueless as how to do team sports compared to other teams.Only track guys on point with training ,and bovel with his swimming ,couple cricketers also .Everybody else in the stone age ,its funny.

Offline maxg

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #163 on: November 27, 2011, 10:48:18 AM »
Every facet of life in TT is in need of repair not only sport.

Palos..yuh dey ?

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #164 on: November 27, 2011, 01:04:45 PM »
not good at all... at all

was tough to listen on the radio link.... licks...
yes the keeper pulled off some saves and we miss some... so what it would've been tnt 7  SKN 5  ??... poor poor

the small good news... we HAVE to beat Suriname and HOPE Cuba beat SKN...
Little Magician is King.......ask Jorge Campos

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #165 on: November 27, 2011, 07:55:04 PM »
Every facet of life in TT is in need of repair not only sport.



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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #166 on: November 27, 2011, 10:01:25 PM »
Every facet of life in TT is in need of repair not only sport.


ent every carnival band sell out already?  Not every facet!

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #167 on: November 27, 2011, 10:31:32 PM »
Every facet of life in TT is in need of repair not only sport.


ent every carnival band sell out already?  Not every facet!

And.. Kamla and Anand Ramlogan have the last laugh....
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Offline Quags

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #168 on: November 27, 2011, 11:13:41 PM »
Every facet of life in TT is in need of repair not only sport.


ent every carnival band sell out already?  Not every facet!
Cant blame other ppl if they have there house in order ,and the TTFF dont cause they tief out all the money .

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #169 on: November 28, 2011, 07:09:17 AM »

How many more beating must we endure,before our mind set changes.... :banginghead:


I can only wonder what were EVE`S talking points to this team before and at half time
What was his grand vision that he made such drastic changes to the team for their second game
OH...JAH...here we go again
I fear the Father has turned his back on us.... :devil:

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #170 on: November 28, 2011, 08:33:02 AM »
Y bring on so many forwards ? I'm sure we got run over in the middle of the park....... brito should be  fringe player the man is at the same level he was wen he was 14....an y desilva didn't start

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #171 on: November 28, 2011, 11:23:02 AM »
The Big Showdown Monday Night Cuba vs St. Kitts & Nevis

Basseterre, St. Kitts-Monday 28th November could be a defining period in the history and development of the sport of football in St. Kitts & Nevis. It could very well be the day on which this small Caribbean nation creates history by making it to the Finals of the CONCACAF football competition and therefore, one step closer to playing in next year’s Olympic Games in London.

Following Saturday night’s superb performance by St. Kitts & Nevis in the U23 CFU tournament now taking place at Warner Park, Basseterre, the home team has drawn closer to the possibility of becoming one of the two nations that could qualify for the next stage of the long road to the Olympics.

St. Kitts & Nevis delivered a massive blow to Trinidad & Tobago when they trounced them 5-2 on Saturday night, in front of a fair sized but appreciative crowd. It was a fantastic comeback from the earlier defeat, 1-nil, on Thursday to Suriname.

However, Monday is the big showdown between all teams, with St. Kitts & Nevis currently tied on 3 points with Suriname who are scheduled to play Trinidad & Tobago at 6:00pm on Monday, followed by the massive battle between Cuba and St. Kitts & Nevis at 8:00pm.

The St. Kitts & Nevis Football Association is therefore urging all citizens and residents to provide the much needed support to the national team, by attending Monday night’s matches, to help boost the spirits of the players and to play the role of “12th man”. An SKNFA spokesman said, not only would it require the great skills of the players in the game against Cuba, but it would also need the patriotic chanting and encouragement that is always so important in times like these.

However the players are still very much convinced that they would triumph against the Cubans.

The outcome of Monday’s earlier game between Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago could also impact on the chances of the home team, thus local officials are keeping a close eye on that encounter as well.



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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #172 on: November 28, 2011, 04:16:30 PM »

T&T 1 Suriname 0


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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #173 on: November 28, 2011, 04:19:27 PM »
Trinidad 2 Suriname 0     18 mins

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #174 on: November 28, 2011, 04:30:05 PM »
3-0 T&T. Micah Lewis in the 29th min.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 04:32:05 PM by FireBrand »
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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #175 on: November 28, 2011, 04:30:33 PM »
3 - 0 T&T    29 mins...!!!!


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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #176 on: November 28, 2011, 04:31:12 PM »
how much we need to be safe?...6 clear goals???


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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #177 on: November 28, 2011, 04:32:55 PM »
4 -0 31 mins!!!!!!!

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Re: T&T U-23s Final Round Olympic Qualifiers Thread
« Reply #178 on: November 28, 2011, 04:33:04 PM »
4 GOOOOOOAL Molino!!!!!
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Junior Warriors up 4-0 against Suriname after 31 mins. Tune in!!!
« Reply #179 on: November 28, 2011, 04:36:24 PM »
For those who may not be aware of the game....

Mods u can merge after the game.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 04:38:01 PM by FireBrand »
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