Why cant we judge from an unbiased point of view , when ganga took the helm of T&T captain he in no way transformed the team, the team fortune changed with the emergence of young talent that came through development , compare the quality of players that Ganga had to work with and compare it with the team Lara had to work it players for players , the side Ganga had wins hands down , give lara the same team to work with combined with his own individual brilliance and we would of been one of the best team ever assemble worldwide.During this same time when ganga was regarded as the best captain ever , did he not captain the west indies A team , how come his brilliance did not show their , is it that his brilliance only shows when he has a powerful side behind him. Lets compare his captaincy at club level , how many championships has captain fantastic led his team to. I do not believe Ganga was such a good captain as people suggest, I think T&T emmergence had to do with the development of the game at the root level and the impact of young kids seeing brian lara played and wanting to be like him, that unearthed this vast quality. Just remember the core of this side came from T&T under winning under 19's team and graduated to the senior team.