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Should coach Hart quit T&T?

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Author Topic: Stephen Hart Thread  (Read 216872 times)

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Offline ffisback

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #420 on: October 15, 2016, 03:38:22 AM »
This dude out of touch.  Hart has gotten the team to play more possession football out of the back.  Problem is that the player pool is not deep, and we need to not make poor decisions in the defensive and middle third of the field.  One of the goals in the Martinique game came from a player attempting to make a weak backward header to his teammate.  The ball was intercepted by a Martinique player, leading to a counter and a goal. We suffer from serious lapses in concentration and poor decision making. 

The quality of the player pool is overrated.  Without our main front three vs Martinique, we looked ordinary.  I'll say it again:  The Pro League is not cutting it.  The level of play is somewhat stagnant, and it will not improve until the coaching stock improves.

By the way, it's way too early for this fire Hart talk. 

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Possession football is when a team could knock the ball around with about 7 touch's not watching J Jones L Garcia and C Cato run up the field with the ball. When a player makes poor decisions in the defensive and middle third of the field its his fault but when a team does it that's the coach's fault.

Firing Hart now would be the difference between 3rd and 4th spot.

In general, we've been playing possession football, although I can't vouch that was the case vs Martinique.  You're looking for a quick fix: aka Beenie.  Well, that's not going to happen.  I'll admit that I am concerned about the complacency that has crept into the team lately, but overall, we've been a vastly improved team under Hart.  We've earned some respect from the big names in Concacaf, as we're no longer a door mat; we've been much more competitive.

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You probably could not vouch for any game that T&T played possession football under S Hart, I will take a quick fix over somebody that does not have a chance to take us to the WC anyday.T&T vastly improved from the days of Shabazz but don't get it twisted the big names in Concacaf  are not going to panic when they have to play a team that can't win there home games.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #421 on: October 15, 2016, 03:55:36 AM »
  right now my new name for d team is the T&T Heart Beat, an if yuh aint all heart, well you and Molino could do like ah tweezer an pull out ah here...
T&T is not going to get far with out there best player when this team start to get licks yuh go have to change it name to the Heart Beat of licks.

Offline Tobago28

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #422 on: October 15, 2016, 07:16:40 AM »
  right now my new name for d team is the T&T Heart Beat, an if yuh aint all heart, well you and Molino could do like ah tweezer an pull out ah here...
T&T is not going to get far with out there best player when this team start to get licks yuh go have to change it name to the Heart Beat of licks.

I like Molino as a player but you not serious when you say he is our best player?

Please back that up with the criteria you used to arrive at that conclusion

Offline ffisback

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #423 on: October 15, 2016, 10:43:42 AM »
  right now my new name for d team is the T&T Heart Beat, an if yuh aint all heart, well you and Molino could do like ah tweezer an pull out ah here...
T&T is not going to get far with out there best player when this team start to get licks yuh go have to change it name to the Heart Beat of licks.

I like Molino as a player but you not serious when you say he is our best player?

Please back that up with the criteria you used to arrive at that conclusion
K Molino brings something to the team that none of the other players can bring do a little trickery that could help turn the game in our favor he is no Latapy but he is the best we got right now with out him the team is pretty ordinary .

Offline Tobago28

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #424 on: October 15, 2016, 12:21:11 PM »
  right now my new name for d team is the T&T Heart Beat, an if yuh aint all heart, well you and Molino could do like ah tweezer an pull out ah here...
T&T is not going to get far with out there best player when this team start to get licks yuh go have to change it name to the Heart Beat of licks.

I like Molino as a player but you not serious when you say he is our best player?

Please back that up with the criteria you used to arrive at that conclusion
K Molino brings something to the team that none of the other players can bring do a little trickery that could help turn the game in our favor he is no Latapy but he is the best we got right now with out him the team is pretty ordinary .

This "pretty ordinary" team won a lot without MOLINO, they got to the last Gold Cup quarterfinals, beat Panama away, drew Mexico twice, beat Guatemala away and drew the US at home… All without Molino.

Are you sure he bringing something special? What are our result with him?

I noticed you failed to quantify your statement other than him being "tricky".

Sorry but Tricky is not enough.

Who looking for tricky on Spain, Argentina, Holland, Germany..International football do not rely on TRICKY.

I ask again quantify him being our best player as you claim!

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #425 on: October 15, 2016, 12:49:11 PM »
Keron's disruptive hustle suits the team better at timers, but we also don't always produce the movement that will allow Molino to be more effective so..................
I pity the fool....

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #426 on: October 15, 2016, 03:22:56 PM »
Keron is a better player than Molino ... it's a pity they shot him or we wouldn't be having this problem..

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #427 on: October 15, 2016, 05:29:40 PM »
  right now my new name for d team is the T&T Heart Beat, an if yuh aint all heart, well you and Molino could do like ah tweezer an pull out ah here...
T&T is not going to get far with out there best player when this team start to get licks yuh go have to change it name to the Heart Beat of licks.

I like Molino as a player but you not serious when you say he is our best player?

Please back that up with the criteria you used to arrive at that conclusion
K Molino brings something to the team that none of the other players can bring do a little trickery that could help turn the game in our favor he is no Latapy but he is the best we got right now with out him the team is pretty ordinary .

This "pretty ordinary" team won a lot without MOLINO, they got to the last Gold Cup quarterfinals, beat Panama away, drew Mexico twice, beat Guatemala away and drew the US at home… All without Molino.

Are you sure he bringing something special? What are our result with him?

I noticed you failed to quantify your statement other than him being "tricky".

Sorry but Tricky is not enough.

Who looking for tricky on Spain, Argentina, Holland, Germany..International football do not rely on TRICKY.

I ask again quantify him being our best player as you claim!
Once again people are confusing friendly games gold cup games and WC games nobody cares about friendly games gold cup games are a test to see were your team players formation etc are at on a competitive level the WC is a different ball game teams tighten up there defense and by then have scouted there opponents very well so there will be no more open games like you saw in the gold cup.

All the games that you mentioned T&T was outplayed in the midfield in every game K Cummings was a none factor he only know how to kick the ball properly he lacks the creativity to play on this level Guerra is good but he is a head case S De Silva is good but the coach don't like them type of players.

Teams like Argentina Brazil all have that special player that they go to make something happen T&T player is Molino.

So don't get yourself carried away with them lucky results if Guatemala had a good striker in Guatemala city they would have buss we tail if U S A came to T&T with there full squad they would have buss we tail we played a Mexican team going trough a difficult transition period and we were lucky to get a draw so what without Molino the team look pretty ordinary.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #428 on: October 15, 2016, 05:34:38 PM »

You win, you making such little sense and can not support you player with out putting down other players I realize its not worth discussing with you.

This THREAD is rubbish., I signing off.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #429 on: October 15, 2016, 10:59:10 PM »
There is no way Molino can be considered the best player on this team when he hasn't played well in any big game. This team looks ordinary with and without Molino because its a team of hard workers rather than creative midfielders. As for Molino I was waiting for him to impact the St Vincent game he did nothing in the first game and scored a garbage time goal in the second, vs Guatemala  he did nothing. His most important goal was possibly his goal vs a B squad from Honduras in the 2013 Gold cup. Compare the games he has scored in to either Kenwyne or Joevin and it just doesn't compare. And it's not like he's creating opportunities for others. Honestly the best I've seen him play was during the last 15 mins vs the US when we were already down 4. And even if he were the best player we can't make excuses for a player who disrespects the coach and the team in this fashion.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #430 on: October 16, 2016, 01:53:11 AM »
The reason the team looks that way is because they have a ordinary coach that plays a outdated English brand of football that just want to get   up the wings and get the ball into the box that's not going to work with K Jones having a couple players around him all the time you not going to win a game with players that just work hard while Molino was having a bad game vs Guatemala he did create a couple break away chances in the second half that was able to stretch the Guatemala defense when the coach took him off T&T had no more offense and Guatemala took over the game and scored the equalizer.

DJW needs to fire SH and hire a coach that will allow T&T to play through the midfield so a player like Molino would be more affective. 

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #431 on: October 16, 2016, 06:37:53 AM »
Ffisback, I wanna ask you a question in response to your post above regarding playing the ball through the middle...under Hart, haven't we seen that type of ball played? Against USA (at home and for the first 43 in Jacksonville)? Against Mexico, 2015 GC and friendly, against panama, Saudi Arabia, etc etc.

Calling for SH head is premature. Outta timing...that wld just be another unsettling blow to the players mental...they already have a disruption with Molino. In my humble opinion he needs to shake up the players because men looking comfortable! If we lose the first 2 matches for WC qualification, at that point there will be a need to evaluate his performance!

Too early for this breddah! It's the players, not the coach!
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Soca in yuh vein, Soca in blood,
Soca in we vein, Soca in we blood,
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Trinidad and Tobago jump up now!

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #432 on: October 16, 2016, 06:43:51 AM »
yuh need to watch T&T vs MEX last two encounters, you will see a rhythm, more so after being two goals behind, down to the very last second of the game with a corner kick an being showered with plastic bottles, is goal, this rhythm is no fluke, it is not about one player, it is because of this rhythm why it is called the beautiful game, an we have it and Hart will get it to Russia starting with costa rica...
Gold cup football and World cup football is 2 different types of football in the Gold cup teams try out players formation etc so Hart got away with that open football game but in the WC is the real deal teams tighten up there defense and study there opponent very well so there is no more open games.

Gold Cup is a serious tournament, equivalent to the Copa or European Cup.  Teams come to play and the squads are usually stacked.  I don't quite agree with your argument.  We play on the counter under Hart, so I wouldn't consider that open football.  We just need to tighten things up at the back, and the midfielders need to track the runners all the way into the box. 

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Re: Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #433 on: October 16, 2016, 07:51:15 AM »
Hart: We’ll focus on Gold Cup when that time comes.
TTFA Media.

Trinidad and Tobago head coach Stephen Hart, when asked by the press in Martinique, as to how he will now try to lead the team to the Concacaf Gold Cup following the 2-0 loss in Fort-de-France on Tuesday night, said the immediate focus is now T&T’s next two World Cup qualifiers at home to Costa Rica on November 11th and away to Honduras four days later.

“Right now my focus is getting the team back to a strong level for the two World Cup qualifying games next month. When the time comes for the playoff for the Gold Cup, then we will think about that. We still have to get the dates for those games because now we are in a situation where we have to playoff with the other second placed teams and those games are set for a similar time of our games the Hex,” Hart said.

“But we have a lot to do now to get ourselves mentally and physically ready for Costa Rica. The team has shown that they have the potential to raise the levels to one which we can compete and win games against the top teams in the region and we’ll be focusing on getting back there,” he added.

T&T will host Costa Rica on November 11th in the opening game of the “Hex”.

For that match, there will be early bird tickets on sale from Monday until November 4th. Those tickets will cost $300 (covered section) and $160 (uncovered section). From November 5th until match-day, tickets will then cost $350 (covered) and $200 (uncovered). The tickets are available exclusive through Suntixx Caribbean Limited at all Lotto locations in Trinidad and Tobago.

And Season Passes remain on sale and are now available at all First Citizen’s Bank branches across the country. Season passes cost $2000 (covered) and $1000 (uncovered). These Season passes will allow the patron entry to all home matches in the CONCACAF final round and all official national teams (men and women, senior and youth teams) matches through to November, 2017.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #434 on: October 16, 2016, 08:49:58 AM »
TTFA needs to invest $ to give Hart more training time (camps) with the team.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #435 on: October 16, 2016, 09:05:03 AM »
This thread is rubbish. A year ago Hart could do no wrong when we were in that shoot out with Mexico. Now that players feeling themselves the coach need to go? This country full of comedians yes. Coach Hart is the best we've had since Beenie... Give him the proper tools to work and leave him be please.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #436 on: October 16, 2016, 11:09:14 AM »
I have my faults with Hart but at this point in time, he should not be fired.

Things he should consider.

1. Using some different players and weed out the senior ones who not pulling their weight.

2. Motivate the players better and be confident in himself and them.

3. We need a local core of players, we consistently picking foreign based players who do not play regular for their clubs. How can you put a team together every 2 months and expect them to play well?

4. He should consider really stepping up his search to strengthen his squad because it might be to late to unearth new talent. I know a few players not 100% sure, but I feel Hart could really sell his team to them and persuade them.

Players like Wright-Phillips, Sheanon Williams, Tyler David, Ryan Inniss, Shaquell Moore and Nick De Leon. These players will raise the attitude of the ones we have now because there are no competition for a place on the team. Hart keeps using 15 players, no wonder the team is playing flat.

We already got Bostock and time to get FIFA involved.

I hope to see Primus and Cummings back soon too.

Things could get better, but Hart have to act now, sit down with the FA and work things out.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #437 on: October 16, 2016, 11:34:04 AM »
I have a strange suspicion that hart would be walking away from this job on his own pretty soon all due in part to the carenage trio (peltier, molino, Jovin jones). I heard there's mutiny on the ship and these guys are leading the way.

These guys are losing these game in part because they no longer want hart as a coach and wants him fired. it started after the USA game in trinidad when peltier was ousted from the team according to my sources. not all the players are on board but a good amount to create discord in the camp.

I didn't want to say anything before because it would only serve to bring about mischief but since the cat is out the bag with mr peltier's social media rants I thought it wouldn't hurt now to add to it.

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Re: Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #438 on: October 16, 2016, 02:32:02 PM »
I have a gut feeling that Hart may resign too. Seems he has lost command of the dressing room. Either that or we will begin the Hex with a mauling by Costa Rica and Honduras. Cheers to Kevin and Co

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #439 on: October 16, 2016, 02:56:55 PM »
Fire Hart/or resign and appoint who? Dennis Lawrence?

We aint have no money.

This is like everything else in the world, you get what you pay for.

Hart is a solid coach. Lets stick with him at least till the first 2 games. If he flop, and we somehow get some money, we could go in for a higher pedigree coach for next year.

If he flop and we have no donsai, well we just have to hope for the best.

We have been down this road many times before.

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Stephen Hart inducted into the Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame
« Reply #440 on: October 16, 2016, 03:42:49 PM »
Stephen Hart inducted into the Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame
By Nigel Myers

Head Coach of the Trinidad and Tobago senior men’s football team, Stephen Hart, has been inducted into the Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame. SMU said of Hart:

SMU said of Hart:

He was a successful player and coach like few others and it began in Trinidad and Tobago. Stephen Hart joined the Huskies in 1981 and four years later was an AUS all-star midfielder.

He would return to SMU and a 4 year stint as the Women’s soccer coach. He would play for and later coach one of the city’s best known senior team’s Halifax King of Donair.

Hart was heavily involved with Soccer N.S. as technical director before heading to the Canadian National program where he ran the under 18 and under 20 programs. Success at that level would lead to a stint as interim head coach of Canada’s National team and eventually the head coaching position. In 2009 he would lead Canada to one of its best international finishes, the quarter finals of the Gold Cup.

Hart is currently head coach of the Trinidad and Tobago Men’s National Team.

Player and coach, a lasting soccer legacy that began in Trinidad and Tobago and flourished at SMU.
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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #441 on: October 17, 2016, 12:05:04 AM »
Ffisback, I wanna ask you a question in response to your post above regarding playing the ball through the middle...under Hart, haven't we seen that type of ball played? Against USA (at home and for the first 43 in Jacksonville)? Against Mexico, 2015 GC and friendly, against panama, Saudi Arabia, etc etc.

Calling for SH head is premature. Outta timing...that wld just be another unsettling blow to the players mental...they already have a disruption with Molino. In my humble opinion he needs to shake up the players because men looking comfortable! If we lose the first 2 matches for WC qualification, at that point there will be a need to evaluate his performance!

Too early for this breddah! It's the players, not the coach!
No S Hart plays a English type of football were you just try get up the wings and get the ball into the box as quick as possible.

T&T football has become to predictable with S Hart its better to fire the coach now and hire a coach that will change this system.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #442 on: October 17, 2016, 12:08:03 AM »
You know nothing about football..

Where did you buy your coaching certificate from?

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #443 on: October 17, 2016, 12:26:34 AM »
yuh need to watch T&T vs MEX last two encounters, you will see a rhythm, more so after being two goals behind, down to the very last second of the game with a corner kick an being showered with plastic bottles, is goal, this rhythm is no fluke, it is not about one player, it is because of this rhythm why it is called the beautiful game, an we have it and Hart will get it to Russia starting with costa rica...
Gold cup football and World cup football is 2 different types of football in the Gold cup teams try out players formation etc so Hart got away with that open football game but in the WC is the real deal teams tighten up there defense and study there opponent very well so there is no more open games.

Gold Cup is a serious tournament, equivalent to the Copa or European Cup.  Teams come to play and the squads are usually stacked.  I don't quite agree with your argument.  We play on the counter under Hart, so I wouldn't consider that open football.  We just need to tighten things up at the back, and the midfielders need to track the runners all the way into the box. 

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B St Clair had the same problem when he was T&T coach and they was able to fix the problem when they fired him.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #444 on: October 17, 2016, 12:41:52 AM »
yuh need to watch T&T vs MEX last two encounters, you will see a rhythm, more so after being two goals behind, down to the very last second of the game with a corner kick an being showered with plastic bottles, is goal, this rhythm is no fluke, it is not about one player, it is because of this rhythm why it is called the beautiful game, an we have it and Hart will get it to Russia starting with costa rica...
Gold cup football and World cup football is 2 different types of football in the Gold cup teams try out players formation etc so Hart got away with that open football game but in the WC is the real deal teams tighten up there defense and study there opponent very well so there is no more open games.

Gold Cup is a serious tournament, equivalent to the Copa or European Cup.  Teams come to play and the squads are usually stacked.  I don't quite agree with your argument.  We play on the counter under Hart, so I wouldn't consider that open football.  We just need to tighten things up at the back, and the midfielders need to track the runners all the way into the box. 

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B St Clair had the same problem when he was T&T coach and they was able to fix the problem when they fired him.

That was a quick fix.  Exactly what I was talking about.  Has the mentality changed, longterm?  Not really. 

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #445 on: October 17, 2016, 12:42:33 AM »
Fire Hart/or resign and appoint who? Dennis Lawrence?

We aint have no money.

This is like everything else in the world, you get what you pay for.

Hart is a solid coach. Lets stick with him at least till the first 2 games. If he flop, and we somehow get some money, we could go in for a higher pedigree coach for next year.

If he flop and we have no donsai, well we just have to hope for the best.

We have been down this road many times before.
S Hart is already a flop if after 3 years you still getting knock out by some Caribbean team 2 games would not change anything you need to be shown the door now.

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #446 on: October 17, 2016, 12:46:33 AM »
yuh need to watch T&T vs MEX last two encounters, you will see a rhythm, more so after being two goals behind, down to the very last second of the game with a corner kick an being showered with plastic bottles, is goal, this rhythm is no fluke, it is not about one player, it is because of this rhythm why it is called the beautiful game, an we have it and Hart will get it to Russia starting with costa rica...
Gold cup football and World cup football is 2 different types of football in the Gold cup teams try out players formation etc so Hart got away with that open football game but in the WC is the real deal teams tighten up there defense and study there opponent very well so there is no more open games.

Gold Cup is a serious tournament, equivalent to the Copa or European Cup.  Teams come to play and the squads are usually stacked.  I don't quite agree with your argument.  We play on the counter under Hart, so I wouldn't consider that open football.  We just need to tighten things up at the back, and the midfielders need to track the runners all the way into the box. 

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B St Clair had the same problem when he was T&T coach and they was able to fix the problem when they fired him.

That was a quick fix.  Exactly what I was talking about.  Has the mentality changed, longterm?  Not really. 

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Tell me what do you mean by long term?

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Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #447 on: October 17, 2016, 11:26:01 AM »
I am just wondering if we are not too overboard with our existing football talent. We had much better talent in the past yet achieved nothing except for when we got a coach ( Beenie)  to demonstrate that the team is stronger than the individual players. Have we forgotten that lesson already ?
In the past our " professionals " were earning their living in the big leagues. Today we are happy to mention that they are playing abroad.
We dont have a great talent pool at the moment and certainly no player playing today can come close to the Yorke, latapy, Nakhid, Marvin Andrews, Shaka Hislop, Leonsen Lewis, leroy Spann, Ron La Forest etc. So we must be more realistic in our expectations.

There is nothing wrong with having high hopes and the only way to achieve our lofty goals is for us to band together.
Reagarding the question to fire Hart or not I would just want us to cast our mind back when the same Hart was the coach for our team in what has been considered by CONCACAF as the greatest game ever. We were so proud then of the performance of our team matching skills with the best Mexico had to offer. The team repeated with a gutsy performance against the CONCACAF powerhouse making the Mexicans wonder what they had to do to beat this team. we must remeber Hart can only work with what he has got. As Gally once said ..." You cant build a house on promised bricks " If you remember this you in town long like me.

For me Hart has demonstrated that he has the ability to make the team better than its individual parts and I know I for one would be disappointed if on a matter of trying to maintain team unity and discipline the administration decides its is better to favour indiscipline.
So I watch and wait. If hart goes then so will my interest in TNT football for another 10 years( the time i estimate will be needed to get back on track)

In closing I ask the question ...what if we got Mourinho to coach TNT and Molino or whatever his name is does the same thing would we be calling for the coach's head ?

We often ignore what is right before us in this synthetic world in which we live.

Just my write

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Re: Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #448 on: October 17, 2016, 03:13:58 PM »
In a sense, I can see why Stephen Hart threatens so many in T&T football

A de facto "foreigner" (despite the fact that he born, grow and play in South Trinidad)

A "no name" coach who got "fired" from Canada after losing 8-1 in Honduras needing just 1 point to qualify for the Hex (in fact, he resigned without anyone asking him to after that result)

Canada is perceived to be a "lesser" footballing nation than T&T so what REAL credentials does he have?

Then he comes into T&T with the team in disarray, goes to the Gold Cup and the team has the best performance since our semi final loss to....YUP....Canada...in 2000

Public confidence in the team goes up after that Gold Cup performance and many people saying Hart responsible.  Media starts to refer to the team as Hart's Army

Team is the CFU runner up to Jamaica and goes on to a second consecutive positive performance in the Gold Cup tying the might Mexicans in the process.  Then meet the Mexicans in a re match and achieve the same result having them on the run.  Good performances abroad give T&T football public real hope for the first time in a long while.

The team now progresses to the Hex which endears the coach to the public even more...especially given that 4 years ago.....many on this team got knocked out by Guyana.

Yesterday I watch a clip from poster Andre Samuel where men chanting "we going to the Hex playing football the Stephen Hart way"

That must stick in the craw of nuff people who have toiled tirelessly in service of T&T football and typically only get boots and buse from the public.

Why him?  Why he must get this kind of support and accolade while "locals" doh feel de same kinda love?

Not easy on either side.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

Offline Deeks

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Re: Stephen Hart Thread
« Reply #449 on: October 17, 2016, 04:16:44 PM »
In a sense, I can see why Stephen Hart threatens so many in T&T football

Stephen Hart eh no threat to anybody. Anyone who feels threatened by Hart credentials or success, lacks confidence in themselve or has ulterior motives.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 05:03:12 PM by Deeks »