arsenal, liverpool, manu!!
actually, seriously, usa and Except for Balo and Buffon, I hate dem Italians for the same reasons everybody else hate dem two them Eastern European teams that espouse the same kinda bullshit racism as plenty o' dem italian and dem....I love Brazil so I does espouse de same hate one should for Argentinians as if I was Brazilian meh dam self....but oh, LAWD dm f**kers have skill and could play dis game fuh so boy!
the american "arrogance" that a lot of people hate isn't limited to the way their players carry themselves....the people in the media that are the faces and voices of the sport are, for the most part, EXTREMELY hard to embrace with the shit they does be talking. (and dat includes these British ex-pats that love to wave the stars and stripes hard and heavy, people like ian darke and mcmanaman....and warren barton like he go be next. lol!